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Topic: Is Knowledge a Gift from Satan
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Tue 05/11/10 09:08 AM
Satan is no one. Knowledge comes from God. Whatever credit Satan gets he stole because he is a thief. The only thing he created is the lie.

no photo
Fri 05/14/10 04:36 AM

Satan is no one. Knowledge comes from God. Whatever credit Satan gets he stole because he is a thief. The only thing he created is the lie.

Satan stole no knowledge he only grant Mankind access to it and the desire to obtain more ...if anything it was God that stole knowledge because he denied Man to it but gave it to a fruit which technically means that Adam and Eve had less knowledge than a fruit

this is why Man's fall from Grace was due to God creating Adam and Eve as simpletons and then punish them because they were simpletons

also not sure what lies you accuse Satan of telling....the fact that God limited them access to knowledge would indicate that everything Satan told Eve was true

no photo
Fri 05/21/10 12:58 AM
Adam and Eve were unknowing of good and evil. By knowing good and evil, they became subject to the law and therefore did sin unto death. God was not warning or forbiding them from knowledge but from sin and death. They became subject to the death of the body and of the second death of the spirit(soul). Now that sin ruled unto death, by the knowledge of good and evil by the law...all became subject to death that followed because of weakness of the flesh and spirit, no able to keep the law.

Many here do error in understanding!


no photo
Fri 05/21/10 05:44 AM
Knowledge was being given to Adam and Eve by God. To take of the tree was to get "the knowlege OF good and evil." It was the knowing of good and evil....not the getting of knowledge. It was the discernment of what was good and what was bad. By knowing good from bad, they sinned knowing and not out of ignorance.

God gave knowledge to Adam and Eve of good knowledge and good things.
Satan gave them death and hardships of their choices good(obedience) and evil(disobedience). Therefore we have hardships and death by sin thanks to Adam by Eve from the begile of Satan due to our discernments of good and evil.

Only by knowing they were naked were they shamed in thier own eyes where before they were innocent because being naked did not shame.


Abracadabra's photo
Fri 05/21/10 08:51 AM
CYCLOPS wrote:

Adam and Eve were unknowing of good and evil. By knowing good and evil, they became subject to the law and therefore did sin unto death. God was not warning or forbiding them from knowledge but from sin and death. They became subject to the death of the body and of the second death of the spirit(soul). Now that sin ruled unto death, by the knowledge of good and evil by the law...all became subject to death that followed because of weakness of the flesh and spirit, no able to keep the law.

Many here do error in understanding!


With all due respect your explantion here must necessarily be in error.

You say that Adam and Eve were unknowing of good and evil. Yet, they supposedly FELL FROM GRACE by knowningly disobeying God.

However, in order for them to know that disobeying God was wrong, they would have already had to have understood the difference between good and evil. Because 'evil' and 'sin' are, by their very definition, disobedience of God's will.

If God tells you to murder someone then it's not a sin to do it. In fact, according to the Bible God told many people to murder other human beings. He commanded them to judge sinners to be sinners and to stone them to death. He command them to judge heathens to be heathens and stone them to death (and even to destroy the wives, childern, and even the pets and livestock of the relatives of heathens and to burn their entire villages to the ground). There are many examples of God commanding humans to murder other humans.

Therefore, there is no such thing as "evil" or "Sin" outside of the very concept of disobedience of God's will.

Yet, you are attempting to claim here that Adam and Eve had no knowledge of good and evil or sin, and yet they supposedly "sinned" against God.

However, the problem with this is that if they had no idea that this was wrong to do, then they would have "Sinned" in total innocence and would therefore not have been "Guilty" of anything in principle.

So the whole story of Adam and Eve "falling from grace from God" is clearly and necessarily a manmade fable that ultimately makes no sense and holds no water.

Moreover, scientific knowledge today clearly shows us that imperfections and death existed long before mankind even came to exist on this planet. Therefore mankind cannot possibly be held responsible for the supposed 'evil' in this world. Nature was a dog-eat-dog world long before mankind even appeared on the scene.

Thus these men who wrote these horrible accusatory fables are caught red-handed in their lie. They have been lying to you all along. There was no Adam and Eve who originally "sinned" against our creator, and all of mankind is NOT responsible for the actions of those ficticious characters of mythology. You have NOT fallen from grace from your creator, and you are NOT in need of repentance.

The whole thing was clearly a made-up to burden you with a guilt complex and inferiority complex, and also to hold this over your head so that religious institutions could grow and use these guilt complexes to control the masses. If anything this religion itself is one of the greatest examples of "Evil". Evil invented by mankind himself so that selected authoritarians could use a mythology of a God to strike fear and guilt complexes into the masses thus making them easy to control and manipulate.

The story contradicts it's own premises. And scientific knowledge shows clearly that the whole story is based on a lie. Death and imperfections existed LONG BEFORE mankind even appeared on the planet. There is no way that mankind could be responsible for the dog-eat-dog nature of the world. That nature that we call 'evil' has always existed. The story of Adam and Eve is a farce.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 05/21/10 10:38 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Fri 05/21/10 10:43 AM

CYCLOPS wrote:

Adam and Eve were unknowing of good and evil. By knowing good and evil, they became subject to the law and therefore did sin unto death. God was not warning or forbiding them from knowledge but from sin and death. They became subject to the death of the body and of the second death of the spirit(soul). Now that sin ruled unto death, by the knowledge of good and evil by the law...all became subject to death that followed because of weakness of the flesh and spirit, no able to keep the law.

Many here do error in understanding!


With all due respect your explantion here must necessarily be in error.

You say that Adam and Eve were unknowing of good and evil. Yet, they supposedly FELL FROM GRACE by knowningly disobeying God.

However, in order for them to know that disobeying God was wrong, they would have already had to have understood the difference between good and evil. Because 'evil' and 'sin' are, by their very definition, disobedience of God's will.

If God tells you to murder someone then it's not a sin to do it. In fact, according to the Bible God told many people to murder other human beings. He commanded them to judge sinners to be sinners and to stone them to death. He command them to judge heathens to be heathens and stone them to death (and even to destroy the wives, childern, and even the pets and livestock of the relatives of heathens and to burn their entire villages to the ground). There are many examples of God commanding humans to murder other humans.

Therefore, there is no such thing as "evil" or "Sin" outside of the very concept of disobedience of God's will.

Yet, you are attempting to claim here that Adam and Eve had no knowledge of good and evil or sin, and yet they supposedly "sinned" against God.

However, the problem with this is that if they had no idea that this was wrong to do, then they would have "Sinned" in total innocence and would therefore not have been "Guilty" of anything in principle.

So the whole story of Adam and Eve "falling from grace from God" is clearly and necessarily a manmade fable that ultimately makes no sense and holds no water.

Moreover, scientific knowledge today clearly shows us that imperfections and death existed long before mankind even came to exist on this planet. Therefore mankind cannot possibly be held responsible for the supposed 'evil' in this world. Nature was a dog-eat-dog world long before mankind even appeared on the scene.

Thus these men who wrote these horrible accusatory fables are caught red-handed in their lie. They have been lying to you all along. There was no Adam and Eve who originally "sinned" against our creator, and all of mankind is NOT responsible for the actions of those ficticious characters of mythology. You have NOT fallen from grace from your creator, and you are NOT in need of repentance.

The whole thing was clearly a made-up to burden you with a guilt complex and inferiority complex, and also to hold this over your head so that religious institutions could grow and use these guilt complexes to control the masses. If anything this religion itself is one of the greatest examples of "Evil". Evil invented by mankind himself so that selected authoritarians could use a mythology of a God to strike fear and guilt complexes into the masses thus making them easy to control and manipulate.

The story contradicts it's own premises. And scientific knowledge shows clearly that the whole story is based on a lie. Death and imperfections existed LONG BEFORE mankind even appeared on the planet. There is no way that mankind could be responsible for the dog-eat-dog nature of the world. That nature that we call 'evil' has always existed. The story of Adam and Eve is a farce.

No they wouldn't already have known good and evil. Take this for instance, a little kid does disobediance things and does not realize that child is doing bad things. Little kids have been known to hit people, kick people, and steal candy, and not know it to be bad and or evil. Adam and Eve were just like children in this sence.

And on top of that. Have you not ever realized science in this area doesn't really prove or disprove anything, they are all the THEORY of something. Theory, not fact.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 05/21/10 11:53 AM

No they wouldn't already have known good and evil. Take this for instance, a little kid does disobediance things and does not realize that child is doing bad things. Little kids have been known to hit people, kick people, and steal candy, and not know it to be bad and or evil. Adam and Eve were just like children in this sence.

That doesn't make one iota of difference. If Adam and Eve had done what they done out of pure childlike INNOCENCE then they would be INNOCENT of any wrong doing and that would blow the whole thing out of the water anyway.

The whole Biblical picture DEMANDS that mankind is GUILTY of KNOWINGLY REBELLING against God's wishes. Any attempt to make out like Adam and Eve had NO CLUE that what they were doing was "wrong" negates the entire PURPOSE of the story.

So that idealism doesn't cut it.

And on top of that. Have you not ever realized science in this area doesn't really prove or disprove anything, they are all the THEORY of something. Theory, not fact.

Have you ever realized that science is NOT entirely theory. That's a very false myth that is propagated by religious people who prefer to believe in mythology over OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCE.

It's not a "theory" than there was death and imperfection in the world before mankind came onto the scene. It's a VERIFIED FACT based on actual physical EVIDENCE of fossil and geological records.

Compare that with a story written by a bunch of male-chauvinists who attempt to claim that is all-wise, and all-powerful, and unchanging.

Their very story flies in the very face of all their claims.

They have their supposedly 'all-wise' and 'all-powerful' God instructing humans to JUDGE other humans to be sinners and to stone them to death if they are judged to be sinners!

But that flies in the very face of a God who supposedly has the wisdom and power to do these things himself. Why ask mere mortals to JUDGE other mere mortals? I think it's crystal clear that the AUTHORS of the Bible knew very well that no such God exists, and therefore they were trying to get their readers to do their dirty work for them.

Besides, they also have this god dealing with human sin at one point by flooding the sinners off the face of the planet. But then later he turns around and supposedly deals with human sin in an entirely differnet way by supposedly having his own son sacrificed to himself to pay for the sins of man.

That would most certainly NOT be an unchanging god like the authors had claimed.

The whole story doesn't even make sense as a fairytale, must less as a representation of anything that's real. Yet, you'd prefer to believe these contradictions and outright lies over the observations made of the REAL UNIVERSE?

Hey, more power to you! drinker

But don't expect me to buy into such nonsense.

You pass off scientific observations as "mere theory" which is hogwash to begin with, and then you expect me to believe in a fable that contradicts its very own claims on every other page?

Surely you jest. spock

Dragoness's photo
Fri 05/21/10 11:58 AM
Considering that god made everything and to his design. Man did exactly what god wanted since god made the devil too.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 05/21/10 12:58 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Fri 05/21/10 01:00 PM

No they wouldn't already have known good and evil. Take this for instance, a little kid does disobediance things and does not realize that child is doing bad things. Little kids have been known to hit people, kick people, and steal candy, and not know it to be bad and or evil. Adam and Eve were just like children in this sence.

That doesn't make one iota of difference. If Adam and Eve had done what they done out of pure childlike INNOCENCE then they would be INNOCENT of any wrong doing and that would blow the whole thing out of the water anyway.

The whole Biblical picture DEMANDS that mankind is GUILTY of KNOWINGLY REBELLING against God's wishes. Any attempt to make out like Adam and Eve had NO CLUE that what they were doing was "wrong" negates the entire PURPOSE of the story.

So that idealism doesn't cut it.

Well that's where you don't understand it then. It's not a "story" it's history. It's just what happened, it's not a story to imply any kind of specific message. Just a bit of history that allows us to see what happens when you disobey God, you are punished for having rebelled against. It's not a fairytell that someone came up, it's a page of history that isn't considered history cause of athiest people and those who have fallen victim to believing in Satan's lies about other "religions". And to keep those people happy it is put into the religion category.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 05/21/10 01:01 PM

Considering that god made everything and to his design. Man did exactly what god wanted since god made the devil too.

God didn't make Satan in a sence, free will is what made Satan what he is today. When God made Satan, he was a very beautiful powerful angel, and free will is what turned him into the Satan we know today.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 05/21/10 01:01 PM

Considering that god made everything and to his design. Man did exactly what god wanted since god made the devil too.

Not only that, but if it was God's plan to have Jesus nailed to a pole then everyone who contributed to that plan was actually doing the WILL of God.

So the Roman soldiers who nailed Jesus to the pole were fulfilling God's plan and doing the bidding of God. Also, anyone who thinks that this act was anything but divine would be rejecting God's plan.

This is just yet another reason why the whole thing makes no sense to me. If I'm not willing to actually nail Jesus to the pole myself, then I'm not willing to accept that he was crucified for my sake.

Well, guess what? I would NOT be willing to nail Jesus to a pole, and therefore that leaves me with NO CHOICE but to reject the whole scheme.

The ONLY WAY that it would be possible to "accept" having Jesus nailed to a pole to pay for YOUR sins would be if you are willing to nail him to the pole YOURSELF! If you're not willing to do that, then, like me, you reject the whole dastardly plan.

There's no middle-of-the-road. It makes no sense to accept that Jesus was nailed to a pole to pay for YOUR SINS, and simultaneously pretend that you think the whole event was a horrific act and that you, yourself, would never condone it, or much less dare to lift a hammer to drive in the nails yourself.

The whole concept is utterly insane, IMHO.

It's nothing more than a very disgusting attempt to try to make people feel guilty AND dependent upon RELIGIOUS CLERGY! At that time you couldn't just say, "Yes I'm a Christian, but I think the opinions and authority of the CHURCH sucks". laugh

Only modern day "Christians" can get away with that. And most of those are protestants who rebelled against the church a very long time ago anyway. Modern day Christianity is just the trauma after-shock of people who have been burdened with totally unnecessarily guilt complexes. Yet they continue to cling to this mythology in spite of how horribly it has traumatized them. They STILL FEAR rejecting the story in the fear that this will pit them against their creator. whoa

Their fear is so strongly they would rather denounce all of rational knowledge as nothing more than "just a theory" in favor of supporting this idea of a vengeful god who is appeased by blood sacrifices. In spite of the FACT that the story is full of holes from beginning to end and at every turn along the way.

It's just amazing at how much fear this story has created in humans in general. They'll defend it even at the cost of rejecting rational knowledge. It's incredible.

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/21/10 01:08 PM
Is knowledge a gift from Satan

I would say no. The ability to think four ourself is a blessing from God.

The world gives us alot of false information and false pride which does contribute quite a bit to ignorance POSING as knowledge though

I credit Satan for nothing except MAYBE confusing people, turning people from God, and puffing up peoples egos...

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 05/21/10 01:15 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Fri 05/21/10 01:15 PM

Is knowledge a gift from Satan

I would say no. The ability to think four ourself is a blessing from God.

The world gives us alot of false information and false pride which does contribute quite a bit to ignorance POSING as knowledge though

I credit Satan for nothing except MAYBE confusing people, turning people from God, and puffing up peoples egos...

exactly, that is Satan's key tool against us...... manipulation. Satan manipulates us into everything and anything that is not of God. Or well atleast trys to. That is why it is so important to cling to our heavanly father for strength, guidance, and support.

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/21/10 01:31 PM

Is knowledge a gift from Satan

I would say no. The ability to think four ourself is a blessing from God.

The world gives us alot of false information and false pride which does contribute quite a bit to ignorance POSING as knowledge though

I credit Satan for nothing except MAYBE confusing people, turning people from God, and puffing up peoples egos...

exactly, that is Satan's key tool against us...... manipulation. Satan manipulates us into everything and anything that is not of God. Or well atleast trys to. That is why it is so important to cling to our heavanly father for strength, guidance, and support.

ur such a doll, I hope the world doesnt diminish your faith as you grow older,,,,but always open yourself to new experiences and knowledge,, we can all improve everyday we are here on earth

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 05/21/10 01:35 PM

Is knowledge a gift from Satan

I would say no. The ability to think four ourself is a blessing from God.

The world gives us alot of false information and false pride which does contribute quite a bit to ignorance POSING as knowledge though

I credit Satan for nothing except MAYBE confusing people, turning people from God, and puffing up peoples egos...

exactly, that is Satan's key tool against us...... manipulation. Satan manipulates us into everything and anything that is not of God. Or well atleast trys to. That is why it is so important to cling to our heavanly father for strength, guidance, and support.

ur such a doll, I hope the world doesnt diminish your faith as you grow older,,,,but always open yourself to new experiences and knowledge,, we can all improve everyday we are here on earth

thanks msharmony :). But the world holds no power over me at all and never will. And yes, that's what our lives here on earth are for i feel, is to grow and get stronger in our faith in God. Basically a make us or break us form of system, weed out the weaker bunch.

no photo
Fri 05/21/10 02:53 PM
Actualy, the concept of the jewish religion was to claim that there was one God and that he was more powerefull than the Egyptian Gods..(contravercy as they claimed that there was only one...)
It was a tool to uprise the slaves from their Egyptian masters but to also keep them in check so they wouldn't revolt against Moses. Later it was transformed to control a new group of people. (the poor and the weak) and to control them they threw in the concept of jesus and to make it more apealing they divided their one(suposedly one god) into three entities...and history keeps falling into the same snares of control...new religions pop out to try and control the masses and try to suppress the true religion that was at the origin of mankind...the Sumerian. And sadly many fall into false promises.

no photo
Fri 05/21/10 02:58 PM
So if one does not know the difference of good and evil, and is forbbiden to learn the he is only a mere slave to a god the says if you touch you die....sad.

no photo
Fri 05/21/10 03:06 PM
Bottom line Satan delivered the Truth to mankind but unfortunately if fell into deff ears, because many humans are easily manipulated by guilt and morality and are persuaded into believin that harrasing people into joining the nazarene they will bbe saved from sin yet they are slaves to the lies written some 300 years after the death of a false prophet...

no photo
Fri 05/21/10 03:10 PM
Its funny you should say that because it there is one thing that is really confusing and cotradictory is the bible...but they the lame excuse the church says is either its written in paraboles or the devil corrupted it...ha...funny.

Bible and the king of jews...is nothing more than a tool of slavery.

no photo
Fri 06/04/10 06:30 AM

Only by knowing they were naked were they shamed in thier own eyes where before they were innocent because being naked did not shame.

Cyclops.....how would Adam and Eve even know about nakeness or be ashame of their nakedness if they had no knowledge of clothes...in other words who wore clothes in the garden of Eden the sheep? ...this proves that the fruit contain more than just the knowledge of good and evil it also contained the power and knowledge of prophecy and allowed Adam and Eve to see into the future to know that their decendeants would be taught to be ashame of their bodies and should cover themselves up with an invention called clothes

this also would mean that God created Adam and Eve to be sinners by creating them to be naked ...wouldn't this also make God appear strange in their eyes by allowing them to frolick around all day long in the nude and never telling them to be ashame of their nakedness ....if not for Satan Man would still be roaming around in the nude in front of God never knowing that God disapprove of them doing such

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