Topic: Are we pushing too hard....
msharmony's photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:26 PM

lok just for i should have to but you know there are the bigots tht assume things!

Muslim extremeist and muslims are not the same thing in my opinion! I see them as two completely different entities. The KKK was a christian organization founded by the democratic party after the civil war. i am a christian however i am no democrat and i am no kkk. People don't want to accept things that are true! i made that statement for two resons because someone is gonna say no its not true but it is look it up and to show that i can admit that the kkk was christian and not feel any association to the kkk! you see conservatives have always battled racism they have a record of it throughout history, today they happen to be fighting against reverse racism and people wont accept that! a white guy doesnt have the right to not be hated in many peoples opinion. but for a conservative to fight against racism it must be for all men not just the minority! my point is that race should be a non-issue but it's not at all! religon should be a private matter but it's not! So ignoring that race and religon exsist is foolish! so when people are dying and a paticular group "muslim extremists" not "muslims" are killing them we need to educate ourselves and prepare for battle! i wouldnt look for an extremist in catholic curch sorry probably not gonna find one there. I am just a realist not a racist! i also love my country and with all its flaws its still the best thing going, so for now i'll stuff the ballot box and use the free system to fight for what i think is right. but it's unfair to accusse people of racism or bias because they are willing to state the facts in a descriptive manner for we can combat the problem!

Americans are dying by the hands of muslim extremist! Thats a fact and they do it because of their religon and beleive there are rewards in heaven for killing us. thats a fact! do all muslims share this beleif, ofcourse not! but do not be fooled many do, millions beleive that we are evil and want us defeated! Millions of muslims want war against the west for religous purposes! millions hate the jews because they have their land and want revenge for the holy land! isreal has been an ally of the west and they see us as their enemy! If this is not true then why do they support the people who state this? why are their leaders hailed as herrors and they are clearly enemies of the west? Is it all religon, ofcourse not but it plays a major roll in this war! Ignoring tht fact is foolish, but we do dont we?

:smile: Why are all the KKK members republicans now?:smile:If you ask them that is what they will tell you:smile:Why were conservatives for segregated schools?:smile:Why were they against equal pay for women and minorities?:smile: If Israel is such an ally then why do they keep getting caught spying on us? :smile:

things that make you go hmmmmm,,,lol

In all fairness though, Im sure bigots such as KKK vote in both major political parties. I always thought the best way to beat a system was to infiltrate it and those who are really for change get involved in the least expected places as to go undetected.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:27 PM

You know what i hate! when liberals act like american soldiers agree with them. lol...... far from it! most soldiers are not even in agreement with republicans because they are far too liberal! The core of our fighting force hate politics and wish that we could take the gloves off! They want to fight to win and come home alive! They love the man next to them not some sleazy politician that lies and lies! They want to see america pull out the mighty american air power and naval power and just slaughter them! So please stop speaking of us as if we are children that need your support! We volunteer to fight for our country, so get out the way and let the real american men get the job done!
:smile: They arnt getting paid to think.:smile:

:smile: And how do you slaughter over one-third of all the humans on the planet?:smile:

thats quite an asumption mirror??? Innocent people die in war, but you can't win if your not willing to take the risk.. so with your argument dont send me to fight if you want to let them hide behind the skirts of their women!
:smile: How do you make war against over one-third of all the humans on the planet?:smile: Impossible.:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:29 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 11/07/09 12:44 PM
bigsmile Interestingbigsmile

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:32 PM

I never said one way or the other about fighting becoz of their religion nor did condone in any way his act of violence. You are so full of anger. You think you are right but in truth it's attitudes and opinions like your that coz conflict. If your so ready to enilate another life why don't up reup and go over there? You obviously arent dealin with it here. I am not wrong. You are. Decisions made in anger and haste bring only death and destruction. War and death is not always the solution, it only encourages the problem. Let me tell you something I have a long Military history in my family and I have buried my friends and I would stand and do my duty as a citizen any day, so don't go pushing your so special becoz your out for vengence for your buddies. Why don't you turn that into doing it for your Country? Vengence is born of hate and anger. Step on my toes and yes I'm gonna fight back, but to attack people before I know ALL the facts, no. Everyone in this country, American Citizens regardless of religion, have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and since you are not Judge and Jury, then what you presume is only presumption not fact or truth. Honestly your answers are confusing and conflicting. Don't bother answering me, narrow minded people are not worth my time. Blessed Be!

you describe your self not me! evil can not be ignored thats the point! i fight for my neighbor not just me! if i wait till they come cut my throat its kinda late isnt it? those soldiers deserve justice and vengence in my opinion! i'm not narrow minded you are! you wont admit that this guy was a muslim extremist even though clearly the reports show he was! why? because your the narrow mined one!
you dont need a judge and jury to form a conclusion and i have made my conclusion based on the reports!

anger and haste? rightous anger! its been 40 years!

reup? lol.. i am 40 now besides i can help here and elsewhere if i like.

you see my statements as conflicting because you have formed an opinion of me as a bigot and when you read them its contrary. your own bigotry doesnt allow you to accept that someone can form an opinion without needing to be accepted or told what to think! my thoughts are genuine well thought out and always conforming to a value system based on truth! i dont take others opinions and repeat them i form my own! I am a realist true and true!

CatheyC's photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:38 PM
Well I got years on you, lived thru much more than you and obviously understand the world better. Haven't seen anybody agreeing with you yet?! HMMMM How the hell did KKK inter into this? Man you got problems.

msharmony's photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:41 PM
I think it was a republican/democrat angle. The threads go on tangents at times,,,sorry

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:42 PM

I never said one way or the other about fighting becoz of their religion nor did condone in any way his act of violence. You are so full of anger. You think you are right but in truth it's attitudes and opinions like your that coz conflict. If your so ready to enilate another life why don't up reup and go over there? You obviously arent dealin with it here. I am not wrong. You are. Decisions made in anger and haste bring only death and destruction. War and death is not always the solution, it only encourages the problem. Let me tell you something I have a long Military history in my family and I have buried my friends and I would stand and do my duty as a citizen any day, so don't go pushing your so special becoz your out for vengence for your buddies. Why don't you turn that into doing it for your Country? Vengence is born of hate and anger. Step on my toes and yes I'm gonna fight back, but to attack people before I know ALL the facts, no. Everyone in this country, American Citizens regardless of religion, have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and since you are not Judge and Jury, then what you presume is only presumption not fact or truth. Honestly your answers are confusing and conflicting. Don't bother answering me, narrow minded people are not worth my time. Blessed Be!

you describe your self not me! evil can not be ignored thats the point! i fight for my neighbor not just me! if i wait till they come cut my throat its kinda late isnt it? those soldiers deserve justice and vengence in my opinion! i'm not narrow minded you are! you wont admit that this guy was a muslim extremist even though clearly the reports show he was! why? because your the narrow mined one!
you dont need a judge and jury to form a conclusion and i have made my conclusion based on the reports!

anger and haste? rightous anger! its been 40 years!

reup? lol.. i am 40 now besides i can help here and elsewhere if i like.

you see my statements as conflicting because you have formed an opinion of me as a bigot and when you read them its contrary. your own bigotry doesnt allow you to accept that someone can form an opinion without needing to be accepted or told what to think! my thoughts are genuine well thought out and always conforming to a value system based on truth! i dont take others opinions and repeat them i form my own! I am a realist true and true!
:smile: What if he just did not want to be deployed?:smile: Muslims say Allah Akbar all the time for a variety of reasons(its a common saying) and Muslims wear traditional garb often for a variety of reasons.:smile:Muslims tend to say Allah Akbar when they believe they are about to die.:smile:Perhaps he was doing this to get himself into the frame of mind for the attack.:smile:

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:46 PM

lok just for i should have to but you know there are the bigots tht assume things!

Muslim extremeist and muslims are not the same thing in my opinion! I see them as two completely different entities. The KKK was a christian organization founded by the democratic party after the civil war. i am a christian however i am no democrat and i am no kkk. People don't want to accept things that are true! i made that statement for two resons because someone is gonna say no its not true but it is look it up and to show that i can admit that the kkk was christian and not feel any association to the kkk! you see conservatives have always battled racism they have a record of it throughout history, today they happen to be fighting against reverse racism and people wont accept that! a white guy doesnt have the right to not be hated in many peoples opinion. but for a conservative to fight against racism it must be for all men not just the minority! my point is that race should be a non-issue but it's not at all! religon should be a private matter but it's not! So ignoring that race and religon exsist is foolish! so when people are dying and a paticular group "muslim extremists" not "muslims" are killing them we need to educate ourselves and prepare for battle! i wouldnt look for an extremist in catholic curch sorry probably not gonna find one there. I am just a realist not a racist! i also love my country and with all its flaws its still the best thing going, so for now i'll stuff the ballot box and use the free system to fight for what i think is right. but it's unfair to accusse people of racism or bias because they are willing to state the facts in a descriptive manner for we can combat the problem!

Americans are dying by the hands of muslim extremist! Thats a fact and they do it because of their religon and beleive there are rewards in heaven for killing us. thats a fact! do all muslims share this beleif, ofcourse not! but do not be fooled many do, millions beleive that we are evil and want us defeated! Millions of muslims want war against the west for religous purposes! millions hate the jews because they have their land and want revenge for the holy land! isreal has been an ally of the west and they see us as their enemy! If this is not true then why do they support the people who state this? why are their leaders hailed as herrors and they are clearly enemies of the west? Is it all religon, ofcourse not but it plays a major roll in this war! Ignoring tht fact is foolish, but we do dont we?

:smile: Why are all the KKK members republicans now?:smile:If you ask them that is what they will tell you:smile:Why were conservatives for segregated schools?:smile:Why were they against equal pay for women and minorities?:smile: If Israel is such an ally then why do they keep getting caught spying on us? :smile:

things that make you go hmmmmm,,,lol

In all fairness though, Im sure bigots such as KKK vote in both major political parties. I always thought the best way to beat a system was to infiltrate it and those who are really for change get involved in the least expected places as to go undetected.
:smile: No,they all vote republican now (the ones that can vote).:smile: If you ask them they will tell you that they are ultraconservative.:smile: Democrats were on the side of African Americans during the Civil rights struggle of the 60s.:smile: That is why the African American community votes almost entirely democratic.:smile:

thats actually an inncorrect statement mirror! see this is the problem you heard that and then repeated it and thought it was true but the facts are the democrat party was by in large against the civil rights movement and the bill was actually pushed through the congress by a republican and signed by the president which was democrat! kennedy was not the author and he broke ranks when he signed it sir! STOP ASSUMING AND READ THE FATCS! AND JUST BECAUSE RACISTS VOTE REPUBLICAN DOESNT MEAN REBULICANS ARE RACIST! all nantions spy on all nantions. your correct that racist vote on both sides and many republicans where racist during the civil rights movement, i'm just saying that many more where democrats! wallace that you refer to was a republican but again he broke ranks to stand in front of those kids that day not the party. equal pay is an issue of racism, see conservatives beleive legislating to discriminate against whites is racist. so they see equal rights for equal pay is racist against the majority! thats all man!

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:47 PM
i dont know what your talking about?

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:48 PM

You know what i hate! when liberals act like american soldiers agree with them. lol...... far from it! most soldiers are not even in agreement with republicans because they are far too liberal! The core of our fighting force hate politics and wish that we could take the gloves off! They want to fight to win and come home alive! They love the man next to them not some sleazy politician that lies and lies! They want to see america pull out the mighty american air power and naval power and just slaughter them! So please stop speaking of us as if we are children that need your support! We volunteer to fight for our country, so get out the way and let the real american men get the job done!
:smile: They arnt getting paid to think.:smile:

:smile: And how do you slaughter over one-third of all the humans on the planet?:smile:

thats quite an asumption mirror??? Innocent people die in war, but you can't win if your not willing to take the risk.. so with your argument dont send me to fight if you want to let them hide behind the skirts of their women!
:smile: How do you make war against over one-third of all the humans on the planet?:smile: Impossible.:smile:

have no idea what your talking about muslim extremist dont represent 1/3 of the population!

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:50 PM

lok just for i should have to but you know there are the bigots tht assume things!

Muslim extremeist and muslims are not the same thing in my opinion! I see them as two completely different entities. The KKK was a christian organization founded by the democratic party after the civil war. i am a christian however i am no democrat and i am no kkk. People don't want to accept things that are true! i made that statement for two resons because someone is gonna say no its not true but it is look it up and to show that i can admit that the kkk was christian and not feel any association to the kkk! you see conservatives have always battled racism they have a record of it throughout history, today they happen to be fighting against reverse racism and people wont accept that! a white guy doesnt have the right to not be hated in many peoples opinion. but for a conservative to fight against racism it must be for all men not just the minority! my point is that race should be a non-issue but it's not at all! religon should be a private matter but it's not! So ignoring that race and religon exsist is foolish! so when people are dying and a paticular group "muslim extremists" not "muslims" are killing them we need to educate ourselves and prepare for battle! i wouldnt look for an extremist in catholic curch sorry probably not gonna find one there. I am just a realist not a racist! i also love my country and with all its flaws its still the best thing going, so for now i'll stuff the ballot box and use the free system to fight for what i think is right. but it's unfair to accusse people of racism or bias because they are willing to state the facts in a descriptive manner for we can combat the problem!

Americans are dying by the hands of muslim extremist! Thats a fact and they do it because of their religon and beleive there are rewards in heaven for killing us. thats a fact! do all muslims share this beleif, ofcourse not! but do not be fooled many do, millions beleive that we are evil and want us defeated! Millions of muslims want war against the west for religous purposes! millions hate the jews because they have their land and want revenge for the holy land! isreal has been an ally of the west and they see us as their enemy! If this is not true then why do they support the people who state this? why are their leaders hailed as herrors and they are clearly enemies of the west? Is it all religon, ofcourse not but it plays a major roll in this war! Ignoring tht fact is foolish, but we do dont we?

:smile: Why are all the KKK members republicans now?:smile:If you ask them that is what they will tell you:smile:Why were conservatives for segregated schools?:smile:Why were they against equal pay for women and minorities?:smile: If Israel is such an ally then why do they keep getting caught spying on us? :smile:

things that make you go hmmmmm,,,lol

In all fairness though, Im sure bigots such as KKK vote in both major political parties. I always thought the best way to beat a system was to infiltrate it and those who are really for change get involved in the least expected places as to go undetected.
:smile: No,they all vote republican now (the ones that can vote).:smile: If you ask them they will tell you that they are ultraconservative.:smile: Democrats were on the side of African Americans during the Civil rights struggle of the 60s.:smile: That is why the African American community votes almost entirely democratic.:smile:

thats actually an inncorrect statement mirror! see this is the problem you heard that and then repeated it and thought it was true but the facts are the democrat party was by in large against the civil rights movement and the bill was actually pushed through the congress by a republican and signed by the president which was democrat! kennedy was not the author and he broke ranks when he signed it sir! STOP ASSUMING AND READ THE FATCS! AND JUST BECAUSE RACISTS VOTE REPUBLICAN DOESNT MEAN REBULICANS ARE RACIST! all nantions spy on all nantions. your correct that racist vote on both sides and many republicans where racist during the civil rights movement, i'm just saying that many more where democrats! wallace that you refer to was a republican but again he broke ranks to stand in front of those kids that day not the party. equal pay is an issue of racism, see conservatives beleive legislating to discriminate against whites is racist. so they see equal rights for equal pay is racist against the majority! thats all man!
:thumbsup: I agree with you that not all republicans are racists.:thumbsup: That isnt what I was saying.smile2 As a matter of fact the Republican party is grasping for any minority members that it can get.smile2 The party leaders realize that they need some diversity.smile2

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:51 PM

Well I got years on you, lived thru much more than you and obviously understand the world better. Haven't seen anybody agreeing with you yet?! HMMMM How the hell did KKK inter into this? Man you got problems.

i dont need people to agree with me my statements need to agree with the facts not people!

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:52 PM

lok just for i should have to but you know there are the bigots tht assume things!

Muslim extremeist and muslims are not the same thing in my opinion! I see them as two completely different entities. The KKK was a christian organization founded by the democratic party after the civil war. i am a christian however i am no democrat and i am no kkk. People don't want to accept things that are true! i made that statement for two resons because someone is gonna say no its not true but it is look it up and to show that i can admit that the kkk was christian and not feel any association to the kkk! you see conservatives have always battled racism they have a record of it throughout history, today they happen to be fighting against reverse racism and people wont accept that! a white guy doesnt have the right to not be hated in many peoples opinion. but for a conservative to fight against racism it must be for all men not just the minority! my point is that race should be a non-issue but it's not at all! religon should be a private matter but it's not! So ignoring that race and religon exsist is foolish! so when people are dying and a paticular group "muslim extremists" not "muslims" are killing them we need to educate ourselves and prepare for battle! i wouldnt look for an extremist in catholic curch sorry probably not gonna find one there. I am just a realist not a racist! i also love my country and with all its flaws its still the best thing going, so for now i'll stuff the ballot box and use the free system to fight for what i think is right. but it's unfair to accusse people of racism or bias because they are willing to state the facts in a descriptive manner for we can combat the problem!

Americans are dying by the hands of muslim extremist! Thats a fact and they do it because of their religon and beleive there are rewards in heaven for killing us. thats a fact! do all muslims share this beleif, ofcourse not! but do not be fooled many do, millions beleive that we are evil and want us defeated! Millions of muslims want war against the west for religous purposes! millions hate the jews because they have their land and want revenge for the holy land! isreal has been an ally of the west and they see us as their enemy! If this is not true then why do they support the people who state this? why are their leaders hailed as herrors and they are clearly enemies of the west? Is it all religon, ofcourse not but it plays a major roll in this war! Ignoring tht fact is foolish, but we do dont we?

:smile: Why are all the KKK members republicans now?:smile:If you ask them that is what they will tell you:smile:Why were conservatives for segregated schools?:smile:Why were they against equal pay for women and minorities?:smile: If Israel is such an ally then why do they keep getting caught spying on us? :smile:

things that make you go hmmmmm,,,lol

In all fairness though, Im sure bigots such as KKK vote in both major political parties. I always thought the best way to beat a system was to infiltrate it and those who are really for change get involved in the least expected places as to go undetected.
you are quite right remember the south that king fought against was by far democrat majority!

CatheyC's photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:53 PM
Ah thanks Mirror must be something like my ancestors Death Prayer (which were Viking) would say before battle: Taken from the 13th Warrior oh was that a Muslim who fought for and with my Viking ancestors, only a movie but hey someone thought it worked, worked for me, must be universal thinking, normal thinking!

Lo There Do I See My Father
Lo There Do I See My Mother, Sisters and Brothers
Lo There Do I See The Line Of My People Back The Beginning
Lo They Do Call To Me
They Bid Me To Take My Place Among Them,
In The Halls Of Vahalla, Where The Brave Shall Live Forever!

Does this not show every religion prays to their God/Gods/Goddesses when death is looming. Does it make them extremist, terrorists or wacko? No it means all Gods/Goddesses are worthy of worship in however the person sees fit and is right for them. If it makes me wacko then so be it! I wont be told what to believe nor will I allow it to be forced upon me!

thanks for reminding me of that Mirror!!

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:55 PM

lok just for i should have to but you know there are the bigots tht assume things!

Muslim extremeist and muslims are not the same thing in my opinion! I see them as two completely different entities. The KKK was a christian organization founded by the democratic party after the civil war. i am a christian however i am no democrat and i am no kkk. People don't want to accept things that are true! i made that statement for two resons because someone is gonna say no its not true but it is look it up and to show that i can admit that the kkk was christian and not feel any association to the kkk! you see conservatives have always battled racism they have a record of it throughout history, today they happen to be fighting against reverse racism and people wont accept that! a white guy doesnt have the right to not be hated in many peoples opinion. but for a conservative to fight against racism it must be for all men not just the minority! my point is that race should be a non-issue but it's not at all! religon should be a private matter but it's not! So ignoring that race and religon exsist is foolish! so when people are dying and a paticular group "muslim extremists" not "muslims" are killing them we need to educate ourselves and prepare for battle! i wouldnt look for an extremist in catholic curch sorry probably not gonna find one there. I am just a realist not a racist! i also love my country and with all its flaws its still the best thing going, so for now i'll stuff the ballot box and use the free system to fight for what i think is right. but it's unfair to accusse people of racism or bias because they are willing to state the facts in a descriptive manner for we can combat the problem!

Americans are dying by the hands of muslim extremist! Thats a fact and they do it because of their religon and beleive there are rewards in heaven for killing us. thats a fact! do all muslims share this beleif, ofcourse not! but do not be fooled many do, millions beleive that we are evil and want us defeated! Millions of muslims want war against the west for religous purposes! millions hate the jews because they have their land and want revenge for the holy land! isreal has been an ally of the west and they see us as their enemy! If this is not true then why do they support the people who state this? why are their leaders hailed as herrors and they are clearly enemies of the west? Is it all religon, ofcourse not but it plays a major roll in this war! Ignoring tht fact is foolish, but we do dont we?

:smile: Why are all the KKK members republicans now?:smile:If you ask them that is what they will tell you:smile:Why were conservatives for segregated schools?:smile:Why were they against equal pay for women and minorities?:smile: If Israel is such an ally then why do they keep getting caught spying on us? :smile:

things that make you go hmmmmm,,,lol

In all fairness though, Im sure bigots such as KKK vote in both major political parties. I always thought the best way to beat a system was to infiltrate it and those who are really for change get involved in the least expected places as to go undetected.
:smile: No,they all vote republican now (the ones that can vote).:smile: If you ask them they will tell you that they are ultraconservative.:smile: Democrats were on the side of African Americans during the Civil rights struggle of the 60s.:smile: That is why the African American community votes almost entirely democratic.:smile:

thats actually an inncorrect statement mirror! see this is the problem you heard that and then repeated it and thought it was true but the facts are the democrat party was by in large against the civil rights movement and the bill was actually pushed through the congress by a republican and signed by the president which was democrat! kennedy was not the author and he broke ranks when he signed it sir! STOP ASSUMING AND READ THE FATCS! AND JUST BECAUSE RACISTS VOTE REPUBLICAN DOESNT MEAN REBULICANS ARE RACIST! all nantions spy on all nantions. your correct that racist vote on both sides and many republicans where racist during the civil rights movement, i'm just saying that many more where democrats! wallace that you refer to was a republican but again he broke ranks to stand in front of those kids that day not the party. equal pay is an issue of racism, see conservatives beleive legislating to discriminate against whites is racist. so they see equal rights for equal pay is racist against the majority! thats all man!
:thumbsup: I agree with you that not all republicans are racists.:thumbsup: That isnt what I was saying.smile2 As a matter of fact the Republican party is grasping for any minority members that it can get.smile2 The party leaders realize that they need some diversity.smile2

thats true..... and if people would really look at the facts they would see conservertives are strongly against racism, some distort the message ofcourse but if you read the platform honestly you will find that to be true!

no photo
Sat 11/07/09 12:58 PM

Ah thanks Mirror must be something like my ancestors Death Prayer (which were Viking) would say before battle: Taken from the 13th Warrior oh was that a Muslim who fought for and with my Viking ancestors, only a movie but hey someone thought it worked, worked for me, must be universal thinking, normal thinking!

Lo There Do I See My Father
Lo There Do I See My Mother, Sisters and Brothers
Lo There Do I See The Line Of My People Back The Beginning
Lo They Do Call To Me
They Bid Me To Take My Place Among Them,
In The Halls Of Vahalla, Where The Brave Shall Live Forever!

Does this not show every religion prays to their God/Gods/Goddesses when death is looming. Does it make them extremist, terrorists or wacko? No it means all Gods/Goddesses are worthy of worship in however the person sees fit and is right for them. If it makes me wacko then so be it! I wont be told what to believe nor will I allow it to be forced upon me!

thanks for reminding me of that Mirror!!

doesnt make it correct because it was stated!

CatheyC's photo
Sat 11/07/09 01:00 PM
What? That's your stance! Your right becoz it's your opinion. I'm right becoz its my religion and I BELIEVE IN IT!

CatheyC's photo
Sat 11/07/09 01:04 PM
This reminds me of the cat & mouse game, only one mouse so far! lol

daniel48706's photo
Sat 11/07/09 01:11 PM
I hate to telly ou this cause your just gonna spout off again about how you are right and everyone else is wrong, but I just spent two hours looking for ANY proof of all the allegations against Major Hassad. The only FACTS that are present right now are the these two facts: A: He has an Islamic religion, and B: He went on a killing rampage.

There is yet to be given any facts, or proof of WHY he went on this tirade. Everything that I am sure has been brought up in this post and others like it are all nothing but hearsay as they are ALL either "anonymous", or they are a persons personal opinion; and neither one may be admisable in an investigation or a court of law as fact and proof.

Now, I am not saying he is not a mmaniacle killer, who acted in a religious sense. I do not know. But I do not know that he IS one either, cause again I do NOT know.

Everybody needs to step back, and literally write all the information that has been released down and seperate them into two piles: fact and hearsay. When you are down throw the entire hearsay pile away, and see what you have left over.
And remember folks, personal opinion is not fact. And in the case of character references, they have to be given by a reliable source; the "colonel" that released Major Hassan's military files and past "disciplinary actions" is not a reliable source because he broke the law in releasing those said files, which means he can not be trusted to do/say what is right or correct.

I never said one way or the other about fighting becoz of their religion nor did condone in any way his act of violence. You are so full of anger. You think you are right but in truth it's attitudes and opinions like your that coz conflict. If your so ready to enilate another life why don't up reup and go over there? You obviously arent dealin with it here. I am not wrong. You are. Decisions made in anger and haste bring only death and destruction. War and death is not always the solution, it only encourages the problem. Let me tell you something I have a long Military history in my family and I have buried my friends and I would stand and do my duty as a citizen any day, so don't go pushing your so special becoz your out for vengence for your buddies. Why don't you turn that into doing it for your Country? Vengence is born of hate and anger. Step on my toes and yes I'm gonna fight back, but to attack people before I know ALL the facts, no. Everyone in this country, American Citizens regardless of religion, have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and since you are not Judge and Jury, then what you presume is only presumption not fact or truth. Honestly your answers are confusing and conflicting. Don't bother answering me, narrow minded people are not worth my time. Blessed Be!

you describe your self not me! evil can not be ignored thats the point! i fight for my neighbor not just me! if i wait till they come cut my throat its kinda late isnt it? those soldiers deserve justice and vengence in my opinion! i'm not narrow minded you are! you wont admit that this guy was a muslim extremist even though clearly the reports show he was! why? because your the narrow mined one!
you dont need a judge and jury to form a conclusion and i have made my conclusion based on the reports!

anger and haste? rightous anger! its been 40 years!

reup? lol.. i am 40 now besides i can help here and elsewhere if i like.

you see my statements as conflicting because you have formed an opinion of me as a bigot and when you read them its contrary. your own bigotry doesnt allow you to accept that someone can form an opinion without needing to be accepted or told what to think! my thoughts are genuine well thought out and always conforming to a value system based on truth! i dont take others opinions and repeat them i form my own! I am a realist true and true!

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Sat 11/07/09 01:17 PM
The truth can be mocked but not defeated!

Tell a lie long enough it becomes truth to the masses!

In lock step they follow to the beat of their facist drums while singing freedom and peace.

History while greatly unapreciated has shown the strong is usually unpopular until the steps of war are at your feet then the weak asks the strong what to do?