Topic: America.."land of the free"
Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/24/09 02:18 PM

flowerforyou !

you give me too much credit ms.buttonblushing , i am just another teenage boy flexing his pseudo intellectual robustness, all flash no content :P

but i agree this is not the land of the "free" but rather land of the privileged, yet still there are many people out there who would gladly their trade rebel insurgency for our taxes lol.
lol!rofl rofl to the first part

as to the second part.. it is land of the privileged , however why does it seem protrayed to other countries that all here are privileged?..and sure we must have the best colleges overall in america.. why do u suppose that we ship in people from the other countries to provide them with education? to pay the high costs of the education is return we ship out our business to pay thier countries low wages.. hummm

From CBS news

The United States is losing ground in education, as peers across the globe zoom by with bigger gains in student achievement and school graduations, a study shows.

Among adults age 25 to 34, the U.S. is ninth among industrialized nations in the share of its population that has at least a high school degree. In the same age group, the United States ranks seventh, with Belgium, in the share of people who hold a college degree.

...we were number one just twenty years ago,,what happened?

It's called the "Department of Education".

Department of Education was invented in 1977 under the Carter presidency.

Seems to me, like we were number one until 1980 or so, and then we slipped to place number 12 or 13. Either way... We have to ask how much the Department of Education actually helped us.

The Dept of Ed Organization Act is what was signed into law in 1979.

All it did was seperate Department of Health, Education, and Welfare into the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services.

The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare was first proposed by President Harding in 1923. It was signed into law and officially created by Dwight D. Eisenhower on March 12, 1953.

You've been listening to Ron Paul again haven't you?

No sir, been doing my own research. Perhaps i could be wrong, but carter was at least wanting to take credit for signing it into affect in 1977. When they separated the departments, did the department of education have more power than before? Or perhaps more funding? Things to take into consideration...

But what you say may make sense. After all, how long has the school system taught students that America is a democracy? (This still ticks me off.)

One thing, that i have found to be true, you may disagree, but in the military small units are much more affective. When the units become bigger, the power gets more centralized. Following this is mismanagement, and inefficiency. Do you have any idea how easy it is for a team of 4, combined with a mortar team, to take on hundreds of U.S. troops and come out unharmed? Chaos is easy to create when power is centralized and units are too big.

Wonder if that comes into effect for the rest of the government too...

Either way, i don't know of any teacher that approves of the majority of our educational system. My mother was a teacher, my sister tests children for learning disabilities, my cousin/neighbor is also in childhood development, studying to become a teacher.

That bill (1979) only divided the The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare into separate departments.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/24/09 02:19 PM
It's just an illusion that America has slipped. Kinda like the illusion that Toyota builds a better car than Chevy.

The tests are standardized or graded by one agency.
It would take me awhile to explain, but here is a short version.

European countries are the size of one US State. If you want a fair comparison take only one US State and compare that to a European Country.
Or, Avg every European country into one lump grade and compare that to the US.
Before you do all this however, add in an equally diverse population to Europe.
Something like the 70% of illegal immigrant children who drop out of HS every year.
It's an illusion people.

buttons's photo
Thu 12/24/09 05:00 PM

what happened to telling your child that behavior is not acceptable

^lol did you know in some inner city highschools they grade for behavior, that is too funny, isn't that grade supposed to end in Kindergarten?....again, the courts and the federal government have intervened so much in the household and in the school systems it has gotten to the point where children can not be raised properly or educated properly....On all levels....sad thing is it's only going to get worse with all this political correctness.....Teachers deserve the Noble Peace prize just for having the courage to walk in a classroom these days.

grading for behavior doesnt end at high school, try going to a job with a bad attitude and see how quickly you will be dismissed from that job,,,appropriate behavior is a life long required skill that should be applied everywhere, home, school, and work.

I think Drivin got it on the head, parents are befriending more than parenting, kids are being raised more by media than family and community, technology is replacing the need to think for one self,and in general, communities of adults are feeling less 'responsible' for anyone but themself.
i again agree with you.. however behaviors should be taught by a parent.. and no one else! im sorry what is a parent here for? to be beat up? lol unbelievable if u ask me!

buttons's photo
Thu 12/24/09 05:03 PM

if a child doesn't know how to behave properly by the time he/she is in the twelth grade, then somebody didn't do their job correctly, teachers have enough to worry about, I love the no-tolerance policies adopted by some schools, if you come to disrupt send their to reform school, no if ands or butts, why should the other students be made to suffer because someone didn't get the clue that school was for education and not a jesters gradification.
now i like u!laugh :wink:

buttons's photo
Thu 12/24/09 05:11 PM
i have to say... ive been here 3 yrs.. and i think this is the most awesome thread i have made thanks to all that have participated!!! you all have grand points.... and no one is arguing really but discussing amongest each other<not really pointing fingers> or attacking but sharing all of your intelligence.. i find all of you grand!!!!!!!!

HuckleberryFinn's photo
Thu 12/24/09 05:32 PM
now i like u

^gee thanks, I'm so glad, course you would have been bored standing behind the other 10,000 or so that don't...The line keeps getting longer and longer.....Yes this thread was very informative and opinions were shared tactfully and with respect. also provided much food for thought......Have a good holiday.

buttons's photo
Thu 12/24/09 05:50 PM

now i like u

^gee thanks, I'm so glad, course you would have been bored standing behind the other 10,000 or so that don't...The line keeps getting longer and longer.....Yes this thread was very informative and opinions were shared tactfully and with respect. also provided much food for thought......Have a good holiday.
dont look at those 10,000 but look at the 15,000 who do.. not everyone is gonna like you.. just be yourself.. and u are all good!

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 12/24/09 07:23 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 12/24/09 07:24 PM

It's just an illusion that America has slipped. Kinda like the illusion that Toyota builds a better car than Chevy.

The tests are standardized or graded by one agency.
It would take me awhile to explain, but here is a short version.

European countries are the size of one US State. If you want a fair comparison take only one US State and compare that to a European Country.
Or, Avg every European country into one lump grade and compare that to the US.
Before you do all this however, add in an equally diverse population to Europe.
Something like the 70% of illegal immigrant children who drop out of HS every year.
It's an illusion people.

This is interesting... And while i don't disagree, i still have to argue against the centralization of power over any school system (or government). And this is my argument against the department of education. One size does not always fit all...

I think you and i agree more than we would like to admit... We seem to agree on the problem, just not the source.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/24/09 07:39 PM
The tests are standardized or graded by one agency.

This should read, "are not"

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/24/09 07:48 PM

It's just an illusion that America has slipped. Kinda like the illusion that Toyota builds a better car than Chevy.

The tests are standardized or graded by one agency.
It would take me awhile to explain, but here is a short version.

European countries are the size of one US State. If you want a fair comparison take only one US State and compare that to a European Country.
Or, Avg every European country into one lump grade and compare that to the US.
Before you do all this however, add in an equally diverse population to Europe.
Something like the 70% of illegal immigrant children who drop out of HS every year.
It's an illusion people.

This is interesting... And while i don't disagree, i still have to argue against the centralization of power over any school system (or government). And this is my argument against the department of education. One size does not always fit all...

I think you and i agree more than we would like to admit... We seem to agree on the problem, just not the source.

I'm trying to say that an International rating system doesn't mean squat.

The Dept of Education is fundamental in standardizing a National equality.

Without it would create a substandard Education in many States. Children of poor families would get a raw deal.
Black, White, and Hispanic.

On a National avg the test results would be far lower.

"F" Ron Paul and his silly arse BS.
The guy is out of touch, and there is a reason the guy can never claim more than 2% of the vote in a Presidential Race.

Is that what you think bro?
Or was it just me?


Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 12/24/09 08:21 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 12/24/09 08:25 PM

It's just an illusion that America has slipped. Kinda like the illusion that Toyota builds a better car than Chevy.

The tests are standardized or graded by one agency.
It would take me awhile to explain, but here is a short version.

European countries are the size of one US State. If you want a fair comparison take only one US State and compare that to a European Country.
Or, Avg every European country into one lump grade and compare that to the US.
Before you do all this however, add in an equally diverse population to Europe.
Something like the 70% of illegal immigrant children who drop out of HS every year.
It's an illusion people.

This is interesting... And while i don't disagree, i still have to argue against the centralization of power over any school system (or government). And this is my argument against the department of education. One size does not always fit all...

I think you and i agree more than we would like to admit... We seem to agree on the problem, just not the source.

I'm trying to say that an International rating system doesn't mean squat.

The Dept of Education is fundamental in standardizing a National equality.

Without it would create a substandard Education in many States. Children of poor families would get a raw deal.
Black, White, and Hispanic.

On a National avg the test results would be far lower.

"F" Ron Paul and his silly arse BS.
The guy is out of touch, and there is a reason the guy can never claim more than 2% of the vote in a Presidential Race.

Is that what you think bro?
Or was it just me?


Ron Paul is probably one of the most honest and intelligent politicians out there. In fact i think he is more in touch of reality than anyone in our current administration.
Popularlity does not mean a thing, positive or negative. Although i do find it interesting that he received more donations from military me than every other candidate combined. Nevertheless, people in masses are stupid. This is why our forefathers spoke out against a democracy, and gave us a republic instead. The democratic counterpart of the republic was merely to keep the powers in check.

What happened? People became complacent and stupid. If everyone knew how our banking worked, no one would put their money in it.


But... He obviously does not know everything... And neither do I. All he preaches are the fundementals that our country was founded on.

You call it B.S. But i have to repeat quotes from our founding father.

"I have no fear that the result of our experiment will be that men may be trusted to govern themselves without a master. "
Thomas Jefferson

"Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question. "
Thomas Jefferson

All Ron Paul preaches is that we need to be more independent. All i say is that i think he's is on to something.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/24/09 08:32 PM
He's more of a puppet for outside intersts than Bush and Cheney were.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 12/24/09 08:35 PM

He's more of a puppet for outside intersts than Bush and Cheney were.

You crack me up sometimes...rofl

What's funny is that you think Obama's a stand up guy in comparison...rofl rofl

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/24/09 08:51 PM

He's more of a puppet for outside intersts than Bush and Cheney were.

You crack me up sometimes...rofl

What's funny is that you think Obama's a stand up guy in comparison...rofl rofl

I think Obama works through his heart and mind.

He cares for what the people want! The majority anyway.

His work ethic is above average, and his intentions are genuine.

I think he is a necessary step into America's future. A future full of more greatness, strength, leadership!

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/24/09 08:54 PM
What we need to do is remove the obstruction to our future.

That my friend would be the Republican Party!

They've either got to change, something I think they are incapable of, or go!

msharmony's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:25 AM

He's more of a puppet for outside intersts than Bush and Cheney were.

You crack me up sometimes...rofl

What's funny is that you think Obama's a stand up guy in comparison...rofl rofl

I think Obama works through his heart and mind.

He cares for what the people want! The majority anyway.

His work ethic is above average, and his intentions are genuine.

I think he is a necessary step into America's future. A future full of more greatness, strength, leadership!

I concur, compared to whats been in office since I have been voting, Obama seems the most genuine and upstanding of character that we have had since Carter and the most intelligent, with the exception of Clinton.

I am proud every time I hear the president speak,,something else I havent been able to say of the president for the last near decade.

buttons's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:43 AM
i like obama... i did not like any of them at one time lol!! the problem is.. america is in such a rut i think we may have to vote him again lol to show that he is gonna be able to do anything.. i think the intent is definately there! bush i did not like.. ever honstly.. jmo!!clinton was an ok president but i didnt dig his morals.. but hey hillary accepted them.. i honestly found that weak.. some found it to be strong for putting up with that..i am soooo glad she isnt our president!!! what else would she of been all walked over where would we of been? nooooo i do not want to think about that! yes again i do like our president!!

buttons's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:47 AM
i am more a democrat than anything.. however id rather be independant but... then you dont have a choice.. for i have found a few republicans i did like better... im glad as a democrat i have a choice..:smile:

buttons's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:49 AM
oh and pfft to u fanta i call your bs lmao!!!! i also remember u liking no one as well!!!!!!!!!!!! he he i snitched on ya!rofl rofl

buttons's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:52 AM

I think Obama works through his heart and mind.

He cares for what the people want! The majority anyway.

His work ethic is above average, and his intentions are genuine.

I think he is a necessary step into America's future. A future full of more greatness, strength, leadership!
he he i should cut and paste some old emails huh?laugh :wink: