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Topic: Is Knowledge a Gift from Satan
Diligent's photo
Sat 05/01/10 01:13 PM

I disagree that Man "becomes like God" the more technology we acquire. To be God-like in the Christian sense means to be all-powerful, perfect, without sin, and all-knowing. Man could never be "perfect" because we are inclined to sin. As far as being all- powerful, the bible says that "man can't even make himself grow one inch in height."

God is also not perfect or he would be incapable of creating imperfection that sin ..God is also not omniscient or he would have know before creation that Man would be inperfect and would sin ...so therefore Man can be just as imperfect as God and technology is how that is being accomplish

Knowledge is not and was not Satan's to give or impart. All knowledge is possessed by God. God is perfect. But, all other beings are created. The created beings are imperfect. That is why we falter. Satan may have brought the awareness of knowledge to Eve, but it was not his to convey, nor did he create it. God does have infinite knowledge. He knew that his only begotten son would suffer and die on the cross, for it was recorded before Christ died (in the Bible). Created beings are imperfect in part because we exercise our own "free will". That "free will" naturally brings us afoul of God and his word, because we pursue sinful things.

Without God and the concept of heaven, man is finite. Th oldest recorded age was 120 years in modern times. The only way man can become infinite and without sin is to literally stand in God's presence. If you believe in heaven, that will occur.

As far as man being all-powerful because of technology, that is absurd. Let me give you an illustration. If all the hydrogen bombs inb the world were detonated at once; that would equate to 15 billion tons of TNT. If for example, an asteroid were to strike the earth like the Cretaceous one, that would equate to 100 TRILLION tons of TNT and possibly extinguish life on earth. My point, there are things in nature which far transcend our finite capabilities.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 05/01/10 01:15 PM

lol sociaty was never mentioned.

you mention a societal structure in your post below

Cowboy stated:
without punishment of our disobediance people would go around raping, stealing, and killing everyone of which they didn't like.

was rape an mayham taking place when Adam and Eve was in the Garden...if the answer is no...then what were you referring to if not society

no rape was not a mayham taking place with adam and eve. Look at it this way, a rightouse God could not allow adam and eve to disobey God with the tree of life, but punish someone for murdering someone. All but one sin is equal. It would not be logical nor rightouse to allow adam and eve to disobey God and punish others who followed in the sinnig as in the instance of rape.

For instance, you catch your child stealing something. Most perents would ground there children, cause if they didn't then that child would continue on with there misbehaving. If you was to allow it, the child would more then likely continue on with the stealing and even branch off into sexual immorality and much more. That's the chain reaction i was refering to.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 05/01/10 01:19 PM

I disagree that Man "becomes like God" the more technology we acquire. To be God-like in the Christian sense means to be all-powerful, perfect, without sin, and all-knowing. Man could never be "perfect" because we are inclined to sin. As far as being all- powerful, the bible says that "man can't even make himself grow one inch in height."

God is also not perfect or he would be incapable of creating imperfection that sin ..God is also not omniscient or he would have know before creation that Man would be inperfect and would sin ...so therefore Man can be just as imperfect as God and technology is how that is being accomplish

Knowledge is not and was not Satan's to give or impart. All knowledge is possessed by God. God is perfect. But, all other beings are created. The created beings are imperfect. That is why we falter. Satan may have brought the awareness of knowledge to Eve, but it was not his to convey, nor did he create it. God does have infinite knowledge. He knew that his only begotten son would suffer and die on the cross, for it was recorded before Christ died (in the Bible). Created beings are imperfect in part because we exercise our own "free will". That "free will" naturally brings us afoul of God and his word, because we pursue sinful things.

Without God and the concept of heaven, man is finite. Th oldest recorded age was 120 years in modern times. The only way man can become infinite and without sin is to literally stand in God's presence. If you believe in heaven, that will occur.

As far as man being all-powerful because of technology, that is absurd. Let me give you an illustration. If all the hydrogen bombs inb the world were detonated at once; that would equate to 15 billion tons of TNT. If for example, an asteroid were to strike the earth like the Cretaceous one, that would equate to 100 TRILLION tons of TNT and possibly extinguish life on earth. My point, there are things in nature which far transcend our finite capabilities.

very good. Even further more on what man cannot do, man can not stop the sun from rising, nor falling everyday. Man cannot control mother nature as in like rain, snow, or other. Man can not do much of anything really. Man pretty much can only destroy rather then create like with the bombs previousely mentioned. Man can not stop anything God wishes to happen, again with the rising and setting of the sun.

no photo
Sat 05/01/10 03:34 PM

Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil

the passage clearly states that Jesus came not to destroy the laws of Moses but to full fill them which means you are he are still required to follow them....

if you are not going to beat your child with a rod into Salvation then don't take a chance and have any children because according to the bible it will be your fault if their souls go to Hell

no photo
Sat 05/01/10 03:41 PM
Edited by funches on Sat 05/01/10 03:45 PM

Knowledge is not and was not Satan's to give or impart.

Diligent......er...you do know that we are talking about Satan...a guy that play by his own rules which is why it dosen't matter if the knowledge was his to give...the point is that Satan convince Eve to take the knowledge and all knowledge after that point in time that Man acquired was due to Satan giving Man the desire to seek it

no photo
Sat 05/01/10 03:45 PM

no rape was not a mayham taking place with adam and eve. Look at it this way, a rightouse God could not allow adam and eve to disobey

a righteous God would not create imperfection and then punish the creations for being imperfect

no photo
Sat 05/01/10 03:51 PM

As far as man being all-powerful because of technology, that is absurd. Let me give you an illustration. If all the hydrogen bombs inb the world were detonated at once; that would equate to 15 billion tons of TNT. If for example, an asteroid were to strike the earth like the Cretaceous one, that would equate to 100 TRILLION tons of TNT and possibly extinguish life on earth. My point, there are things in nature which far transcend our finite capabilities.

Diligent..my point was that Man will become all-powerful like God due to the advancements in technology... in other words just be patience ...we will or probably already have a bomb that can blow up the world and take the solar system with it

no photo
Sat 05/01/10 03:53 PM

very good. Even further more on what man cannot do, man can not stop the sun from rising, nor falling everyday. Man cannot control mother nature as in like rain, snow, or other. Man can not do much of anything really. Man pretty much can only destroy rather then create like with the bombs previousely mentioned. Man can not stop anything God wishes to happen, again with the rising and setting of the sun.

God has "needs" and anything with needs means it lacks something ..if it lacks something that means it is not perfect and has limitations

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 05/01/10 04:22 PM

very good. Even further more on what man cannot do, man can not stop the sun from rising, nor falling everyday. Man cannot control mother nature as in like rain, snow, or other. Man can not do much of anything really. Man pretty much can only destroy rather then create like with the bombs previousely mentioned. Man can not stop anything God wishes to happen, again with the rising and setting of the sun.

God has "needs" and anything with needs means it lacks something ..if it lacks something that means it is not perfect and has limitations

God has no needs lol.

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 04:36 AM

very good. Even further more on what man cannot do, man can not stop the sun from rising, nor falling everyday. Man cannot control mother nature as in like rain, snow, or other. Man can not do much of anything really. Man pretty much can only destroy rather then create like with the bombs previousely mentioned. Man can not stop anything God wishes to happen, again with the rising and setting of the sun.

God has "needs" and anything with needs means it lacks something ..if it lacks something that means it is not perfect and has limitations

God has no needs lol.

God has a "need" to create imperfection

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 05/02/10 01:28 PM

very good. Even further more on what man cannot do, man can not stop the sun from rising, nor falling everyday. Man cannot control mother nature as in like rain, snow, or other. Man can not do much of anything really. Man pretty much can only destroy rather then create like with the bombs previousely mentioned. Man can not stop anything God wishes to happen, again with the rising and setting of the sun.

God has "needs" and anything with needs means it lacks something ..if it lacks something that means it is not perfect and has limitations

God has no needs lol.

God has a "need" to create imperfection

God has never made anything imperfect. God only makes perfection.

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 03:31 PM

God has never made anything imperfect. God only makes perfection.

it's simple logic that a God would not create anything perfect or anything more perfect than himself

if God created anything perfect like himself then the creation would become a God and prove that God isn't that special since other Gods now exist

and if God created something more perfect than himself then he would cease being a God and the creation becomes the God since the creation is more perfect than him

so Cowboy give it a try..name something that God created that is so perfect that it doesn't have needs or is dependent upon something else

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 05/02/10 05:10 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Sun 05/02/10 05:11 PM
there is nothing that is not in need of God. God supports all things. But God created us perfectly. It's sin that makes us imperfect. The ones that have accepted Jesus as our lord and savior are then made perfect again, for we are forgiven for our sins.

no photo
Mon 05/03/10 05:05 AM

there is nothing that is not in need of God. God supports all things. But God created us perfectly. It's sin that makes us imperfect. The ones that have accepted Jesus as our lord and savior are then made perfect again, for we are forgiven for our sins.

Adam and Eve while in the garden were dependent upon food and water to live and therefore created imperfect...perfect creatures would not have a need to eat

so give it another try and name something that God created that was supposedly perfect..and you will begin to realize that God is only capable of creating imperfection which in turn makes him imperfect

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 05/03/10 06:09 AM

there is nothing that is not in need of God. God supports all things. But God created us perfectly. It's sin that makes us imperfect. The ones that have accepted Jesus as our lord and savior are then made perfect again, for we are forgiven for our sins.

Adam and Eve while in the garden were dependent upon food and water to live and therefore created imperfect...perfect creatures would not have a need to eat

so give it another try and name something that God created that was supposedly perfect..and you will begin to realize that God is only capable of creating imperfection which in turn makes him imperfect


Why would something perfect not need food or water? Where's the logic?

donthatoneguy's photo
Mon 05/03/10 10:54 AM
Edited by donthatoneguy on Mon 05/03/10 10:57 AM
Its a matter of efficiency. Anything that requires energy from an external source is not perfect in efficiency and is therefore not a perfect construct. In order to survive, man must kill, whether that be plants or animals. That is not perfection.

Does God need to eat? I would assume an all-powerful being would not require sustenance because he is perfectly efficient and self-sustaining. God is perfect. So, by that logic, humans are imperfect because they require food, water, light, etc.

Its been stated many times in this thread that humans are imperfect and not because of "sin". There are genetic disorders that have nothing to do with sin. That is imperfection. There are disorders related to not getting enough sunlight. That is imperfection. There are disorders related to many many things.

If a human does not get anything they require to survive, then they die. They are not self-sustaining and therefore imperfect.

no photo
Mon 05/03/10 12:14 PM


Why would something perfect not need food or water? Where's the logic?

because perfection means nothing else is needed ...only imperfection has needs in the attempt to become perfection

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 05/03/10 02:35 PM

Its a matter of efficiency. Anything that requires energy from an external source is not perfect in efficiency and is therefore not a perfect construct. In order to survive, man must kill, whether that be plants or animals. That is not perfection.

Does God need to eat? I would assume an all-powerful being would not require sustenance because he is perfectly efficient and self-sustaining. God is perfect. So, by that logic, humans are imperfect because they require food, water, light, etc.

Its been stated many times in this thread that humans are imperfect and not because of "sin". There are genetic disorders that have nothing to do with sin. That is imperfection. There are disorders related to not getting enough sunlight. That is imperfection. There are disorders related to many many things.

If a human does not get anything they require to survive, then they die. They are not self-sustaining and therefore imperfect.

God does not need food/water to survive for God is not a human life form. The physical body is what needs the food/water..... we are not truely our bodies, it just a shell that carries our souls which are truely us. Our souls do not need food/water and is what is made perfect with accepting Jesus as lord and savior.

donthatoneguy's photo
Mon 05/03/10 11:06 PM

God does not need food/water to survive for God is not a human life form. The physical body is what needs the food/water..... we are not truely our bodies, it just a shell that carries our souls which are truely us. Our souls do not need food/water and is what is made perfect with accepting Jesus as lord and savior.

The point is, contrary to what you've said earlier, that God has created imperfection. The vessels which house our souls are imperfect in so many ways. So, as the question was posed and remains unanswered, why would an all-powerful being create imperfection?

no photo
Tue 05/04/10 04:20 AM

God does not need food/water to survive for God is not a human life form.

so if God because human he would be incapable of creating himself so that he wouldn't "need" food and water ...this is a sign that God is not omnipotent or omniscient because he lacks the power and the knowledge to create a perfect human that wasn't dependent upon food intake ....

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