CKeef "Time will tell what eyes can't see, when words won't say what hearts believe"
36 year old man from Amherst, Massachusetts      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About CKeef
There are many things I enjoy, and I like to think I'm very open to new things. I could tell ya, but I'd rather some good old fashioned conversation so please feel free to ask whatever you wish. I make a great effort to always tell the truth and dont tolerate lies, no matter how small or sweet. Its a beautiful thing to be able to express yourself, and with that I will never hold it against you. Not a fan of hiding from confrontation and honesty so please, be straight up :) I'm a grown man, I can handle it. Can you ;) ? I ume as little as humanly possible, and dont expect much other than consideration, an open mind and the respect of honesty. I'm always trying to be the best example of the change and ideals that I seek from the world and hope someday, I can meet someone who feels the same, regardless of long- or short-term desires. ~Peace&Love~
Profession: Data Analyst; Government Contracting
Physical Appearance
5' 4"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
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Want Children?
No answer

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