Topic: You can't win if you believe
yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:00 PM

lol boo...i only did competitions not pageants and you know I'm out spoken...i think that would have stumped me enough to stumble lol

but thikn about this....we see politicians and speakers stumble alot....why wouldn't she??? especially in those uncomfortable dresses under the hot spotliht and what she says could make or break's like being interrogated lol

I really have no problem with what you are saying, the poor kid didn't have a chance in hell. She has her parents to live up to, her judges, the audience. I can imagine the pressure, and then to have that question asked. I will never ever understand why that question had to be asked. That being said, I could not help but comment on what she did say, but that seems to be what got me in so much hot water with those who are on the other side of this argument. Does that mean I will stop expressing myself. Hell no! I know what to expect, and I will take my chances.

like I have said...we all have our ownopinions on the subject for whatever reasons.

but don't forget she has to live up to sponsors (they usually ave them) and her coach. it's alot and it's not just "looking pretty". believe's alot of work that i wouldn't want to do myself

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:00 PM
boo...i think we became closer to the same page when i posted the quotes about the question and answers etc.

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:08 PM
Now that I've had time to stew over it while at work, its time to be serious. That was a very unfair question to ask on national T.V. because either answer would have pissed someone off. Even if she dodged the question like in politics she would have made people mad. And to be asked by Perez Hilton, the scum of the Earth, made it much worse.

Also for that scum to be going on CNN saying how offended he was because she was not "P.C." enough is plain stupid. And, who the hell let that dumbass be a judge in the first place?

Anyway, Miss. California is now more famous than the woman who actually won the pageant in the first place, so kudos to her for standing up for her beliefs and damn those who oppose it. This is the land of the free, free to think how we want, and speak how we want.

no photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:18 PM

Now that I've had time to stew over it while at work, its time to be serious. That was a very unfair question to ask on national T.V. because either answer would have pissed someone off. Even if she dodged the question like in politics she would have made people mad. And to be asked by Perez Hilton, the scum of the Earth, made it much worse.

Also for that scum to be going on CNN saying how offended he was because she was not "P.C." enough is plain stupid. And, who the hell let that dumbass be a judge in the first place?

Anyway, Miss. California is now more famous than the woman who actually won the pageant in the first place, so kudos to her for standing up for her beliefs and damn those who oppose it. This is the land of the free, free to think how we want, and speak how we want.

Damn those who oppose what? I think I was the only gay person in this thread and I myself said the question was unfair, her answer was to some her actual beliefs, to me they might not have been, either way she gave an answer. Probably not to Perez's liking but tough, he should have known better than to give her that question. I don't know the man personally so I won't call him a scum bag, even educated people can do stupid things.

So I don't really know who you are damning here. And if it's the land of the free, please feel free to allow other the same freedom. I don't like what she said but I wouldn't have been one of the people that boo'd her either, believe that or not. I will stand up for her right to say it. But I would like the same freedom to question what she said as she might question me.

Foliel's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:21 PM
Edited by Foliel on Mon 04/20/09 11:25 PM
I actually fe bad for the girl. Perez put her on the spot and it caused her alot of flack.

FTR marriage did not start with christianity, it was around long before that. Christianity introduced a new form of marriage but it was around before that.

It was found in ancient greek times when people worshipped the 12 gods of olympus. Egysptians had it with their gods. So um no it did not originate with christianity.

I found this after doing some research and no it did not come from wikipedia

Men who married men
Gay marriage is rare in history—but not unknown. The Roman emperor Nero, who ruled from A.D. 54 to 68, twice married men in formal wedding ceremonies, and forced the Imperial Court to treat them as his wives. In second- and third-century Rome, homosexual weddings became common enough that it worried the social commentator Juvenal, says Marilyn Yalom in A History of the Wife. “Look—a man of family and fortune—being wed to a man!” Juvenal wrote. “Such things, before we’re very much older, will be done in public.” He mocked such unions, saying that male “brides” would never be able to “hold their husbands by having a baby.” The Romans outlawed formal homosexual unions in the year 342. But Yale history professor John Boswell says he’s found scattered evidence of homosexual unions after that time, including some that were recognized by Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches. In one 13th-century Greek Orthodox ceremony, the “Order for Solemnisation of Same Sex Union,” the celebrant asked God to grant the participants “grace to love one another and to abide unhated and not a cause of scandal all the days of their lives, with the help of the Holy Mother of God and all thy saints.”

Winx's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:36 PM
Perez talking with Larry King about it.

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:36 PM

Damn those who oppose what? I think I was the only gay person in this thread and I myself said the question was unfair, her answer was to some her actual beliefs, to me they might not have been, either way she gave an answer. Probably not to Perez's liking but tough, he should have known better than to give her that question. I don't know the man personally so I won't call him a scum bag, even educated people can do stupid things.

So I don't really know who you are damning here. And if it's the land of the free, please feel free to allow other the same freedom. I don't like what she said but I wouldn't have been one of the people that boo'd her either, believe that or not. I will stand up for her right to say it. But I would like the same freedom to question what she said as she might question me.

Damn those who want everything to be P.C. in this world. Its the most retarded thinking in the world. Anyway if you want to see w.t.f. perez is famous for just visit his blog. Hes like the online version of OK! magazine and or "Us".

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:37 PM
I found an article that says the contestant gave aninterview saying her sister is a gay rights activist

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
Her opinions on same-sex marriage may have cost Miss California the Miss USA crown on Sunday night – but in an interview with Billy Bush for “The Billy Bush Show” and Access Hollywood on Monday morning, Carrie Prejean revealed that her sister is a gay rights activist.

“My sister is a second lieutenant in the Air Force and she is a gay rights activist,” Carrie told Billy.

Her sister, she added, is not gay.

“No. She supports gay people, she supports gay marriage. My beliefs have nothing to do with my sister or my mom, or whatever.”

Nor was her sister offended by her comments on Sunday night.

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:40 PM
I wonder if the same people who were offended are the same people who are always offended by other things in the news. Its like they sit around watching T.V. waiting for something offensive and then they blow alot of smoke over it. Someone needs to slap those people noway

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:00 AM

Damn those who oppose what? I think I was the only gay person in this thread and I myself said the question was unfair, her answer was to some her actual beliefs, to me they might not have been, either way she gave an answer. Probably not to Perez's liking but tough, he should have known better than to give her that question. I don't know the man personally so I won't call him a scum bag, even educated people can do stupid things.

So I don't really know who you are damning here. And if it's the land of the free, please feel free to allow other the same freedom. I don't like what she said but I wouldn't have been one of the people that boo'd her either, believe that or not. I will stand up for her right to say it. But I would like the same freedom to question what she said as she might question me.

Damn those who want everything to be P.C. in this world. Its the most retarded thinking in the world. Anyway if you want to see w.t.f. perez is famous for just visit his blog. Hes like the online version of OK! magazine and or "Us".

If that was the only response you could come up with.. oh never mind.

damnitscloudy's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:22 AM

If that was the only response you could come up with.. oh never mind.

What do you want from me at 3:30am? laugh

Foliel's photo
Tue 04/21/09 02:21 AM
someone said in this thread that straight people have the right to choose to maary someone of the opposite sex and that gay people have the same right to marry someone of the opposite sex but choose not to...

Would this mean that gay people have the right to choose to marry someone they do not love nor could ever love in that manner?

How would the marriage become legal via consummation?

I'm not about to consummate a marriage to a person i don't love.

That just means that some people don't seem to understand the concept of love. I could never marry a woman as i would never love her and could never consuimmate it with. I have always thought that marriage should be about love not about sex but I am apparently wrong.

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 04:49 AM
Since the "majority" are against gay marriage this whole argument is mute! In California we have heard this over and over the majority does not support it!

I believe there were 12 judges. If she lost because of her answer, obviously the majority dosnt care. Wait I bet they loaded up the judges with left wing nuts just so Miss California would lose!!!!! DAM I SHOULD HAVE SEEN THAT!!!!laugh

The Miss USA Conspiracy!!!!!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 04/21/09 05:09 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Tue 04/21/09 05:25 AM
WOW, this thread is still active?

I thought equal rights meant everyone?! slaphead Silly me! ohwell

Hiltons a jerk, plain and simple, Miss Cal is beautiful, and America is still devided on rights that are inherent......

Somebody's agenda sure got funded here! Why is it I feel it wasn't the American peoples? tears

We have sold our individual freedoms to government. As with all such sellouts of our rights, it devides us.

Now we invite government into our bedrooms...... next they'll tax our feelings and desires because they control them? shocked

If I don't like spinich, do I have to get a law passed to avoid eating it? Do you have a right to condemn me because I don't?

Sad state of affairs our personal rights to "choice" have become when someone decides them for you.

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 06:54 AM

WOW, this thread is still active?

I thought equal rights meant everyone?! slaphead Silly me! ohwell

Hiltons a jerk, plain and simple, Miss Cal is beautiful, and America is still devided on rights that are inherent......

Somebody's agenda sure got funded here! Why is it I feel it wasn't the American peoples? tears

We have sold our individual freedoms to government. As with all such sellouts of our rights, it devides us.

Now we invite government into our bedrooms...... next they'll tax our feelings and desires because they control them? shocked

If I don't like spinich, do I have to get a law passed to avoid eating it? Do you have a right to condemn me because I don't?

Sad state of affairs our personal rights to "choice" have become when someone decides them for you.

It's early so I hope I make sense.

The government is made up of PEOPLE, no? The government fears the power of the church or those in government wouldn't be so afraid of this issue and offending the church who could destroy their job's if they come out FOR gays. Sure some have courage but very few.

The church started all this, and even if people that are non-religious don't like gays, the stigma still came from the church. You don't have to have family who ever went to church or were religious to have been influenced by how the church has treated homosexuals for centuries. Few wanted to ever be mistaken for gay, that remains today, though not quite as much as people elvolve.

Because of religion it will remain a problem for centuries more I think. Even if ever state acknowledges and passes gay marriage, does anyone thing the church won't find a way to make sure the population understands we are still an abomination? Like Thomas said the christian church is powerful, but they are powerful because we the people gave them that power, just as some see that we have given our government the same powers over us.

The funny thing is though, that it is the government that is our only hope because if they don't give us the right to marry, the church certainly never will and that is why the church often insists there IS no seperation of church and state.

Where am I wrong?

willing2's photo
Tue 04/21/09 07:19 AM

someone said in this thread that straight people have the right to choose to maary someone of the opposite sex and that gay people have the same right to marry someone of the opposite sex but choose not to...

Would this mean that gay people have the right to choose to marry someone they do not love nor could ever love in that manner?

How would the marriage become legal via consummation?

I'm not about to consummate a marriage to a person i don't love.

That just means that some people don't seem to understand the concept of love. I could never marry a woman as i would never love her and could never consuimmate it with. I have always thought that marriage should be about love not about sex but I am apparently wrong.

My own opinion
Marriage, for me, no.
Consummation, whenever possible!:thumbsup:

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 04/21/09 08:15 AM
Church, state, self expression..... I'll take self expression, and if heaven or hell are my options for an end, I will have earned it on my own merit.

The Bible, or any "religious" tome, teaches basic fundamentals that I choose to follow, or not, by choice, every day.

I will not "battle" religious belief with anyone. I will listen to your beliefs and state mine if asked, but I will NOT argue who is right or wrong. My reason; to "argue" such things is a non-constructive infringement into personal rights. Debatable, yes, argumentitive, no. If your dedication to a belief means you have to think my beliefs are wrong, then I choose to question them, but I will defend them as your freedom.

This is the basic argument of "separation of church and state". To dictate the belief of an individual or group of people as right or wrong, is a self proclomation of "God-like" imperialism, and is by its very nature, WRONG!

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 08:36 AM
The only reason I battle religion is because it is the source of the problem for me. I really could care less what people believe as long as what they believe does not make me out to be a monster undeserving of the same rights as anyone else, and out to destroy the rights of others to believe as they wish. When they do I feel obligated to say something.

People act like gays just came down with yesterdays rain. Many if not most believe we are the cause of America going down hill. That really bugs me, considering I personally don't even have to step outside my door to be considered a problem in the eyes of people I don't even know?.

Never have been an activist, though maybe I am to some extent here at Mingle, I don't relish it. I get sick of explaining myself, but never the less I feel compelled some how.

Not all gays will speak for me, I can only speak for myself, yet people often lump everyone in to one group and then bash them silly. This can go for the Christian community as well. It's not true though, many Christians completely understand this issue and are empathetic to the gay community. I just have to wonder though how many really speak out when they have the opportunity because many fear association issues, and are afraid to speak out FOR the gays.

Just a few thoughts anyway, I am not really feeling into discussion today, I am exhausted from yesterdays thread so I will leave it at that for now.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 04/21/09 08:47 AM
You start a movement boo and I will sign on, as long as the issue is "basic rights" supposedly enjoyed by all.

Because we differ in choices does not mean we differ in beliefs. As long as your actions or the solutions you seek do not impose upon the rights of others freedoms, I will defend and even advocate their cause.

damnitscloudy's photo
Tue 04/21/09 01:09 PM
I still think its sad that a jerk off like Perez Hilton can divide the nation on gay rights. I mean really. It would be ok if a gay leader was awesome and smart, but Perez is the dumbest thing to ever walk the Earth.

Can we destroy him now? Please? And stick his stupid head on a pike and parade it around town?