Topic: Why the White House Is 100% Right to Challenge Fox News
Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:12 PM

I'm right even when I'm wrong.drinks

Winx she says she's independent but her views and opinions are way left.

LOL, no discussing a poster only the subject at hand.

Faux news is the worst place to get "fair and balanced" news.

Your opinion

Not the truth

I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:14 PM

Fox news lies though. It claims to be "fair and balanced" which it obviously is not.

So false advertising should be a charge against them by the whitehouse or justice system or whoever.

Now if they advertised it as "unfair and unbalanced" there would be no

Well seeing as no charges have been filed against them they must report the truth.

TJN, there is absolutely no point arguing with Dragoness. She is one of the most whacked-out far leftists on this board, and there is nothing you can say to change her mind that everything those on the left do is good, and everything those on the right do is evil.

Keep in mind, you're responding to someone will argue with anyone who doesn't agree with what he thinks :wink:.

Nice attack!

So are you saying I'm not allowed to have an opinion?

And I should just believe what others say without knowing the truth?

I am not attacking anyone, I don't think she is either. So who thinks it was an attack?

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:17 PM
What I wonder is why certain people always assume someone is telling them they can't have their own opinion when they disagree. People will disagree, especially in this forum. It's the nature of the forum. Yet, some people always respond that way.

TJN's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:23 PM

I'm right even when I'm wrong.drinks

Winx she says she's independent but her views and opinions are way left.

LOL, no discussing a poster only the subject at hand.

Faux news is the worst place to get "fair and balanced" news.

Your opinion

Not the truth

I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

So the whole station should be banned because some don't agree with the opinoin shows ie Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Rielly.
What about the rest of the news they have?

Bret Baier
Neil Cavuto
Greta Vansustren
Shepard Smith

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:31 PM

I'm right even when I'm wrong.drinks

Winx she says she's independent but her views and opinions are way left.

LOL, no discussing a poster only the subject at hand.

Faux news is the worst place to get "fair and balanced" news.

Your opinion

Not the truth

I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

So the whole station should be banned because some don't agree with the opinoin shows ie Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Rielly.
What about the rest of the news they have?

Bret Baier
Neil Cavuto
Greta Vansustren
Shepard Smith

I never said that.

I would not even defend it.

I said they advertise falsely. If they want to be fair and balanced they need to be fair and balanced. They are not. They are spinners and instigators.

Just tell us the truth of what you do on your job at Fox and noone will have any problems with it.

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:38 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Thu 10/22/09 02:39 PM

I'm right even when I'm wrong.drinks

Winx she says she's independent but her views and opinions are way left.

LOL, no discussing a poster only the subject at hand.

Faux news is the worst place to get "fair and balanced" news.

Your opinion

Not the truth

I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

So the whole station should be banned because some don't agree with the opinoin shows ie Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Rielly.
What about the rest of the news they have?

Bret Baier
Neil Cavuto
Greta Vansustren
Shepard Smith

I never said that.

I would not even defend it.

I said they advertise falsely. If they want to be fair and balanced they need to be fair and balanced. They are not. They are spinners and instigators.

Just tell us the truth of what you do on your job at Fox and noone will have any problems with it.

Then by that rationalle, why do the Obama/DNC propaganda networks like ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC etal, not have to abide to the same standard? They are slanted waaaaay left..

Dan Rather, anyone?

They just get to make up stories and call it news.. If you have a problem with Fox because they tend to show the conservative take one things, then you need to take the same offense to those others for doing the same..

But you don't.. why? because the CNN's and NBC's tell you what you want to hear. And you accept it as true because its conformable with your worldview.. plain and simple..

But Foxruns counter to your worldview and the positions of the DNC, so they're exscoriated for it..

TJN's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:44 PM
Just tell us the truth of what you do on your job at Fox and noone will have any problems with it.

Sorry to disapoint you but I'm a union federal employee.

TJN's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:49 PM
I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

What sources do you use to verify?
All you ever say is that'a not true and then give your opinion.
That's not verifying anything.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 03:19 PM

Just tell us the truth of what you do on your job at Fox and noone will have any problems with it.

Sorry to disapoint you but I'm a union federal employee.

What the hell does that have to do with my post?

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 03:24 PM

I'm right even when I'm wrong.drinks

Winx she says she's independent but her views and opinions are way left.

LOL, no discussing a poster only the subject at hand.

Faux news is the worst place to get "fair and balanced" news.

Your opinion

Not the truth

I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

So the whole station should be banned because some don't agree with the opinoin shows ie Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Rielly.
What about the rest of the news they have?

Bret Baier
Neil Cavuto
Greta Vansustren
Shepard Smith

I never said that.

I would not even defend it.

I said they advertise falsely. If they want to be fair and balanced they need to be fair and balanced. They are not. They are spinners and instigators.

Just tell us the truth of what you do on your job at Fox and noone will have any problems with it.

Then by that rationalle, why do the Obama/DNC propaganda networks like ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC etal, not have to abide to the same standard? They are slanted waaaaay left..

Dan Rather, anyone?

They just get to make up stories and call it news.. If you have a problem with Fox because they tend to show the conservative take one things, then you need to take the same offense to those others for doing the same..

But you don't.. why? because the CNN's and NBC's tell you what you want to hear. And you accept it as true because its conformable with your worldview.. plain and simple..

But Foxruns counter to your worldview and the positions of the DNC, so they're exscoriated for it..

I don't watch any of the news you listed so they cannot tell me anything.

So your whole rant is irrelavant.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 03:25 PM

I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

What sources do you use to verify?
All you ever say is that'a not true and then give your opinion.
That's not verifying anything.

You don't verify anything either. So don't hold me to standards you don't apply to yourself.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 03:25 PM :wink: laugh

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/22/09 03:30 PM

I'm right even when I'm wrong.drinks

Winx she says she's independent but her views and opinions are way left.

LOL, no discussing a poster only the subject at hand.

Faux news is the worst place to get "fair and balanced" news.

Your opinion

Not the truth

I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

So the whole station should be banned because some don't agree with the opinoin shows ie Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Rielly.
What about the rest of the news they have?

Bret Baier
Neil Cavuto
Greta Vansustren
Shepard Smith

I never said that.

I would not even defend it.

I said they advertise falsely. If they want to be fair and balanced they need to be fair and balanced. They are not. They are spinners and instigators.

Just tell us the truth of what you do on your job at Fox and noone will have any problems with it.

Then by that rationalle, why do the Obama/DNC propaganda networks like ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC etal, not have to abide to the same standard? They are slanted waaaaay left..

Dan Rather, anyone?

They just get to make up stories and call it news.. If you have a problem with Fox because they tend to show the conservative take one things, then you need to take the same offense to those others for doing the same..

But you don't.. why? because the CNN's and NBC's tell you what you want to hear. And you accept it as true because its conformable with your worldview.. plain and simple..

But Foxruns counter to your worldview and the positions of the DNC, so they're exscoriated for it..

I don't watch any of the news you listed so they cannot tell me anything.

So your whole rant is irrelavant.

I wasn't refering strictly to you but even if I was, it still holds true. You consider anything that doesn't conform to your view of things to be irrelevant and illegitimate..

So you don't watch any of those news networks?

Yet, miraculously, you know everything there is to know about how "biased" and "unbalanced" fox is.. and how "legitimate" all the others are...

please. does your absurdity know no bounds?

Where, then, do you get your "news"? The huffington post? the daily kos? oh, wait.. the smirking chimp.. right?

TJN's photo
Thu 10/22/09 03:34 PM

I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

What sources do you use to verify?
All you ever say is that'a not true and then give your opinion.
That's not verifying anything.

You don't verify anything either. So don't hold me to standards you don't apply to yourself.

I'm not the one accusing a news organization of lies.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 03:35 PM

I'm right even when I'm wrong.drinks

Winx she says she's independent but her views and opinions are way left.

LOL, no discussing a poster only the subject at hand.

Faux news is the worst place to get "fair and balanced" news.

Your opinion

Not the truth

I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

So the whole station should be banned because some don't agree with the opinoin shows ie Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Rielly.
What about the rest of the news they have?

Bret Baier
Neil Cavuto
Greta Vansustren
Shepard Smith

I never said that.

I would not even defend it.

I said they advertise falsely. If they want to be fair and balanced they need to be fair and balanced. They are not. They are spinners and instigators.

Just tell us the truth of what you do on your job at Fox and noone will have any problems with it.

Then by that rationalle, why do the Obama/DNC propaganda networks like ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC etal, not have to abide to the same standard? They are slanted waaaaay left..

Dan Rather, anyone?

They just get to make up stories and call it news.. If you have a problem with Fox because they tend to show the conservative take one things, then you need to take the same offense to those others for doing the same..

But you don't.. why? because the CNN's and NBC's tell you what you want to hear. And you accept it as true because its conformable with your worldview.. plain and simple..

But Foxruns counter to your worldview and the positions of the DNC, so they're exscoriated for it..

I don't watch any of the news you listed so they cannot tell me anything.

So your whole rant is irrelavant.

I wasn't refering strictly to you but even if I was, it still holds true. You consider anything that doesn't conform to your view of things to be irrelevant and illegitimate..

So you don't watch any of those news networks?

Yet, miraculously, you know everything there is to know about how "biased" and "unbalanced" fox is.. and how "legitimate" all the others are...

please. does your absurdity know no bounds?

Where, then, do you get your "news"? The huffington post? the daily kos? oh, wait.. the smirking chimp.. right?

I have never pointed anyone to any news site. My issue is that Fox news does not do what they say they do.

They are not fair and balanced, they are spinners, antagonizers and as close to all out liars as can be found in any organization that wants to call themselves a news station.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 03:35 PM

I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

What sources do you use to verify?
All you ever say is that'a not true and then give your opinion.
That's not verifying anything.

You don't verify anything either. So don't hold me to standards you don't apply to yourself.

I'm not the one accusing a news organization of lies.

You mean that MSM is not lying?

TJN's photo
Thu 10/22/09 04:37 PM

I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

What sources do you use to verify?
All you ever say is that'a not true and then give your opinion.
That's not verifying anything.

You don't verify anything either. So don't hold me to standards you don't apply to yourself.

I'm not the one accusing a news organization of lies.

You mean that MSM is not lying?

Well I would trust them as being closer to it than most internet sites.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/22/09 04:43 PM

I disagree. I have been able to verify the twist of truth on the station so it isn't fair and balanced. It is twisted and

What sources do you use to verify?
All you ever say is that'a not true and then give your opinion.
That's not verifying anything.

You don't verify anything either. So don't hold me to standards you don't apply to yourself.

I'm not the one accusing a news organization of lies.

You mean that MSM is not lying?

Well I would trust them as being closer to it than most internet sites.

:wink: :thumbsup: laugh

Anonimoose's photo
Thu 10/22/09 04:56 PM
Edited by Anonimoose on Thu 10/22/09 04:56 PM

TJN, there is absolutely no point arguing with Dragoness. She is one of the most whacked-out far leftists on this board, and there is nothing you can say to change her mind that everything those on the left do is good, and everything those on the right do is evil.

I am not a leftist nor a liberal.


I don't know if that is the same as independent.

OK, I'll tell you what, Dragoness ... in order for it to be believed that you're "not a leftist", and that you may possibly be an independent, there should definitely be some (fairly major) issues about which your position is consistent with the right. One doesn't really cut it, but we'll start with that for the moment. Can you name one issue for us where your position would be considered conservative/libertarian/small-government?

Winx's photo
Thu 10/22/09 05:47 PM
Their idea of news is telling lies about death panels and promoting Tea Party Protests. They show town hall meetings opposed to the health care plan and don't show meetings for it. That's not true news coverage.