Topic: Texting versus online chat
no photo
Wed 06/17/09 06:38 PM
And the point that you, Billy, have missed is that it is just as easy to bullsh!t someone over the phone as it is via e-mail or instant message.


Winx's photo
Wed 06/17/09 06:38 PM

Texting has to be the most dumbest thing i've seen!

I don't care for it either.

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 06:39 PM
You REALLY THINK you can get to know someone over the phone? You're sounding more frustrated and naive by the moment!

shoesmonkey's photo
Wed 06/17/09 06:43 PM

okay so i didnt leave

why would i stay around and argue?

i let you all say what you had to and now i will reply

there is no way to get to know somebody online, NONE

because you will doubt the good ones and dislike the bad ones

i am not talking about myself - thought i made that clear -- i am talking in general

so in my opinion - it is easier if you are going to spend hours talking online why not just skip the "hard" part...which is giving out the phone number.....because guess what?

you give out the phone number often

if ya didnt we wouldnt hear all of these bad stories

why wait!? at least if you just DO IT you may SAVE YOURSELF

Forget about the phone number. Why don't you get to know her in person?

Dragoness's photo
Wed 06/17/09 06:45 PM

So I have noticed some trends while being single -- and I am asking you ladies to answer this one for me:

Why do you need to get to no one someone better "via" online before you give out your number?

What am I going to do? Search your number to find out where you live? Cuz...I mean I think being online has much more resources....ya know? it a...."he's not good enough to have my number" thing?

Is that part of a bunch of hurdles we have to cross?

Because if it is, its the hardest...everything else after getting your number is EASY :)

I have been searched before by my phone number and had to start writing letters to have my number removed from sites.

It is creepy to give a guy your phone number and have him slip up that he knows where you live.

lighthouselover's photo
Wed 06/17/09 06:50 PM

there is no way to get to know somebody online, NONE

because you will doubt the good ones and dislike the bad ones

i am not talking about myself - thought i made that clear -- i am talking in general

so in my opinion - it is easier if you are going to spend hours talking online why not just skip the "hard" part...which is giving out the phone number.....because guess what?

I disagree with you that there is no way to get to know somebody online...

I have gotten to know quite a few people over the past couple of years on line. both male and female...

It is easier if they post in the forums, there you can watch how they interact over time with others, how they present themselves, which topics they post in, etc...

yet, with emails, you can ask questions and they do not always have to be "traditional" can ask things that are ethical, things that are more thought provoking...and ask why they think that can indeed learn about someone's thinking process, the rationale they use...perhaps the way the present their opinions about things...are they closed off, judgmental...

I think that exchanges of emails and IM can tell you a lot about someone. There is a presentation style that can be seen consistently over time...

if people are good at pretending and lying to you, then they will be that way in person as well as on line...

I have gotten to know quite a few people on line that I now have their phone numbers and addresses...

I have met their families and they have met mine. I am with my sweetheart now, that I emailed with for about a year before we talked on the phone...we were great friends. we talked on the phone for about 8 months prior to meeting...

so, I do believe that you can really get to know someone on line...via email and a degree...

I also believe that you can talk on the phone to someone for hours and hours...and get to know them...

yet, until you spend time in each others space, interacting face to will not know the entire person.

I could be wrong....

Winx's photo
Wed 06/17/09 07:11 PM
You're right, Lighthouselover.

cabot's photo
Wed 06/17/09 07:12 PM
Call me, but email me first for my phone number. Otherwise I think you are a telemarketer.

ThomasJB's photo
Wed 06/17/09 07:55 PM
It is possible to send IM's to telephone # and the other way around.

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:39 PM

okay so i didnt leave

why would i stay around and argue?

i let you all say what you had to and now i will reply

there is no way to get to know somebody online, NONE

because you will doubt the good ones and dislike the bad ones

i am not talking about myself - thought i made that clear -- i am talking in general

so in my opinion - it is easier if you are going to spend hours talking online why not just skip the "hard" part...which is giving out the phone number.....because guess what?

you give out the phone number often

if ya didnt we wouldnt hear all of these bad stories

why wait!? at least if you just DO IT you may SAVE YOURSELF


You're just sounding frustrated. No need to take it out on everyone else.

LordCole's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:44 PM

because I can block a crazy stalker from emailing me... its more difficult to change my phone #

hey I want my crazy stalker...sad
So do I . I've never had one before.

I will be your crazy stalker, Shoes, just because of that one photo flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:56 PM
but im not frustrated

then again im not a crazy stalker either

maybe thats why im not frustrated

you guys are just trying to argue....doesnt make any sense to me

if a girl doesnt wanna give me her phone number guess what im gonna do?

not talk to her online...because i got other things to do...its stupid

you really think im naive and frustrated? thats funny....

im not even looking for a relationship right now --- glad ya'll checked my profile before you made your accusations

LordCole's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:58 PM
I had a pretty scary stalker I met on Yahoo back in '96... we played spades for months together, eventually we exchanged phone numbers.

She would get upset with me for playing with other female partners, she would get all weird when I did not return her calls right off the bat. Voicemails were emotional roller coasters that always ended with how much she was sorry for yelling at me in the last voicemail.

Things got so bad, I was carrying my daughter to the car in her punkin seat when I got a call on my cell. She said she hoped I strapped my baby girl in snug and tight, the roads might be slippery because of the rain. She freakin drove up from Texas and was sitting near enough to watch my house.

I called the police right then, changed my cell number which was a fiasco even then and placed her on my ignore list on Yahoo. I thought she might try and kill someone or herself.

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:58 PM
this whole thread is people bashing on me...

all i did was express my opinion and ask a question.....why can i not have a different opinion than you?

i dont care - dont give out phone numbers - thats your decision

i just think its funny that "getting a girls phone number" is so hard yet everything afterwards isnt

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:01 PM

but im not frustrated

then again im not a crazy stalker either

maybe thats why im not frustrated

you guys are just trying to argue....doesnt make any sense to me

if a girl doesnt wanna give me her phone number guess what im gonna do?

not talk to her online...because i got other things to do...its stupid

you really think im naive and frustrated? thats funny....

im not even looking for a relationship right now --- glad ya'll checked my profile before you made your accusations

Why make such a big deal out of it, then? If she doesn't give you her number, just move on like you say you're going to do.

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:02 PM
this is really sad -- the more i look at it

i even said, "in my opinion"....

i was just trying to help people.....thats all

you wouldnt have "internet" stalkers if you didnt "chat" with them online first

if you were like..."hey im mary" and he was like, "hey im bob" and you said...okay call me...then you wouldnt have to worry about "believing" what he types versus what he says.....and same thing other way

you think that women arent crazy???

that is so stereotypical

why are MEN the stalkers?


this is bogus...i am not frustrated...i was just making a i said, read the profile

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:03 PM

but im not frustrated

then again im not a crazy stalker either

maybe thats why im not frustrated

you guys are just trying to argue....doesnt make any sense to me

if a girl doesnt wanna give me her phone number guess what im gonna do?

not talk to her online...because i got other things to do...its stupid

you really think im naive and frustrated? thats funny....

im not even looking for a relationship right now --- glad ya'll checked my profile before you made your accusations

Why make such a big deal out of it, then? If she doesn't give you her number, just move on like you say you're going to do.

who is she?

im not even talking about a girl

i saw tanya say something about it in another thread

thats why i said it

you know tanya, she has like long hair and a tan

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:03 PM
you're making an awfully big deal out of something you're not frustrated about. laugh

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:05 PM

you're making an awfully big deal out of something you're not frustrated about. laugh

no im not laugh

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:06 PM
i got it from this

tanyaann's photo
Joined Mon 12/03/07
Posts: 23651

Wed 06/17/09 12:30 PM



Sending emails while at work sucks!

I have a conversation going... and he then disappears because he is at work.... ugh!

And I am sure when I have to leave my desk ... he wonders where I have gone! LOL

Dang you have a beau... and here I thought I would sweep ya off your feet and be your texter in shining plastic. J/k

Funny... I always seem to get wrapped up with someone the same way. Emailing, then Yahoo and finally we talk or text all day long. When I get into a part of the country where I get a poor signal they wonder what is wrong.

Just remember you have the whole time AFTER work too ya know...

after work is no fun -- cuz then we have other things to do lol...thats how i look at it laugh

Well I am in the process of packing and cleaning for a move. And I want to get to know him a little more before giving out my number.