Topic: 13 state AGs threaten suit over health care deal
yellowrose10's photo
Wed 12/30/09 11:21 PM

Hey Fanta,
Can I ask you an off-topic question. My estupido boyfriend entered the wrong bank account number on his TaxAct filing last year. So, somebody else got his Refund by mistake. The IRS and the 2 banks the money went through are refusing to do anything about it. They all say the problem has been resolved. End of Conversation! Who do we sue, or do you think he is s..t out of luck?


yellowrose10's photo
Wed 12/30/09 11:22 PM

My point of that is that it isn't JUST Republicans

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/30/09 11:26 PM


My point of that is that it isn't JUST Republicans

Do you understand the diff between 1st and 2nd degree murder?

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/30/09 11:28 PM

Hey Fanta,
Can I ask you an off-topic question. My estupido boyfriend entered the wrong bank account number on his TaxAct filing last year. So, somebody else got his Refund by mistake. The IRS and the 2 banks the money went through are refusing to do anything about it. They all say the problem has been resolved. End of Conversation! Who do we sue, or do you think he is s..t out of luck?

Maybe he's lying to you!

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 12/30/09 11:29 PM
of course

1st degree is premeditated

both are wrong and illegal though

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/30/09 11:35 PM

of course

1st degree is premeditated

both are wrong and illegal though



Everything the Republican Party is doing is Unanimous, premeditated, intentional, and beyond individuality.
It's organized corruption to the core, and it isn't organized to benefit or help the people.

Show me where the Dem party is that unanimous or organized.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 12/30/09 11:37 PM
I can't help if one is more organized than the other. sounds like the need to get organized

But like I's still murder and wrong whether you planned it out or spur of the moment

Fanta46's photo
Wed 12/30/09 11:44 PM

I can't help if one is more organized than the other. sounds like the need to get organized

But like I's still murder and wrong whether you planned it out or spur of the moment

It's more dangerous when its premeditated. Esp if the one doing the premeditation is a professional.

The Republican Party only wants power. Power to bid for the interests of Corporations.
They have no intentions of letting our Gov be one of the People.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 12/30/09 11:49 PM
from what I have seen it was a 220 to 215 vote in favor of it. One was "bribed" for his vote

not a sweeping victory though.

either way...members on both sides voted against it

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/31/09 12:05 AM
Just think about everything that happened during the last 8 years.
The lies, the liberties lost, the aggression, etc.
If the Republican Party was holding power now what would have happened?
For the first time in history they invaded a country without provocation. They manufactured false intel, and sacked Generals who disagreed with the invasion. All the while totally ignoring the ones who attacked us.
They had occupied a country slap dab in the ME and parked the worlds largest and most powerful military there.
Who was next?
Iran or Syria?

They had reversed every environmental law in America. For what? who did it benefit?
Corporate interests who have no qualms about outsourcing our jobs for cheaper labor sources? Energy Companies who have no qualms about raising the price of gas to almost $5 a gal, or ignoring the Global climate changes?
Why not? In his first year Bush gave over 1 Trillion in Tax-cuts to these same people. All in the name of trickle-down economics. Ha! What a joke.

Under the Republicans there would be no-care.
They had no intentions of compromise. They had no plan other than delay and obstruct.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 12/31/09 12:07 AM
I agree there should be something...not sure what though. But I don't like this

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/31/09 12:09 AM

from what I have seen it was a 220 to 215 vote in favor of it. One was "bribed" for his vote

not a sweeping victory though.

either way...members on both sides voted against it

There are only 100 Senators.
58 Dems, 2 Independents, and 40 Repubs.

The 220-215 vote was in the House of Representatives.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Thu 12/31/09 12:22 AM


JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 12/31/09 12:28 AM

Just think about everything that happened during the last 8 years.
The lies, the liberties lost, the aggression, etc.

Yeah...let's look at that. I don't see Obama doing anything to RESTORE those freedoms. He seems to think the loss of them wasn't all that bad. Otherwise, he would be doing something to give them back.

Under the Republicans there would be no-care.
They had no intentions of compromise. They had no plan other than delay and obstruct.

The plan was to REFORM the system. Not tear it down entirely and take control of 1/6th of the nation's economy.

" Go back to sleep America. Your Government has everything under control. "

mygenerationbaby's photo
Thu 12/31/09 08:43 AM
Very nice to hear you admitting, if only through implication, that GW's admin fked everything up. Now you plan on crying because Prs. O can't fix it all in one day, I.E. isn't GOD? I think he's doing a fantastic job with the gargantuan problems he has to face every day. Protests are counterproductive at this point in time. Be real and talk about the bright side of life for a change. We should be cheering him on! Dang, if you woke up in the morning and we told you you had to be president, what would you do? I think I'd jump off a bridge. Fanta, get in here and go over all the cool stuff Mr. President is working on. You can do it my man!!

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 12/31/09 08:58 AM
Isn't it odd how people only read what they want to read in someone else' posts??

I have never defended Bush. Nor have I defended the Republican Party.

What I haven't done, is kowtow to Dems and President Obama and praise everything he has done.

Mainly because I haven't actually seen HIM doing much of anything.

I wholeheartedly agree that things got all fouled up over the last 8 years.

But I do not agree that the " solutions " the Dems have come up with are the right way to go about fixing things.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/31/09 12:12 PM

Isn't it odd how people only read what they want to read in someone else' posts??

I have never defended Bush. Nor have I defended the Republican Party.

What I haven't done, is kowtow to Dems and President Obama and praise everything he has done.

Mainly because I haven't actually seen HIM doing much of anything.

I wholeheartedly agree that things got all fouled up over the last 8 years.

But I do not agree that the " solutions " the Dems have come up with are the right way to go about fixing things.

I don't see how you can say you haven't seen him do anything.

First and very importantly, he has improved our Nations image in the world. Moving our military's attention away from an illegal occupation of Iraq back on track to focus on the enemy who attacked us on Sept. 11, 2001.

He has made great strides toward closing Gitmo and removing the tarnish to our reputation of illegal snatch and grab arrests, and torture chambers by our nations Intell agencies.

His policy of the Fed investing in the Nations Banks averted an economic collapse, and following up with new regulatory control will help to ensure a stronger National Banking system.

The Stimulus bill he put forth shortly after taking office, while not fixing the problem he inherited, undoubtably slowed the unemployment from getting worse.

He has refocused our Nation on the climate change disaster that looms in the near future, and refocused our attention to weaning the nations energy needs away from imported foreign oil.
Everywhere you look now you see investments, both Fed and Private, into green enrgy technologies.

He has focused his attention on the Nations health-care needs and the millions of uninsured Americans. Attacking Insurance practices that have made our Nations cost for health care a world symbol of waste and inefficency.

no photo
Thu 12/31/09 01:05 PM

Isn't it odd how people only read what they want to read in someone else' posts??

I have never defended Bush. Nor have I defended the Republican Party.

What I haven't done, is kowtow to Dems and President Obama and praise everything he has done.

Mainly because I haven't actually seen HIM doing much of anything.

I wholeheartedly agree that things got all fouled up over the last 8 years.

But I do not agree that the " solutions " the Dems have come up with are the right way to go about fixing things.

I don't see how you can say you haven't seen him do anything.

First and very importantly, he has improved our Nations image in the world. Moving our military's attention away from an illegal occupation of Iraq back on track to focus on the enemy who attacked us on Sept. 11, 2001.

He has made great strides toward closing Gitmo and removing the tarnish to our reputation of illegal snatch and grab arrests, and torture chambers by our nations Intell agencies.

His policy of the Fed investing in the Nations Banks averted an economic collapse, and following up with new regulatory control will help to ensure a stronger National Banking system.

The Stimulus bill he put forth shortly after taking office, while not fixing the problem he inherited, undoubtably slowed the unemployment from getting worse.

He has refocused our Nation on the climate change disaster that looms in the near future, and refocused our attention to weaning the nations energy needs away from imported foreign oil.
Everywhere you look now you see investments, both Fed and Private, into green enrgy technologies.

He has focused his attention on the Nations health-care needs and the millions of uninsured Americans. Attacking Insurance practices that have made our Nations cost for health care a world symbol of waste and inefficency.


Still hitting the eggnog r u....

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/31/09 01:27 PM
While it's not uncommon for states to challenge federal laws in court, one legal expert said political bluster was likely behind the letter.

"I do think that it is some combination of the losers just complaining about the officiating, or complaining about how the game was played.


Chazster's photo
Thu 12/31/09 02:51 PM

still congress already let us know the bill is a piece of crap. If they think it is a piece of crap why did they pass it? I think our politicians are idiots.


Only the losers!

And only the idiots think that something that congress exempts themselves from is a good idea.