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Topic: Let's write a story.... - part 3
carold's photo
Fri 07/03/09 12:57 PM
Edited by carold on Fri 07/03/09 12:58 PM
OH Muffy old Sage has one to many fastasies we don't have the time to spend on this. We must meet with my private dick he tells on about what happened with poor col mustard demise. A waiting Miss Bett arival :)

vivian2981's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:08 PM

OH Muffy old Sage has one to many fastasies we don't have the time to spend on this. We must meet with my private dick he tells on about what happened with poor col mustard demise. A waiting Miss Bett arival :)

Fear not Lady Carldeedee...while you were out chasing that rouge Delfin delRay....we took very good care of Old Sage....He'll be smiling in his dreams for quite sometime!

carold's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:29 PM
Fear not Fear not while I'm out chasing this demon you are giving in to Old Sages Whim's Fear not lady for I shall see this through but as for you lets get a move on :)

BettyB's photo
Fri 07/03/09 01:39 PM
While alas all these lurid actions were going on . Lady Betts aka broomhilda, had her self transformed from a hot and sexy vixen( yeah I know , even I choked on that onelaugh )To an innoncent pole dancing puppy, therefore her secret ..

vivian2981's photo
Fri 07/03/09 02:01 PM
Alas Lady Betts, even in your now most adorable form ((love that pole dancing puppy, by the wayrofl )) we in the Manglewood Forrest will still hunt you down and take your puppieyummies away and shut you away in Old Sages Cave!

BettyB's photo
Fri 07/03/09 02:09 PM
oh please Lady Betts pleads in her pole dancing puppy state please any thing but a Cave with old Sage, he is mean and cruel and will

carold's photo
Fri 07/03/09 02:12 PM
Fear not lady they took very good care of old Sage he should be exhausted for weeks :)

vivian2981's photo
Fri 07/03/09 02:16 PM
So you think Lady Caroldeedee.....but I have it on good authorty that he has very vivid dreams and he sleep walks!

laughingdog's photo
Fri 07/03/09 02:54 PM
Edited by laughingdog on Fri 07/03/09 02:55 PM
Yes Lady Betts and Muffy, looks like your sordidly lurid past will be following you for a long long time. Madame Caroldeedeen is right... Put your past behind you and focus on your mission... whatever it may be since I doubt rather seriously that Clyde the Camel would part with a shipment of intercontinental multi-headed cheez-whiz missles for under fifty quid... whatever a quid may be. Your motives may be hidden behind a flowered veil of secrecy, however your actions speak much louder than your words... I know what you're up to! You are trying to trick me into telling you where the treasure is hidden. Well, the only three people who know are the Cobble Twins and me... AND I'm not telling... AND the Twins are well protected and under my authority. I suggest a meeting at a little hole in the wall, Slick Twiggies BBQ Piggy, where we can 'trade'....

vivian2981's photo
Fri 07/03/09 02:59 PM
Finally, you are making sense....but your treasure where your mouth is...what do you desire, pray tell...

laughingdog's photo
Fri 07/03/09 03:26 PM
Well, I was trying to help you out by sharing with you my vast knowledge of criminal aka's which I gathered while working as puppy pawprint specialist for Scotland Yard... BUT I see that you like to live on the edge, so I'll have my PR send your a PR a copy of my aka directory...

Now back to the business at hand. What I need from you, my Muffy Buffykins, is your expertise in dispensing of stolen treasure... If we can work together as a team and 'get rid' of Peron's Treasure, we shall, both, be filthy rich and live like Bohemian Royalty... There's nothing that you couldn't have, and the world would be yours for the taking... Only thing, you must betray your faithful partners, destroy their power rings, and cross over to the Side of Clive... The only man who understands your wants and needs... The only man willing to lay down his sonar device for the honour of holding you close and tracing your tatoos with a feather...

oldsage's photo
Fri 07/03/09 03:35 PM
Little did they know the depths of Old Sage. His energy is endless, unsaitable, able to be the cruelest of cruel. His unknown past would bring terror to any that knew it. He appears at will & does as he choses. The deepest of friends, many count on his powers.

carold's photo
Fri 07/03/09 03:40 PM
Edited by carold on Fri 07/03/09 03:41 PM
Na say Muffy has not lost her way by Clive's suduction. Keep in mind lady his is tricky don't be seduced my his will. Seek the knowledge of the Old Sage :)

oldsage's photo
Fri 07/03/09 03:45 PM
The angel suspects Sage's powers, but is unknowing in his true powers & strengths. Muffy mean while is just seeking Clive for his warmth. Thus the Sage sinks back into the shadows, to appear when he is least suspected, but most wanted.

laughingdog's photo
Fri 07/03/09 03:48 PM
Edited by laughingdog on Fri 07/03/09 03:49 PM
Ahhhh Old Sage... Your powers may be compromised by one of your closest of friends if I have my way... Your wise words of late, those of which you spoke of the treasure, may come to haunt you in the end. Your cave has been defiled, and the jig is up for you and your straping merry maids. The treasure will be mine... AND Muffys!... BUT for only a while... Little does she know how short a while will be for her if she agrees to join me, thinks Clever Clive to himself...

vivian2981's photo
Fri 07/03/09 03:50 PM
Hummmm....whom should I believe??? That delicious delectable arch enemy of mine, CLive the Camel, Or Old Sage's wisdom and power, Lady Caraoldeedee, doth protest too much, I think she and Lady Betts has a scheme in the making to share Clives treasures for themselves!
I must seek counsel on this delima, Let me call my private D1ck, he has always given me what I needed, advice I mean.....

carold's photo
Fri 07/03/09 03:55 PM
Edited by carold on Fri 07/03/09 03:56 PM
I shall seek out our private Dick soon as well get the answers you seek lady or needed be ware for sure he is under my spell and won't seek you whim's dear lady

laughingdog's photo
Fri 07/03/09 04:08 PM
What's all this then? Deception in the ranks already? Sorcery and hedonism brew interesting cave-fellows... Don't be hoodwinked by these crafty devils, Muffy, your future lies with the one humped, humpback camel named Clive. Meet me at Slick Twiggies where we can hash out our plans for the future and play footsey under the candle-lit table...

carold's photo
Fri 07/03/09 04:15 PM
Trickey Muffy trust this Clive the nave and you soon be sorry remember you alinances and keep you wit. Don't be seduced my such a dasterly character. Candle lite and footsey suduction for sure. I shall call apon Miss Bett's to save you :)

BettyB's photo
Fri 07/03/09 04:21 PM
< continued at this topic >
< last part of this topic is here >
but I lady Betts the pole dancing puppy is the only one here who is innoncent and untouched by the evil Sage. I shall not succumb to his sorrid ways or ..

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