lighthouselover "We understand life backward and live it forward...i am only here for friends. thank you."
69 year old woman from Somewhere Over The Rainbow, Michigan      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About lighthouselover
positive, humorous, fun, too serious sometimes, I have far too many soapboxes, I am loyal. my friends hope one day I will grow up!!! They would say that they are happy that I am with the man I love. I believe that there is a reason, a season, or a lifetime for everything...turn, turn, turn.. I believe that doing the Hokey Pokey and turning yourself around is a great way to wake up and go to bed. I believe that it is important to be a navigator on the ship called friendship... I believe that your lifetime is is what we have and where we, live and laugh!! I believe in loving what you do and doing what you love... I have recently taken up flower gardening, well, I used to dabble in it, but I really never got into it. Over the past year, I have really started to enjoy it. It is an incredible feeling when my flowers bloom and grow. I am learning many lessons from my gardens, and I am finding some incredible peace when my hands are in the dirt... I am in the process of putting together my book as well. I wrote a book these past few months..and now I am going to see if there are any publishers that would be interested in publishing it!! I may just ask Oprah if she knows anyone or if she wants my book on her show!! Hey, you don't ask, you don't get!! LOL I like to watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Cobert. I like to laugh. Here is a reading about me, it is pretty close to who I am, or perhaps I am getting closer to who I am destined to be~ The Otter Clan - butterfly Spirit Keeper - Spirit Keeper of the North Moon - Rest and cleansing Moon Crystal or mineral - Silver Tree or plant - Aspen Color - silver The charming and friendly otter is the most playful of animals in the wild. Both river and sea otters are happy when entertaining others. Otters are members of the weasel family who depend on the waters of large lakes, rivers, and the sea. Sea otters almost became extinct when people killed them for fur. All otters have large appees. The highly intelligent otter is one of the few animlas that can utilize tools, for instance, using rocks to open shells. Otters have a wide vocal range consisting of chirps, squeals, screeches, hiccups, chuckles, and hisses, and their calls can carry for a mile. when not eating, hunting, playing, or sunning themselves, otters sleep. If you were born under the sing of the otter, you are one of the most interesting and attractive people. You can be shy, sensitive,gentle, and patient, or enthusiasitic and lively with a tendency to be an exhibitionist. Both types are very strong willed and forceful in their own way. You can be very opinionated with strong convictions, and you will fight for what you believe in, arguing vehemently for what you believe to be true. People born under the sign of the otter are farsighted and innovative. They are generally without prejudice and quite tolerant of the points of view of others. These individauls can see valid argument even when they disagree with it, and being objective, they never get waylaid by being too close to an issue or a person. Those born under the sign of the otter are humane. Known to be frank and outspoken, they are serious and genial companions. In short, these people are refined, idealistic, and romantic, but also practical. Personable and likable, they are quick in mind and quick to respond. They rarely wear their hearts on their sleeves, but once committed, those born under the sign of the otter are committed for life.
Profession: a Navigator on the ship called Friendship
Physical Appearance
5' 6"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
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Yes, they live away from home
No answer
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