Topic: Some women .
crose1960's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:27 PM

They call you baby when they can't remember your name!!

krupa's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:28 PM

Call me ba-by.... and I'll bite your nose off!

Great! I pay extra for that! (you are looking to make more than $7 a pop now Jess?) hehehehehehehe

Seriously.....I got a BIG nose!!!!

krupa's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:29 PM

They call you baby when they can't remember your name!!


Seriously...I call my sister and mom "Baby"....I know thier names.

crose1960's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:30 PM

I have a tatoo.... it's not a duck though....

crose1960's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:31 PM

I'm talking about men!! Women can remember names, but not men.

MelodyGirl's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:32 PM

They call you baby when they can't remember your name!!

OMG! This is a true statement! drinker

"They" meaning SOME men! :laughing:

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:32 PM
depends on how its said. i use cheesy nicknames as terms of endearment to those who are close to me. but i can also use them when i'm in an argument.

just depends.

and um.. krupa's a dude.

Tootsweet13's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:33 PM

I'm talking about men!! Women can remember names, but not men.

I'm confused. Krupa's a man, and he knows his mom and sister's names, yet still calls them "Baby". Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis? laugh

krupa's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:35 PM

and um.. krupa's a dude.

We may need to prove it to them babydoll.

Jess642's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:36 PM

Call me ba-by.... and I'll bite your nose off!

Great! I pay extra for that! (you are looking to make more than $7 a pop now Jess?) hehehehehehehe

Seriously.....I got a BIG nose!!!! already owe me $73 496.... sure add it to your tab Krups..

krupa's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:40 PM

I'm talking about men!! Women can remember names, but not men.

I'm confused. Krupa's a man, and he knows his mom and sister's names, yet still calls them "Baby". Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis? laugh

Absolutely! I have a really small, tight knit family. When I tell my Mom....."Baby, those chops were friggen AWESOME!!!" She smiles hard and loves it.

When I tell my sister...."Baby, no matter what you decide to do with your life....I support any deciscion you make 100%"...she tells me..."I really love you too"

When I tell my brother..."You're getting old short and fat negro"...He knows I mean that I love him and responds with "You're adopted"

Gator76's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:41 PM
Read through the posts...intolerance is such an ugly thing, eh? Some folks need to get out more...and accept the fact that maybe - just maybe - they aren't universally right in everything they say.laugh :wink:

krupa's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:42 PM

Call me ba-by.... and I'll bite your nose off!

Great! I pay extra for that! (you are looking to make more than $7 a pop now Jess?) hehehehehehehe

Seriously.....I got a BIG nose!!!! already owe me $73 496.... sure add it to your tab Krups..

Glad we can work it out in trade.....though gnawing on your bunions seems like it should be worth more than $1.20 an hour.

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:45 PM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Tue 11/03/09 04:46 PM
oops offtopic Ok, first off... Krups has the coolest pics...

now back to the point...

I think they are only offended, if they think your a jerk or an ***... it's all in the woman's perspective...

you know, if they are attracted to you, it's going to be taken in a positive light... if they think your a piece of ****... your an *** for saying it!! (please excuse the language kiddies...)...

rofl drinker

Spirograph's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:51 PM
It depends on the person and situation to be honest.

Duffy's photo
Tue 11/03/09 04:59 PM
someone netted a nun....howd she do it hun?love

MelodyGirl's photo
Tue 11/03/09 05:07 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Tue 11/03/09 05:17 PM

Read through the posts...intolerance is such an ugly thing, eh? Some folks need to get out more...and accept the fact that maybe - just maybe - they aren't universally right in everything they say.laugh :wink:

There is no obligation to tolerance within someone’s personal boundaries. People either respect boundaries or they don’t.

Some may venture to guess a person would be acting like a jerk if they assumed they could act anyway they wished around strangers -- are anyone for that matter.

There is no obligation to tolerance when discussion such a supercilious topic anyway.

Do unto others is a wonderful thing to live by. Part of doing that is asking someone how they wish to be addressed. I was told to never assume how I should address someone (last name, first name, Miss, Mrs, Mr, etc). My father taught me that when I learned to speak. I was also brought up that I should never, ever be too familiar without someone I don’t know by calling them a nickname. My father was born in Georgia and raised in Texas; he was the father of manners.

Jess642's photo
Tue 11/03/09 05:14 PM

Call me ba-by.... and I'll bite your nose off!

Great! I pay extra for that! (you are looking to make more than $7 a pop now Jess?) hehehehehehehe

Seriously.....I got a BIG nose!!!! already owe me $73 496.... sure add it to your tab Krups..

Glad we can work it out in trade.....though gnawing on your bunions seems like it should be worth more than $1.20 an hour.

I'll have to work on growing some first....

although 75 cents a day for full body massages is a real steal.

Meg8771's photo
Tue 11/03/09 05:15 PM
I am fine with it personally. When I was a cop - I think they guys I worked with took it harder than I did when people called me that. I was the only female officer...but I can see both sides of the coin. Hospitality/culture vs. respect issue :thumbsup:

tohyup's photo
Tue 11/03/09 05:18 PM

Read through the posts...intolerance is such an ugly thing, eh? Some folks need to get out more...and accept the fact that maybe - just maybe - they aren't universally right in everything they say.laugh :wink:

There is no obligation to tolerance within someone’s personal boundaries. People either respect boundaries or they don’t.

Some may venture to guess a person would be acting like a jerk if they assumed they could act anyway they wished around strangers.

There is no obligation to tolerance when discussion such a supercilious topic anyway.

Do unto others is a wonderful thing to live by. Part of doing that is asking someone how they wish to be addressed. I was told to never assume how I should address someone (last name, first name, Miss, Mrs, Mr, etc). My father taught me that when I learned to speak. I was also brought up that I should never, ever be too familiar without someone I don’t know by calling them a nickname. My father was born in Georgia and raised in Texas; he was the father of manners.

If I reach the point where I ask a person how I should address her I am sure she is not worth knowing . Being myself is the best policy regardless to what others think because I do not want to change anyone and certainly I do not want to change myself for anyone .
To pretend to say what I do not mean is just not me .