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Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:32 AM

$9 million spent to investigate 9/11, $60 million spent to find out Monica used Clinton like a balloon...... are you good with that?

no I am not...but I don't think saying it was an inside job without actual prove is the answer either...

All Gage and the others, even conspiracy theorists like myself, are saying is that we need a new non-bias investigation into 9/11. Without one all of it is simply a theory, conspiracy or otherwise.

I would love to be told my opinions are false and have it proven. I wouldn't mind saying "I was wrong" in the least, would love to, but there are too many questions, and too much avoidance of the REAL questions.

Too many PROVEN discrepencies have arisen. You have to ask, if they lied about this what else are they lying about or covering up? We had too much info too quickly. We were told 19 hijackers were to blame with names and photos, even passports that survived this "intense heat and fire" that destoyed 2 buildings somehow. Even the fact that at least 9 of the hijackers have been confirmed as alive with no involvement doesn't bother you? Two Plane crashes with NO WRECKAGE? A commercial airliner supposedly hits the Pentagon and disappears into a 16 foot hole? No air defense in the most protected air space in the world? The President sits in a classroom for 26 minutes after the attack when he should have been RUSHED to safety as Cheney was? Why was the site cleaned up and the steel shipped to China before any investigation could be done by a forensics team? Why did the WH change the EPA report and say the air was safe to breath when it was NOT! Where is all the missing gold that was stored in the towers? Why molten steel under the towers and building 7 for weeks after their collapse? Why did the concrete turn to dust instead of fall in great chunks if it was a collapse like they say? Why didn't they "topple" instead of falling sraight down at freefall speed? This is only a few questions, and none have been answered with any satisfaction. Too many questions to believe the "official" story and too much resistence against any requests for a new investigation.

Why are they not willing to to have a REAL investigation done? Wouldn't you think they would want to debunk fully any theories that oppose the official report and put peoples minds to rest once and for all? At least be willing to?

you have asked questions I for one have no answers...and will never be I am just a mom with a child that just left..but I am as American as it gets so I don't wanna believe it and this is not really the point I was trying to make...the fact that people wanna just forget about it like it was a bad wreck on the highway and move on it

I lost nobody I know of in the 9/11 attacks, but I feel there is a need to answer fully, out of respect, without a doubt, ANY questions as to the cause and events of that day. My son was wounded in Iraq, but did come home (thank God!), and now Cheney states Iraq was in no way involved in 9/11, so why was that nessessary?

Too many questions!

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:35 AM

it maddens me to know end that people are so quick to forget.. inside job or not which I for one do not believe is the fact that people wanna just skip along in a world gone crazy and forget what has happened...all the heroes they die every day to protect and defend some that would but spit in their faces..yes I can be hostile..and I am not saying that is what is being said here but it does happen...

And I'm just saying that your anger would be better directed at someone/thing that is actually doing something to directly attack you or your son. Many people, myself included, believe that the "wars," "conflicts", whatever you want to call them are unjust and we do not belong there. We are against our government's decisions. That does not mean we are "spitting" in the troops faces, matter of fact, we can not support our government's policies while still supporting the troops, they are two very separate issues.

But, this is completely off-topic, in this particular thread. I apologize.

I disagree I support our troops in whatever they "HAVE' to do it is not their faults they are there I will in no way shape nor form not support them

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:41 AM

it maddens me to know end that people are so quick to forget.. inside job or not which I for one do not believe is the fact that people wanna just skip along in a world gone crazy and forget what has happened...all the heroes they die every day to protect and defend some that would but spit in their faces..yes I can be hostile..and I am not saying that is what is being said here but it does happen...

And I'm just saying that your anger would be better directed at someone/thing that is actually doing something to directly attack you or your son. Many people, myself included, believe that the "wars," "conflicts", whatever you want to call them are unjust and we do not belong there. We are against our government's decisions. That does not mean we are "spitting" in the troops faces, matter of fact, we can not support our government's policies while still supporting the troops, they are two very separate issues.

But, this is completely off-topic, in this particular thread. I apologize.

I disagree I support our troops in whatever they "HAVE' to do it is not their faults they are there I will in no way shape nor form not support them

But that's what I just said! What are you disagreeing about? I give up. You apparently just want to argue, even when you're just arguing with yourself.

I hope you find some peace within your life, I think you could desperately use some. Otherwise, the stress is gonna cause you a very early death.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:42 AM
have a good day has been fun...and no I was not arguing just discussing...

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 07:00 AM
I spent 8 years in the military. Do I have more rights to question or bitc... than someone who didnt?????? IMO NO!!!!!

InvictusV's photo
Wed 06/03/09 07:39 AM
The problem with Gage is that he spends all of his time telling us why it couldn't have happened the way they say, while offering no plausible theory as to why he is right.

The latest theory is the use of a super thermite. This was posted a few months ago, and I addressed it then.

In my opinion, it is the responsibility of the skeptics to provide actual proof, and not some random theories about what may or may not actually have happened.

I don't disagree with having an independent investigation. The 9-11 Commission was a farce.

However, that doesn't mean that our government willingly destroyed those buildings to invade afghanistan and iraq.

ThomasJB's photo
Wed 06/03/09 07:51 AM
I like to believe the government was not involved, but I don't know. Whether it was the gov't or someone else or Al Qaeda, I think some the people questioning the events have brought reasonable doubt to the table and it needs to be addressed.

Where did the thermite come from? Why did the building fall at such a speed and in the seemingly controlled manner that is indicative of controlled demolition? And even if you blame the crash and jet fuel for the main tower collapsing, what cause the third to collapse in the same manner?

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 08:13 AM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Wed 06/03/09 08:13 AM
Popular Mechanics addressed all this stuff years ago. But it's popular to ignore it


InvictusV's photo
Wed 06/03/09 08:42 AM
The sheer amount of thermite and high explosives required to bring down buildings of that size is astronomical.

The fires would have caused any thermite within 40 floors to react, cutting the columns.

The super thermite theory states that high explosives for column separation wouldnt be necessary. If there were no explosives used to separate the columns, and we are to believe that only some form of super thermite was used, it would be very obvious to me that the buildings would have collapsed almost immediately after plane impact.

If your plan was to bring down building 7 as well, you could have configured the charges or thermite in a way that would have toppled the closest tower onto 7, thus eliminating any speculation as to why it fell.

The microscopic particles of thermite supposedly found in dust from a balcony miles from the site, dont support the thermite theory. It would have taken tons of thermite to bring down the buildings.

Another missing indicator of thermite was the fact that there was very little molten steel seen on the columns after the collapse. A few columns with molten steel is not what anyone would expect to see if thermite was used in the scale in which we are talking about. Every column that was cut or separated by the thermite reaction would have vast quantites of molten steel attached.

I could go on and on, but I dont want to bore anyone.

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 08:45 AM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Wed 06/03/09 08:45 AM
jet fuel burns at 800-1500 degrees

at 1100 degrees the structural integrity of steel is 10%

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 08:50 AM

I like to believe the government was not involved, but I don't know. Whether it was the gov't or someone else or Al Qaeda, I think some the people questioning the events have brought reasonable doubt to the table and it needs to be addressed.

Where did the thermite come from? Why did the building fall at such a speed and in the seemingly controlled manner that is indicative of controlled demolition? And even if you blame the crash and jet fuel for the main tower collapsing, what cause the third to collapse in the same manner?

According to NIST, there was one primary reason for the building's failure: In an unusual design, the columns near the visible kinks were carrying exceptionally large loads, roughly 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each floor. "What our preliminary analysis has shown is that if you take out just one column on one of the lower floors," Sunder notes, "it could cause a vertical progression of collapse so that the entire section comes down."

There are two other possible contributing factors still under investigation: First, trusses on the fifth and seventh floors were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another. With columns on the south face apparently damaged, high stresses would likely have been communicated to columns on the building's other faces, thereby exceeding their load-bearing capacities.

Second, a fifth-floor fire burned for up to 7 hours. "There was no firefighting in WTC 7," Sunder says. Investigators believe the fire was fed by tanks of diesel fuel that many tenants used to run emergency generators. Most tanks throughout the building were fairly small, but a generator on the fifth floor was connected to a large tank in the basement via a pressurized line. Says Sunder: "Our current working hypothesis is that this pressurized line was supplying fuel [to the fire] for a long period of time."

-Popular Mechanics

TBRich's photo
Wed 06/03/09 08:55 AM

it maddens me to know end that people are so quick to forget.. inside job or not which I for one do not believe is the fact that people wanna just skip along in a world gone crazy and forget what has happened...all the heroes they die every day to protect and defend some that would but spit in their faces..yes I can be hostile..and I am not saying that is what is being said here but it does happen...

And I'm just saying that your anger would be better directed at someone/thing that is actually doing something to directly attack you or your son. Many people, myself included, believe that the "wars," "conflicts", whatever you want to call them are unjust and we do not belong there. We are against our government's decisions. That does not mean we are "spitting" in the troops faces, matter of fact, we can not support our government's policies while still supporting the troops, they are two very separate issues.

But, this is completely off-topic, in this particular thread. I apologize.

I disagree I support our troops in whatever they "HAVE' to do it is not their faults they are there I will in no way shape nor form not support them

Wow, you would have made a great with that attitude!

adj4u's photo
Wed 06/03/09 08:58 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 06/03/09 09:03 AM

This is precisely what one would expect to find on a column which had been cut with thermite.

Experts who have viewed this photograph say that this column was not cut with a torch.


kinda nice straight cut that jet fuel made don't ya think

it would not be the first time the govt planned a false attack to get what they want

remember operation northwood

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 09:03 AM

This is precisely what one would expect to find on a column which had been cut with thermite.

Experts who have viewed this photograph say that this column was not cut with a torch.


kinda nice straight cut that jet fuel made don't ya think

although its not farfetched that at 10% structural integrity and under load stresses that the beam just snapped off

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 09:05 AM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Wed 06/03/09 09:06 AM
what we have here is people formulating a theory and then trying to fit facts to the theory

thats not the way it's done and is dishonest

you gather the facts and then formulate the theory and the facts taken as a whole do not support these outlandish theories

adj4u's photo
Wed 06/03/09 09:10 AM
snapped at a perfect angle to create it to slide to the inside causing the fall to be inclined to fall straight down rather than outward


very interesting

i have yet to see anything snap and not have a jagged edge

and what about the mouton steel running down the column that would not be there if it just "snapped" and if it was then the collumn would be deformed or bent

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 09:13 AM
and yet after an exhaustive spectroscopic analysis not a trace of explosive or thermite was found except on somebody's balcony three miles away

adj4u's photo
Wed 06/03/09 09:17 AM

and yet after an exhaustive spectroscopic analysis not a trace of explosive or thermite was found except on somebody's balcony three miles away

and who did the analysis

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 09:23 AM
USGeological Survey

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 06/03/09 09:24 AM
as with any tragedy...people want answers. to just not investigate would be a disrespect to those that lost their lives IMO. there are things that do raise eyebrows and should be investigated....whether it is actual proof or theories

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