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No Objectivity in Journalsim
crickstergo: Nobody is pretending anything - Some of your talking point analysis of my conclusions are worded far too general to invalidate my specific observations. One thing for sure though is that Trump is definitely not going back on his vow to repeal Obamacare. The individual mandate provision is the only stipulation that doesn't exist anywhere else in other insurance policies. If you have evidence where Trump said these other provisions now being talked about in the news were horrible I might then entertain your conclusions. Obamacare IS and ALWAYS has been 100% about the individual mandate and I'm pretty sure Trump hasn't moved even .00000000000000000000000000001 per cent on that. Your PREDICTION that Trump "is definitely not going back on his vow to repeal Obamacare" is just that. We will see what actually happens. Part of this will be a matter of politically biased opinion. Some people already see backpedaling by Trump, with his announcement that some provisions of the ACA should be retained. You might have chosen on your own, to decide in advance that 100% repeal of the ACA is not 100%, and that's okay with you. The real talking point here is that when Trump repeals the individual mandate Obamacare ceases to be Obamacare - you can spin it like the media any way you want but effectively once that provision is repealed Obamacare wont exist anymore. Think of it this way - If you take the technology out of a self driving car it becomes just like any other car on the road. There are plenty of insurance policies written in the US every year that include covering pre existing illness and such policies existed long before Obamacare. |
No Objectivity in Journalsim
In the 2016 presidential election, most major news agencies completely lost all objectivity.
There was always personal bias. But "in the past" a lot of people attempted to overcome it, to minimize it, to report everything relevant. IMO now it's more of a case of pushing an agenda, of celebrating a bias, cherry picking information to support a premade conclusion, foster confirmation bias. And a lot of news sites that used to have useful information (yahoo news, business insider, RT, bloomberg, zerohedge, aljazeera) have gravitated towards or wholeheartedly jumped on the click bait bandwagon. Maintaining objectivity should always be the compelling backbone of journalism.
IMO not really. Providing all facts, sources, and their accuracy, should be the "backbone" of journalism. And now after the election, most major news agencies have been focused on trying to explain how they got it so wrong.
What do you mean by "focused?" Going to "major news agencies" websites like CNN, MSNBC, CBS news, ABC news, USA today, Huffington Post, Drudge report, New York Times, over the last couple of days I've seen maybe 2-3 stories and/or opinion pieces regarding explaining "how they got it so wrong." None of which are really major stories. You have to dig. At best you have Lena Dunham's loquacious whine, with links to it on Drudge and Zerohedge and Yahoo. Then you've got the NYT "we's gonna be mo' objective!" mea culpa, with links on drudge and other sites. Is that what you mean by "most major news agencies have been focused?" One person writes an opinion, then a bunch of other popular "news" sites have links to it? News Flash - people that liked Trump voted for was really that simple
It's not really that simple. Are you under the impression it's just total votes that matter and the electoral college doesn't exist and there's absolutely no importance whatsoever in the difference between a popular majority and an electoral win? it also seems that the other news media focus these days is in trying to catch Trump in a lie or a contradiction.
That's been happening since at least the first Bush. "Read my lips, no new taxes!" That created all sorts of "gotcha!" Trump hasn't reversed or contradicted or compromised his position on Obamacare
He kinda is. Seems he's turning more towards amendment than blanket repeal. At best he's using a Clinton trick. "I'm going to repeal it by leaving a bunch of it in place and changing it. Since I used the magic word repeal it, then it's repealing it, not amending it. It matters what I say, not what I do. I get to define the terms and they mean what I say they mean." A person has always been able to buy insurance policies other than Obamacare that included pre existing conditions and also always buy policies that keep their children covered after a certain age.
"Always?" or do you mean "Always since Obamacare was enacted." Because people with preexisting conditions couldn't "always" get health insurance. Those insurance companies would fail overnight if they offered it. Preexisting conditions offer 100% risk to insurance companies. I don't recall anyone reporting that Trump said that these provisions which can be a part of any insurance policy were horrible ideas.
They are horrible ideas. Preexisting conditions are 100% risk. You can't charge someone 1k a month to cover a guaranteed 2k month healthcare charge. You either have to raise premiums to the person with a preexisting condition greater than what they consume in healthcare (insurance companies need to pay their paper pushers and make a profit), or you have to take from their neighbor to make up the difference, which just socializes healthcare losses, driving up taxes and healthcare costs as the money has to go through government and insurance companies for skimming before being put in the hands of the people providing actual care. Keeping kids over 18 on their parents plan is a good idea only if there is no socialized healthcare or medicine whatsoever. Otherwise it keeps the healthiest people out of the insurance marketplace (healthy people that have to buy insurance, but never use it, never consume healthcare), keeping them from paying into the social system themselves. What are two major factors driving the failure of Obamacare? Healthy people not buying insurance, too many unhealthy people consuming more healthcare than they're actually paying for. The two provisions Trump wants to keep...are directly related to why healthcare and the Obamacare system is failing and costs are rising. It's a horrible idea to keep them if your plan is to repeal or amend Obamacare because it's failing. Why is it not reported as such? Probably because there's so much other stuff going on and no one knows what Trump is actually going to do. Only what he's saying now. And they are reporting on what Trump is saying now. True objective journalism could really go a long way in rectifying the divide among Americans
Not really. Americans would have to become true objective readers. Consumers of journalism have just as much responsibility as the producers. Might as well say "if guns were sold with locks and safety features it could really go a long way in rectifying the divide in the gun control debate." People buying guns have just as much responsibility to not use them to shoot a bunch of random people or themselves as gun manufacturers have in providing safety features. That will never happen
...So you've just invalidated your entire thread. "People need to grow wings and fly! Here are the reasons why! And this is what would happen if they did! This bad stuff will happen if they don't....but people will never grow wings..." most people can now see just how dishonest the news media was in the 2016 election.
"Most people" anymore have the attention span less than a goldfish, and read either only the headlines or the first paragraph of a news story. "Most people" seek out stories and information that confirm their bias. "Most people" aren't going to see anything. You said it yourself. "That will never happen." Fun to bloviate about it though! Thanks! So many holes in your analysis. I don't have time to rebuke all of these but let me point out one example - my comment "that will never happen" refers to true objectivity in journalism but you chose to apply it to American divide. Kinda the exact same thing that so often happened with the news media in this election. |
No Objectivity in Journalsim
The point of Healthcare Reform was 'affordable' health care,, lamborghinis are available too,, but most cant afford them the millions who didnt have healthcare before could not AFFORD it,, whether it was available or not wasnt the issue ah I believe the issue in the thread was how this applies to Trump somehow reversing/compromising his position on Obamacare and certainly not what you just stated. |
No Objectivity in Journalsim
In the 2016 presidential election, most major news agencies completely lost all objectivity. The look on the journalist's faces as Trump racked up the electoral votes was priceless. Martha Raddatz, like most of the others, with her Clinton loving tears, should be ashamed to call themselves journalist. Maintaining objectivity should always be the compelling backbone of journalism. And now after the election, most major news agencies have been focused on trying to explain how they got it so wrong. News Flash - people that liked Trump voted for Trump / people that didn't like Trump voted for Clinton / people that liked Clinton voted for Clinton / people that didn't like Clinton voted for Trump. Some people voted for other candidates. Yes it was really that simple. Yet most major news medias are still hung up on the same kind of analysis that they have already proved that they really didn't have a clue about. And it also seems that the other news media focus these days is in trying to catch Trump in a lie or a contradiction. Take Trumps tweets about the protestors. Can someone definitely say Trumps tweets were about the same group of protestors? And what about how Obamacare is being covered. Trump hasn't reversed or contradicted or compromised his position on Obamacare. A person has always been able to buy insurance policies other than Obamacare that included pre existing conditions and also always buy policies that keep their children covered after a certain age. I don't recall anyone reporting that Trump said that these provisions which can be a part of any insurance policy were horrible ideas. The heart and soul of Obamacare was the individual mandate requiring everyone to purchase insurance. I'm pretty sure that one will get repealed. Obamacare will quickly die without the individual mandate provision cause the remaining insurers will flee. So how do these secondary provisions of Obamacare now become the major news story that Trump is somehow contradicting or reversing his position on Obamacare? Answer - once again there is no objectivity. True objective journalism could really go a long way in rectifying the divide among Americans. That will never happen but at least most people can now see just how dishonest the news media was in the 2016 election. I agree with some of your observations, but I don't find that you carry them quite far enough in some areas, and I think you are off the mark in some others. First of all, the News Business has ALWAYS been biased. Always. The idea that reporters and newspresenters should behave even more saintly than a Supreme Court Justice, is a fairly recent ideal. That doesn't mean that everyone should knuckle under and accept bias, it means that it is a non-stop responsibility of each citizen to pay attention to the fact that because we are all humans (so far as we can prove), that bias will inevitably intrude. During the election, we saw plenty of pro and anti Clinton bias. And plenty of pro and anti Trump bias. Someone who pretends it was all one way, is simply showing their OWN bias. As for the journalists who are going down Trumps campaign promises, and declaring already that he isn't adhering to them, I am more in agreement with you. Many "reports" I have seen, more resemble wishful thinking, than professional journalism. However, it's not all true the other way, that Trump ISN'T reversing course. He reversed course plenty of times during his campaign, even occasionally declaring that he never said something that there was actual recent video recordings of him specifically saying. So it is certainly not a sure sign of media bias, EVERY time that his reversals or "rewordings" are pointed out. Sparkyae5 says "follow the money," and that's a good idea. But you have to ACTUALLY follow the money, and not just allow your own bias to hide factuality from you. The number one source of money for modern major news media companies, is NOT rich voluntary contributions. It's private enterprise companies buying advertising. Capitalist commercial bias is FAR more powerful than political bias in the news, because that is where the money comes from. And the news media CUSTOMER BASE isn't passive at all. People tend to choose to watch or listen to other people who say what they want to hear. That's why there ARE successful media businesses with bias both left and right. One of the greatest DISSERVICES I saw the Left promote back in the last century, is what the Right is now promoting in this century. That is, the idea that everyone should pick the bias that they enjoy, and refuse to hear any input to the contrary. Finally, I disagree with your simplified decision to think that the outcome of the election was just that more people like Trump, or disliked Clinton, than the other way around. It's way more complicated than that. There have already been plenty of non-biased reports where people were asked why they voted as they did, and many people reported directly into the camera (that's how we know they aren't biased) that they heard and did NOT like what their chosen candidate said or did, but voted for him or her anyway, for reasons unrelated to any of the actual ideals or policies of the campaigns. Classic case in point: the large number of people who said that they did not like Trump as a person, thought he was outright lying during the campaign, but voted him in to office anyway, because they "wanted an outsider." You are yourself an example of this complexity, if you pretend that Trump is NOT going back on his vows such as to repeal the ACA entirely, now that he's won the election. During the campaign, Trump made everything sound 100% one way or the other, and it was an effective trick. But all it was, was a trick. Now he DOES need to be more realistic, and change away from those 100% promises, because the real problems were never as simple as those promises made them seem (the Wall is a case in point). But again, I agree that many reporters who didn't like Trump are emphasizing that more gleefully than I would expect from unbiased people. Just don't get carried away, and start ASSUMING bias against you, every time you hear a report you don't like. Nobody is pretending anything - Some of your talking point analysis of my conclusions are worded far too general to invalidate my specific observations. One thing for sure though is that Trump is definitely not going back on his vow to repeal Obamacare. The individual mandate provision is the only stipulation that doesn't exist anywhere else in other insurance policies. If you have evidence where Trump said these other provisions now being talked about in the news were horrible I might then entertain your conclusions. Obamacare IS and ALWAYS has been 100% about the individual mandate and I'm pretty sure Trump hasn't moved even .00000000000000000000000000001 per cent on that. |
No Objectivity in Journalsim
In the 2016 presidential election, most major news agencies completely lost all objectivity. The look on the journalist's faces as Trump racked up the electoral votes was priceless. Martha Raddatz, like most of the others, with her Clinton loving tears, should be ashamed to call themselves journalist. Maintaining objectivity should always be the compelling backbone of journalism.
And now after the election, most major news agencies have been focused on trying to explain how they got it so wrong. News Flash - people that liked Trump voted for Trump / people that didn't like Trump voted for Clinton / people that liked Clinton voted for Clinton / people that didn't like Clinton voted for Trump. Some people voted for other candidates. Yes it was really that simple. Yet most major news medias are still hung up on the same kind of analysis that they have already proved that they really didn't have a clue about. And it also seems that the other news media focus these days is in trying to catch Trump in a lie or a contradiction. Take Trumps tweets about the protestors. Can someone definitely say Trumps tweets were about the same group of protestors? And what about how Obamacare is being covered. Trump hasn't reversed or contradicted or compromised his position on Obamacare. A person has always been able to buy insurance policies other than Obamacare that included pre existing conditions and also always buy policies that keep their children covered after a certain age. I don't recall anyone reporting that Trump said that these provisions which can be a part of any insurance policy were horrible ideas. The heart and soul of Obamacare was the individual mandate requiring everyone to purchase insurance. I'm pretty sure that one will get repealed. Obamacare will quickly die without the individual mandate provision cause the remaining insurers will flee. So how do these secondary provisions of Obamacare now become the major news story that Trump is somehow contradicting or reversing his position on Obamacare? Answer - once again there is no objectivity. True objective journalism could really go a long way in rectifying the divide among Americans. That will never happen but at least most people can now see just how dishonest the news media was in the 2016 election. |
Great Quotes tonight
I think you hit the nail squarely on the head posting that quote - that is exactly what Hillary Clinton and all her supporters did as well as the news media who got it SO SO SO WRONG !
Edited by
Tue 11/01/16 01:34 PM
Just keep assuming all you want - this only shows that you don't have a clue as to how or why Trump is the Republican nominee or why on election day Trump will be President. Clue - it has nothing to do with those nine assumptions! nowhere did it claim what the reason for him being the nominee just observations about the values of his supporters Really now...Trump is the nominee because of the values of his supporters... the problem is liberals and the news media want to impose and identify his supporters as if all are zombie like clones....this is the same mistake Cruz, Bush, and a few more made and they still have NO CLUE just like the people who like to assume. |
Just keep assuming all you want - this only shows that you don't have a clue as to how or why Trump is the Republican nominee or why on election day Trump will be President. Clue - it has nothing to do with those nine assumptions!
This thread is about the fact that NO ONE (our President, our Congress, or Our Press) cares anything about the real issues facing this country - if they did they surely wouldn't be just talking the day after a presidential debate about what Donald Trump said about the election or voter fraud except in a passing reference. This surely shouldn't be the focus considering the overwhelming complicated issues this country is facing today. there are too many sources to say that only one thing is the 'focus',, many things are in the media, one only has to use resources and search them,,,, Semantics aren't necessary here - Trumps comment about the election and voter fraud has been the overwhelming focus since the debate ended - sure one can dig comments on the rest of the real issues discussed in the debate out but why should one have to when Trumps remarks should have gotten subordinate attention in the 1st place because media can and never will cover every important event or quite simultaneously and at once there has been reports on fact checks and their responses as well its not that we have to 'dig' its that we have to look at the sources that don't have to rely on sponsorship,, to get less of the bias that is marketed to the base their sponsors need to make money Seems to me that you too have totally missed the whole point - as did the President, the Congress, and the media - That point being that analysis and comments about Trumps remarks overwhelmingly overshadowed any other discussions about the real issues. |
This thread is about the fact that NO ONE (our President, our Congress, or Our Press) cares anything about the real issues facing this country - if they did they surely wouldn't be just talking the day after a presidential debate about what Donald Trump said about the election or voter fraud except in a passing reference. This surely shouldn't be the focus considering the overwhelming complicated issues this country is facing today. there are too many sources to say that only one thing is the 'focus',, many things are in the media, one only has to use resources and search them,,,, Semantics aren't necessary here - Trumps comment about the election and voter fraud has been the overwhelming focus since the debate ended - sure one can dig comments on the rest of the real issues discussed in the debate out but why should one have to when Trumps remarks should have gotten subordinate attention in the 1st place |
This thread is about the fact that NO ONE (our President, our Congress, or Our Press) cares anything about the real issues facing this country - if they did they surely wouldn't be just talking the day after a presidential debate about what Donald Trump said about the election or voter fraud except in a passing reference. This surely shouldn't be the focus considering the overwhelming complicated issues this country is facing today.
Our present administration (both the president and all of Congress- most republicans and all the democrats it seems)as well as all the major news agencies are more interested in Trump saying that he'd like to withhold judgement about the election and look into voter fraud than any of them are about the issues this nation faces - issues like what the candidates said on health insurance, the economy, foreign affairs, immigration, abortion etc.
This is so sad - so very sad. It is no wonder that this country has so many issues to solve when the President and Congress and all the news agencies after a debate mainly only focus on one candidate saying that he'd like to withhold judgement about the election and look into voter fraud. On a scale of everything else happening that needs attention is this really what the main focus should or needs to be? |
sounds like one of my bean eating the men's bathroom at the mal not realizing their was a man in the handicapped stall that couldn't talk only groan...I had to go BAD...and the smell was beyond AWFUL...the poor guy started groaning and banging his cane on the metal...I quickly finished...washed up...headed out the door only to run into his son who said..."I swear Dad if you don't quit eating them beans they are going to kill you..." Although I have laughed about it many times I still feel bad for letting the old guy take the blame!
Ukraine could
if the shoe was on the other foot...Russia would definitely advise Crimea to do just that...
SIMFEROPOL, Crimea (AP) — Within days of Crimea being swallowed up by Russia, the lights began flickering out. Officials in the peninsula accused Ukraine of halving electricity supplies in order to bully Crimea, which voted earlier this month in a referendum to secede and join Russia. "Cutting supplies is an attempt by Kiev to blackmail Russia through Crimea," Crimean Prime Minister Sergei Aksyonov wrote on his Twitter account. Aksyonov's combative reaction reflects a sobering reality for Crimea: the strategic peninsula's overwhelming reliance on electricity and water supplies from mainland Ukraine. The Kiev government, which has been unable to prevent the Russian annexation, still wields a weapon it can use to bargain with its aggressive neighbor. Crimea currently gets about 80 percent of its electricity and a similar share of its water needs from Ukraine. But Ukraine also needs to be careful not to hit Crimeans too hard over electricity and water. It cannot afford to be seen hurting ordinary people as it argues that the region remains part of its territory. Analysts say that Ukraine will likely be able to charge higher prices for power and water supplies to Crimea, but won't get any leverage on political and security issues. Ukrainian authorities have described power cutoffs to Crimea this week as simply the result of technical maintenance and insist they would do nothing to harm residents. Russian officials have rushed to the rescue with hundreds of diesel generators and started drafting plans to connect the region's electrical grid to mainland Russia, which is separated from Crimea by the Kerch Strait. They said a possible water shortage could be offset by more efficient use of existing resources. Those reassurances have provided little comfort to Filipp Savchenko, the 29-year-old owner of a refrigeration and logistics business in Simferopol, the Crimean capital. Savchenko said Tuesday that the power had been out for two nights at his warehouse, where he stores about $9,000 of produce daily for his clients. "With the help of the generators we have, we were able to survive," Savchenko said. "But if they turn (the electricity) off in the future or for longer, we won't be able to cope. We'll lose our produce and business owners will have legal issues with us." Regardless of the intention behind the recent blackouts, they have underscored Crimea's dependency on mainland Ukraine. They also highlight its lack of a real contingency plan if Kiev does decide to pull the plug. Russia's long-term projects could eventually snap Crimea's reliance on Ukraine for good, but that could take years. Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said this week that a quick solution for the power problem could be to use a transmission cable to hook up the peninsula to Russia's power grid across the Kerch Strait, which is 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles) wide at its narrowest point. Russia has dispatched diesel generators, including some big units used as a back-up during the recent Sochi Winter Games. Russian Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Puchkov said Tuesday that his agency had already delivered 1,400 diesel generators to Crimea. For the longer term, the Crimean regional government has pushed the idea of building two power plants on the peninsula. Ambitious infrastructure projects in Russia are typically blighted by major overspend and corruption. Irrigation has long been a headache for Crimea, and could become so again, should Ukraine choose to apply pressure by closing off the Soviet-built canals fed by the Dnipro River, a major waterway that streams through the heart of the country. The canal system that feeds Crimea was built only after the peninsula was transferred in 1954 by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev to his native Ukraine. Deputy Crimean premier Rustam Temirgaliyev has grimly acknowledged that the peninsula has not to date found any alternative to water supplies from the Dnipro. But Dmitry Kirillov, the head of water resources department at Russia's Natural Resources Ministry, said that Crimea's potential water problem isn't that threatening. He argued that the agricultural sector accounts for the bulk of the region's water consumption, and a possible water shortage can be overcome simply by stopping the cultivation of some crops, such as rice, and focusing on traditional winemaking. Adversity for the peninsula may prove an opportunity for Ukraine, which is already signaling its intent to withdraw some of the state subsidies for essential resources that have kept prices relatively low. Sergei Sobolev, head of the parliamentary faction of the Fatherland party, whose leading members now dominate the government, has argued that special tariffs should be established for power and water supplies to Crimea. The need to raise funds for Ukraine's cash-strapped treasury will prove particularly acute against the backdrop of reported Russian plans to increase the price of natural gas to $405 per thousand cubic meters. Late last year, Russia agreed to help prop up the teetering government of now-ousted President Viktor Yanukovych by selling Ukraine gas at $268.50 per thousand cubic meters, but it has recently announced a decision to scrap the discount. "We have no intention of subsidizing citizens of the Russian Federation: the occupiers that have now deployed their armed contingents on temporarily occupied territory," Sobolev was cited as telling parliament this week by the UNIAN news agency. Sobolev said that prices for gas and electricity in Crimea are priced four times below market cost and that water is provided at one-seventh of its real value. Vladimir Omelchenko, an energy analyst at the respected Kiev-based Razumkov Center think tank, said Ukrainian companies will now charge prices that would bring a profit. He said it would be unrealistic to expect that Ukraine could win security guarantees from Moscow or persuade it to return the Ukrainian military equipment seized in Crimea. Alexander Konovalov, the head of the Institute of Strategic Assessment and Analysis, an independent think-tank, said that Ukraine could potentially profit on its current monopoly on providing power and water supplier to Crimea. But he added that Moscow's refusal to engage in a dialogue with Ukraine's new government was hampering any meaningful dialogue. "To start bargaining, you have to sit down for talks," Konovalov said. "And Russia has said the (Ukrainian) government is illegitimate." Either way, many of the Crimeans who have supported the Russian annexation remain confident Russia will come to the rescue if matters get any more serious. "We've lived through this before, I'll just go and buy some candles," said Olga Dusheyeva, an 81-year-old former math teacher. "I'm not scared, I know that Russia will always help us." like I seems the Russians are much better chess players...that doesn't surprise me with whose in the White House...Kerry is laughable...Hillary is a tougher man than him...there were so many options to stop Russian expansion...the only thing I agree with Obama on is that Russia should NOT get to take territory by thing for will be a cold winter in Ukraine for awhile... |
Ukraine could
cut off electricity and water to Crimea...that why UN troops should already be stationed close to the Ukraine and Crimea border...and then the chess match could begin...
at school a principal is the prosecutor, jury, and judge...suspension are served before one has the chance to take it to the school board and get it overturned...and that is one of the biggest abuse of power today in the US...
![]() ![]() that bout sums that up Ron Paul, as usual has always had...ZERO CHANCE at the nomination Romney overestimated the populations growing distrust of Obama as of election time...anmd the media did him in as well with the truthful 47% comment... |
too bad he didn't take Charles Barkley over there with him...Charles would have picked the "grand marshall" up on a fast break and dunked him through the goal...
yup... geez, Obama had told enough actual need to fabricate to see Obama questioned by Judge Judy lol...
I want some of those Mountain Dew flavored chips sold in Japan...but I need more $$$ from the govment to pay for the shipping lol...
original post super post for a Monday Morning !!! |