Topic: Let's write a story.... - part 3
laughingdog's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:35 PM
Doubt me, you may... BUT Captain Peachfuzz, my business associate and long time bookie, is more than willing and able to stand before a judge in a court of law and swear that I am speaking the truth... Ummmm when he sobers up! Soooo take your billion or million stars or how ever many you may claim to have and let them shine down, for the very last time, upon your lovely brown locks as you say your final goodbyes in... THE DENTIST CHAIR!

vivian2981's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:37 PM
OH NO!!! Please ANYTHING but the dentist chair!!

laughingdog's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:37 PM

Doubt me, you may... BUT Captain Peachfuzz, my business associate and long time bookie, is more than willing and able to stand before a judge in a court of law and swear that I am speaking the truth... Ummmm when he sobers up! Soooo take your billion or million stars or how ever many you may claim to have and let them shine down, for the very last time, upon your lovely brown locks as you say your final goodbyes in... THE DENTIST CHAIR!

I dare not edit this...

Not Luther the spitting camel of Luxor...

laughingdog's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:41 PM

Doubt me, you may... BUT Captain Peachfuzz, my business associate and long time bookie, is more than willing and able to stand before a judge in a court of law and swear that I am speaking the truth... Ummmm when he sobers up! Soooo take your billion or million stars or how ever many you may claim to have and let them shine down, for the very last time, upon your lovely brown locks as you say your final goodbyes in... THE DENTIST CHAIR!

I dare not edit this...

Not Luther the spitting camel of Luxor...

Ohhhh please Muffy... You're so melodramatic... the chair is nice and comfy... and Luthers toes are skilled at performing such devious deeds

vivian2981's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:41 PM
Lutherscared The Spitting Camel of Lexor, is the DENTIST???
Why oh why, are you being so cruel?? You know I love only you!!

laughingdog's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:43 PM
don't lie to me, Muffy! I know about you and that certain blind beggar from Bombay.

BettyB's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:45 PM
Don't try and deny it Muffy ...I saw you two together.

laughingdog's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:48 PM
You see, Muffy! Someone else witnessed your shameful display. Sit down and in the Luther's CHAIR... and try to relax.

BettyB's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:53 PM
Yes , and the camel was very annoyed at all the humping on his back!

vivian2981's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:53 PM
Well, can I help it if the poor begger needed...and he was sooooooo much better than you , uh I mean...uh..better than you at being

laughingdog's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:57 PM
Don't muddle the point, Muffins... You're quite guilty as charged. I've sent for Luther, however before he arrives... Drink this... Ohhh You'll see stars, I assure you...

BettyB's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:59 PM
Bad Muffy Bad!

vivian2981's photo
Wed 07/01/09 04:02 PM
You are mean and cruel...and so is that woman you paid to lie about me and the begger..(((even if he is bigger, uh better than you)))..I will get my revenge!!

laughingdog's photo
Wed 07/01/09 04:06 PM
Thank you, Lady Betts! You see, Muffy... I don't think you realize just how many people have turned against you... Sleeping around with beggars, box boys, and the like in cheap Motel 6's across the Continent. Say what you will, my quickie loving harlot. Your rash words fall deaf upon my manhood...

BettyB's photo
Wed 07/01/09 04:06 PM
I am Broomhilda ..the wicked witch of the West .He didn't pay me to mean I do it for free,because

BettyB's photo
Wed 07/01/09 04:08 PM
LadyBetts...I like that but you just blew my cover as Broomhilda!

laughingdog's photo
Wed 07/01/09 04:12 PM
Ahhhh Lady Broomhilda Betts, please forgive me. This Muffy situation has me befuzzled... I don't think she'll survive the evening, so your secret identity is still safe...

vivian2981's photo
Wed 07/01/09 04:15 PM
Well Lady Betts, or Broomhilda, you and Sir Laughingdog....are both wrong..It wasn't me you saw... it was Lady there! And Motel 6's Pleaseeee! Only the very bad people stay there....I stay on the Hill! ANd that begger??? Ha! If only you knew the truth...then you'd be eating your harsh words....

BettyB's photo
Wed 07/01/09 04:15 PM
I have the Camel ready to transport her to

vivian2981's photo
Wed 07/01/09 04:17 PM
((( Little do they know, this is what I've been waiting for)))