Topic: The rules have changed
Atlantis75's photo
Wed 01/13/10 07:12 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 01/13/10 07:12 PM

Woah....woah.....woah........time out!

Men are prostitutes now??????shocked scared frustrated rant sad laugh
apparently during the rule change women started paying for sex

It's coming soon. I can already see it. The Oracle of Delphi told me.
is that as accurate as the mayan calander?

The greeks never went to battle before asking the Oracle for advice.

Didn't you see 300?

leli20's photo
Wed 01/13/10 07:19 PM
gotta believe the Oracle of Delphi especially after all she goes to keep her title the poor thingsurprised

have a lot of love for ancient history movies, especially ones centered around the Balkans:)

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 01/13/10 07:24 PM

gotta believe the Oracle of Delphi especially after all she goes to keep her title the poor thingsurprised

have a lot of love for ancient history movies, especially ones centered around the Balkans:)

Really? hmmm..I'm from central europe. :smile:

no photo
Wed 01/13/10 07:24 PM let me get this now..i can sit on the couch suck on bon bons all day,while watching t.v/play video games spend someone else's money,have someone else pay my bills and buy me clothes and all i have to do is put out...i am so... there...bigsmile

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/13/10 07:28 PM let me get this now..i can sit on the couch suck on bon bons all day,while watching t.v/play video games spend someone else's money,have someone else pay my bills and buy me clothes and all i have to do is put out...i am so... there...bigsmile

Heck now ya put it that way I'm there too. Never had it that easy.noway :laughing: :laughing:

leli20's photo
Wed 01/13/10 07:33 PM

gotta believe the Oracle of Delphi especially after all she goes to keep her title the poor thingsurprised

have a lot of love for ancient history movies, especially ones centered around the Balkans:)

Really? hmmm..I'm from central europe. :smile:

for real?!! by heritage or were u born there?:)

Goofball73's photo
Wed 01/13/10 07:36 PM
I still can't believe that I am a whore now!!scared scared rofl rofl

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 01/13/10 08:06 PM
Hahahahaha...any woman having to pay for sex really should get her vagina taken away from her. And any man wanting to be a woman, should really get his balls to drop or just commit a crime (oh the prostitution gig) and bend over for his new cell mate Bubba.

I could see it now...women watching porn and hiding all the porno mags and then tell men "Honey, don't you think his implant looks real?" and "Why can't you have balls like Lex Steele??" Two guys, one cup will be the rage.

So I say guys, be careful what you ask couldn't handle yourselves at 5 days a month of bleeding and b!tching. You'd all go emo and slit your wrists.

no photo
Thu 01/14/10 09:58 AM let me get this now..i can sit on the couch suck on bon bons all day,while watching t.v/play video games spend someone else's money,have someone else pay my bills and buy me clothes and all i have to do is put out...i am so... there...bigsmile

With a lil genetic engineering I do believe we can formulate a way to F... ourselves? Down with progress!

mthom086's photo
Thu 01/14/10 11:22 AM
I think what's happened is that women used to be the better sex. Now they are as bad as men. They cheat, sleep around, have affairs, and are as sleazy as men. It's equality but not in a good way.

I think it's also the girls gone wild generation; women are much more sleazy and are obsessed with getting attention.

Not all of course.

Many men to me have always been sleazy dogs, now women are catching up.

wux's photo
Thu 01/14/10 11:26 AM


So I have been doing it wrong...

Now, now... not exactly. You stayed away from me, and that's the BEST thing any single girl could possibly do for herself.

wux's photo
Thu 01/14/10 11:28 AM

gotta believe the Oracle of Delphi especially after all she goes to keep her title the poor thingsurprised

have a lot of love for ancient history movies, especially ones centered around the Balkans:)

That's good... "around" the Balkans. If you go right in there, however, then there you go.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 01/14/10 11:34 AM


So I have been doing it wrong...

Now, now... not exactly. You stayed away from me, and that's the BEST thing any single girl could possibly do for herself.

Oh really? laugh :wink:

Dempcey's photo
Thu 01/14/10 12:09 PM
Rules? What stinking rules? I was never given a handbook in school or in sex ed. I wasn't given a top secret manual when I became a woman either. Did I miss an important memo? spock

I could have taken your post as a "joke" had I not read your profile after.

sassygal73's photo
Thu 01/14/10 12:44 PM
I have to agree with her...I mean you know you ARE on a dating line?

sassygal73's photo
Thu 01/14/10 12:53 PM
men claim they want clean wholesome virgins...have you been out in your community...some of those women have become vulgar and sleazy, as you say, because half the time you men leave the good ones that you have taken home to meet mom for the ones that you say you don't want...face it men don't know what they want that is why they always ask you about yourself first..if women didn't think that that behavior would get the man we wouldn't do it..Society tells us we need a man and we will become what we percieve to be wanted in order to have that....yet we tell men marry the good ones...but always want the bad girls. It is mans fault for the female mentality today. I didn't burn my bra I wasn't even born....yet you confuse confidence with snobby, and trying with trashing. I am not saying that this is for all but if you are gonna talk about the way things were and are lets get real.

enderra's photo
Thu 01/14/10 01:02 PM
It ia definitely a thorny subject. I can't count how many stories I have heard of successful men marrying "exotic dancers" or "pros".

But back to the original post, it explains why a 48 year old mother of a nine year old, who is far from independently wealthy can't get a date. As hot as my *** is LOL

Goofball73's photo
Thu 01/14/10 02:05 PM

men claim they want clean wholesome virgins...have you been out in your community...some of those women have become vulgar and sleazy, as you say, because half the time you men leave the good ones that you have taken home to meet mom for the ones that you say you don't want...face it men don't know what they want that is why they always ask you about yourself first..if women didn't think that that behavior would get the man we wouldn't do it..Society tells us we need a man and we will become what we percieve to be wanted in order to have that....yet we tell men marry the good ones...but always want the bad girls. It is mans fault for the female mentality today. I didn't burn my bra I wasn't even born....yet you confuse confidence with snobby, and trying with trashing. I am not saying that this is for all but if you are gonna talk about the way things were and are lets get real.

Man's fault eh? How about we really get real, and how about we actually look at this in not such a jaded view. Taking your word from you post, you are blaming men for the way women act today. So, you mean to tell me that women...and I know this is generalized...but women are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO inluenced by men that they have to act a certain way, be a certain way just to snag us??? I call BS......and to be quite honest here, this kind of thinking really pisses me off. (I know those of you who know me are probably shocked right now that I am pissed at this, but I am, so just let me rant away)

Blame men for all your troubles if you want to, but the fact is, that while alot of guys are pricks, a-holes, and love to nail chicks left and right, alot of women respond to it. So, the old notion of "if it aint broke don't fix it" comes to mind. I mean, if it works, it works, and for a lot of men, doing this works. But is all our fault because you women just do it because that is what most men like. Yup...totally all our fault.

I'm sorry, but alot of women today are just as bad as men, some even worse. I mean, I am a guy....plain and simple guy. I am a gentleman alot of times, but I am prick too when I have my moments. And yes, I love a woman who loves more than just standard sex in the bedroom. But hey....I guess that means I want a slut right??? I should just stop wanting to wait for a meaningful relationship and go out and f**k all the chicks I want to right? I mean, it's all my fault anyways, so why not join in and do what all men do huh?

Okay...I have no more energy...Goof done ranting.rant rant

tanyaann's photo
Thu 01/14/10 02:09 PM
You can never blame others for your own actions.

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/14/10 02:14 PM

<--- never agreed to the rule change. Just like I never agreed to the whole feminism movement. ohwell

I second that,, seems like many women thought it meant they should be obnoxious and overbearing as some men are and some men thought it meant they should be as weak and helpless as some women are,,,,

I liked the balance of roles better,,,,but we live and learn and hopefully,,progress...