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Topic: its been 2 years
librababy89's photo
Wed 11/04/09 11:57 AM
I've been single for a good 2 years. For the past 6 months or so I've been willing and ready for a serious relationship, but everytime I meet a guy and we hang out and I start devoloping feelings for him and visa versa, it some how blows up in my face.

I'm just not sure whats wrong with me, I honestly think I'm a catch.

franshade's photo
Wed 11/04/09 11:58 AM
there is nothing wrong with you

just wasn't meant to be with those people

stay positive

good things heading your way


Goofball73's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:07 PM

I've been single for a good 2 years. For the past 6 months or so I've been willing and ready for a serious relationship, but everytime I meet a guy and we hang out and I start devoloping feelings for him and visa versa, it some how blows up in my face.

I'm just not sure whats wrong with me, I honestly think I'm a catch.

Everyone is a "catch". Nothing wrong with ya. Just need to accept that those previous relationships had no future in them. I am willing to be if you look back, you will find something in the relationship that was "off". Maybe you just "thought" they were the one. Or, maybe he felt you were too, but then realized he wasn't ready for a serious relationship.

All I can tell you is that love comes walking in when you least expect it. Stay positive.

librababy89's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:12 PM
I never thought any of them where "the one" They where just people that I liked and saw something with. The shitty thing about all these guys that i've been seeing the last 6 months is they give me no warning when they're through with me. They just kinda stop talking to me.

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:12 PM
nothing wrong with you most likely .. Unfortunately that's just how life goes.... Good luck an keep yer head up ur a pretty young lady in an ugly world ..keep smilin we need the scenery round this planet

isaac_dede's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:16 PM
You're 20 the guys that age most often our not even close to the maturity level that the girls are at, and the ones that are also realize that the time that a lot of people change is between 20-26 when their priorities start to change. Maybe they are scared, you work daycare some guys might see that as you wanting to have kids right away..especially if you constantly talk about how cute the kids you work with are....

Goofball73's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:17 PM

I never thought any of them where "the one" They where just people that I liked and saw something with. The shitty thing about all these guys that i've been seeing the last 6 months is they give me no warning when they're through with me. They just kinda stop talking to me.

I think guys do this more than women....just stop talking to the person. It is crappy, and is totally not fair. But, alot of time when this happens, it is the signal that the dude got what he wanted (or he didn't get what he wanted) and moved along. I don't think there is anything wrong with that, if they are upfront about what they are looking for.

I see. You are looking for companionship, and you are ready to be involved with someone and see where things go. Well, sadly, this happens to be a part of that. Wish it was as simple as meeting one person on the first shot and having it work out for you. Sadly, it isn't. But, nevertheless, don't think something is wrong with you. That just breaks you down, which aint good sister. Stay strong.

librababy89's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:23 PM
thats another thing, most guys are never completely honest about what they're looking for.

franshade's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:24 PM

thats another thing, most guys are never completely honest about what they're looking for.

shouldn't focus on something outside of your control (another's behavior)

stay positive and look forward not backwards

good luck

Goofball73's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:26 PM

thats another thing, most guys are never completely honest about what they're looking for.

That's because we don't know.laugh laugh laugh

isaac_dede's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:26 PM

thats another thing, most guys are never completely honest about what they're looking for.

here let me help you with that, most guys in that age range are looking for sex, they are going to tell you they are not, and try to make you think they are 'different' from any of the other guys...but trust me most want sex.

librababy89's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:28 PM
I think you guys have me wrong. I'm not the girl who gets all down on herself about not finding someone. Its just very frustrating. I dont NEED to have a man in my life, but at this moment in time, it would defently be nice. I've always been positive about everything that comes my way, I never let anything bring me down.

CKeef's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:38 PM
I feel ya homegirl, definitely been in that position myself (being twenty as well) except obviously, I'm sure of differences. Sounds like you got a firm head and a soft heart and hope you find somebody to truly appreciate your being.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:41 PM

thats another thing, most guys are never completely honest about what they're looking for.

You need to do some work on your own. Figure out the guy, and hold yourself to a set of standards and see if he is out of line, then there is something else he wants.

librababy89's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:46 PM

thats another thing, most guys are never completely honest about what they're looking for.

You need to do some work on your own. Figure out the guy, and hold yourself to a set of standards and see if he is out of line, then there is something else he wants.

I defently have standards and morels, and i've never ever lowered my standards or put my morels aside for anyone.

librababy89's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:47 PM

I feel ya homegirl, definitely been in that position myself (being twenty as well) except obviously, I'm sure of differences. Sounds like you got a firm head and a soft heart and hope you find somebody to truly appreciate your being.

Thank you :)

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 11/04/09 01:01 PM
The one thing in life we do not have any control over is what others want and how they go about it...... When relationships don't work out then at times we might have to look within to see if there is things we need to change.... but in no way is that admitting there is something wrong with us for at times it was just not meant to be.

But as many of the guys have all said when guys are in their early 20's most are out to have fun and not be in a totally serious relationship. Not saying there are not many that do it is a 50 -50 chance at any age if it will work out or not......

It will all happen in due time just enjoy your youth while you have it plenty of time to find that one long time steady....

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 11/04/09 01:06 PM
He's just not that into you or in this case "they". Try a different type of guy.

74Drew's photo
Wed 11/04/09 01:23 PM
sad truth, some people never find the love they're looking for. love is all around us in one form or another, but it may not be from someone that you're interested in.
over time, the things that you're looking for will likely change and maybe the love you don't want now will then be what you're looking for.
just keep chugging along and try not to become too bitter or jaded along the way. people like someone who is positive and upbeat (unless they're into goths).
and while there's nothing wrong with looking for a LTR, you're young. live your life for a while and don't be so worried about settling down at so young an age. if you take your time in finding the right one, you'll have a better chance of making it last for a long time.

. . .

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 11/04/09 01:38 PM
It is hard looking at yourself the way the opposite sex will. My comments are generic and not specific to you because I don't know you. I do think what I say is pretty accurate if what I have seen over the last thirty years means much.

Now days men have seen there Mamma's work and they are not likely to buy into the idea of too many women as a "catch" to be spoiled or pampered. You have to make yourself something they want. Which is quite a bit. They are convinced they can get it.

They see young women able to take on the responsibility of asking for and paying for dates as easily as they do. So setting around and playing Princess is not going to go real far.

They see sex as something women want as much as they do so over rateing the value of the honey pot that is readily available doesn't mean much if you don't have something substantial to go with it.

With looks wearing out eventually I would suggest having some kind of skill for a career and being smart about your money; protecting your credit and your reputation. Young men will party with a gal but they marry a lady that hasn't made and addict out of themself.

You might, and that's even doubtful, catch a man having a baby but it won't keep him. Once you have them it is a lot harder to get another.

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