Topic: Are we pushing too hard....
daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 02:03 PM
Very well put Ladylid, I could not have said it better myself!

After the recent tradgedy in Ft. Hood and the increased suicide statistics I have to wonder if we are pushing our troops too hard. With high pressure assignments, back to back deployments, extreamly tough standards to keep a career going. Opinions?

TO get back on the OP....

I am going to admit to being anti war and anti violence but I think the reality of it is that since we do have soldiers who will have the job of taking the lives of complete strangers in the name of their government/country, perhaps we could screen better the personalities and values of those enlisting instead of just trying to make the numbers.

Their personalities change after they have killed another..after combat their personalities are not what they were the day they went and spoke with the recruiter.

We can not harm another human without causing harm to ourselves, in some way...because we are truly all one...God's great big family!

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 02:06 PM
I am very much a pacifist myself in regards to my own body, now though I wasn't ten years ago. I agree with you that wars need to end; the problem there is others do not agree with us, and will not allow us to live in peace like that. So, we need to have a standing army, and we need to have our troops where they can do the most good. BUT we need to make sure that no one troop sees too much.

Very well put Ladylid, this nonsense has got to stop. However I think yu are saying that we need to pull all our troops home, etc correct? I am not saying that, I am saying that we need to start filling our ranks back up again to where they used to be, so that our active duty soldiers do NOT spend more than 6 months at a time deployed, and never two deployments back to back, let alone three, four and five all back to back thus being away from home for over 5 and 6 years.
We need our military, whether people want to believe this or not; otherwise we would not be able to stop other countries from invading us (and yes this means having our military deployed as well). We also need to make sure we have ENOUGH military to ensure that no troop is ever over deployed, like they have been for the past decade almost.

After the recent tradgedy in Ft. Hood and the increased suicide statistics I have to wonder if we are pushing our troops too hard. With high pressure assignments, back to back deployments, extreamly tough standards to keep a career going. Opinions?

YES, I am saying end the fighting..I am a pacifist, I have taken a vow of non violence..I am not anti war, I am not anti anything. I am pro-peace!
A young man who I have know for many years has been to Iraq and was to be deployed to Afghanistan...he shot himself..he just couldn't do it again.
Not everyone is cut out to see, feel, these horrors...
Enough is enough..f-ing A...this chit has GOT to stop!!

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 11/07/09 02:08 PM
What does that mean Daniel? You are either a pacifist and non violent or you are not. We are all pacifists about out own is in the respect for all life and refusal to take any life that makes a non violent pacifist....

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 02:14 PM
i really just cant take it! i am a war vet i know first hand its not the killing its the dead charred bodies you remember most! its knowing your friend is dead now and wanting to punch back! obviously everyone is different but this is a real issue and it is very difficult no matter how strong you are! The thing is though that is not the case here in my opinion this guy was an extremist and people ae covering that up and trying to say war stress! it was not war stress! he was a traitor to his nation and should be thought of as such! they should wrap him in a pig and face him face down in his grave toward the west!

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 02:16 PM

What does that mean Daniel? You are either a pacifist and non violent or you are not. We are all pacifists about out own is in the respect for all life and refusal to take any life that makes a non violent pacifist....

I mean exactly what I said. I am a pacifist who does not believe in involving myself in violence. Now if you come at me with a baseball bat yes I will defend myself lol, though I will first try to run the other way; BUT I am not willing to concede the point that other countries, and people will force us to defend ourselves. Which means, as distasteful as war is, we need to have a standing army with enough personel in it to ensure that our soldiers are effective and NOT forced to see too much action.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 02:19 PM

i really just cant take it! i am a war vet i know first hand its not the killing its the dead charred bodies you remember most! its knowing your friend is dead now and wanting to punch back! obviously everyone is different but this is a real issue and it is very difficult no matter how strong you are! The thing is though that is not the case here in my opinion this guy was an extremist and people ae covering that up and trying to say war stress! it was not war stress! he was a traitor to his nation and should be thought of as such! they should wrap him in a pig and face him face down in his grave toward the west!

The problem we are all having though with your belief Ronny, and I understand it is your belief, is that you are basing it off of supposition. You are assuming that you have the facts when in fact you do not. You are hellbent on the idea that this guy can not possibly be anything other than an extremist terrorist. Even though you yourself have stated that it is different for each person and in your case it isn't killing another person it is seeing others get killed or wounded that hurts you the most.

I have to make dinner for my boys, but will be back on afterwards.

CatheyC's photo
Sat 11/07/09 02:20 PM
Daniel will get back tomorrow, would love to hear more thoughts. before I go tho lets all remember that as long as there are different countries, different beliefs there will be war. Every single one of them (countries) will fight for their rights and their beliefs as we will. There has been this fact throughout written history and beyond. Firstly it is survival to keep what we have to maintain our lands that supply us with food and housing and then on into our rights, the very rights that brought our forefathers here. In that respect we all share it and want it. That is why we are called the land of the Free and why so many either seek it for refuge or seek to destroy it. To disband the military is to give up all of it. And anyone who thinks that another country or religion wouldn't come in here and take it away we are only fooling ourselves. Blessed Be Everyone!

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 11/07/09 02:24 PM

What does that mean Daniel? You are either a pacifist and non violent or you are not. We are all pacifists about out own is in the respect for all life and refusal to take any life that makes a non violent pacifist....

I mean exactly what I said. I am a pacifist who does not believe in involving myself in violence. Now if you come at me with a baseball bat yes I will defend myself lol, though I will first try to run the other way; BUT I am not willing to concede the point that other countries, and people will force us to defend ourselves. Which means, as distasteful as war is, we need to have a standing army with enough personel in it to ensure that our soldiers are effective and NOT forced to see too much action.

With all due respect Daniel..I am ducking out of this thread. I can not understand this mentality. You can not be a pacifist and enlist yourself in the military..contradiction, a huge one!

"Call a man an enemy and be prepared to dig two for him and one for yourself".

The Dalai Lama :heart:

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 02:24 PM
just a thought when thinking of war and forming an opinion i think its best to veiw yourself as the man/woman making that decision. So if your obama what do you do? come up with a strategy and stand by it, but to merely say im this and that without a bonafide solution is wrong!

especially when its not your family being theatend by the taliban!

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 02:35 PM

i really just cant take it! i am a war vet i know first hand its not the killing its the dead charred bodies you remember most! its knowing your friend is dead now and wanting to punch back! obviously everyone is different but this is a real issue and it is very difficult no matter how strong you are! The thing is though that is not the case here in my opinion this guy was an extremist and people ae covering that up and trying to say war stress! it was not war stress! he was a traitor to his nation and should be thought of as such! they should wrap him in a pig and face him face down in his grave toward the west!

The problem we are all having though with your belief Ronny, and I understand it is your belief, is that you are basing it off of supposition. You are assuming that you have the facts when in fact you do not. You are hellbent on the idea that this guy can not possibly be anything other than an extremist terrorist. Even though you yourself have stated that it is different for each person and in your case it isn't killing another person it is seeing others get killed or wounded that hurts you the most.

I have to make dinner for my boys, but will be back on afterwards.

it is not supposition if there is evidence! what are you talking about. i have made a conclusion based on the facts so far! you say you need more fine but it does not change my opionion i have enough to form an opinion. hurts you??? lol im not hurt bro gld i did my part! just very terrorfying no matter how strong you are at least i think so!

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 02:41 PM
Edited by ronny4dating on Sat 11/07/09 02:45 PM
"Call a man an enemy and be prepared to dig two for him and one for yourself".

The Dalai Lama

call an enemy a friend and dig one grave for yourself and one for your child.


Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 11/07/09 02:50 PM

"Call a man an enemy and be prepared to dig two for him and one for yourself".

The Dalai Lama

call an enemy a friend and dig one grave for yourself and one for your child.


As a mother I find that a despicable comment...especially since you are mocking the Dalai Lama...if you want to kill, go kill, I choose peace!

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 11/07/09 03:00 PM
Edited by Thomas3474 on Sat 11/07/09 03:04 PM

"Call a man an enemy and be prepared to dig two for him and one for yourself".

The Dalai Lama

call an enemy a friend and dig one grave for yourself and one for your child.


As a mother I find that a despicable comment...especially since you are mocking the Dalai Lama...if you want to kill, go kill, I choose peace!

The Dalai lama's babble about peace and love sure didn't do his country and people any good once it was taken by force now did it?I bet he wished he would have had a aresneal of military hardware and several other countries backing up his cause with military force.As far as killing what are you going to do when someone is trying to destroy you,your country,and your family?Just sit back peacefully and do nothing?This war is about destroying people who wish us death and destruction.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun."
— Dalai Lama XIV

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 03:03 PM
i mock all men! cause there men not gods and sattire is quite approved in a free nation!

hey you know what your stance is fine at least you have principles!


But i am no follower of that culture and i get offended by there statements too!

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 11/07/09 03:05 PM
Bloodythirsty haters...

Have fun in your warmonger thread. I'm outta here, gonna go spread some love!

Peace Brothers flowerforyou

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 03:07 PM
My family is not being threatened by the taliban? I beg to differ brother. My family missed being on the flight out of Newark New Jersey by just a couple months. We were on our way to Hawaii for a change of duty station, and flying a carbon copy flight of the one that went down outside Camp David. Also, the latest "threat" which involved blowing up D.C. with a nuclear bomb about a month ago (?) was close enough to home that I would have felt the effects of it with about an hour or so at most if even that long if it happened. That's just the immediate and personal threats. The fact that they threaten our country, our way of living, our rights, the rights of our women and children, I could continue on forever, but that all effects me also. Also, I DID serve my time, that's why I state that I can speak with authority and first hand knowledge. My first duty station was a combat support hospital and we deployed out to the Balkains as the second unit out there, leaving on Christmas eve 1995. I have seen way too many casualties myself, and worked hand in hand triaging them, and doing whatever else I could as a non-medic, to help them be as comfortable as possible. That is why I WONT sign up again now. it is not for me ANYMORE.

As for not offering a bona-fide solution, who bona-fides it? I have offered many an opinion in the past, and even in this thread as to what I fell needs to be done, but they are not popular ideas, as it involves more military, and making young adults choose what hey want to do in the short term after high school, as well as giving everybody an education which will also help with our economy as well as our military. So please do not sit back in your comfy chair, and claim I have no business offering my opinions or beliefs.

just a thought when thinking of war and forming an opinion i think its best to veiw yourself as the man/woman making that decision. So if your obama what do you do? come up with a strategy and stand by it, but to merely say im this and that without a bonafide solution is wrong!

especially when its not your family being theatend by the taliban!

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 11/07/09 03:09 PM

Bloodythirsty haters...

Have fun in your warmonger thread. I'm outta here, gonna go spread some love!

Peace Brothers flowerforyou

She's right.Lets have a emergency meeting and we will disband our military,find and destroy any guns,disarm the police and national gurad,sink all the Navy ships,cut up the Air forces planes for scrap,and we can all hold hands,eat dolphin safe tuna,and sing we are the world and everything will be just fine!



no photo
Sat 11/07/09 03:10 PM
your actually right i am against pretend peace it causes too much death! but i guess if you can get a binding contract i would be game problem is i will always have my war and you will never have your peace so until then i choose to kill the opposition before they kill me!

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 03:11 PM

i really just cant take it! i am a war vet i know first hand its not the killing its the dead charred bodies you remember most! its knowing your friend is dead now and wanting to punch back! obviously everyone is different but this is a real issue and it is very difficult no matter how strong you are! The thing is though that is not the case here in my opinion this guy was an extremist and people ae covering that up and trying to say war stress! it was not war stress! he was a traitor to his nation and should be thought of as such! they should wrap him in a pig and face him face down in his grave toward the west!

The problem we are all having though with your belief Ronny, and I understand it is your belief, is that you are basing it off of supposition. You are assuming that you have the facts when in fact you do not. You are hellbent on the idea that this guy can not possibly be anything other than an extremist terrorist. Even though you yourself have stated that it is different for each person and in your case it isn't killing another person it is seeing others get killed or wounded that hurts you the most.

I have to make dinner for my boys, but will be back on afterwards.

it is not supposition if there is evidence! what are you talking about. i have made a conclusion based on the facts so far! you say you need more fine but it does not change my opionion i have enough to form an opinion. hurts you??? lol im not hurt bro gld i did my part! just very terrorfying no matter how strong you are at least i think so!

"it is not supposition if you have evidence" That is my point you do not have "evidence" of anything other than his believing in Allah, and that he shot all those people. There is no "evidence" as of yet to show WHY he did what he did. Thus your opinion is based off of other opinions and frankly in most cases biasses, even if they turn out to be right in the end, they are still not fact at this point!

please! quit coming in here and claiming you are basing off of fact when you are NOT.

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 11/07/09 03:13 PM

Criminal Proceedings in 2009

Updated: October 22, 2009

An alarming number of American Muslim extremists have been arrested on various terror-related charges, ranging from bomb plots to providing material support to terrorists, since the September 11 terrorist attacks. In 2009 alone, 15 American Muslim extremists and three U.S. permanent residents have been arrested for their involvement in terrorism cases, while 13 Americans have been convicted on terror-related charges.

The following is a list of American Muslim extremists that have been charged, convicted or sentenced on terrorism charges in 2009.

October 21, 2009 - A Massachusetts man with dual American and Egyptian citizenship is arrested for allegedly plotting to attack a U.S. shopping mall and American soldiers in Iraq.

October 21, 2009 - Two U.S. citizens and one permanent resident are sentenced in an Ohio federal court for conspiring to recruit and train terrorists to attack American troops overseas.

September 29, 2009 - A New York man who attempted to funnel thousands of dollars to a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan has pleaded guilty to terrorism financing.

September 24, 2009 - A U.S. permanent resident with alleged links to Al Qaeda is indicted for an alleged plot to detonate explosives in the U.S. A week earlier, a U.S. citizen and another permanent resident were charged with lying to federal authorities in relation to the case.

September 24, 2009 - A Brooklyn resident is indicted in New York for attempting to join a foreign terrorist group and fight American forces in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Balkans.

September 23, 2009 - An Illinois resident who attempted to bomb the federal courthouse in Springfield is charged with attempted murder of a federal officer or employee and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction against property owned by the United States.

August 12, 2009 - A Somali-American from Minnesota pleads guilty to training with an Al Qaeda-linked terrorist group in Somalia.

August 12, 2009 - An American citizen who shot casing videos of U.S. landmarks for potential terrorist attacks in the Washington, D.C. area is convicted in Georgia for conspiring to support terrorists.

August 7, 2009 - A Houston man who conspired to join the Taliban and fight against U.S. forces is sentenced to 54 months in prison.

July 27, 2009 - Six U.S. citizens and a permanent resident are arrested for engaging in weapons training and conspiring to carry out "violent jihad" overseas. An eighth suspect, also an American citizen, is still at large.

July 27, 2009 - A Virginia man convicted of conspiring to assassinate President George W. Bush and providing material support to Al Qaeda is sentenced to life in prison.

July 13, 2009 - Two Somali-Americans from Brooklyn Park, MN, and Seattle, WA, are charged with providing material support to terrorists and conspiracy to kill, kidnap, maim and injure.

June 10, 2009 - A former Georgia Tech student who shot videos of U.S. landmarks in the Washington, D.C. area for potential terrorist attacks is convicted in Atlanta of conspiring to support terrorists.

June 2, 2009 - Three American citizens and a Haitian native are indicted for allegedly plotting to attack two synagogues in the Bronx and to shoot down planes at a military base in Newburgh, New York.

June 1, 2009 - An American convert to Islam who shot two uniformed American soldiers - one of whom was killed - at a military recruiting center in Little Rock, Arkansas, is charged with 16 counts of committing a terrorist act.

May 27, 2009 - Three American citizens are among the five leaders and former fundraisers of the Holy Land Foundation, once considered the largest Muslim charity in the U.S., sentenced to between 15 to 65 years in prison for funneling money to the Hamas terrorist organization.

May 12, 2009 - Four U.S. citizens and one Haitian national are convicted for plotting to attack the Sears Tower in Chicago, the FBI headquarters in Miami and other U.S. buildings.

April 29-30, 2009 - A U.S. citizen, a U.S. permanent resident and three others from Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia are sentenced between 30 years and life in prison for conspiring to attack the Fort Dix army base in New Jersey.

April 3, 2009 - A former U.S. sailor convicted of leaking classified information about a U.S. Naval battle group to alleged terror supporters is sentenced to ten years in prison.

March 6, 2009 - The apparent leader of a terror cell that plotted to attack Jewish institutions and U.S. military targets in Los Angeles is sentenced to 16 years in prison.

February 26, 2009 - An Ohio man accused of joining Al Qaeda in the early 1990s is sentenced to 20 years in prison for planning terrorist attacks in the U.S. and Europe.

January 28, 2009 - A Long Island man pleaded guilty to providing information about New York City transit systems to Al Qaeda for potential terrorist attacks and to firing rockets at an American military base in Afghanistan.

January 15, 2009 - Two Chicago cousins are convicted of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists in connection with their travels abroad in order to murder U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan