Topic: Are we pushing too hard....
Edy_ca's photo
Fri 11/06/09 03:31 PM

hard not to assume when you think so secular of your own beneficiaries, open minded is the ability to view a situation from the perspective of the opposing factions. i don't think your all the way there yet.. really close though just gotta keep chipping away at those bloody Islams, boy would the world be just a super awesome rainbow carnival ride if we got rid of those fellas.
It would be great if EFERYONE was as perfect as us, HUH? Maybe we should include Hitler, Stalin,and all the other perfect "white" people that has spread their idea of perfection in history!!

hitler and hollocaust never happened

Is this a serious comment?

oh dear lord, never! flowerforyou

i will even add that i have heard stories from my grandmother of what was happening in warsaw...she has seen it, lived...

seamac's photo
Fri 11/06/09 03:33 PM

hard not to assume when you think so secular of your own beneficiaries, open minded is the ability to view a situation from the perspective of the opposing factions. i don't think your all the way there yet.. really close though just gotta keep chipping away at those bloody Islams, boy would the world be just a super awesome rainbow carnival ride if we got rid of those fellas.
It would be great if EFERYONE was as perfect as us, HUH? Maybe we should include Hitler, Stalin,and all the other perfect "white" people that has spread their idea of perfection in history!!

hitler and hollocaust never happened

Is this a serious comment?

oh dear lord, never! flowerforyou

i will even add that i have heard stories from my grandmother of what was happening in warsaw...she has seen it, lived...

Glad you cleared that up! Threw me too....

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 11/06/09 03:33 PM
This is a reminder to keep the discussion/debate civil at all times!

Site Moderation Team

Edy_ca's photo
Fri 11/06/09 03:33 PM

hard not to assume when you think so secular of your own beneficiaries, open minded is the ability to view a situation from the perspective of the opposing factions. i don't think your all the way there yet.. really close though just gotta keep chipping away at those bloody Islams, boy would the world be just a super awesome rainbow carnival ride if we got rid of those fellas.
It would be great if EFERYONE was as perfect as us, HUH? Maybe we should include Hitler, Stalin,and all the other perfect "white" people that has spread their idea of perfection in history!!

hitler and hollocaust never happened

Is this a serious comment?

oh dear lord, never! flowerforyou

i will even add that i have heard stories from my grandmother of what was happening in warsaw...she has seen it, lived...

Glad you cleared that up! Threw me too....

nuh, just went along for the ride with the color tv too lol

no photo
Fri 11/06/09 03:35 PM

hard not to assume when you think so secular of your own beneficiaries, open minded is the ability to view a situation from the perspective of the opposing factions. i don't think your all the way there yet.. really close though just gotta keep chipping away at those bloody Islams, boy would the world be just a super awesome rainbow carnival ride if we got rid of those fellas.
It would be great if EFERYONE was as perfect as us, HUH? Maybe we should include Hitler, Stalin,and all the other perfect "white" people that has spread their idea of perfection in history!!

hitler and hollocaust never happened

Is this a serious comment?

oh dear lord, never! flowerforyou

i will even add that i have heard stories from my grandmother of what was happening in warsaw...she has seen it, lived...

Thanks for the clarification.:smile:

CatheyC's photo
Fri 11/06/09 03:35 PM
Some of us have lived long enough to understand the real problem here, thank goodness. Youth has neither the understanding or patience learned from living the truth of wars or civil uprisings. What the elders have lived through the youth can not possibly get. I was born during the Korean conflict so those of you born in that era understand what I mean. I have lost family members, buried my friends and held and listened to a Vietnam Viet relive his trials in Nam. It broke my heart and changed me forever. When it comes to protecting this wonderful land it akes us all. Men, women and children. Yes people of all races and religions!! We are after all the land of the Free. While speech is part of our freedom I find it offensive when "ANY" member of our Military is slandered. When you slander them your slandering my family and my ancestors. If you can't live in the land of the free try living in one of the hot spots of the world, eat the sand, burn up in the sun, starve and have none of the wonderful things we are blessed in this land to have and see if you like it better. My family fought and died and so did my ancestors so the youth could voice their opinions about things they don't really understand. Mankind has become judgemental and cold, that's why there is war, so go join them, we'll find you and when we do see what side you would rather be on.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 11/06/09 03:37 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Fri 11/06/09 03:42 PM
hitler and hollocaust never happened

Tell me you don't believe this. You might want to note you are being scarcastic.

I assure you it did. My Grandmother a devout Christian had the bullet hole scars and others to prove it. She spent time in Triblinka being swept up with her employers who basiclly saved her life by warning her to fall down when the shooting of prisoners started.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 11/06/09 03:41 PM
I am unlocking this thread. Please remain on topic and discuss/debate in a civil manner!


Thomas27's photo
Fri 11/06/09 03:51 PM

Edy_ca's photo
Fri 11/06/09 03:55 PM
dear pacific, my grandma saved a child from a truck that was going to one of these "camps"

war, racism, religion, extremism amongst are things are always hot topics.
but conversations fail when people confuse pc with speaking your mind and ignorance...

no photo
Fri 11/06/09 04:03 PM

This is a reminder to keep the discussion/debate civil at all times!

Site Moderation Team
Kim I am always civil!!bigsmile

itry's photo
Fri 11/06/09 04:06 PM

After the recent tradgedy in Ft. Hood and the increased suicide statistics I have to wonder if we are pushing our troops too hard. With high pressure assignments, back to back deployments, extreamly tough standards to keep a career going. Opinions?
: It is a religious problem:wink:

no photo
Fri 11/06/09 04:19 PM

After the recent tradgedy in Ft. Hood and the increased suicide statistics I have to wonder if we are pushing our troops too hard. With high pressure assignments, back to back deployments, extreamly tough standards to keep a career going. Opinions?
: It is a religious problem:wink:
AND sexual problem too!!noway

no photo
Fri 11/06/09 05:45 PM

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 11/06/09 06:17 PM
I think every person who has read this thread absolutely support our troops and greive with them in this terrible terrible waste of life. Hopefully their families will be given extra time to adjust to their loss right here before the holidays. I would imagine that Army Community Relief at Ft. Hood would greatly appreciate any cards or donations to help these familys cope. They have and established system that Army families know is there to help them.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 11/06/09 08:32 PM

I spent 2 years in the army in country, combat is HELL!!! The Majpr that snapped just had too much and told his superiors so, NO ONE can prepare U for the horrors of war, It NEVER goes away!!

One...he would have been deployed to the Green Zone and he would have never seen ( unless the Iraqis decided to run a military campaign against the U.S. ) any combat or heard any shots fired.

Two...he " had too much "??? He never even WENT into combat. Anyone trying to claim that he had PTSD is utterly lost.

lulu24's photo
Fri 11/06/09 08:58 PM

I spent 2 years in the army in country, combat is HELL!!! The Majpr that snapped just had too much and told his superiors so, NO ONE can prepare U for the horrors of war, It NEVER goes away!!

One...he would have been deployed to the Green Zone and he would have never seen ( unless the Iraqis decided to run a military campaign against the U.S. ) any combat or heard any shots fired.

Two...he " had too much "??? He never even WENT into combat. Anyone trying to claim that he had PTSD is utterly lost.

therapists often suffer from PTSD. it's actually often a requirement that they also receive counseling.

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 11/06/09 09:57 PM

1. Afghan war isn't doing good
2. Public aren't supporting the wars
3. Soldiers' morale is all time low
4. Not enough troops and stretched too thin
5. People are signing up to the Army for all the wrong reasons. Unemployment, quick cash, college tuition. They forget that they can be deployed and need to kill people or be killed.

6. These wars don't make any sense, neither of them made the world safer, neither of them got the world more peaceful, neither of them benefited anyone anywhere anyhow.

Thomas3474's photo
Fri 11/06/09 10:50 PM

After the recent tradgedy in Ft. Hood and the increased suicide statistics I have to wonder if we are pushing our troops too hard. With high pressure assignments, back to back deployments, extreamly tough standards to keep a career going. Opinions?

Obviously if that was the case they wouldn't keep signing up for second,third,forth,enlistments.They are having no trouble meeting their enlistment quotas.You are going to have a fair share of people that are stressed but when you are talking about 1 million plus active members of the military.Anyone who does sign up obviously knows we are in the middle of a full blown war and should except a lot of problems including stress.

You also need to realize that the majority of the people in the military are not in combat related postions.The two biggest branches the Navy and the Air force are seeing minimal combat except for the pilots who fly the planes.Even if you are in the Army and Marines there are a lot of positions where you never pick up a gun such as cooks,mechanics,hospital workers,pencil pushers,data information specialist,public relations,and others.

There is thousands of soldiers deep into enemy territory. Dodging explosions,bullets,and bombs and I give a lot of credit too those soldiers who enlist knowing how dangerous their job is.But it is my experience with working for the Army that obviously if you are signing up to be a Sniper,Tank operator,Gunship door gunner,and other positions in that vein you are only signing up to kill people.And as bizarre as it seems there are a lot of people out there that sign up for those jobs because they want to kill people.

Those people who went on a killing spree were all mostly radical Muslims and not your average joe solider.

itry's photo
Sat 11/07/09 03:18 AM
Edited by itry on Sat 11/07/09 03:30 AM

After the recent tradgedy in Ft. Hood and the increased suicide statistics I have to wonder if we are pushing our troops too hard. With high pressure assignments, back to back deployments, extreamly tough standards to keep a career going. Opinions?
: It is a religious problem:wink:
AND sexual problem too!!noway
I believe it was done " In The Name OF Allah" and you are correct in that he was probably not getting laid on a regular basis :thumbsup: