Topic: Being Upfront
longhairbiker's photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:03 AM
And in my personal experience- don't ask for something you are not ready to handle. Most women who have demanded me to express my feelings have inadvertantly opened one big f*cking pandoras box and afterwards have all replied "I'm sorry I asked". Don't tease tigers. They may maul you dead.

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:05 AM

And in my personal experience- don't ask for something you are not ready to handle. Most women who have demanded me to express my feelings have inadvertantly opened one big f*cking pandoras box and afterwards have all replied "I'm sorry I asked". Don't tease tigers. They may maul you dead.
I don't hear the ladies responding to're points are good too...hmmm..very curious!

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:07 AM
Eh, I'd rather talk about things than avoid questions that I might not want to hear the answer to.

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:07 AM
I'm thnking Biker....mabey if you adress it to the original OP..she will have an answer!

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:07 AM

And in my personal experience- don't ask for something you are not ready to handle. Most women who have demanded me to express my feelings have inadvertantly opened one big f*cking pandoras box and afterwards have all replied "I'm sorry I asked". Don't tease tigers. They may maul you dead.
I don't hear the ladies responding to're points are good too...hmmm..very curious!

Probably because most of us are working and respond when we have a chance.

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:08 AM

Eh, I'd rather talk about things than avoid questions that I might not want to hear the answer to.
Cryptic wording!

franshade's photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:08 AM

And it goes both ways ya know. You women for centuries have forced men into no- win situations. We, like all animals have adapted to our environment. Cavewoman orga asks caveman volg "Ugh! Does this animal pelt make my ass look fat"? Volg replies "Umma! Yah! It so fat you can't hide behind triceritops"! BLAMMMM!!! Orga smacks volg with club! 35 million years later we've adapted to our environment. Suburbanite jane asks suburbanite d!ck "Ugh! Do these pleated rayon pants make my ass look fat"? D!ck replies "Why no dear, they are very appealing on you"!

hey LBH - I have only met one man in my entire lifetime that was so dogggone curious and expressive that it annoyed the heck outta me, when asked how he was doing, he'd make a complete conversation (one sided) out of the answer like WTF, normal response, fine and you. laugh

But I agree, even when I go out with the girls. Most girls offer tmi and want tmi in return.

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:08 AM

And in my personal experience- don't ask for something you are not ready to handle. Most women who have demanded me to express my feelings have inadvertantly opened one big f*cking pandoras box and afterwards have all replied "I'm sorry I asked". Don't tease tigers. They may maul you dead.
I don't hear the ladies responding to're points are good too...hmmm..very curious!

Probably because most of us are working and respond when we have a chance.
Yes..i remodel..i know all about work...and curious of you to respond to me but not Biker.very intresting!

franshade's photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:09 AM

And in my personal experience- don't ask for something you are not ready to handle. Most women who have demanded me to express my feelings have inadvertantly opened one big f*cking pandoras box and afterwards have all replied "I'm sorry I asked". Don't tease tigers. They may maul you dead.

this sucks big time - those that want to know, demand to know, pester one to no end and when the sh!t hits the fan are like dayummmm ya didnt have to go there. laugh

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:10 AM
Seriously- I didn't see anywhere in the handbook that said "Men learn from on hands experience and women learn from random acts of drama".

franshade's photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:10 AM

And in my personal experience- don't ask for something you are not ready to handle. Most women who have demanded me to express my feelings have inadvertantly opened one big f*cking pandoras box and afterwards have all replied "I'm sorry I asked". Don't tease tigers. They may maul you dead.
I don't hear the ladies responding to're points are good too...hmmm..very curious!

Probably because most of us are working and respond when we have a chance.
Yes..i remodel..i know all about work...and curious of you to respond to me but not Biker.very intresting!

now Sal if you don't behave you won't be able to go outside and enjoy recess :wink: play nice w/sings - she rocks!!! :thumbsup:

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:10 AM
Why is that cryptic? His post was not about a specific situtation.

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:11 AM

And in my personal experience- don't ask for something you are not ready to handle. Most women who have demanded me to express my feelings have inadvertantly opened one big f*cking pandoras box and afterwards have all replied "I'm sorry I asked". Don't tease tigers. They may maul you dead.
I don't hear the ladies responding to're points are good too...hmmm..very curious!

Probably because most of us are working and respond when we have a chance.
Yes..i remodel..i know all about work...and curious of you to respond to me but not Biker.very intresting!

I responded, as you can see. I just didn't quote his post.

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:12 AM

And in my personal experience- don't ask for something you are not ready to handle. Most women who have demanded me to express my feelings have inadvertantly opened one big f*cking pandoras box and afterwards have all replied "I'm sorry I asked". Don't tease tigers. They may maul you dead.
I don't hear the ladies responding to're points are good too...hmmm..very curious!

Probably because most of us are working and respond when we have a chance.
Yes..i remodel..i know all about work...and curious of you to respond to me but not Biker.very intresting!

now Sal if you don't behave you won't be able to go outside and enjoy recess :wink: play nice w/sings - she rocks!!! :thumbsup:


no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:13 AM

And in my personal experience- don't ask for something you are not ready to handle. Most women who have demanded me to express my feelings have inadvertantly opened one big f*cking pandoras box and afterwards have all replied "I'm sorry I asked". Don't tease tigers. They may maul you dead.
I don't hear the ladies responding to're points are good too...hmmm..very curious!

Probably because most of us are working and respond when we have a chance.
Yes..i remodel..i know all about work...and curious of you to respond to me but not Biker.very intresting!

now Sal if you don't behave you won't be able to go outside and enjoy recess :wink: play nice w/sings - she rocks!!! :thumbsup:

You are right Fran....Singmesweet..I truly do Love You!

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:16 AM

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:19 AM

ok...I am extending my hand in friendship to you again singmesweet.i would love to be friends and get to know you better.Do you except?I am being honest too...this is not a joke.I want to call a truce with you and apologize for all actions passed.Do you take my hand in friendship?

franshade's photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:20 AM
Ok now back on topic - so Sal what is it about singsmesweet that you claim to love - ya don't love her on a personal level as you don't know each other in that sense. Be upfront about your feelings :wink:

(in my best therapist impersonation)

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:24 AM

ok...I am extending my hand in friendship to you again singmesweet.i would love to be friends and get to know you better.Do you except?I am being honest too...this is not a joke.I want to call a truce with you and apologize for all actions passed.Do you take my hand in friendship?

Please stop.

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:25 AM
Edited by salvatore35 on Tue 06/16/09 07:26 AM
I love that she is passionate about her feelings...and that she knows what she wants and dosen't give in if it doesn't agree with her truth.I do love alot of qualities about i don't agree with some of her opinions...but that doesn't mean we can't be friends.I keep extending my hand in friendship to her...but she says NO everytime.It is possible for people to agree to disagree!

I am sorry singmesweet..i apologize and ask for peace from you.Do you accept?