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Topic: You Get What you Are.....More on Law of Attraction
Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Tue 05/19/09 08:04 AM
Edited by Quantumthoughtbubble on Tue 05/19/09 08:05 AM
I used the scientific methode when I dicovered that GOD was real. I was thinking about makeing a new thread for it, since it would be so off topic.

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 08:06 AM
Very very true Jeannie!

Passion, desire, and willpower can get you very far in life!

Some say to their hobbies it is the air they breathe. Without it they can't live!

That is how I feel about my fantasy writingslaugh drinker

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 08:29 AM
What happened? Everybody having breakfast or lunch now? No one is posting for the longest time?grumble

Okay well I am off. Thanks for the chatsdrinker

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Tue 05/19/09 09:09 AM
OK so I just made proveing GOD with the scientific method a new thread. Please check it out and give me you brutally honest opinions.

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 09:16 AM
That theory may hurt my head...good luck though!

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/19/09 09:23 AM

Can't people just say, "We Don't KNOW! We only know it seems to work for us to some degree, and we have FAITH that it works"

Quantumthoughtbubble wrote.

I don't know! I only no that it seems to work for ME to some degree. When it works i always give thanks to "The Law Maker" for giveing me something i wanted or needed. If I got everyone of my hearts desires it would no longer be a supprise. Try haveing Christmas everyday and you'll soon find that to much of a good thing isn't good and that the sweet is never as sweet without the sour.

Exactly, and this is the only honesty that I ask for.

You confess that it seems to work for you to some degree.

Well of course it would! Standard random chance is going to give that result.

Especially when what we are talking about a theory here that says that our thoughts, intent, visualizations, actions, and beliefs are required to make this thing work.

Put intent and action into anything and you should actually have far better than a %50 success rate! Nevermind beliefs.

The point is that since we are claiming that this list of things CREATES our reality though a supposed Law of Attraction, then we only need to show ONE counter-example to disprove it.

So how many counter-examples do you have? A 50% rate of counter-examples? :spoke:

My life isn't even 50% problem free but I still feed those who are hungry around me.

Wow! Your life isn't even 50% problem free? spock

My God! If I had to put a number on my life I'd have to say that my life is more like 98% problem free! Most things I set out to do I accomplish BY FAR. I have far more successes than failrues. No wonder the Law of attraction can't help me! I'm already living far above its success rate!

The things I don't accomplish are things I don't even bother to set out to do in the first place. But that's not failure, that's just a lack of incentive to do them altogether.

I just gave an example of my tomato plants freezing from a frost. The reason this example seemed so VIVID to me is because it is one of the very FEW things I set out to do that had actually failed.

However, this would be a counter-example to the Law of Attraction showing that just because you set out with thought, intent, action, belief, faith, and visualization it doesn't ALWAYS work.

Also, I personally feel that it's much better for me to take away from this experience the KNOWLEDGE that the next time I better IMPROVE the method I use to protect plants from frost. Evidently placing an upside down thin plastic flower pot over them isn't enough protection.

I think that's far more valuable information than to just come away from the failure assuming that I simply didn't BELIEVE hard enough. whoa

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Tue 05/19/09 10:26 AM
You don't get it dude. That 50% is the result of LOA. With out it I would only be At 2%
1% problem free breathing and
1% problem free wipeing my ass.

Just because I can take advantage of LOA doesn't mean I'm good at it.

And look at you. You quit after the first try. I bet you already expected to fail. Infact you probly wanted to fail to prove yourself right. So if you proved yourself right....((((((((((((((((((((((DID YOU REALLY FAIL?))))))))))))))

When I had my first child my husband and I were apsolutley destatute.
One day hubby says, "We got to start saveing up for a stroller."
I told him, "Don't worry about it even if I had the money i wouldn't buy one. people are always giv'n those things away!"

The very next day a brand new greco stroller was set out to trash.

One day I was looking in a magazine at a ring I could never afford. Around x-mas my mom came up to visit. She had two bags of fake jewlery(wich I hate)And the only real piece just happened to be the very ring I desired.

When I was little I had hair that was straight as a board. I always said that i wanted black peoples hair 'cause they could do anything with it. At 13 I cut my hair really short and it grew back in curly.

All I new to ask for in a mate was someone to protect me and beautifull, smart kids. I got exactly what I asked for and that's why my lifes at 50%. 6 years later I started to ask for a partner that could offer me more emotionally. Ray moved across the street a year ago and I'm now in a possition for him to come and save me from my tailer made hell. I would never go out and try to find some one. My desires drew a suitable mate to me like a magnet.
Yeah, my life kinda sucks because of the decisions i've made, but I have hope knowing that all things come to me in time.

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 10:43 AM
So if you proved yourself right....((((((((((((((((((((((DID YOU REALLY FAIL?))))))))))))))


He actually succeeded!! happy :tongue: :banana: He proved it to himself and now he expects to prove to me that the law of attraction is B.S. because of his inability to have any faith.

If things don't go exactly the way you would like, blame it on the non-existent or flawed Law Of Attraction.

Curse God.

Curse the Law.

Blame the weather.

Be happy. bigsmile

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 11:01 AM
"It's not having everything you want...but wanting everything you have"

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 11:03 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 05/19/09 11:09 AM
James said:

"I think that's far more valuable information than to just come away from the failure assuming that I simply didn't BELIEVE hard enough. "

Oh but you did!!!

You believed the weather report. You also believed that the frost would damage your tomato plants.

(I have grown tomato plants and they have withstood the onslaught of frost and survived so it is not a given that they will be hurt.)

You cannot FAKE BELIEF.

You cannot FORCE POSITIVE THINKING if you really believe otherwise.

The subconscious mind and thinking stuff does not see anything except your visual picture of the frost damaging your plants which is what you were thinking and believing.

Your reaction was a negative. You were thinking about what you DIDN'T WANT.

YOU DID NOT WANT THE FROST TO DAMAGE YOUR PLANTS. And you were thinking that it would and you were believing the weather forecast and you were responding to that belief.

It can't get any more CLEAR than that. If you can't see that then you will NEVER see how the law of attraction works.

The thinking stuff cannot see negatives.


I DON'T WANT TO SMOKE (Visualization of you smoking)
I AM GOING TO QUIT SMOKING. (Affirmation: I haven't quit yet.)
DON'T THINK ABOUT A PINK ELEPHANT. (I see a pink elephant.)
I DON'T WANT TO BE FAT. (Visual: I think I am fat, I see myself as fat.)
I WANT TO LOOSE WEIGHT. (Visual: I see myself with a weight problem.)

Tell your children:

DON'T GO IN THE ROAD. (They get the idea and the visual to go in the road.)
I DON'T HAVE THE TIME. (Belief: You never will either)
I CAN'T AFFORD IT. (Belief: Poverty consciousness, lack.)
I CATCH THE FLUE EVERY FLU SEASON (Belief: ill health, low immune system, bad luck)


The unconscious mind will always work to manifest your beliefs into your reality. If you want to know what your beliefs are, just look at your life.

Think better, live better. Change your thinking, change your life.
The magick is in the believing. Convince your subconscious.

That is why hypnotism works so well. It convinces the subconscious.

At first it will seem like you are kidding yourself to convince yourself of something. But that is were INTENTION comes in and breaks the stale mate.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/19/09 11:16 AM
Sal wrote:
"It's not having everything you want...but wanting everything you have"

Yeah! Buddhism!

How did this get in a thread on the Law of Attraction? spock

If things don't go exactly the way you would like, blame it on the non-existent or flawed Law Of Attraction.

Curse God.

Curse the Law.

Blame the weather.

Be happy.

Who's blaming anything?

Who suggested that I'm not happy?

You're jumping to totally erroneous conclusions that have absolultely nothing to do with anything.

You have been brainwashed by those books you read that anyone who doesn't believe in the Law of Attraction is a worthless couch potato who just sits around blaming everyone for their problems.

That's absurd.

I'll I'm pointing out is that when things don't go the way you had BELIEVED they should, it's time to look at the PHYSICAL reasons why they failed and LEARN from that!

All you seem to be suggesting is that everytime you fail at something you just have to chastise yourself for not beliving hard enough, and then maybe if you believe harder the next time it will work out better. whoa

That's just a really lame thing to teach people, IMHO.

I think it's better to teach people that if things didn't work out it probably had something to do with the things they actually DID.

They should look more closely what what they actually did and why that failed and learn from those mistakes.

This is a far more productive theory of reality to teach people, IMHO.

Going around telling them that they just didn't believe hard enough is silly.

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 11:19 AM
Even if it's Buddhism..it's all relevent!we are speaking of the power of thought...what can be more powerful than that thought.

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 11:34 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 05/19/09 11:37 AM

If demons can "hear" you speak, but not "think" then that effect would have a distinction in reality . . unless of course its just made up and only in your mind.

One day i cassually said to my mother, " I'm so affraid of spiders."

The next morning there was a brown recluse in my dreams and when I woke to my daughter crying. there was one in her bed. For the next week I found spiders all around the house. And it must have been spider "week" 'cause most of the shows featured the little bastards.

I truelly believe that there is a malevolent force in the world that feeds of of fear and hate. I don't know how or where they exist. I just --feel-- that they do.

ps I'm afraid of money.
In Florida where I live the average population in a rural area is over 2 million Arachnids per arce.

Real fact.

PS I am still awaiting someone to use this amazing ULOA to win 1 million dollars.

I guess if you cant put up or shut up the next best thing is to ignore a challenge.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/19/09 11:39 AM

Even if it's Buddhism..it's all relevent!we are speaking of the power of thought...what can be more powerful than that thought.

I'm in total agreement of the power of thought to affect our outlook on life.

Hells bells, thought IS our outlook on life. bigsmile

Like I say, I totally support the idea that we should always strive to keep positive thoughts, intents, and actions.

I have never once argued with that.

But what does that have to do with believing that our thoughts can actually control physical processes in the world like crops being damaged by frost? That suggests mind over matter.

All I'm saying is that positive thoughts, intents, and actions aren't any guarantee that things will always work out.

However if there existed some "Law of Attraction" that was DRIVEN by this process then it would ALWAYS NEED TO BE TRUE if it is indeed some sort of LAW of reality!

That's all I'm saying.

It's silly to suggest that if I just ignore weather reports nothing will ever damage my crops.

I'm sure that a lot of farmers all over the world have awakened in the morning to find shocking surprises of failed crops that they had never even imagined in their wildest dreams!

They didn't THINK that into being!

Come on. Gimmie a break!

Sal, I personally think you'd be far better off pushing Buddhism and staying away from the "Law of Attraction".

I only say this because you seem to be far more in support of Buddist ideals and not the idea that THINK physical reality into existence.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/19/09 11:43 AM

PS I am still awaiting someone to use this amazing ULOA to win 1 million dollars.


It's easy to blow hot air on the Internet.

Where's the pudd'in? spock

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 11:46 AM
I don't subscribe to any religion..too many wars over religion.That would go against all my beliefs..I do respect peoples decision to follow there religions though.I have witnessed too many miracles in my life to not grasp that I create my own world.The matter of weather that u guys are talking about..that's just crazy..i believe we can't control outside..but certainly inside.So if your crops die...how you feel about that is what is real..not whether you tried to change the weather forecast and it didn't work...ya dig man!

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 12:00 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 05/19/09 12:01 PM
In Florida where I live the average population in a rural area is over 2 million Arachnids per arce.

Real fact.

PS I am still awaiting someone to use this amazing ULOA to win 1 million dollars.

I guess if you cant put up or shut up the next best thing is to ignore a challenge.

Why do you think 'winning' a million dollars is what people should want?

I think it would be more rewarding to earn it personally, but that's just me...... I don't find much satisfaction having something handed to me because I bought a lottery ticket.

The Lottery is the only thing I can think of where you might suddenly win a million dollars. And why a million? That is small potatoes when you are looking at the power ball in Floria.

I'm working on something a lot more challenging than winning a million dollars.:wink:

Besides I could go out and 'win' a million or more dollars tomorrow and I guarantee that you would still not be convinced of anything.

You are just blowing steam.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/19/09 12:02 PM

I don't subscribe to any religion..too many wars over religion.That would go against all my beliefs..I do respect peoples decision to follow there religions though.I have witnessed too many miracles in my life to not grasp that I create my own world.The matter of weather that u guys are talking about..that's just crazy..i believe we can't control outside..but certainly inside.So if your crops die...how you feel about that is what is real..not whether you tried to change the weather forecast and it didn't work...ya dig man!


I'm with you 100% on this Sal! drinker

I'm also not the slightest bit concerned about the lost tomato plants. I had planted far more than I could use and it's just a hobby anyway. laugh

I gave this particular example, not to imply that I'm upset with nature or anything at all like that.

I simply gave the example because the morning when it happened I was totally SURPRISED.

And that made me realize that the Law of Attraction can't be true as Jeanniebean describes it.

The reason being very simple. I had accidently totally satistifed all of the requirements to INVOKE the Law of Attraction without even meaning to! Yet it didn't work.

I recognized a potential risk to my plants.

Thus I acted on the POSITIVE THOUGHT to take ACTION to insure they would be protected.

I had postive THOUGHT, positive INTENT, and I took positive ACTION to insure that all my plants would be protected with loving care.

Even in my mind I VISUALIZED them being fully protected and untouched by the frost. I didn't do this because it's required by the Law of Attraction. I just did it naturally because I always envision the outcome of things I do. I'm a DREAMER. bigsmile

And I even asked Mother Nature to be KIND and BELIEVED that she would!

Yet, the next morning the work had not panned out.

Only THEN did I REALIZE that I had just violated the LAW of Attraction if it does indeed exist. I had done everything that is required for this law to supposedly work, yet it didn't.

I wasn't even testing it. That was never my intent. My realization that I just coincidentally had satisfied the requirements of the Law of Attraction actually came as HINDSIGHT!

The real PROBLEM was the thin plastic pots I placed over the plant simple didn't insulate them well enough.

Next time I'll know to use something better to cover them with!

I wasn't out to PROVE the law of attraction to be false.

I just realized that in this particular case I had actually coincidentally sastified everything that it requires to invoke it, but it failed to invoke. Therefore it probably doesn't exist as a law of this universe.

One counter-example is all that's required to prove that something isn't true. bigsmile

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 12:04 PM

PS I am still awaiting someone to use this amazing ULOA to win 1 million dollars.


It's easy to blow hot air on the Internet.

Where's the pudd'in? spock

James is still hungry.

And he has no tomatoes. laugh laugh :tongue:

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 12:06 PM

I don't subscribe to any religion..too many wars over religion.That would go against all my beliefs..I do respect peoples decision to follow there religions though.I have witnessed too many miracles in my life to not grasp that I create my own world.The matter of weather that u guys are talking about..that's just crazy..i believe we can't control outside..but certainly inside.So if your crops die...how you feel about that is what is real..not whether you tried to change the weather forecast and it didn't work...ya dig man!

That makes sense to me also Sal. I dont really have anything to add. ohwell

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