Topic: Why the White House Is 100% Right to Challenge Fox News
Winx's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:25 PM

Really? OBama has tried to pursuade people to not watch television? mmm,, When did this happen?

I missed that memo.laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:27 PM
There are three categories of news media:

1. Opinion Outlets
•Keith Olbermann
•Bill O'Reilly
•The Young Turks
•Wall Street Journal Editorial Side

2. Partisan Press (Ideologically Driven Press)
•The Nation
•Fox News Channel
•National Review
•Mother Jones
•Drudge Report

3. Straight News
•ABC News
•MSNBC News Programs
•New York Times
•Wall Street Journal (Non-Editorial)

did I miss something?????noway

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:27 PM

Fox has the highest ratings in the nation for news far exceeding CNN and MSNBC.The reason for this is simple.They ask the hard questions that most stations don't have the guts to.Fox also in not afraid of Political correctness,taking risks,or offending the general public.This is the way news should be.I think Fox news represents the type of news people want to read about.News that is Pro Military,Pro American,and and gives hope instead of the bleak,boring,America sucks outlook that CNN and MSNBC produces on a endless basis.
I think all the right wingers flock to fox news because they are the one and only pro american propaganda network while we centrists and left of center have many choices to divide us up. From the abc news nbc news and cbs news plus msnbc and cnn, lets face it we are a liberal country with a loud minority of angry right wingers who are trying desperatly to cling to deniel.

Total nonsense.This is and never was a liberal country with a minority of right wingers.The majority of Americans have conservative values,practice Christianly,and support the military.There is a very small minority of liberals who have somehow put a stranglehold on the majority of newspapers and newstations in American until the last 10 or so years.With the explosion of the internet and Americans getting two sides of the story instead of one they can choose which media outlets they want to watch or read.I think it's very obvious that Americans are getting more pissed off and protesting more because the Government is leaning more left than it ever has.Liberal values are more inline with Communism and countries run by Dictators than Conservative America.

You are also not going to get me to believe that the only people who watch Fox news are right winging wackos.We both know that during election times you almost get a 50/50 split between people voting for Democrats and Republicans.Since Fox news leads in the ratings then you would have to have more than 50% people watching Fox news and thus alot of Democrats and others who are not right wingers.

Liberalism is dying a slow death.The liberal media outlets are on life support and will soon be gone.Good riddance to bad garbage!

Just look at the last two elections and tell me were america is at. laugh

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:31 PM

A White House attempt to delegitimize Fox News – which in past times would have drawn howls of censorship from the press corps – has instead been greeted by a collective shrug.

That’s true even though the motivations of the White House are clear: Fire up a liberal base disillusioned with Obama by attacking the hated Fox. Try to keep a critical news outlet off-balance. Raise doubts about future Fox stories.

But most of all, get other journalists to think twice before following the network’s stories in their own coverage.

"We're doing what we think is important to make sure news is covered as fairly as possible," a White House official told POLITICO, noting how the recent ACORN scandal story started because Fox covered it “breathlessly for weeks on end.”

“And then you had a couple days of breast-beating from The Washington Post and The New York Times about whether or not they were fast enough on the ACORN story,” the official said. “And it's like: Wait a second, guys. Let's make sure that we keep perspective on what are the most important stories, and what's being driven by a network that has a perspective. Being able to make that point has been important.”

To some media observers, it’s almost the definition of a “chilling effect” – a governmental attempt to steer reporters away from negative coverage – but the White House press corps has barely uttered a word of complaint.

That could be because of the perception among some journalists that Fox blurs the line between reporting and commentary - making it seem like not the most sympathetic victim.

Fox denies its news coverage is slanted, and even White House aides say the network’s top correspondent there, Major Garrett, is a straight shooter. But in its non-news hours, Fox mixes in a steady diet of criticism of President Barack Obama by its prominent conservative commentators Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. It’s a formula that works for Fox, with the highest ratings in cable news.

And in fact, not everyone at the network is complaining at being elevated into Obama’s target-of-choice. Some of the lack of protest from the mainstream press may be driven by the sense that the assault on Fox is actually strengthening the network.

Fox officials didn’t respond to a request for comment. But on Monday night, O’Reilly and former Fox News Washington Bureau chief Brit Hume seemed to be reveling in the attacks by Obama’s aides.

“This is an effort in effect to quarantine Fox News and to discourage other media outlets from picking up on stories that originate here,” Hume said on “The O’Reilly Factor.” “My guess is it won’t work….Look at Glenn Beck, he’s having a field day with this.”

O’Reilly keeps a page on his own website that urges his audience “not to patronize or advertise with” 11 news outlets, including the St. Petersburg Times, the New Yorker, Newsday and MSNBC.

Some see the warring between the White House and Fox as a boon to both sides.

“This is a mutually beneficial deal,” said Paul Begala, a former adviser to President Bill Clinton. “Fox's ratings keep going up, as they're seen as the voice of opposition to Obama. The Democrats need to do something to excite their base, which is suffering from a case of the blues.”

In the media world, the main reaction to the barrage of Fox criticism by the Obama White House has been less outrage, and more puzzlement as to what Obama’s aides hope to gain by taking on the network so forcefully.

A day after White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Obama senior adviser David Axelrod said other journalists should no longer treat Fox as a bona fide news outlet, the comments generated only a single, tangential question at the White House’s daily briefing for reporters.Still, the comments set off alarm bells with some journalists and media analysts.

“I can never remember a White House urging news organizations to boycott other news organizations. That strikes me as unprecedented,” said Thomas DeFrank, a Washington journalist who has covered eight presidents and now serves as the bureau chief of the New York Daily News.

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:32 PM

Fox has the highest ratings in the nation for news far exceeding CNN and MSNBC.The reason for this is simple.They ask the hard questions that most stations don't have the guts to.Fox also in not afraid of Political correctness,taking risks,or offending the general public.This is the way news should be.I think Fox news represents the type of news people want to read about.News that is Pro Military,Pro American,and and gives hope instead of the bleak,boring,America sucks outlook that CNN and MSNBC produces on a endless basis.
I think all the right wingers flock to fox news because they are the one and only pro american propaganda network while we centrists and left of center have many choices to divide us up. From the abc news nbc news and cbs news plus msnbc and cnn, lets face it we are a liberal country with a loud minority of angry right wingers who are trying desperatly to cling to deniel.

Total nonsense.This is and never was a liberal country with a minority of right wingers.The majority of Americans have conservative values,practice Christianly,and support the military.There is a very small minority of liberals who have somehow put a stranglehold on the majority of newspapers and newstations in American until the last 10 or so years.With the explosion of the internet and Americans getting two sides of the story instead of one they can choose which media outlets they want to watch or read.I think it's very obvious that Americans are getting more pissed off and protesting more because the Government is leaning more left than it ever has.Liberal values are more inline with Communism and countries run by Dictators than Conservative America.

You are also not going to get me to believe that the only people who watch Fox news are right winging wackos.We both know that during election times you almost get a 50/50 split between people voting for Democrats and Republicans.Since Fox news leads in the ratings then you would have to have more than 50% people watching Fox news and thus alot of Democrats and others who are not right wingers.

Liberalism is dying a slow death.The liberal media outlets are on life support and will soon be gone.Good riddance to bad garbage!

Just look at the last two elections and tell me were america is at. laugh

One Democrat President one Republican President...any your point is?

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:33 PM
Uhhuh,, one underachiever and one overachiever,,,the next election is really up for

Winx's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:37 PM

"The majority of Americans have conservite values,practice Christiany,and support the military."

Hmm....that sounds like Democrats to me. All of the ones that I know have values, practice Christianity and support the military.

laugh Winx you never amaze me with your thinking which is largely optimistic and delusional a great deal of the time.We really don't need to dig up all the hundreds of Anti military,Anti Christian,and Anti American bills to see if a Democrat or Republican is behind them do we?Come on now frustrated

I go to church with Christian Democrats that have values and support the military. Everybody that I know supports the military.

My family and friends are mostly Christian and have values and support the military. My city's majority religion is Catholic and is majority Democrat.

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:37 PM
Obama trying to boycot Fox news is also a violation of the first Amendments;Freedom of the press and Freedom of speech.Then again as dense as Obama is I doubt if he has ever taken time to read the US Constitution.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:38 PM

Fox has the highest ratings in the nation for news far exceeding CNN and MSNBC.The reason for this is simple.They ask the hard questions that most stations don't have the guts to.Fox also in not afraid of Political correctness,taking risks,or offending the general public.This is the way news should be.I think Fox news represents the type of news people want to read about.News that is Pro Military,Pro American,and and gives hope instead of the bleak,boring,America sucks outlook that CNN and MSNBC produces on a endless basis.
I think all the right wingers flock to fox news because they are the one and only pro american propaganda network while we centrists and left of center have many choices to divide us up. From the abc news nbc news and cbs news plus msnbc and cnn, lets face it we are a liberal country with a loud minority of angry right wingers who are trying desperatly to cling to deniel.

Total nonsense.This is and never was a liberal country with a minority of right wingers.The majority of Americans have conservative values,practice Christianly,and support the military.There is a very small minority of liberals who have somehow put a stranglehold on the majority of newspapers and newstations in American until the last 10 or so years.With the explosion of the internet and Americans getting two sides of the story instead of one they can choose which media outlets they want to watch or read.I think it's very obvious that Americans are getting more pissed off and protesting more because the Government is leaning more left than it ever has.Liberal values are more inline with Communism and countries run by Dictators than Conservative America.

You are also not going to get me to believe that the only people who watch Fox news are right winging wackos.We both know that during election times you almost get a 50/50 split between people voting for Democrats and Republicans.Since Fox news leads in the ratings then you would have to have more than 50% people watching Fox news and thus alot of Democrats and others who are not right wingers.

Liberalism is dying a slow death.The liberal media outlets are on life support and will soon be gone.Good riddance to bad garbage!

Just look at the last two elections and tell me were america is at. laugh

One Democrat President one Republican President...any your point is?
House and Senate all Dem in a landslide. that is reality. No spin there. How many seats did the repubs lose anyhow I lost count. Face it the republican party is forever a minority party. All the demographics point in that direction from the number of younger people who voted dem to the old raceists dieing off. America is on track to be a progresive liberal democratic country no matter how loud rush screams or how many people watch fox news, the future belongs to those who are tollerant.

Winx's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:41 PM

Obama trying to boycot Fox news is also a violation of the first Amendments;Freedom of the press and Freedom of speech.Then again as dense as Obama is I doubt if he has ever taken time to read the US Constitution.

Try again. He graduated from Harvard Law school. He worked as a civil rights attorney. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School.

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:43 PM

"The majority of Americans have conservite values,practice Christiany,and support the military."

Hmm....that sounds like Democrats to me. All of the ones that I know have values, practice Christianity and support the military.

laugh Winx you never amaze me with your thinking which is largely optimistic and delusional a great deal of the time.We really don't need to dig up all the hundreds of Anti military,Anti Christian,and Anti American bills to see if a Democrat or Republican is behind them do we?Come on now frustrated

I go to church with Christian Democrats that have values and support the military. Everybody that I know supports the military.

My family and friends are mostly Christian and have values and support the military. My city's majority religion is Catholic and is majority Democrat.

A wolf in sheeps clothing is still a wolf.Voting records tell the truth Winx and that has alot more substance to me than someone showing his or her face in church.It's too bad the Democrats don't practice what the learn in chruch including supporting the Pro life movement instead of always voting pro choice.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:44 PM

"The majority of Americans have conservite values,practice Christiany,and support the military."

Hmm....that sounds like Democrats to me. All of the ones that I know have values, practice Christianity and support the military.

laugh Winx you never amaze me with your thinking which is largely optimistic and delusional a great deal of the time.We really don't need to dig up all the hundreds of Anti military,Anti Christian,and Anti American bills to see if a Democrat or Republican is behind them do we?Come on now frustrated

I go to church with Christian Democrats that have values and support the military. Everybody that I know supports the military.

My family and friends are mostly Christian and have values and support the military. My city's majority religion is Catholic and is majority Democrat.

A wolf in sheeps clothing is still a wolf.Voting records tell the truth Winx and that has alot more substance to me than someone showing his or her face in church.It's too bad the Democrats don't practice what the learn in chruch including supporting the Pro life movement instead of always voting pro choice.
If your against abortions done have one.

Winx's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:46 PM
Edited by Winx on Tue 10/20/09 06:51 PM

"The majority of Americans have conservite values,practice Christiany,and support the military."

Hmm....that sounds like Democrats to me. All of the ones that I know have values, practice Christianity and support the military.

laugh Winx you never amaze me with your thinking which is largely optimistic and delusional a great deal of the time.We really don't need to dig up all the hundreds of Anti military,Anti Christian,and Anti American bills to see if a Democrat or Republican is behind them do we?Come on now frustrated

I go to church with Christian Democrats that have values and support the military. Everybody that I know supports the military.

My family and friends are mostly Christian and have values and support the military. My city's majority religion is Catholic and is majority Democrat.

A wolf in sheeps clothing is still a wolf.Voting records tell the truth Winx and that has alot more substance to me than someone showing his or her face in church.It's too bad the Democrats don't practice what the learn in chruch including supporting the Pro life movement instead of always voting pro choice.

A person can be a Christian and be a Democrat. I don't like it when people vote for a President because of pro-life issues. There are soo many more issues involved too.

Also, how does one vote pro-choice when it is already the law and there has not been a vote about it in years?

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:49 PM

There are three categories of news media:

1. Opinion Outlets
•Keith Olbermann
•Bill O'Reilly
•The Young Turks
•Wall Street Journal Editorial Side

2. Partisan Press (Ideologically Driven Press)
•The Nation
•Fox News Channel
•National Review
•Mother Jones
•Drudge Report

3. Straight News
•ABC News
•MSNBC News Programs
•New York Times
•Wall Street Journal (Non-Editorial)

did I miss something?????noway

am I the only one that sees the irony of the smirkingchimp making this list?? what

Winx's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:50 PM
I'm not seeing NPR News or BBC News.

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:51 PM
One Democrat President one Republican President...any your point is?
House and Senate all Dem in a landslide. that is reality. No spin there. How many seats did the repubs lose anyhow I lost count. Face it the republican party is forever a minority party. All the demographics point in that direction from the number of younger people who voted dem to the old raceists dieing off. America is on track to be a progresive liberal democratic country no matter how loud rush screams or how many people watch fox news, the future belongs to those who are tollerant.

laugh a landslide???You are ahead in the house and Senate by what?I think one or two Democrats?I hardly call that a landslide.It is almost dead even.The Republicans were in control for I think 12 years before Pelosi came in.I hardly call the Republicans a minority when they can gain control of the House and Senate with a few more members.

As far as your messiah Obama and his human rights...He doesn't seem to give a crap about them as he denied coming to the 20 anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall and also would not meet with the Dali lama.How is that for a start?

Keep dreaming of a Liberal America because that is what it is.Just a dream.

no photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:51 PM

"The majority of Americans have conservite values,practice Christiany,and support the military."

Hmm....that sounds like Democrats to me. All of the ones that I know have values, practice Christianity and support the military.

laugh Winx you never amaze me with your thinking which is largely optimistic and delusional a great deal of the time.We really don't need to dig up all the hundreds of Anti military,Anti Christian,and Anti American bills to see if a Democrat or Republican is behind them do we?Come on now frustrated

I go to church with Christian Democrats that have values and support the military. Everybody that I know supports the military.

My family and friends are mostly Christian and have values and support the military. My city's majority religion is Catholic and is majority Democrat.

What Winx, Don't you know the only true americans, true millitary supporters and true christians are conservatives? Thomas is channeling Palin today...:laughing:

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:52 PM

One Democrat President one Republican President...any your point is?
House and Senate all Dem in a landslide. that is reality. No spin there. How many seats did the repubs lose anyhow I lost count. Face it the republican party is forever a minority party. All the demographics point in that direction from the number of younger people who voted dem to the old raceists dieing off. America is on track to be a progresive liberal democratic country no matter how loud rush screams or how many people watch fox news, the future belongs to those who are tollerant.

laugh a landslide???You are ahead in the house and Senate by what?I think one or two Democrats?I hardly call that a landslide.It is almost dead even.The Republicans were in control for I think 12 years before Pelosi came in.I hardly call the Republicans a minority when they can gain control of the House and Senate with a few more members.

As far as your messiah Obama and his human rights...He doesn't seem to give a crap about them as he denied coming to the 20 anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall and also would not meet with the Dali lama.How is that for a start?

Keep dreaming of a Liberal America because that is what it is.Just a dream.

dems took 2/3 of the seats that were up for election that is a landslide. laugh drinker :banana: tongue2

no photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:52 PM

There are three categories of news media:

1. Opinion Outlets
•Keith Olbermann
•Bill O'Reilly
•The Young Turks
•Wall Street Journal Editorial Side

2. Partisan Press (Ideologically Driven Press)
•The Nation
•Fox News Channel
•National Review
•Mother Jones
•Drudge Report

3. Straight News
•ABC News
•MSNBC News Programs
•New York Times
•Wall Street Journal (Non-Editorial)

did I miss something?????noway

am I the only one that sees the irony of the smirkingchimp making this list?? what

Well it definitely is way off and it's definitely something a true liberal wrote.:wink:

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/20/09 06:53 PM

I'm not seeing NPR News or BBC News.
Its just an example jeeze! I m out busy working day tomorrowhave great night (for the ladies ) flowerforyou