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Topic: So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?
Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/30/10 03:52 PM
"That bumper sticker that maybe you'll see on the next Subaru driving by -- an Obama bumper sticker -- you should stop the driver and say, 'So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?'"

-Sara Palin

Not that I'm a big supporter of hers or anything but that made me laugh

LouLou2's photo
Tue 03/30/10 03:54 PM
I'm doing O.K. so far, thanks for asking.

no photo
Tue 03/30/10 04:07 PM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 03/30/10 04:08 PM

"That bumper sticker that maybe you'll see on the next Subaru driving by -- an Obama bumper sticker -- you should stop the driver and say, 'So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?'"

-Sara Palin

Not that I'm a big supporter of hers or anything but that made me laugh

Sure is a laugh!!! I hear you!!!

What's scary though, is the thought that a lot of people seem to have that as the first and only criteria for their choice as President.

That's a pretty 'scarey, changey, not workey, thoughtey!!!'

no photo
Tue 03/30/10 04:47 PM
The ones who voted for 'Hopey McChangey' are probably still too swilled with the VitaTonic of Everlasting Political Promise to notice what's happened in the months since they failed to learn that votes have consequences ... they also have no clue as to the historic significance of the date March 23, 2010 ... and it goes back to the same date in 1933 ... something about an 'Enabling Act' ...

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 03/30/10 06:16 PM
Cosidering the majority of Americans know nothing or very little about politics.I'm sure those people who voted for Obama only know that he is the first black president and that he gave us totaly free health care to all Americans.Thats about all they know.

cashu's photo
Tue 03/30/10 07:30 PM

"That bumper sticker that maybe you'll see on the next Subaru driving by -- an Obama bumper sticker -- you should stop the driver and say, 'So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?'"

-Sara Palin

Not that I'm a big supporter of hers or anything but that made me laugh

Sure is a laugh!!! I hear you!!!

What's scary though, is the thought that a lot of people seem to have that as the first and only criteria for their choice as President.

That's a pretty 'scarey, changey, not workey, thoughtey!!!'

I know a lot of you brainaics haven't noticed but the brazilian country is back to work and setting records in the GDP . while the libs here haven't been able to get more than 7 jobs at a time .......

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/30/10 07:33 PM
mmmmm you can't really compare Brazil. That is a country that actually works

for instance

they switched over to biofuels twenty years ago and since have had a net zero petroleum import

no photo
Tue 03/30/10 07:46 PM
Brasil is also smart enough to NOT use CORN to manufacture ETHANOL. They use SUGAR CANE. Kinda makes y' wonder why Bush ever made the mistake of mentioning 'switchgrass' in that SOTU speech ... wtf IS 'switchgrass'? Guess he hadda pay off ADM and his other agribid'ness backers with our foodstocks ... Besides, if we're gonna have the BS known as 'green fuel', why not make METHANOL ... ? It's a helluva lot better, burns hotter (won't screw with your catalytic converter), and has greater energy density. It can ALSO be made from damned near ANYTHING.

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/30/10 07:47 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Tue 03/30/10 07:48 PM
yeah corn is about the most inefficient bio fuel

switchgrass has about 50 times the sugar (to turn into ethanol) as corn AND you can get three or four harvests a year

JustAGuy2112's photo
Tue 03/30/10 08:29 PM
Switchgrass is basically a fast growing weed that most farmers actually have to use weed killers to get rid of.

Like Quiet said, it's also a FAR more efficient and effective thing to use for biofuels.

But, as usual, the politicians get stuck on one thing and it's balls out for that particular thing..even when it's a bad idea or there are better ways to do what they propose.

Someone mentioned corn...and they ( the pols ) just took that ball and ran with it.

They also got stuck on Ethanol, rather than have some of their people do a bit of research, and look up some studies that had been done that point out that Butanol is a much more efficient, cheaper to produce fuel that doesn't have the corrosive qualities of Ethanol. Oh also comes from the same sources.

But that doesn't matter.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 03/30/10 09:29 PM

"That bumper sticker that maybe you'll see on the next Subaru driving by -- an Obama bumper sticker -- you should stop the driver and say, 'So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?'"

-Sara Palin

Not that I'm a big supporter of hers or anything but that made me laugh

Sure is a laugh!!! I hear you!!!

What's scary though, is the thought that a lot of people seem to have that as the first and only criteria for their choice as President.

That's a pretty 'scarey, changey, not workey, thoughtey!!!'

Actually if you look at the polls she is not the first choice. Mitt Romney is.

Personally i'd rather see General Patreaus run.

no photo
Wed 03/31/10 05:50 AM

"That bumper sticker that maybe you'll see on the next Subaru driving by -- an Obama bumper sticker -- you should stop the driver and say, 'So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?'"

-Sara Palin

Not that I'm a big supporter of hers or anything but that made me laugh

Sure is a laugh!!! I hear you!!!

What's scary though, is the thought that a lot of people seem to have that as the first and only criteria for their choice as President.

That's a pretty 'scarey, changey, not workey, thoughtey!!!'

Actually if you look at the polls she is not the first choice. Mitt Romney is.

Personally i'd rather see General Patreaus run.

I didn't mention or implied she was the choice of a majority, life help us, but the first choice of a 'LOT OF PEOPLE'.

A 'lot of people' with that kind of a first choice IS 'scarey' enough!!!

no photo
Wed 03/31/10 07:12 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Wed 03/31/10 07:13 AM
It's no scarier than 'a lot of people' whose first choice was to 'elect' a Communist as 'president' ...

franshade's photo
Wed 03/31/10 07:18 AM

Cosidering the majority of Americans know nothing or very little about politics.I'm sure those people who voted for Obama only know that he is the first black president and that he gave us totaly free health care to all Americans.Thats about all they know.

Now Thomas we all know that Clinton was the first black president, not Obamarofl rofl

no photo
Wed 03/31/10 07:46 AM
Edited by voileazur on Wed 03/31/10 07:48 AM

It's no scarier than 'a lot of people' whose first choice was to 'elect' a Communist as 'president' ...

In the hands of a wise person, the use of hyperboles can be most effective in conveying a point.

In the hands of a demagogue however, it just caters to ignorance, and always serves to fuel human beings' lowest instincts.

There isn't enough BS in the world, never mind yours alone, to even build the shakiest of bridges between Obama and communism or socialism.

It is a profound insult to basic intelligence to associate Obama with communism or socialism concepts.

And, as though that weren't enough, it is a supreme insult to communism and socialism as such!!!

no photo
Wed 03/31/10 08:38 AM

"That bumper sticker that maybe you'll see on the next Subaru driving by -- an Obama bumper sticker -- you should stop the driver and say, 'So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?'"

-Sara Palin

Not that I'm a big supporter of hers or anything but that made me laugh

That is funny..:wink: laugh rofl

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/31/10 09:24 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 03/31/10 09:26 AM

Cosidering the majority of Americans know nothing or very little about politics.I'm sure those people who voted for Obama only know that he is the first black president and that he gave us totaly free health care to all Americans.Thats about all they know.

AND made huge investments in clean energy
AND invested in rebuilding New Orleans
AND started mending bridges with other nations
AND kept credit card companies from ripping me off
AND made it so sick people can actually be covered
AND lifted some of the restrictions on stem cell research
AND extended unemployment benefits
AND kept a nuclear waste dump out of my back yard(so to speak)
AND....many other things

the problem is obsession,, its not that people who voted for him dont read or keep up with what hes doing its that so many that didnt vote for him dont CARE what else he is doing because their tunnelvision allows them to only see the healthcare issue,,,

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 03/31/10 09:46 AM about adding..

AND did basically NOTHING to get people back to work
AND raised taxes even though people aren't working
AND handed the health insurance companies a HUGE gift by requiring people to BUY it

no photo
Wed 03/31/10 09:59 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Wed 03/31/10 10:01 AM

It's no scarier than 'a lot of people' whose first choice was to 'elect' a Communist as 'president' ...

In the hands of a wise person, the use of hyperboles can be most effective in conveying a point.

In the hands of a demagogue however, it just caters to ignorance, and always serves to fuel human beings' lowest instincts.

There isn't enough BS in the world, never mind yours alone, to even build the shakiest of bridges between Obama and communism or socialism.

It is a profound insult to basic intelligence to associate Obama with communism or socialism concepts.

And, as though that weren't enough, it is a supreme insult to communism and socialism as such!!!

Oh wow. Am I impressed, or what ... ? Boy, you told me, din't ya? Look, go find a copy of the Communist Manifesto (see, I even gave you the name of the book to look it up in) and check out the concept of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Redistribution of wealth. That's more help than I intended to give you, but you seem so needy ... and, since you're so easily 'insulted' by criticism of Communism, one can only assume that ... seemsayin' ... ?

no photo
Wed 03/31/10 10:01 AM

Cosidering the majority of Americans know nothing or very little about politics.I'm sure those people who voted for Obama only know that he is the first black president and that he gave us totaly free health care to all Americans.Thats about all they know.

AND made huge investments in clean energy
AND invested in rebuilding New Orleans
AND started mending bridges with other nations
AND kept credit card companies from ripping me off
AND made it so sick people can actually be covered
AND lifted some of the restrictions on stem cell research
AND extended unemployment benefits
AND kept a nuclear waste dump out of my back yard(so to speak)
AND....many other things

the problem is obsession,, its not that people who voted for him dont read or keep up with what hes doing its that so many that didnt vote for him dont CARE what else he is doing because their tunnelvision allows them to only see the healthcare issue,,,

All while running up trillion dollar deficits which your "tunnel vision" didn't mention. Is Guantanamo still open... R US soldiers still dying? Where is the TSA chief...and the list goes ON AND ON!!!

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