Topic: Man With Assault Weapon near Obama
Logan1976's photo
Tue 08/18/09 05:19 PM
I just watched the you tube video. I did'nt see Obama any where around the guy with the fire arm. Obama chose to go to a state where there is an open carry law. Those are facts. Heres my opinion. Im glad it was'nt a white guy. I expected it to be a white guy. If it was a white guy he would probably be in the morgue on ice.

no photo
Tue 08/18/09 06:00 PM

I just watched the you tube video. I did'nt see Obama any where around the guy with the fire arm. Obama chose to go to a state where there is an open carry law. Those are facts. Heres my opinion. Im glad it was'nt a white guy. I expected it to be a white guy. If it was a white guy he would probably be in the morgue on ice.

WTF? What does that mean?

Logan1976's photo
Tue 08/18/09 07:24 PM
They might have killed the white guy.

jamesfortville's photo
Tue 08/18/09 07:29 PM
Assault Weapon/rifle, I get sick and tired of hearing all this talk about assault weapon. They were invented in Nazi Germany during WWII but they were outlawed here in the United States twenty years earlier with the Sherman Machinegun Act. If some
Body has an assault rife he is breaking the law. Television misrepresents the facts so we can’t tell what is really going on.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 08/18/09 07:51 PM

Assault Weapon/rifle, I get sick and tired of hearing all this talk about assault weapon. They were invented in Nazi Germany during WWII but they were outlawed here in the United States twenty years earlier with the Sherman Machinegun Act. If some
Body has an assault rife he is breaking the law. Television misrepresents the facts so we can’t tell what is really going on.

Isn't an assault rifle automatic? Hence if someone has a semi-auto M-16 it is just a rifle as it doesn't have automatic. Pretty sure that is how it works.

adj4u's photo
Wed 08/19/09 05:30 AM

But let's not let the facts of the case prevent liberal Obaaaaama fanatics from taking the opportunity of seeing a gun in the hands of a "regular person" to rail against American Liberties..

For pete sakes, how ridiculous. I am a liberal and own a rifle and a hand gun and would have no problem blowing away anyone that tried to harm my family. Quit making the assumption that liberals all have a problem with guns. I have a problem with nutcases carrying guns.

ok you are sitting in your car at a red light

4 gang members aproach each window with an object to break said window

there is a car in front and in back of you

glass breaks

are you going to blow them away


a lot of good those guns you own do you at home in the gun safe

still waiting for your response

metalwing's photo
Wed 08/19/09 05:52 AM

Assault Weapon/rifle, I get sick and tired of hearing all this talk about assault weapon. They were invented in Nazi Germany during WWII but they were outlawed here in the United States twenty years earlier with the Sherman Machinegun Act. If some
Body has an assault rife he is breaking the law. Television misrepresents the facts so we can’t tell what is really going on.

Isn't an assault rifle automatic? Hence if someone has a semi-auto M-16 it is just a rifle as it doesn't have automatic. Pretty sure that is how it works.

Nope. The federal "Assault Weapons Ban" included "look alike" semiautomatic weapons and banned guns that just had scary features.

no photo
Wed 08/19/09 06:47 AM

But let's not let the facts of the case prevent liberal Obaaaaama fanatics from taking the opportunity of seeing a gun in the hands of a "regular person" to rail against American Liberties..

For pete sakes, how ridiculous. I am a liberal and own a rifle and a hand gun and would have no problem blowing away anyone that tried to harm my family. Quit making the assumption that liberals all have a problem with guns. I have a problem with nutcases carrying guns.

ok you are sitting in your car at a red light

4 gang members aproach each window with an object to break said window

there is a car in front and in back of you

glass breaks

are you going to blow them away


a lot of good those guns you own do you at home in the gun safe

still waiting for your response

flowerforyou Well I am probably pretty much s-c-r-e-w-e-d if I allowed myself to be boxed in in the first place. I learned years ago never to box myself in at a red light. I also wouldn't be in an area where gangs tend to do such things. And I can't be sure that a gun would even do me much good in that situation if I can't get all 4 fast enough.

What happens when I do have a gun in the car with me and the gang members all approach with a gun, then it's 4 guns against one. Same problem, it's no guarentee I will be alive in the end.

I can't live my life in a state of paranoia either. Even in my house where my guns are not in a safe, I am not completely safe because anything can happen at any time I am not standing next to that gun. And even if I carried a gun at every moment of the day, there are always going to be times when I am not safe.

I still would not want to live in a country where everyone is suspicious of eachother every moment of the day and everyone is carrying.

I would much rather we evolve than go backwards.

franshade's photo
Wed 08/19/09 06:49 AM
Oh Robin and his scenarios - no one knows how they will react in a certain moment, we can say yes we will do this, that or the other and when it happens we do the opposite.

No harm came to Obama, there were guns carried by citizens and no one got harmed, arrested, etc.

artman48's photo
Wed 08/19/09 07:01 AM

he (the prez) is probably safer

i doubt any one wanting to shoot him would be mingling in the crowd

when there is no clue whom may have a weapon to take out an assassin

and face it if yer a pro you will know who is ss and who is not

ss imagine that sounds familiar does it not)

more law biding people with guns the safer everyone is

including the prez

Good stuff here--- I have guns---lots of them---like em-- might have shot at someone when in Veitnam---but not here. Would have if someone messed with my family over the years. Feel the same way now. Why do so many people want to take mine awy??????????? Germany tooek them awy from the people---the russians name any country you want---We are the last in the world. ok I'll shut up now.---- And remember, the ones in this country running around shooting each other in the streets, are breaking the laws we allready have. Something stinks here.

Seakolony's photo
Wed 08/19/09 07:09 AM

This is crazy. They are allowing people to have assault weapons and guns and be near a President.

Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest.

By AMANDA LEE MYERS and TERRY TANG, Associated Press Writers Amanda Lee Myers And Terry Tang, Associated Press Writers – Mon Aug 17, 6:22 pm ET

PHOENIX – About a dozen people carrying guns, including one with a military-style rifle, milled among protesters outside the convention center where President Barack Obama was giving a speech Monday — the latest incident in which protesters have openly displayed firearms near the president.

Gun-rights advocates say they're exercising their constitutional right to bear arms and protest, while those who argue for more gun control say it could be a disaster waiting to happen.

Phoenix police said the gun-toters at Monday's event, including the man carrying an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle slung over his shoulder, didn't need permits. No crimes were committed, and no one was arrested.

The man with the rifle declined to be identified but told The Arizona Republic that he was carrying the assault weapon because he could. "In Arizona, I still have some freedoms," he said.

Phoenix police Detective J. Oliver, who monitored the man at the downtown protest, said police also wanted to make sure no one decided to harm him.

"Just by his presence and people seeing the rifle and people knowing the president was in town, it sparked a lot of emotions," Oliver said. "We were keeping peace on both ends."

Last week, during Obama's health care town hall in Portsmouth, N.H., a man carrying a sign reading "It is time to water the tree of liberty" stood outside with a pistol strapped to his leg.

"It's a political statement," he told The Boston Globe. "If you don't use your rights, then you lose your rights."

Police asked the man to move away from school property, but he was not arrested.

Fred Solop, a Northern Arizona University political scientist, said the incidents in New Hampshire and Arizona could signal the beginning of a disturbing trend.

"When you start to bring guns to political rallies, it does layer on another level of concern and significance," Solop said. "It actually becomes quite scary for many people. It creates a chilling effect in the ability of our society to carry on honest communication."

He said he's never heard of someone bringing an assault weapon near a presidential event. "The larger the gun, the more menacing the situation," he said.

Phoenix was Obama's last stop on a four-day tour of western states, including Montana and Colorado.

Authorities in Montana said they received no reports of anyone carrying firearms during Obama's health care town hall near Bozeman on Friday. About 1,000 people both for and against Obama converged at a protest area near the Gallatin Field Airport hangar where the event took place. One person accused of disorderly conduct was detained and released, according to the Gallatin Airport Authority.

Heather Benjamin of Denver's Mesa County sheriff's department, the lead agency during Obama's visit there, said no one was arrested.

Arizona is an "open-carry" state, which means anyone legally allowed to have a firearm can carry it in public as long as it's visible. Only someone carrying a concealed weapon is required to have a permit.

Paul Helmke, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said people should not be allowed to bring guns to events where Obama is.

"To me, this is craziness," he said. "When you bring a loaded gun, particularly a loaded assault rifle, to any political event, but particularly to one where the president is appearing, you're just making the situation dangerous for everyone."

He said people who bring guns to presidential events are distracting the Secret Service and law enforcement from protecting the president. "The more guns we see at more events like this, there's more potential for something tragic happening," he said.

Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said armed demonstrators in open-carry states such as Arizona and New Hampshire have little impact on security plans for the president.

"In both cases, the subject was not entering our site or otherwise attempting to," Donovan said. "They were in a designated public viewing area. The main thing to know is that they would not have been allowed inside with a weapon."

Representatives of the National Rifle Association did not return calls for comment.

What is so wrong with it?
Guns aren't bad, it is the people behind the guns we have to worry about.
Maybe Obama is looking to add them to his own private army when he takes the US under communistic rule.

What's wrong with it? Four Presidents have already been shot and killed. I remember when Kennedy was killed. It was a sad day.

Yeah..of course, Obama could be wanting them.noway slaphead

And the only shooter standing in close proximity to a President murdered was Booth in a theatre in the Lincoln murder. Which I might add was a conspiarcy on the part of the Confederacy, but only one man paid the price. Booth and the Confederacy were the issue not the GUN!!

Kennedy, Hinkley was insane, NOT THE GUN!!

William McKinley, Leon Czolgosz was the issue, NOT THE GUN!!

Garfield, Charles Guiteau was the issue, NOT THE GUN!!

Maybe if the US put all the money from weapon control in mental disorder and treatment, there would not be the need for the GUN CONTROL!!

no photo
Wed 08/19/09 07:13 AM
both Lincoln and Kennedy tried to inject money directly from the treasury into the economy the Federal Reserve or its predecessor....


artman48's photo
Wed 08/19/09 07:22 AM

both Lincoln and Kennedy tried to inject money directly from the treasury into the economy the Federal Reserve or its predecessor....

NO! THANK YOU--someone with a brain here!!! and remember its the so called fed (which isn't)that lends the country money, the banks money the world money etc etc etc. Go study the 1913 invention of the fed and the people in the world who got it going and also the traiters here who signed it into law!!!! trust me --every dime you pay in interest is money they make. NO MATER YOUR STATION IN LIFE INCLUDING GOVERNMENTS!

Winx's photo
Wed 08/19/09 07:25 AM

What is so wrong with it?
Guns aren't bad, it is the people behind the guns we have to worry about.
Maybe Obama is looking to add them to his own private army when he takes the US under communistic rule.

What's wrong with it? Four Presidents have already been shot and killed. I remember when Kennedy was killed. It was a sad day.

Yeah..of course, Obama could be wanting them.noway slaphead

And the only shooter standing in close proximity to a President murdered was Booth in a theatre in the Lincoln murder. Which I might add was a conspiarcy on the part of the Confederacy, but only one man paid the price. Booth and the Confederacy were the issue not the GUN!!

Kennedy, Hinkley was insane, NOT THE GUN!!

William McKinley, Leon Czolgosz was the issue, NOT THE GUN!!

Garfield, Charles Guiteau was the issue, NOT THE GUN!!

Maybe if the US put all the money from weapon control in mental disorder and treatment, there would not be the need for the GUN CONTROL!!

Mentally illnesses cannot be cured.

I don't understand why it would be wrong to keep people with guns away from a President.

franshade's photo
Wed 08/19/09 07:29 AM

I don't understand why it would be wrong to keep people with guns away from a President.

JMO it would be wrong if I am the person you want to keep away from the President (just an example).

I carry a gun, I am not crazy (not technically yet anyway laugh), I have every right to bear arms, why assume that because I chose to carry a gun that I am up to no good?

Hell, he can consider me added security (jmo)

artman48's photo
Wed 08/19/09 07:37 AM

What is so wrong with it?
Guns aren't bad, it is the people behind the guns we have to worry about.
Maybe Obama is looking to add them to his own private army when he takes the US under communistic rule.

What's wrong with it? Four Presidents have already been shot and killed. I remember when Kennedy was killed. It was a sad day.

Yeah..of course, Obama could be wanting them.noway slaphead
Either he was a plant--- for the fed gun control people---or he was at an NRA rally 45 miles away---- In any case Lot to do about nothing. The anti gun crowed will never change And remember-- the average police responce in this country is about 10 min i think. NO NO NO ---that won't do-- think i'll keep my guns thank you--

And the only shooter standing in close proximity to a President murdered was Booth in a theatre in the Lincoln murder. Which I might add was a conspiarcy on the part of the Confederacy, but only one man paid the price. Booth and the Confederacy were the issue not the GUN!!

Kennedy, Hinkley was insane, NOT THE GUN!!

William McKinley, Leon Czolgosz was the issue, NOT THE GUN!!

Garfield, Charles Guiteau was the issue, NOT THE GUN!!

Maybe if the US put all the money from weapon control in mental disorder and treatment, there would not be the need for the GUN CONTROL!!

Mentally illnesses cannot be cured.

I don't understand why it would be wrong to keep people with guns away from a President.

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 08/19/09 07:47 AM
I'm not understanding what is the issue here

some people were legally posessing firarms in a controlled legal manner. No one got hurt. No one was threatened. No laws were broken

What exactly is the big deal?

metalwing's photo
Wed 08/19/09 07:50 AM

I'm not understanding what is the issue here

some people were legally posessing firarms in a controlled legal manner. No one got hurt. No one was threatened. No laws were broken

What exactly is the big deal?

It's called "media Hype".

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 08/19/09 07:53 AM

I'm not understanding what is the issue here

some people were legally posessing firarms in a controlled legal manner. No one got hurt. No one was threatened. No laws were broken

What exactly is the big deal?

It's called "media Hype".

ohhhhhhhh I get it

liberal biased, anti-gun, sensationalistic media hype

artman48's photo
Wed 08/19/09 07:56 AM

I'm not understanding what is the issue here

some people were legally posessing firarms in a controlled legal manner. No one got hurt. No one was threatened. No laws were broken

What exactly is the big deal?

I agree --- So why is it they want mine so bad?? Like I said, something stinks. Like the media coverage of a none event. (Anyone left in here will have fun with that one)!!!---Lots of people still love the main stream media.