Topic: So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?
msharmony's photo
Wed 03/31/10 10:04 AM about adding..

AND did basically NOTHING to get people back to work
AND raised taxes even though people aren't working
AND handed the health insurance companies a HUGE gift by requiring people to BUY it

completely proving my point about TUNNELVISION. of course , but I was responding to the assumption that those who voted for him are only aware of healthcare(as if that is his only accomplishment).

I can also list things he has not yet accomplished (but he has more than two years left to accomplish at least some of them) or things he has done that I dont agree with( but that list would still be FAR shorter than his accomplishments as far as Im concerned)

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/31/10 10:12 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 03/31/10 10:16 AM

It's no scarier than 'a lot of people' whose first choice was to 'elect' a Communist as 'president' ...

In the hands of a wise person, the use of hyperboles can be most effective in conveying a point.

In the hands of a demagogue however, it just caters to ignorance, and always serves to fuel human beings' lowest instincts.

There isn't enough BS in the world, never mind yours alone, to even build the shakiest of bridges between Obama and communism or socialism.

It is a profound insult to basic intelligence to associate Obama with communism or socialism concepts.

And, as though that weren't enough, it is a supreme insult to communism and socialism as such!!!

Oh wow. Am I impressed, or what ... ? Boy, you told me, din't ya? Look, go find a copy of the Communist Manifesto (see, I even gave you the name of the book to look it up in) and check out the concept of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Redistribution of wealth. That's more help than I intended to give you, but you seem so needy ... and, since you're so easily 'insulted' by criticism of Communism, one can only assume that ... seemsayin' ... ?

WEALTH : 2 : abundance of valuable material possessions or resources

So, when 20 percent of americans no longer hold 85% of the nations assets,, I might be able to consider your concern about redistribution more reasonable...

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 03/31/10 10:20 AM
While y'all neo-cons are having fun at your little tea-bagging parties, I just gotta know two things:

1) Who is your Party Leader, you know, the One that is going to get yourselves out of this mess you've made for yourselves? Any prospects yet?

2) What is your platform? What changes and new policies will you bring about to benefit and improve America?

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/31/10 10:25 AM

While y'all neo-cons are having fun at your little tea-bagging parties, I just gotta know two things:

1) Who is your Party Leader, you know, the One that is going to get yourselves out of this mess you've made for yourselves? Any prospects yet?

2) What is your platform? What changes and new policies will you bring about to benefit and improve America?

good questions,,,,let me google it,,lol

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 03/31/10 10:39 AM
Edited by CatsLoveMe on Wed 03/31/10 10:39 AM
Who is it?

Whatcha gonna do for me?

Remember those two easy questions.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/31/10 10:39 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 03/31/10 10:40 AM
so , here is what I found,,,,,,founder name is dale robertson

What is the Tea Party?

The Tea Party is a grassroots movement that calls awareness to any issue, which challenges the security, sovereignty or domestic tranquility of our beloved nation, the United States of America.

From our founding, the Tea Party is the voice of the true owners of the United States, WE THE PEOPLE.

Many claim to be the founders of this movement; however, it was the brave souls of the men and women in 1773, known today as the Boston Tea Party, which dared defy the greatest military might on earth.

We are the beneficiaries of their courage. By joining the Tea Party, you are taking a stand for our nation. You will be upholding the grand principles set forth in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Non-Negotiable Core Beliefso

Illegal Aliens Are Here illegally.
Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.
Stronger Military Is Essential.
Special Interests Eliminated.
Gun Ownership Is Sacred.
Government Must Be Downsized.
National Budget Must Be Balanced.
Deficit Spending Will End.
Bail-out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.
Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.
Reduce Business Income Taxes Is Mandatory.
Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.
Intrusive Government Stopped.
English As Core Language Is Required.
Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.

....not sure if they have PLANS for any of this,, but Id say some of the things are reasonable and some just a bit extremist (gun ownership is 'sacred'? , reducing all taxes while still balancing the budget?, average joes making legislative decisions? )

another great thing OBama has done though,, is make these DECADES old ISSUES suddenly the FOREFRONT of a whole political movement,,,,funny how that worked out(or why it worked out that way...)

Dragoness's photo
Wed 03/31/10 10:51 AM

"That bumper sticker that maybe you'll see on the next Subaru driving by -- an Obama bumper sticker -- you should stop the driver and say, 'So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?'"

-Sara Palin

Not that I'm a big supporter of hers or anything but that made me laugh

Now, it is doing great for me, thanks.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/31/10 10:57 AM

Cosidering the majority of Americans know nothing or very little about politics.I'm sure those people who voted for Obama only know that he is the first black president and that he gave us totaly free health care to all Americans.Thats about all they know.

AND made huge investments in clean energy
AND invested in rebuilding New Orleans
AND started mending bridges with other nations
AND kept credit card companies from ripping me off
AND made it so sick people can actually be covered
AND lifted some of the restrictions on stem cell research
AND extended unemployment benefits
AND kept a nuclear waste dump out of my back yard(so to speak)
AND....many other things

the problem is obsession,, its not that people who voted for him dont read or keep up with what hes doing its that so many that didnt vote for him dont CARE what else he is doing because their tunnelvision allows them to only see the healthcare issue,,,

All while running up trillion dollar deficits which your "tunnel vision" didn't mention. Is Guantanamo still open... R US soldiers still dying? Where is the TSA chief...and the list goes ON AND ON!!! my opinion, the deficit was unavoidable due to the state of the economy,

2. the president is not a DICTATOR he can get the ball rolling (which he has done on Guantanamo) but he has to work with others(and they with him) to actually ACHIEVE things...

3. Soldiers always have and always will die,,,OBama cant single handedly stop that,,,

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:06 AM
Laundry list, eh? Lets take 'em line by line.

(Illegal Aliens Are Here illegally.) Umm yeah. That's why they're called "illegal." Enough with the "guest worker" BS!" Round 'em up and ship 'em out. This is a liberal who says this.

(Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.)Of course. Democrats have been saying that for years. Bring the jobs back home, stop buying Chinese and being cheapasses. Find a way to manufacture it yourselves. A liberal said this.

(Stronger Military Is Essential.) Not entirely correct. We need a strong military, but we need a smarter more clever, more intuitive military, and one that doesn't need WMD's to prove a point, and one that respects international law.

(Special Interests Eliminated.) Both parties can say that they want that, but it will NEVER happen. There will always be special interest groups, as long as I'm not POTUS. It's a fact of life and we may as well just eat it and get used to it, because it will never go away no matter who's in office, unless it's me.

(Gun Ownership Is Sacred.)Umm, no. It's not. Moreover, responsible lawful gun ownership is optional and required if pursued. You do not have the right to own or carry a gun. You have the right to go through the proper channels by registering, licensing, practising gun security and safety, training, and firearm responsibility should you wish to aquire a firearm.

(Government Must Be Downsized.) Umm, no again. Ask what your country can do for you, not what you can do for your country. What are we paying taxes for, seriously? The government needs to work for us, especially during these times. Government Waste? Yes that needs to be cut, no more frivolous earmarks, and $10 Billion holes in the ground. (See Yucca Mountain)

(National Budget Must Be Balanced.) Well on paper that would be nice, but lets face it, ain't gonna happen in our lifetime. A start would be an independent economy and stop buying so many foreign goods. Next would be that tax revenue is significantly higher than government expenditures, we can do this by terminating wasteful government contracts.

(Deficit Spending Will End.)Well, maybe one day, but not today, not in November, not in 2012, not in 2014, or even 2016. Spending is required to undo the damage done from 8 years of wreckless Bushanomics. It will eventually end, but serious changes which do not include starting wars or beefing up the military, will need to evolve.

(Bail-out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.)Umm, no, they are very legal and they were made law after passing the both the Senate and the House, and signed by the POTUS. What I have a problem with is recipients who give their CEOs and staff big bonuses, for running their company into the ground requiring bail-out and stimulus money.

I'll get to the rest later. smokin

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:22 AM
(Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.) Well yes, but to a point. Those that earn more can afford more to pay in taxes. You know, cost of living, limiting luxury expenses. 22% is far more devastating to a minimum wage earner than it is to Donald Trump.

(Reduce Business Income Taxes Is Mandatory.) Yes, but there again, small businesses are the ones that should be getting the tax reductions, not corporations, and certainly not corporations who outsource labor and manufacturing.

(Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.) Yes! Definitely. Joe Blow from Idaho, a potato farmer should have just as much chance at running for political office as any lawyer, judge, mayor, governor, rep, or senator. The trouble is campaign finance reform. It's all about who can raise the most money, not what their core political values are, and that my friends, is wrong.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:34 AM
(Intrusive Government Stopped.)Hmm well we could start by overhauling the criminal justice system and doing away with the Patriot Act. What is "intrusive" anyway? Such a vague word. The government needs to get their butts to work and making a difference in every American's lives. When someone asks you, "What has the government done for you?" The response should should not be "I dunno." or "Nothing." We should all be able to accredit the government for making a positive impact in our lives. They're here for our benefit.

(English As Core Language Is Required.) Yes and no. Yes in that every foreign immigrant, hopefully lawfully should be required to learn English if they are to live in this country. However, we should also make it mandatory in all schools, that from elementary through high school and college, that at least one foreign language is learned. We are a global economy, and our society is mixed with all races, religions, and ethnicities. It would serve us well to be able to communicate better with our global neighbors.

(Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.) Traditional? What does that mean? Jewish? Christian? 17th century colonial? Come on, we are a nation of laws and a mixed society. Enough with the xenophobic, country club religion mumbo jumbo. You follow the law, and the law will protect you, that's all that needs to be said.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:35 AM
I almost agree with all of that Cats.

I cannot agree with Nazi style roundups in this country of any human. So the illegal thing is much more complicated than that.

As for the average Joe, if they can pass the requirements for office, then they have to have lived so squeaky clean that there are no skeletons in their closet otherwise they will be ripped to shreds.

I cannot run because my past is not as clean as a whistle.

As for taxes, I like having a fire department, police department, roads, parks, government help offices, army, etc... so I gladly pay my taxes and always have.

Government is here to work for us and they do for the most part.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:43 AM

I almost agree with all of that Cats.

I cannot agree with Nazi style roundups in this country of any human. So the illegal thing is much more complicated than that.

As for the average Joe, if they can pass the requirements for office, then they have to have lived so squeaky clean that there are no skeletons in their closet otherwise they will be ripped to shreds.

I cannot run because my past is not as clean as a whistle.

As for taxes, I like having a fire department, police department, roads, parks, government help offices, army, etc... so I gladly pay my taxes and always have.

Government is here to work for us and they do for the most part.

Okay, Dragoness, perhaps you misunderstood about our "guest workers." I AM NOT advocating torture or killing, or abuse of our "friends." I am simply saying, "Go to the back of the line and wait your turn, like everyone else." They are here illegally and they should be expelled from the U.S. just as any other country would do if we were an uninvited guest in their soveriegnty. It's affecting our economy, or justice system, our way of life, so immigration is a major concern, and we need to be firm and strong more so than compassionate. But hey, that's my own humble opinion.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:47 AM
Edited by Dragoness on Wed 03/31/10 11:48 AM

I almost agree with all of that Cats.

I cannot agree with Nazi style roundups in this country of any human. So the illegal thing is much more complicated than that.

As for the average Joe, if they can pass the requirements for office, then they have to have lived so squeaky clean that there are no skeletons in their closet otherwise they will be ripped to shreds.

I cannot run because my past is not as clean as a whistle.

As for taxes, I like having a fire department, police department, roads, parks, government help offices, army, etc... so I gladly pay my taxes and always have.

Government is here to work for us and they do for the most part.

Okay, Dragoness, perhaps you misunderstood about our "guest workers." I AM NOT advocating torture or killing, or abuse of our "friends." I am simply saying, "Go to the back of the line and wait your turn, like everyone else." They are here illegally and they should be expelled from the U.S. just as any other country would do if we were an uninvited guest in their soveriegnty. It's affecting our economy, or justice system, our way of life, so immigration is a major concern, and we need to be firm and strong more so than compassionate. But hey, that's my own humble opinion.

I can agree to some extent. If they become citizens that would solve that problem also. Just sayin.

There is more than one way to address the issue and we have to leave humans with human dignity whatever we choose.

I do agree that it needs to be addressed and then it needs to be enforced because the enforcement was most of the issue before.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:55 AM
do you suppose if the drug dealers profits were being sent to big companies and governments,, more drug dealers would have gotten 'amnesty' during the 'war on drugs'?

money always will and always has talked when enforcing laws (equally and unequally)

Lpdon's photo
Wed 03/31/10 01:10 PM

Cosidering the majority of Americans know nothing or very little about politics.I'm sure those people who voted for Obama only know that he is the first black president and that he gave us totaly free health care to all Americans.Thats about all they know.

AND made huge investments in clean energy
AND invested in rebuilding New Orleans
AND started mending bridges with other nations
AND kept credit card companies from ripping me off
AND made it so sick people can actually be covered
AND lifted some of the restrictions on stem cell research
AND extended unemployment benefits
AND kept a nuclear waste dump out of my back yard(so to speak)
AND....many other things

the problem is obsession,, its not that people who voted for him dont read or keep up with what hes doing its that so many that didnt vote for him dont CARE what else he is doing because their tunnelvision allows them to only see the healthcare issue,,,

Nice try, Obama had nothing to do with repelling Yucca at all. It was Reid, Ensign, Gibbons and Heller. As a matter of fact it was abandoned before your Messiah got elected.

Quit trying to give false credit to people.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/31/10 01:37 PM

Cosidering the majority of Americans know nothing or very little about politics.I'm sure those people who voted for Obama only know that he is the first black president and that he gave us totaly free health care to all Americans.Thats about all they know.

AND made huge investments in clean energy
AND invested in rebuilding New Orleans
AND started mending bridges with other nations
AND kept credit card companies from ripping me off
AND made it so sick people can actually be covered
AND lifted some of the restrictions on stem cell research
AND extended unemployment benefits
AND kept a nuclear waste dump out of my back yard(so to speak)
AND....many other things

the problem is obsession,, its not that people who voted for him dont read or keep up with what hes doing its that so many that didnt vote for him dont CARE what else he is doing because their tunnelvision allows them to only see the healthcare issue,,,

Nice try, Obama had nothing to do with repelling Yucca at all. It was Reid, Ensign, Gibbons and Heller. As a matter of fact it was abandoned before your Messiah got elected.

Quit trying to give false credit to people.

On October 28, 2009, President Obama signed into law the $33.5 billion spending bill to fund government energy and water programs for the 2010 fiscal year. Part of the spending bill is a provision to close down the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository.

spreading the credit around,, but not giving FALSE credit

LouLou2's photo
Wed 03/31/10 02:40 PM
Yaaaaayyyyyy, Cats!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

An 'Attagirl' to both msharmony and Dragoness! :thumbsup:

***Oh, and off topic: Dragoness, I love that button:thumbsup:***

no photo
Wed 03/31/10 04:35 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Wed 03/31/10 04:35 PM
Gee. This is almost as much fun as reading DailyKOS or Democratic Underground ... maybe HuffPo, but not as literate ...

Dragoness's photo
Wed 03/31/10 04:53 PM

Yaaaaayyyyyy, Cats!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

An 'Attagirl' to both msharmony and Dragoness! :thumbsup:

***Oh, and off topic: Dragoness, I love that button:thumbsup:***


Had to ask for help today:wink: laugh