Topic: Supreme Court to uphold a ban on same-sex marriage | |
I still don't see why it's up for vote shouldn't be. they should already be allowed to marry IMO and the beat goes on... |
I dont really think the "heterosexual couples breed" argument can be successfully waged anymore simply because the planet is vastly overpopulated now as it is because people breed with impunity. So part of the solution would be loving same sex couples who wont reproduce themselves yet will adopt some of these children that end up being brutally abused in foster care very often. Not all gay/lesbian married couples want to start families but it seems many do. That's in fact part of the reason some want to marry to begin with. Zaz is right but the "perception" of most US voters is that marriage primarily exists to provide stability for the environment to raise children. A lot of the news media issues dealing with gay marriage focus on issues with property rights, inheritance, hospital visitation, etc., which really have nothing to do with raising children. When given a choice, voters believe a child should have a mother and a father, not two of each. So if the issue is raising children, voters think hetro is better and it should be left that way, with marriage reserved for a man/woman combo. But two women together .... Whew!!! that is HOT!!!! Except that this argument does nothing to address the substantial 4th and 14th amendment issues at stake here. Let's be serious. The only arguments that the anti-gay folks have are normative ones. They do nothing to address the legal arguments posited by the pro gay rights folks. Perhaps the voters should not be given a choice in the first place as a result of the constitutional issues at stake here. Let me put it this way: Say voters in vermont feel that owning a gun interferes with their ability to raise their kids safely. Recently, in this hypothetical situation, there have been numerous kids shot and killed as a result of gun violence. Accordingly, an interest group in vermont gets the signatures needed to secure an initiative to be on the ballot in the November election. At this election the voters vote to completely ban guns from their state. But wait! this new law would never hit the books because it conflicts with the U.S. constitution--it violates the 2nd amendment to the consitution. The issue is no different with gay marriage. The voters voted on a law that blatently violates the 4th and 14th amendments to the constitution. It is that simple. If the issue is the other rights, voters think the side benefits belong to the couple who is "married" and gays don't deserve the side benefits otherwise people who are just roommates could claim to be married to get tax breaks or whatever. It is a distillation of American Culture. Mom, apple pie, and no gay marriage. I don't follow the logic here. If I am unserstanding you correctly, you are saying that it is OK to deny rights to certain US citizens because they are gay? Congratulations, you just set the United States back 200 years. The 'separate but equal' doctrine was knocked down over 50 years ago. See Plessy v Fergeson, Brown v Board of education etc. The way i see it, this is a legal issue, not a normative one. We are a nation of rights and laws, and in this case these rights and laws are not being applied to everyone equally. |
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I still don't see why it's up for vote shouldn't be. they should already be allowed to marry IMO and the beat goes on... ahhh know I love ya more than my luggage lol...but like I have doesn't effect me or you or anyone else ![]() there are already gay marriage really wouldn't be any different |
I still don't see why it's up for vote shouldn't be. they should already be allowed to marry IMO and the beat goes on... ahhh know I love ya more than my luggage lol...but like I have doesn't effect me or you or anyone else ![]() there are already gay marriage really wouldn't be any different gays are looking for government and social affirmation...marriage as between a man and a women...period ! we really want to promote and sanction that behavior...I see people on here saying " it won't affect you " will affect our time it will be legal...theres a reason that it's not legal...let's put it to a nationwide will lose 2 - 1...I think most people who are against it...are looking at the not natural...not normal...I know gays hate to hear's true... |
now Gio....people in Texas can be married by Common Law Marriage. so it's not much different
I still don't see why it's up for vote shouldn't be. they should already be allowed to marry IMO and the beat goes on... ahhh know I love ya more than my luggage lol...but like I have doesn't effect me or you or anyone else ![]() there are already gay marriage really wouldn't be any different gays are looking for government and social affirmation...marriage as between a man and a women...period ! we really want to promote and sanction that behavior...I see people on here saying " it won't affect you " will affect our time it will be legal...theres a reason that it's not legal...let's put it to a nationwide will lose 2 - 1...I think most people who are against it...are looking at the not natural...not normal...I know gays hate to hear's true... Again, a normative argument without paying any attention to the legal issues at stake here. |
i am not a liberal, nor am i gay. i do, however, fully support gay marriage; i'm also very saddened by this verdict. i had thought we were finally progressing...and then we take three steps back. ![]() ![]() |
hey are ya girl??? decided to stray into politics today???
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I still don't see why it's up for vote shouldn't be. they should already be allowed to marry IMO and the beat goes on... ahhh know I love ya more than my luggage lol...but like I have doesn't effect me or you or anyone else ![]() there are already gay marriage really wouldn't be any different gays are looking for government and social affirmation...marriage as between a man and a women...period ! we really want to promote and sanction that behavior...I see people on here saying " it won't affect you " will affect our time it will be legal...theres a reason that it's not legal...let's put it to a nationwide will lose 2 - 1...I think most people who are against it...are looking at the not natural...not normal...I know gays hate to hear's true... I can tell you flatly I don't give a flying crap about social affirmation. I never needed it and don't need it now. The only thing affecting you is ignorance. What I hate to hear is IGNORANCE, I don't care what you think is normal or not, and frankly you aren't an expert, nor do you have a clue if it is normal or not. It's not to you, and that is fine with me, it's normal enough for me. Those antiquated notions don't work on most of modern society anymore, Gio, probably why you miss the past so much. |
I still don't see why it's up for vote shouldn't be. they should already be allowed to marry IMO and the beat goes on... ahhh know I love ya more than my luggage lol...but like I have doesn't effect me or you or anyone else ![]() there are already gay marriage really wouldn't be any different gays are looking for government and social affirmation...marriage as between a man and a women...period ! we really want to promote and sanction that behavior...I see people on here saying " it won't affect you " will affect our time it will be legal...theres a reason that it's not legal...let's put it to a nationwide will lose 2 - 1...I think most people who are against it...are looking at the not natural...not normal...I know gays hate to hear's true... How exactly does it affect you? Other than you not agreeing with the behavior? |
hey are ya girl??? decided to stray into politics today??? ![]() ![]() lol...i guess so yellowrose...saw this topic and decided i had to say ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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hey are ya girl??? decided to stray into politics today??? ![]() ![]() lol...i guess so yellowrose...saw this topic and decided i had to say ![]() ![]() ![]() Yellowrose, I think I actually got lost in the mean to tell me this isn't automechanics?... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() really, I could have sworn it was your silly side? ![]() |
hey are ya girl??? decided to stray into politics today??? ![]() ![]() lol...i guess so yellowrose...saw this topic and decided i had to say ![]() ![]() ![]() Yellowrose, I think I actually got lost in the mean to tell me this isn't automechanics?... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
hey are ya girl??? decided to stray into politics today??? ![]() ![]() lol...i guess so yellowrose...saw this topic and decided i had to say ![]() ![]() ![]() Yellowrose, I think I actually got lost in the mean to tell me this isn't automechanics?... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i just know how to drive ' ![]() ![]() |
I still don't see why it's up for vote shouldn't be. they should already be allowed to marry IMO and the beat goes on... ahhh know I love ya more than my luggage lol...but like I have doesn't effect me or you or anyone else ![]() there are already gay marriage really wouldn't be any different gays are looking for government and social affirmation...marriage as between a man and a women...period ! we really want to promote and sanction that behavior...I see people on here saying " it won't affect you " will affect our time it will be legal...theres a reason that it's not legal...let's put it to a nationwide will lose 2 - 1...I think most people who are against it...are looking at the not natural...not normal...I know gays hate to hear's true... Marriage was made by who? Who said it was a man and a woman? It was an excepted notion cause not too many knew of gays. We, even me thought that was the way it was. I never heard of gay til years after I grew up. It worried me then. I was ignorant. I was afraid it was such a moral issue. That is until I figured out the real moral issues in front of us. It was the straight people that turned me on to moral issues..or should I say the lack of morals. MArriage used to be a "I take you and you take me" there...there it is. No blood tests, no license, no state telling them what to do. Straights don't understand that the states have complete control over them getting married in the U.S. They need them to be married by "law" to keep track of them. In my opinion gay people would be much better off not being married to escape the rules and regulations of the states and government interferance. Oklahoma used to recognize common law more...wonder why? To hard to keep tabs on them. They were losing money hand over fist to common law marriage. I don't happen to agree with the behaviors of straight people viewing and buying porn. Marrying for convienience and short term pleasure. I can't stop you. I would if I thought it could make some kind of difference.. But, it isn't my business. So, I leave it alone and only think to myself how discusting it is. What does it hurt a straight person if anyone any sex wants to marry? Guys...they don't want your women. Kat |
I think it was "gay" day on HLN (my God do I wish i could throw all the airport TVs out). They had long drawn out stories about gay rallies in every city, even tho prop 8 is in Cali, then it had to show all the famous people at the rallies (my God do I hate famous people). THEN another long drawn out story about how American Idol was rigged to keep the gay guy from winning (don't know his name nor do I care because my God does that show suck). And then something about Miss Cali was in there too but I was taking refuge in the coffee shop trying to get advice from the cute coffee lady (my God is she cute!). ![]() It's not about your life is it Cloudy? I suspect that not all the news is about you, and your lifestyle. Nor is it always about mine, as it should be. Geezuz, get another job already, you seem to hate alot of things. I don't really hate everything, i just like rant and rave about it. Its a good stress relief. You should hear me when I'm ranting about how crappy new music is. ![]() |
well for what it's worth i'm here to tell ya that once it's legal it aint half as much fun
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