Community > Posts By > justwetwo

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Tue 06/22/10 08:36 AM
Yes, there are guys who don't do porn. In some cases they have done enough of it and are tired of the whole thing. They are out there and are waiting for the right person. To wait until the honeymoon is an ideal thing. Many people use the excuse of "trying out the product" before wanting to commit to marriage. This is the problem. Someone might not want to get stuck in a relationship with someone they are incompatible with. God created sex, not the devil. The devil has taken over the idea and has thrown mud on it. God directed a sexual act in the Old Testament. "Earth is mine," he says, "and the fullness thereof." Therefore, if we ask for wisdom or knowledge in any matter, it will be given to us. We need not be embarrassed as the unbelievers want us to be. Abraham's seed means exactly that. Seed. "To the pure all things are pure, but to the defiled nothing is pure." Our sexuality was given to us by the Almighty, "Be frutiful and multuiply." Don't let the world own what belongs to God. Take it back.

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Sat 05/22/10 08:23 AM
Keep heart when others say you are evil for doing good. Pay heed to who it is that holds a weapon at you. Notice it is he that is holding the weapon and pay no attention to his words of advice. How can a man threatening you know the difference between good and evil? To him evil is good and good is what is evil. Here is a saying ...

"How dare you call me a murderer! I'll kill you!"

Hold onto what is good. When the Lord of all that is good returns, he will find good in your hands.

And don't concern yourselves with the blood that is in other's hands, this is their concern not yours.

I had a fellow try to get me to concentrate on what christians did during the Crusades. Their sins belong to them, not me!

The sins of others are not for you to dwell on. Concentrate on getting rid of, or controlling your own sins, not others.

Do not be a control freak either, "Let he who is filthy still be filthy" said our Lord. Paul encouraged self-control, not the control of others.

The controller and ruler of all things is on his way.

And his reward is with him.

God bless us all. As he always does.

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Wed 05/12/10 07:24 AM
I am not a dumb sheep by the way. Jesus taught Christians to think. If not then why would he say be as kind as doves and as cunning as snakes? Therefore all Christians are commanded to be smart. So I read and I listen. Even Job insists that "the ear tastes words like the moth tastes food". There are Bible verses that imply Jesus is like God, and verses that say he is not. Both ideas can be applied especially if they are taken out of context. Take the line he says "my father and I are one" and "he is in me and I in him." Taken out of context many christians deem this the end of the discussion, the proof of their heresy. If you read on, you will see soon after this he says, "us in them, and they in us" more or less. Now what? Do we also become Gods? If we go along with what is taught from today's christian pulpits we might as well assume this to be true. But no, we will never be gods, for God does not give his glory to another, he merely gives rewards, such as sitting at Jesus's right or left hand. Judge with righteous judgment. If you insist that believing Jesus is God is part of the Gospel, why don't you preach this when you are converting people on the streets? No, the Gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus's blood sacrifice; why then once a man is in the church is the Trinity added to his message of salvation along with the insistance that he believe six days of creation, the opening of the Red Sea, a Virgin Birth, etc, etc, etc. What happened to the Gospel? Where is it? Lost among all the details that are not as important. The thief only possibly understood what was crucified before him, and that's all he needed to enter paradise. If you tell me I need to beleiev Jesus is God to be saved, you are asking me to trust in your own illegal wisdom, and I will never do this. I'd rather trust in Jesus and what he did for me. Like the serpent lifted up in the wilderness, those who did not look upon it died. I will not perish with you. Goodbye trinitarians. I have a highway waiting for me, it's called The Lord's Highway and only the sanctified can walk upon it. And only God decides what way is the right way to walk upon it. Not you. Heh.

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Tue 05/11/10 09:14 AM
No, Jesus is not God. God is not limited. Jesus admitted he did not know everything by admitting he did not know the houer of his return to earth. God is omniscient and does not give his glory to another. But he does give rewards and sets up kings and priests and prophets. Trinitarians are idolators. It was a custom to bow down before kings and dignitaries, Joseph's brothers bowed down to him, this did not makwe him a god in Egypt. That people bowed before Jesus was symbolic of his place as King of Kings, not proof he is God. And I don't care how many Christians believe he is God, he will straighten them out upon his return.

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Tue 05/11/10 09:08 AM
Satan is no one. Knowledge comes from God. Whatever credit Satan gets he stole because he is a thief. The only thing he created is the lie.

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Tue 05/11/10 09:06 AM
Those numbers are a warning for Christians only, everyone else will not understand. look to Hebrew alphabet/numerical system and find out what www stands for. We are using them every day and few even know they are doing so.

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Tue 05/11/10 09:01 AM
Thank you.

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Sat 04/24/10 07:28 AM
The Lord said wait for his return. "Let he who is holy be holy, let he who is filthy be filthy." The Revelation to John.

Why should a Christian concern himself with the science of this world if this world is passing away and all things in it? Nanotechnology might help repair the Beast's mortal wound! People what is the point?

Do you want to get caught without any oil in your lamp such as in the parable where the women are waiting for the door to be opened? Being concerned with things other than the bridegroom? Those left outside once the door is locked, the Lord will say to, "I never knew you."

Save the whales? Revelation prophecies all sea animals will die. Saving the whales is a waste of time. There is nothing we can do to stop it, no matter how much one cares about this earth.

We will be hated by all nations ... all nations. If this does not come true, Jesus is not a prophet. And you best believe he is! A true prophet is never wrong, because he does not speak from his own heart, he is repeating what he heard. And Jesus said this on several occassions, "I speak only what I have heard from the Father." Jesus was repeating what he heard from the all-knowing and all-seeing Ancient of Days.

Stem cells, nuclear bombs, computers, what difference does it make? We know have the knowledge to actually create a moving and talking image of the Beast. Don't concern yourself with any of this nonsense. Because that is exactly what it all is, worthless nonsense.

Why? Because only God is important, and nothing is more important than the One who created all things and can destroy all things, and anyone who tells you different, is just leading you away from Him.

Watch, Pray, Wait. The trumpet will sound and the Lord shall descend. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn.

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Tue 04/20/10 08:03 AM
There is nothing mankind knows that god did not allow him to know. Too much credit is given to that old snake. In the end he means nothing. Without love anyone is nothing. Satan is the most nothing of all since there is no love in him whatsoever. The only thing he loves is himself. Seek not that old snake. Attribute no excellence to him.

"Seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."

Read proverbs if you want to know the value of knowledge.

"When knowledge increases so does sorrow."

Seek God's love.

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Mon 04/19/10 07:57 AM
I was speaking with this guy, a normal guy, young, handsome, not too bright about relationships. He thinks he's a catch because he's good looking, as in Tom Cruise-like good looking. There's a girl who likes him and she has thrown all kinds of clues at him. So I say, "talk to her, she likes you," and he says, "I don't go to girls, they come to me". So what comes to mind is the phrase "love is kind, is does not seek its own, it does not boast" etc. And I automatically know (due to the wisdom of the scriptures) that this guy does not know what love is. He does not understand that love seeks the happiness of others, not one's self. I think (on her part) she's gonna see him as a "project" some guy she's going to try and "fix" or "change". It happens all the time, people getting involved with people who are of a type they want to change, and it usually ends in absolute failure. She wants to love him, but he's in love with someone else -- himself. At least she knows who it is!

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Mon 04/19/10 07:48 AM
Very good. Fully approved by Christians everywhere.

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Sat 04/17/10 08:42 AM

The Scribes and Pharasees were Religious men and Christ balked at them ...Jesus was a simple man with a simple plan, BUT an AMAZING plan to come and save us and those around could only think of Jesus building a Physical Kingdom and they were afrid of Him taking over, but They had no clue He was talking about a Spiritual Kingdom...Religion seperates people where as being spiritual minded can bring people together,,its about a RELATIONSHIP with Christ, a personal one...its not about what you call yourself, so I would have to say He was more Spiritual minded, but over all..He was here to Serve as He gave the ultimate sacrifice..through love for US...His life!

Yes, I think it's the difference between what man wants and what God wants. Spiritual means we seek him, religious may mean what we think we need on earth. God loved David because he was a man after God's own heart. He took Enoch because Enoch was his friend (if I recall correctly). I'd rather sit in a church and say nothing than spout all kinds of words I dio not mean. God knows I don't mean saying them. God's Kingdom is about how we treat one another. There are things we do now that will never change when His Kingdom arrives: we will still pray, sing, and love one another -- these will never change. Jesus went as far as to let the woman at the well keep her religion, he never belittled anyone's faith, he encouraged faith always. But he frowned upon ritual that existed only to please men, or existed only to be seen by men, as if men were more important than God. When Jesus was born the nation did not celebrate, instead many babies died. Not one leader came to see him, they expected him to come to them, as if. When they arrested him they came at night like thieves. We as Christians know these ways to be false.

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Tue 04/13/10 07:17 AM
The minute you say you are the only one that belongs you have been cast out, because you are not God to decide this. Christ said hookers and tax collectors would enter the kingdom of God before the religious leaders of his day.

It is almost impossible to follow Christ without offending someone. However, I will never stop anyone from following their religious beliefs whatever religion they are. They can indeed impede on mine but I cannot judge them; I am unworthy to judge anyone. God is the one who judges and chooses.

"Let he who is filthy be filthy still, let he who is holy be holy still."

"Many will be called but few will be chosen."

"A righteous man is barely saved, imagine what will happen to the unbeliever and sinner."

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Mon 04/12/10 01:09 PM
A little prayer before reading, for some understanding will help. As long as the understanding is to glorify God and not us, I believe he will indeed grant us understanding. Say one asks of the Lord to explain what the Bible means by "the four corners of the earth" which many have interpreted in years past to mean the world is flat, and many were persecuted because of this error. What if it really means the four corners of a map? Same thing goes with the four winds. There can be an explanation, we have to ask for wisdom. For his glory not ours. If the answer never arrives in this life, don't worry about it. He is coming and the rewards are coming with him.

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Fri 04/09/10 10:36 AM
"Be anxious for nothing" he said. This is usually when he answers our prayers -- when we are relaxed and trust in him. When you are not searching but waiting is when he will come, unexpectedly. Watch, wait, pray. "The mind of a man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps." The Lord can direct any man's legs in any direction. Yours to him, his to yours. It's a much smaller miracle compared to the parting of the red sea.

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Fri 04/09/10 10:31 AM
Old Testament says, (don't remember exactly where -- use a concordance) "We will never know exactly how it all began nor how it will come to an end." (Paraphrased -- look for a more exact translation). Remember this whenever you go fishing for such answers. He who created the universe then hid himself from our eyes can hide whatever he pleases and there is nothing we can do about it.

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Fri 04/09/10 10:25 AM
"Pray not for patience. Trials bringeth forth patience. So all you are really praying for is lots of trouble. Pray instead for love. Because love is patient. Patience in ourselves glorifies ourselves because it has to do with character building. The patience we get from God's love glorifies him, because God is love."

--D. Antonio

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Thu 04/08/10 07:43 AM
Be completely honest. That is, don't use deceitful methods to get attention. I was with people who would stage phoney skits to get kids to gather. I've heard of some who put on karate exhibitions to get people's attention. There is no need to do such things. It is deceitful and sends the wrong message: that a Christian is allowed to do evil so that good will be the result. I've heard it said that one should pray the Lord sends on person every day that a Christian can talk with, not talk down to. Let them express what they have to say, and expect no immediate conversions. Think about it, at one person per day, in a year you will have told the gospel to 365 people. And one-on-one usually works wonders, more so than assembly-line Christianity, bring them through and send them on!

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Thu 04/08/10 07:28 AM
Missing something? Only you know what it is you don't quite understand. Maybe if I put it more simply.

A Christian male or female cannot be a loser if he has but a mere mustard seed of faith, which is all God decides to give to him or her. We can ask for more. As long as I don't hide my faith under a basket or bury it in the soil, how am I displeasing the Lord? Now, if a Christian is totally ashamed of the Lord, the Lord said he himself will be ashamed of that Christian when they stand before the Father and all the the Holy Angels. Does this make any sense now?

It is not for us to judge another Christian's faith. We cannot say "my faith is great than his therefore I am more worthy", or "his faith is small and therefore it is nothing."

Whatever God gives us by way of any amount of faith is an honor to be treasured. My mustard seed of faith can still move your mountain of faith. Besides, if your faith is so great, pray that my own faith will grow.

Judge by righteous standards not the way mere men judge. I wouldn't want to be around anyone that Lorded their faith over mine. I am glad that God had given to me what little I have, and no man can take that little itty bit away from me.

It came from above, therefore it is intended. This little bit is all I have and I am supposed to love it.

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Wed 04/07/10 07:32 AM
Lack of faith? Well, that would depend if the lack thereof were based on fact or just plain lack of certainty in the miraculous. Faith is a gift like any other kind of spiritual gift, or so says the NT. One has to ask God to increase it, does one not? Faith is like talents, the Master gives talents out to his servants, each one gets only what the Master desires to give. If you get a lot then you are required to deliver a lot on his return. If you get only a little, he will not demand a lot. It is only when you get a little and you bury it, hoping to please him with some lame excuse that you will get in trouble. I hope you find someone who has as much faith as you. However, because you ran into someone whom God decided to give so little that it did not match yours, why call him a loser? I am not trying to offend you. I am merely saying you have judged the Lord for the amount his has given another brother. It's not what we have but what we do with it that counts. And we can only do what with we are given. And all things come from the Lord, who creates the blind and the deaf as well as those who hear and can see. Be fair to us guys, do not seek perfection. As you judge so too will you be judged. I don't judge you. But I would be afraid to date you. My faith rises and falls, some days I believe, some days I don't. But the Lord is able to keep me from falling. After all, it's all about him not us. He gives, he takes. Blessed be his name above all. Love covers all sins.

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