Topic: The Anti-Bush Nobel Peace Prize
DaveyB's photo
Tue 10/13/09 05:49 PM

maybe he just has hemmorhoids?

laugh funny but could be true, which is partly why I wouldn't judge him on that one video. But if I saw a pattern then it might start to bother me. I was just saying that unlike boo I don't think it's a great thing that he's bouncing around the stage like a 5yo that has to pee.

Winx's photo
Tue 10/13/09 05:51 PM
Maybe he was cold and was fidgeting to keep warm.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/13/09 05:52 PM

maybe he just has hemmorhoids?

laugh funny but could be true, which is partly why I wouldn't judge him on that one video. But if I saw a pattern then it might start to bother me. I was just saying that unlike boo I don't think it's a great thing that he's bouncing around the stage like a 5yo that has to pee.
I'm just glad he didnt land on an aircraft carrier and declare mission accomplished.

no photo
Tue 10/13/09 05:53 PM

Are you really complaining about him fidgeting? Isn't that grasping at straws just a bit?

Sorry the word doesn't really explain what I see in the video but it's the best word I can find. And it's not so much that he's doing it that bothers me. It's that we've all seen the man enough to know the kind of control he does have, which suggests to me that he just doesn't care about what's going on. And yes I do have a problem with that. But then, as I said to TJ a while back, I'm not going to really judge the man based on that one incident but I sure as hell don't see it as a "plus" as boo seems to.

I just think you're really reaching there. But, of course, you're entitled to your opinion.

no photo
Tue 10/13/09 05:53 PM

Aren't choices part of being an american? People keep saying we follow Obama like he is some sort of God. I voted for him, but he is not god, so therefore if he asks me to do something, that doesn't mean I should feel obligated to do it. I should have found a better word to use than anal. I didn't mean to disrespect your particular view of it. To me it's anal, that shouldn't mean that it is for you. So I appologize to you TJN for trivializing your view if you took it that way. I really was not intending that. I meant only that it is anal to me.

That is so NOT what anybody is talking about. I suspect you know that and are just trying to avoid the question. No point in continuing on this part of your post.

Davey, fidgeting is a sign of disrespect or immaturity? Fidgeting is the act of moving about restlessly.


[1] Fidgeting may be a result of nervousness, agitation, boredom or a combination of these. It may be a result of genes. It is often an unconscious act. It may involve playing with one's fingers, hair, or items of clothing.

He did not "fidget" during the elections and such. So none of these are the case in his situation. If he had he may have had a lot harder time winning even against that moronic team from the republican party.

Fidgeting is moving away from its old stigma and is now considered among the most beneficial of the minor hand activities.

His was not simple hand movement it was his entire body twisting and turning. So again does not apply.

I love moving while thinking and learning new things. If that is fidgeting I hope I never stop.

As said, not the same thing. And that is not during a ceremony where one in his position is suppose to be paying attention and showing respect. It's a very short period, I prefer my president to have a much better attention span than a couple min's. Personally I think he does, he just was not showing due respect.

He too is a very active and engaged person, something I found as a plus in him as a president.

I find that a plus also, but I do not find lack of control a plus. One of the reasons I voted against McCain (among many other reasons)

I post what I think, I don't play games, so if I miss interpreted what you said I will acknowledge that. So no need to assume that I know but am avoiding something, it's not in my nature to avoid anything.

I neither find Obama disrespectful or unstable or without control. In fact I find him quite stable and patient, though no one is going to be completely perfect in every situation. And I have seen him in countless interviews and situations. I do find him quite in control, and not easily shaken, which is one of the things I like about him.

By the way my first comment was not for you. My only comment to you came after I typed your name. Next time I will post separately.

DaveyB's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:02 PM

I post what I think, I don't play games, so if I miss interpreted what you said I will acknowledge that. So no need to assume that I know but am avoiding something, it's not in my nature to avoid anything.

Yeah that's you skip over everything I posted and post BS like this. Nevermind, last send to you.

no photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:03 PM

maybe he just has hemmorhoids?

laugh funny but could be true, which is partly why I wouldn't judge him on that one video. But if I saw a pattern then it might start to bother me. I was just saying that unlike boo I don't think it's a great thing that he's bouncing around the stage like a 5yo that has to pee.

Sounds a bit of an exaggeration. Do you have this video? I have never seem him bouncing around the stage.

TJN's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:05 PM
You know I just realized some thing besides the fact that this thread got hijacked.

Yes it's my opinion that Obama should properly salute the flag when the Natonal Anthem is being played.

Does not saluting the flag mean you are not patriotic? No

I guess I would just like to see our elected officials uphold the laws and rules and codes that they wright.

Title 36 United States Code:
§ 301. National Anthem.
(a) Designation. — The composition consisting of the words and music known as
the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.
(b) Conduct During Playing. — During a rendition of the national anthem —
(1) when the flag is displayed —
(A) all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag
with the right hand over the heart;
(B) men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and
hold the headdress at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
(C) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the antem and maintain that position until the last note.
(2) When the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music
and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.

Should our elected national leaders be expected to show proper flag etiquette? I think they should.

And then it hit me!!

Heck some of our elected officials don't even follow the LAWS they wright (Rangel sound familiar)and they still keep there positions.

Obama did run on CHANGE. So I guess he is just doing it because he wants to change our country. And time honored traditions mean nothing anymore.

That's all I have on this topic anymore.

DaveyB's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:09 PM

Are you really complaining about him fidgeting? Isn't that grasping at straws just a bit?

Sorry the word doesn't really explain what I see in the video but it's the best word I can find. And it's not so much that he's doing it that bothers me. It's that we've all seen the man enough to know the kind of control he does have, which suggests to me that he just doesn't care about what's going on. And yes I do have a problem with that. But then, as I said to TJ a while back, I'm not going to really judge the man based on that one incident but I sure as hell don't see it as a "plus" as boo seems to.

I just think you're really reaching there. But, of course, you're entitled to your opinion.

If I were calling him unpatriotic over this one incident I would agree that's reaching and partly why I say I can't agree with TJ completely. But I have reviewed my opinion decided that yeah this is not exactly a great performance by our commander and chief. If you read my earlier statements you'd know that I considered this more of a faux pas than a reason to show disrespect to the president. But I still cannot for the life of me figure how anyone could consider all this a "good thing". That's just doesn't meet with common sense at all.

no photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:12 PM

I post what I think, I don't play games, so if I miss interpreted what you said I will acknowledge that. So no need to assume that I know but am avoiding something, it's not in my nature to avoid anything.

Yeah that's you skip over everything I posted and post BS like this. Nevermind, last send to you.

What's the problem. I read your 'entire post'. You start out by telling me no one is talking about what I was talking about. Then you accuse me of playing dumb and avoiding the question...

Now you accuse me of skipping over everything and posting BS, BS because I see him differently than you do?

There was little to respond to. You gave your opinion of his fidgetting, what else did I need to add? You already knew what I felt about it, so there was no reason to repeat my own view..

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:13 PM
yep...THIS is the thread that I thought was the Pledge of Allegiance but wasn't laugh

DaveyB's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:16 PM

I post what I think, I don't play games, so if I miss interpreted what you said I will acknowledge that. So no need to assume that I know but am avoiding something, it's not in my nature to avoid anything.

Yeah that's you skip over everything I posted and post BS like this. Nevermind, last send to you.

What's the problem. I read your 'entire post'. You start out by telling me no one is talking about what I was talking about. Then you accuse me of playing dumb and avoiding the question...

Now you accuse me of skipping over everything and posting BS, BS because I see him differently than you do?

There was little to respond to. You gave your opinion of his fidgetting, what else did I need to add? You already knew what I felt about it, so there was no reason to repeat my own view..

Well I'll try this in a little plainer english for you since you don't seem to have gotten it from the last post. You've posted about everything except those things asked of you. From that I'm concluding that speaking to you is a waste of my time. Since I'm not fond of wasting my time I am not responding to any topic in this or any other you make. You needn't bother responding I'm not interested.

DaveyB's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:19 PM

yep...THIS is the thread that I thought was the Pledge of Allegiance but wasn't laugh

Yeah kinda got hi-jacked... bet you did that.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:20 PM

yep...THIS is the thread that I thought was the Pledge of Allegiance but wasn't laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:23 PM

yep...THIS is the thread that I thought was the Pledge of Allegiance but wasn't laugh

Yeah kinda got hi-jacked... bet you did that.

laugh not me...remember I posted one thing before I caught up with the newest change then posted again. I don't know where I am or what we are talking about any more laugh no one can derail threads like the political crew huh? laugh

DaveyB's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:24 PM

yep...THIS is the thread that I thought was the Pledge of Allegiance but wasn't laugh

Yeah kinda got hi-jacked... bet you did that.

laugh not me...remember I posted one thing before I caught up with the newest change then posted again. I don't know where I am or what we are talking about any more laugh no one can derail threads like the political crew huh? laugh

Does seem to be a knack of those in here. I'm sure I've done my share laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:31 PM

yep...THIS is the thread that I thought was the Pledge of Allegiance but wasn't laugh

Yeah kinda got hi-jacked... bet you did that.

laugh not me...remember I posted one thing before I caught up with the newest change then posted again. I don't know where I am or what we are talking about any more laugh no one can derail threads like the political crew huh? laugh

Does seem to be a knack of those in here. I'm sure I've done my share laugh

I have too but I usually blame fran for it laugh but I'm sure I won't learn to not come into the middle of the thread and go with the current conversation, because then I have no idea what the OP was about laugh

DaveyB's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:38 PM

yep...THIS is the thread that I thought was the Pledge of Allegiance but wasn't laugh

Yeah kinda got hi-jacked... bet you did that.

laugh not me...remember I posted one thing before I caught up with the newest change then posted again. I don't know where I am or what we are talking about any more laugh no one can derail threads like the political crew huh? laugh

Does seem to be a knack of those in here. I'm sure I've done my share laugh

I have too but I usually blame fran for it laugh but I'm sure I won't learn to not come into the middle of the thread and go with the current conversation, because then I have no idea what the OP was about laugh

Oh heck I do that one all the time laugh... I do try to go back and check out the OP sooner or later, but I figure the topic at hand is the more important of the two.

no photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:39 PM

Are you really complaining about him fidgeting? Isn't that grasping at straws just a bit?

Sorry the word doesn't really explain what I see in the video but it's the best word I can find. And it's not so much that he's doing it that bothers me. It's that we've all seen the man enough to know the kind of control he does have, which suggests to me that he just doesn't care about what's going on. And yes I do have a problem with that. But then, as I said to TJ a while back, I'm not going to really judge the man based on that one incident but I sure as hell don't see it as a "plus" as boo seems to.

I just think you're really reaching there. But, of course, you're entitled to your opinion.

If I were calling him unpatriotic over this one incident I would agree that's reaching and partly why I say I can't agree with TJ completely. But I have reviewed my opinion decided that yeah this is not exactly a great performance by our commander and chief. If you read my earlier statements you'd know that I considered this more of a faux pas than a reason to show disrespect to the president. But I still cannot for the life of me figure how anyone could consider all this a "good thing". That's just doesn't meet with common sense at all.

I'm not sure who you're talking about that said it was a good thing. I don't think it was me. However, I do not think what happened in that video was important or anything to dwell on.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:40 PM

yep...THIS is the thread that I thought was the Pledge of Allegiance but wasn't laugh

Yeah kinda got hi-jacked... bet you did that.

laugh not me...remember I posted one thing before I caught up with the newest change then posted again. I don't know where I am or what we are talking about any more laugh no one can derail threads like the political crew huh? laugh

Does seem to be a knack of those in here. I'm sure I've done my share laugh

I have too but I usually blame fran for it laugh but I'm sure I won't learn to not come into the middle of the thread and go with the current conversation, because then I have no idea what the OP was about laugh

Oh heck I do that one all the time laugh... I do try to go back and check out the OP sooner or later, but I figure the topic at hand is the more important of the two.

I wondered why we had 2 pledge of allegiance threads. wouldn't be the first double thread...just wondered. now I know laugh