Topic: Supreme Court to uphold a ban on same-sex marriage | |
I don't understand how it needs to come to vote for this issue anyway. Grown people of mental competency should be able to marry whoever they choose to marry and the outside populace shouldn't have **** to say about it. I agree. But the courts keep finding in favor against gay marriage, Thats why the gay rights groups wanted it put to a vote so the people would have a say in it. I dont think they thought it would get voted down. So thats where we stand now. |
I don't understand how it needs to come to vote for this issue anyway. Grown people of mental competency should be able to marry whoever they choose to marry and the outside populace shouldn't have **** to say about it. I agree. But the courts keep finding in favor against gay marriage, Thats why the gay rights groups wanted it put to a vote so the people would have a say in it. I dont think they thought it would get voted down. So thats where we stand now. But if the courts would understand that noone has the right to tell anyone who they can marry as long as they are of age and mental competency then there would not be an issue here. I sure as hell do not want an outside party telling me who I can marry so I would not impose that on to anyone else. |
i look forward to that day. "that" lifestyle SHOULD be taught and discussed in school, as it exists. vilifying it doesn't make it go away. um, and guy on guy is HOT. Wow, can you please, apply for a supreme court position??? (I know, but...) That is so cool to hear. Of course vilifying it won't make it go away. Finally, an open position that simply accepts reality, and at the same time doesn't object against anyone building their own version! ![]() ![]() ![]() I have an argument with a friend of mine on this topic. Like Gio, he says it's disgusting. And, he doesn't want to be taught or even mentioned. My problem with this argument, is it's logic, or as I think, the lack of it. - If, I owe my straight orientation simply to the fact that a gay lifestyle was not taught to me and simply hidden away from me, then it follows, that the only reason I am living it, is because do not know about it. Right? - If I knew about it, (such as it wasn't hidden, or even was taught), then, the argument holds, I would have grown up gay. - Now, doesn't it mean that the lifestyle in question then is the better one (much more competitive)? Since it only takes to know about it, to accept it! You see why I do not like the logic here? - If, on the other hand, it wouldn't matter, what I was taught or shown, and I would still grow up as I did, straight, then what use does it serve to hide it? Because, what is undesirable isn't hidden, and still no one wants it. On the other hand, the only things that people hide is something that others may want to get their hands on, i.e. desirable things. |
Does it bother you to think about two women being together? Are you kidding? That is super hot! Believe me, I know. |
i am not a liberal, nor am i gay. i do, however, fully support gay marriage; i'm also very saddened by this verdict. i had thought we were finally progressing...and then we take three steps back. Well said. I agree. |
i am not a liberal, nor am i gay. i do, however, fully support gay marriage; i'm also very saddened by this verdict. i had thought we were finally progressing...and then we take three steps back. Church. People aren't any smarter now then when they were running around feeding "mad sea gods". Our blessing is our curse. This means that we live by procreating, which is our blessing, but all evils that we ever encounter is due to a huge number of simply dumb people that is a general result of mass procreation. That, is our curse. |
Does it bother you to think about two women being together? Are you kidding? That is super hot! Believe me, I know. It's not super hot to me. ![]() |
Well, that is YOUR loss.
Society has done a fairly good job of keeping it under wraps but yes it's been around forever, but so has our antiquated views of sexuality. Heck even straight sex isn't quite natural anymore considering people are using drugs to allow them to even have it. How we became so sexually repressed is a mystery to me. I mean I know how we demonized it, just don't know why we ever did that in the first place. |
Edited by
Wed 05/27/09 09:15 PM
Well, that is YOUR loss. Noo...not really. ![]() Different things turn people on. Ladies are not my cup of tea. |
I say...ahemmmmm...that they just outlaw marriage altogether. Then lets see the sh!t hit the fan. Someone will amend something somewhere. Amend amend amend....that is all the constitution is anymore...a bunch of words changed around...added too...and taken away. Over and over. Truth is; we don't even use the real constitution anymore.
If one doesn't believe in gay marriage then don't marry one. Simple. It doesn't hurt a straight person. It doesn't interfere with their lifestyle. It isn't anyones business. Maybe instead of 52 percent of marriages failing gay marriage will bring it back up again? I dunno.......straights can't get it right.....straights don't seem to even want to get married anymore. So, what's the prob? Kat |
I think it was "gay" day on HLN (my God do I wish i could throw all the airport TVs out). They had long drawn out stories about gay rallies in every city, even tho prop 8 is in Cali, then it had to show all the famous people at the rallies (my God do I hate famous people).
THEN another long drawn out story about how American Idol was rigged to keep the gay guy from winning (don't know his name nor do I care because my God does that show suck). And then something about Miss Cali was in there too but I was taking refuge in the coffee shop trying to get advice from the cute coffee lady (my God is she cute!). ![]() |
I think it was "gay" day on HLN (my God do I wish i could throw all the airport TVs out). They had long drawn out stories about gay rallies in every city, even tho prop 8 is in Cali, then it had to show all the famous people at the rallies (my God do I hate famous people). THEN another long drawn out story about how American Idol was rigged to keep the gay guy from winning (don't know his name nor do I care because my God does that show suck). And then something about Miss Cali was in there too but I was taking refuge in the coffee shop trying to get advice from the cute coffee lady (my God is she cute!). ![]() It's not about your life is it Cloudy? I suspect that not all the news is about you, and your lifestyle. Nor is it always about mine, as it should be. Geezuz, get another job already, you seem to hate alot of things. |
for me it is not natural...what i'm pointing out is the definition of marriage...not the I've said time it will be legal in all 50 states... ![]() I just don't see why it matters so much. No one is trying to force you or others to marry the same sex. It should not be an issue at all. in all honesty...I think it takes time...for lots of people to except that behavior...the thought of two men...yuck !!...and...double yuck !! biggest once it becomes legal and excepted...that lifestyle...will be openly taught and our schools...right ?... ![]() Does it bother you to think about two women being together? Of course not Winx because that is sexy. But two men together is gross. ![]() ![]() |
for me it is not natural...what i'm pointing out is the definition of marriage...not the I've said time it will be legal in all 50 states... ![]() I just don't see why it matters so much. No one is trying to force you or others to marry the same sex. It should not be an issue at all. in all honesty...I think it takes time...for lots of people to except that behavior...the thought of two men...yuck !!...and...double yuck !! biggest once it becomes legal and excepted...that lifestyle...will be openly taught and our schools...right ?... ![]() Does it bother you to think about two women being together? Of course not Winx because that is sexy. But two men together is gross. ![]() ![]() I think few men would think two men was sexy. A defense maybe. Heaven forbid if a man admitted it, they would be accused of being gay. Can't have that. It's probably the same for straight women admitting something that might make them guilty by admition? I think Lulu saying she thought to men was sexy was the first time in my entire life that I heard a woman say that, now that's guts. |
Well my guess is its simply a cultural differentiation. In the US, we tend to objectify women and perceive them as sexual beings on their own merit.
Woman represents human sexuality and all that it entails good and bad. Thats what I would guess if I had to propose a reason for this. If you went to another country where there is less fear instilled into people of same gender love and expression in general, then you might get a very different response when you pose this question. |
I dont really think the "heterosexual couples breed" argument can be successfully waged anymore simply because the planet is vastly overpopulated now as it is because people breed with impunity. So part of the solution would be loving same sex couples who wont reproduce themselves yet will adopt some of these children that end up being brutally abused in foster care very often. Not all gay/lesbian married couples want to start families but it seems many do. That's in fact part of the reason some want to marry to begin with. Zaz is right but the "perception" of most US voters is that marriage primarily exists to provide stability for the environment to raise children. A lot of the news media issues dealing with gay marriage focus on issues with property rights, inheritance, hospital visitation, etc., which really have nothing to do with raising children. When given a choice, voters believe a child should have a mother and a father, not two of each. So if the issue is raising children, voters think hetro is better and it should be left that way, with marriage reserved for a man/woman combo. If the issue is the other rights, voters think the side benefits belong to the couple who is "married" and gays don't deserve the side benefits otherwise people who are just roommates could claim to be married to get tax breaks or whatever. It is a distillation of American Culture. Mom, apple pie, and no gay marriage. But two women together .... Whew!!! that is HOT!!!! |
i think a child deserves loving parents, period.
be it one mother, one father, one mother and father, two fathers, two mothers, whatever. i could care less what the sexual orientation of the parents are, as long as they are providing the children with proper care and direction. i'd hand my kids over to the gays down the street before i would EVER consider handing them to the married couple next door. there are a bunch of homeless kids that could use a little love. surely adoption by wonderful, loving, supportive parents who happen to be gay is better than living in the system? |
How can we be seperate but equal??
I think the more times this is shut down...the more ears it will fall upon. Turning it around. I see a vote happening again in cali, and it getting the votes it needs. Where is the fair in the ones that are already married being legal and oops too late soo can't get get married. I believe people will be inspired to change this. It took 21 years between the first thawing of anti-interracial marriage laws and the Supreme Court’s historic intervention in 1967 outlawing interracial marriage bans across the country. But just as the famous Moore’s law says that computing power doubles every two years, the speed of social change is increasing at an astounding clip thanks to technology. Twenty years ago, there’s no way Barack Obama could have gone from newly elected Senator to President in just four years. Bill Clinton spent 16 years in politics before winning the nomination, Gore 24. Everything happens faster now—companies go public sooner, stories break earlier, stars become A-list quicker. And the same goes for political movements. Power has found a new avenue. The net is changing everything. We will see a new day in a couple of years. Just watch and see. It takes 80 seconds for info to get around the world now. Prop 8 only won by 52% the last time. I have no clue what is was this time. But, it will happen. We no longer need to wait for change. It happens pretty quick. Kat |
I still don't see why it's up for vote shouldn't be. they should already be allowed to marry IMO