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Topic: Weapons
Jess642's photo
Sun 06/03/07 05:33 AM
Same here JJ, we lived on 240 acres of pristine Australian bushland,
with a 5000 acre state forset lease attached...we spent days, weeks,
camping on our own property, learning bushskills, and some gentle forms
of hunting, with no kill, attached.

We tracked snakes, and dingoes, kangaroos, and learnt to stalk them
until they were no longer disturbed by us.

We had the privilege of an Indigenous matriarch, teach us her ways..and
teach us survival of our land...

My eldest son learnt to fish with line, hook, and a jar, he had to catch
his bait, then catch his small fish, as bait for his bigger fish.

This was his passiion, and his environment, until he was 14, and even
then we moved to a small beach side village, which is where we are now,
still within the same shire, and the same collective community, just a
different address...

Nothing changed for my older children, and they in turn, taught, the
younger two...how to use and utilise their imaginations...

Which my younger two do, everyday, they are always in the bushland next
to the house, wandering along wallaby tracks, or on their bellies
watching ants, or necks craned watchiong the birdlife...

It is posssible..it just takes committment, and enough vision to look at
the broader picture of who these young people will be one day...

Leaders of their community, and examples to their own children.

it is their inheritance.

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 05:40 AM
Lee...I wanna come to australia and stalk kangaroos! Pleaase!laugh
That all sounds so awesome...good job! (thumbs up icon)

kariZman's photo
Sun 06/03/07 05:49 AM
i love my little brother we never ever fought with our fists gloved or
un gloved there was to much love and still is we are a lovin huggen
family headstrong and tougher than nails ,my sister is a teacher my
brother is a millionair business man we are smart barstards we dont
fight we cant see the fukin point.im a pot smokin veggi wan kin drop
out weirdo impudent dissolute fukin freak it seens. i hate violence my
dad does my mum did we all do in our family.i love my family.happy

Fanta46's photo
Sun 06/03/07 05:57 AM
Now ladies,,I am a self-made man.
My mother died in 1972 on my 12th birthday.
I was surrounded by males, true I have 4 sisters, but by then they were
very much busy and preoccupied with their own families.
Left in the home were me and 3 brothers, 2 yrs apart, and my father.
What a great man, I tell people today, that he is the strongest
individual person I have ever met. Ive been around too.
My father doesnt just teach right from wrong, he lives it.
He is morally, and intellectually the strongest man alive. (no
We were a wild group of boys too. Our Dad worked at Goddard, and we ran
rampid. Girls, drugs, alchol, girls, drugs.... Way too much unsupervised
time on our hands.

Hmmm,,,you know, maybe we didnt turn out so good.(insert..ten min.

Well, I was going to say we all turned out ok, but thats not true. I
wont go into the details, but I dont blame my dad. He always told us
right we just never listened. We never recieved any help from outside,
no phsyciatrist to help deal with our loss. Life went on,,we were left
to deal with it in our own minds.

This is not going where I thought it would.
Just make me your poster child!!
It could say, "Dont let this happen to your child!"

Can I laugh, now LMAO

laugh laugh laugh

Talk about rambling.........
The mind of

Jess642's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:01 AM
Thankyou Fanta, and your dad did a heck of a job raising 8 kids? And
providing for them, and doing the best he could, with what he had to
work with...

And the very fact that you say he is the most moral and intelligent
human you knwo, says a lot about how you were raised, with respect...

And your perspectives in these very threads showm that he did good.

What goes around, comes around.

(No matter how lumpy some of the journey may be):wink:

Fanta46's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:13 AM
Thanks, Jess

Im lucky to still be alive, really!

Way too much unsupervised time on our hands......

buttons's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:18 AM
hi fantasmooched smooched

Fanta46's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:20 AM
Hi buttonsflowerforyou flowerforyou
Where have you been?
Married yet? :wink:

kariZman's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:25 AM
any sort of fighting is fuked in my opinion wether it be unarmed or
armed we are primal fuk witts there is no virtue in learning any form
of fighting armed unarmed how ever you fukin like the toungue is
mightier than the sword live by the sword die by the fuken sword teach
your children well the art of un armed combat fuken BULLSHHIITT!

Jess642's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:35 AM
Fred, I will not deny humans are violent , or that they have the
capacity for violence.

I did not instruct my kids, nor do I in violence, however Aikkido, is a
self defense form of martial art, and actually translates into the word
'water', to flow, to allow the attackers force, to flow past you, and to
deflect without causing harm.

So in the event of violence, he can defend himself.

My older son, was a wild one, a big 6'3 ball of testosterone...and
needed an 'out'.

This same 6'3 lad, would also sit and play dollies with his baby sister,
to lug her around on his hip, teach her to swim, and play imagination
games with her, at her whim, and completely at her mercy!!!

He had temperence, and has a generosity of spirit and a tenderness, and
deep nurturing capacity, that humbles women.

My sons are no violent mercenaries, and although my eldest chose a
ridiculous path when joining the Army, all things for a reaon, sometimes
not revealed to us instantly.

He has an intimate view of the military life, coupled with a passive and
empathic upbrining, and a deep respect for all...so perhaps he may be
one of the leaders that dismantles these war machines..

who knows?

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:54 AM
Thank you Lee for your response...
Myself believing...that there is nothing wrong with training for
self-defense...It actually teaches you control
I was in the military myself...the navy...was a Seabee. The closest
thing to violence I ever came to was kicking the tracks on my bulldozer,
as I was a heavy equipment operator...I do not adhere to violence...but
think it is a good thing to be prepared.
And with that being said...I'm going to bed...Good night

kariZman's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:54 AM
flowerforyou sad i hope so jess lee watt the fuk is wrong with
humanity.we kill for the fun of it we kill animals with some stupid idea
it will nourish our bodies and mindsnowaymeat fukin madness i call
it.human kind will never be able to no real compassion toward one
another with all that fukin adrenalin from the flesh they eat flowin
through their ignorant fukin bodies clouding their ignorant fukin

Fanta46's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:55 AM
good night jjflowerforyou

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:56 AM
Goodnight Fantaflowerforyou

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:06 AM

Fanta. you turned out ok , but for the virtue of what you were
personally able to glean from "the lack of a strong dominant female
so did you attract dominating women? lol or did you go the rescue
route! hahhahhahaa

sorry, :wink:

my idea would have had a network in place to fill the vacuum, women in
the community and family that would also be available because they
support another priority, which is to create real security by
interaction and nurturing the needs of their youth.

let's face it Lee's sanctuary would look a little different if we all
got up tomorrow and bought real estate..we have to look at the city life
and how tangled up it is..the root of which is simply POVERTY....

we know enough and have enough to change that . that needs to happen
first... when someone needs emergency first aid at a level that is
surgical, the first thing you do is get rid of the pain.

it's so ridiculous to me , i hear about these hollywood budgets for
movies and i think...just spend one.. just 1. on housing the homeless
in a simple way. not some extreme makeover ....just one budget.

250million? reasonable?

imagine pumping that into the ghettos of any city and then look at what
as consumers we give them in return..we quadruple their budgets!! in

just 1??

or then donate all the proceeds to the homeless projects and re
integration..if they're too messed up , provide shelter at least and
keep the violence pacified with full bellies and opportunities ...even
simple ones ..some of these guys are so toasted all you can hope for is
painting or sculpture, and then some interesting things happen. people
thrive when they feel in the slightest bit productive so ..produce!

develop asylums to receive the homeless that will be dedicated to
directing them to the honest possibilities they are capable of.

we have something like that in place here and we have very little
violent crime and EVERYBODY passes thru amsterdam!

google queens day 2007 amsterdam....it's a wild day! and with little
incident. make the communities peaceful by removing the threats, remove
the concept of greed from the cradle and make sure everyone has enough.

that seems logical to me. in order to facilitate that we open up a huge
market for human resources for study for building modern communities
that reflect the intelligence and level we deserve to have.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:11 AM
Ill take the fifth!!!!!laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:25 AM
you think i am not aware of the scope of what i am saying??????

and i know what we are, what we are capable of when we find our
and put our brilliance to a different purpose...to evolve successfully
as humanity in harmony with it's environment. preservation of the specis
and attention to healing the specis...

Fanta46's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:29 AM
Oh Im sure.
The fifth was on the type of women!!!!laugh laugh

kariZman's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:33 AM
no logic in eating meat.eating flesh makes people sick in the fukin head
and the body and the meat industry is killing the earth.

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:37 AM
fanta...laugh laugh :wink:

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