Topic: flag protest
adj4u's photo
Mon 07/13/09 07:31 AM

Mixed emotions on this one.

It is not disrespectful to fly our flag upside down, it does signal distress, not disrespect.

Our nation is in distress under a hyper-inflated currency imposed on us by the FED, too much corruption in government, too many laws, loss of our rights, liberties and freedoms.

When a government fails its people, continues to lead them down a path of ruin, makes it impossible to even imagine "The American Dream" any more, and over regulates our ability to succeed, that is most definately distress.

Who said it is about a liquor lisence? The media? Local law? One man alone can not fix our nations problems that a whole corrupt and greedy government has imposed. Perhaps it is what it is, an appeal to ALL Americans to rise in defense of freedom, take back control of corrupt government that allows Wall Street, private banks and corporations to cause these hardships upon "we the people".

I hesitate to rush to judgement too quickly on such an issue as this, condemning before all the facts are in. I thought we were innocent till PROVEN guilty, and because the media or some sherriff said so, is not proof!

very well put


He said his distress is likely bankruptcy because the village board refused to grant him a liquor license after he spent nearly $200,000 to buy and remodel a downtown building for an Italian supper club.

dont you think you would get the license b4 you spend 200k


no he is not in a war time setting and not getting a liquor license is not life threatening

thus he did fly it upside down for the wrong reasons

but this country is in distress and the life of the united states is in grave danger

the life liberty and happiness that the stars and stripes is supposed to represent is being murdered more with every new security measure that passed and every bailout dollar spent

so yes flying the flag upside down is appropriate but not necessarily in this instance

adj4u's photo
Mon 07/13/09 07:32 AM

You lot would absolutely hate me, I fly my flag upside down and have been for about six years...

depends on why

as i said in an earlier post

the flag flying upside down is appropriate but maybe not in this situation

i do not like bn last post on page grumble grumble grumble

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 07/13/09 07:35 AM
true's more of a symbolic distress in this case. I mean what civilian REALLY goes outside and hangs the flag upside down in hopes someone will notice they are being held hostage or their house is being taken over? I'll call 911 before I ask someone to hold that thought while I "signal" to other I'm in distress.

it's a form of protest which is legal. just because some think it's disrespectful...oh well. sorry but what gives others the authority to tell someone what they can or can't do legally?

no photo
Mon 07/13/09 07:52 AM
I'm having a problem here.

As far as I understand the man is in distress.

His money, and therefore his livelihood is in jeopardy when he doesn't get this license, so what gives?

no photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:10 AM

I'm having a problem here.

As far as I understand the man is in distress.

His money, and therefore his livelihood is in jeopardy when he doesn't get this license, so what gives?

The minute he did something against someone else's ideals, his circumstances no longer counted, sadly. We often only focus on one small part of a story, then turn it into a much bigger story. Probably why we actually like the media, even when we say it's dishonest. It serves to inflame our emotions. I have no watched the news in almost 6 months now, now maybe I am too relaxed..

It's not the end of the world for him I am sure, but I have some empathy for the amount of work and money he must have put out to then find he was denied. I just wonder what made him think to do that of all things, so there has to be more to the story. It would be interesting to know why he chose that particular action.

Maybe he underestimated the response, who knows.

no photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:13 AM
Hes a fool for not obtaining the lience before spending $200,000!!!! Every state, city, township have different ordinances relating to obtaining one....

He!! look at the future business he has lost due to his foolishness over his foolish action if he is granted the licence!!!!

no photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:21 AM

Hes a fool for not obtaining the lience before spending $200,000!!!! Every state, city, township have different ordinances relating to obtaining one....

He!! look at the future business he has lost due to his foolishness over his foolish action if he is granted the licence!!!!


if he can't get the license before spending all of that money?

And then it gets denied despite spending it?

Winx's photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:23 AM

Hes a fool for not obtaining the lience before spending $200,000!!!! Every state, city, township have different ordinances relating to obtaining one....

He!! look at the future business he has lost due to his foolishness over his foolish action if he is granted the licence!!!!


if he can't get the license before spending all of that money?

And then it gets denied despite spending it?

Yes, that can happen. I've seen it in my city. Sometimes they have to get signatures from the neighborhood people saying that they approve of having an establishment serving liquor in their neighborhood.

no photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:25 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 07/13/09 08:28 AM

Hes a fool for not obtaining the lience before spending $200,000!!!! Every state, city, township have different ordinances relating to obtaining one....

He!! look at the future business he has lost due to his foolishness over his foolish action if he is granted the licence!!!!


if he can't get the license before spending all of that money?

And then it gets denied despite spending it?
If you care to research the ordinances of the town by all means do so....

He still lost half of his future business over his foolishness!!!!!
I truley hope he gets one to just see how foolish it was!!!!!

Seems like everything else in this country a 50/50 split!!

Winx's photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:28 AM

Hes a fool for not obtaining the lience before spending $200,000!!!! Every state, city, township have different ordinances relating to obtaining one....

He!! look at the future business he has lost due to his foolishness over his foolish action if he is granted the licence!!!!


if he can't get the license before spending all of that money?

And then it gets denied despite spending it?
If you care to research the ordinances of the town by all means do so....

He still lost half of his future business over his foolishness!!!!!
I truley hope he gets one to just see how foolish it was!!!!!

Sometimes it's the neighborhood people protesting a place that serves alcohol. They can sign a petition. That can keep a license from happening. Then their alderman receives the petition.
It happens in my city.

no photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:32 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 07/13/09 08:33 AM

Hes a fool for not obtaining the lience before spending $200,000!!!! Every state, city, township have different ordinances relating to obtaining one....

He!! look at the future business he has lost due to his foolishness over his foolish action if he is granted the licence!!!!


if he can't get the license before spending all of that money?

And then it gets denied despite spending it?
If you care to research the ordinances of the town by all means do so....

He still lost half of his future business over his foolishness!!!!!
I truley hope he gets one to just see how foolish it was!!!!!

Sometimes it's the neighborhood people protesting a place that serves alcohol. They can sign a petition. That can keep a license from happening. Then their alderman receives the petition.
It happens in my city.
Winxflowerforyou again every state, city, township have different ordinances over this issue...

Winx's photo
Mon 07/13/09 08:37 AM

Hes a fool for not obtaining the lience before spending $200,000!!!! Every state, city, township have different ordinances relating to obtaining one....

He!! look at the future business he has lost due to his foolishness over his foolish action if he is granted the licence!!!!


if he can't get the license before spending all of that money?

And then it gets denied despite spending it?
If you care to research the ordinances of the town by all means do so....

He still lost half of his future business over his foolishness!!!!!
I truley hope he gets one to just see how foolish it was!!!!!

Sometimes it's the neighborhood people protesting a place that serves alcohol. They can sign a petition. That can keep a license from happening. Then their alderman receives the petition.
It happens in my city.
Winxflowerforyou again every state, city, township have different ordinances over this issue...

Yes, that's true. But...when the neighborhood people holler about that, the politicians do listen. I've seen the neighborhood people keep out Quick Trips and more. They say that they don't want it in their neighborhood.

Anonimoose's photo
Mon 07/13/09 10:45 AM

I don't think the police were wrong. They got it Exactly right! There are rules of protocol with The Flag. You disobey and disrespect it, it should have been pulled, along with a SHOW SOME RESPECT, reminder.

... you couldn't be more wrong here. Yes, there are "rules of protocol" dealing with how the flag should be displayed. But disobeying those "rules" is NOT breaking the LAW, which is what the police are charged with enforcing. They have ABSOLUTELY no legal authority to do what they did. It does not matter what you or I or anyone else "feels" about it, it only matters what the law is, and in this case, it is the police who acted outside the law. [Edit: And since the police were advised to do so by the District Attorney, he was acting outside the law as well.]

To each his own

No, NOT "to each his own". The law is the law. If he is breaking the law, then he should be charged with whatever his crime is - PERIOD. If he is NOT breaking the law, then those in positions of law enforcement should leave him alone and focus on people who ARE breaking the law - PERIOD. You may find his actions offensive, but there is absolutely no guarantee under the law for ANY of us to go through our lives unoffended. You taking offense to something that someone said or did does not give you the right to call in law enforcement officials when the "offender" did not break the law in doing or saying whatever they did or said to supposedly offend you - PERIOD.

auburngirl's photo
Mon 07/13/09 10:56 AM
I actually have the right to call law enforcement any frickin time I choose to. Example, idiots that call 911 for McDonalds incidences. If you want to scream rights all day, then that free speech and freedom to feel how ever I want to. Now what law enforcement does when they get there, right or wrong, following the letter of the law or mucking it up is on them.

This guy wasn't in "distress" that warranted a flag being flown upside down. He was out some money and ticked off.

Foliel's photo
Mon 07/13/09 11:05 AM
Ya know, I don't really know how to respond to this. I've typed something 3 times then deleted it lol.

I love my country but have never once spoken the pledge of allegiance. I do not feel that it has to be said aloud, I keep it in my heart at all times. One persons sign of respect may not be the same as anothers.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 07/13/09 11:05 AM
Many states have laws AGAINST abusing 911 and the caller could be charged.

Just as the guy in the OP has rights, so do those against long as laws aren't broken.

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 07/13/09 11:10 AM

You lot would absolutely hate me, I fly my flag upside down and have been for about six years...

depends on why

as i said in an earlier post

the flag flying upside down is appropriate but maybe not in this situation

Discontent with how my government is running things...figure that is distressing.

adj4u's photo
Mon 07/13/09 11:26 AM

You lot would absolutely hate me, I fly my flag upside down and have been for about six years...

depends on why

as i said in an earlier post

the flag flying upside down is appropriate but maybe not in this situation

Discontent with how my government is running things...figure that is distressing.

the disrespect the govt is showing the constitution is a sign of the country being in distress

no photo
Mon 07/13/09 11:58 AM

I actually have the right to call law enforcement any frickin time I choose to. Example, idiots that call 911 for McDonalds incidences. If you want to scream rights all day, then that free speech and freedom to feel how ever I want to. Now what law enforcement does when they get there, right or wrong, following the letter of the law or mucking it up is on them.

This guy wasn't in "distress" that warranted a flag being flown upside down. He was out some money and ticked off.

We had a neighbor lady who would call the law endlessly for the slightest thing, taking up the officers time for nothing. Thankfully she moved and the neighborhood has been very quite and friendly again.

Still not sure why anyone would call the law on this one or why the law would even respond to something that is not illegal. But it happens a lot.

Winx's photo
Mon 07/13/09 12:10 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 07/13/09 12:11 PM

Many states have laws AGAINST abusing 911 and the caller could be charged.

Just as the guy in the OP has rights, so do those against long as laws aren't broken.

My city does that - charges people for frivolous calls to 911. It's not the call that they are charged for, btw, it's for the person's coming to the house.