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Topic: Evolution Is it Compatible With THE BIBLE? - part 2
Dan99's photo
Thu 03/12/09 05:26 PM
I made this for everyone in this thread


no photo
Thu 03/12/09 05:33 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 03/12/09 06:26 PM

I am a very strong protestant who is converting to Catholicism. I understand what you are talking about Eljay. In many points I agree.

Nubby, according to what you just posted here,

I am afraid you do NOT understand what Eljay is saying atall.

You say you are a strong protestant, who is converting to Catholicism.

Well..that's fine....if that is what you want...

but basically, what you then will be doing is.....

converting from one denomination to other denomination..nothing more.

UNLESS of course, you already have ALSO asked Jesus into your heart , and made Him your Personal Saviour and Lord......


And as long as you are a christian, your joining the catholic church will not make you any less or any more a christian.

Simply because.....

A christian is not someone who just joins a denomination.....

a christian is someone who has JOINED JESUS!!


Nubby's photo
Thu 03/12/09 05:46 PM

I am a very strong protestant who is converting to Catholicism. I understand what you are talking about Eljay. In many points I agree.

Nubby, according to what you just posted here,

I am afraid you do NOT understand whay Eljay is saying atall.

You say you are a strong protestant, who is converting to Catholicism.

Well..that's fine....if that is what you want...

but basically, what you then will be doing is.....

converting from one denomination to other denomination..nothing more.

UNLESS of course, you already have ALSO asked Jesus into yuor heart and made Him your personal Saviour and Lord......


And as long as you are a christian, your joining the catholic church will not make you any less or any more a christian.

Simply because.....

A christian is not someone who just joins a denomination.....

a christian is someone who has JOINED JESUS!!


I understand. I am born again. The denomination i belonged to was Calvary Chapel. I am now joining the Catholic faith.

no photo
Thu 03/12/09 06:15 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 03/12/09 06:30 PM
When one truly is born again, one can still be a part ..or become a part of any denomination.

That includes Even becoming a member of the catholic church, if one so desires..

BUT...... may I say something here , Nubby?flowerforyou

Make sure before joining a church,

that it is a place where you can now GROW.

Point being.....

Some churches do NOT help you to GROW


In fact, unles you find a place where the WHOLE WORD OF GOD is being taught,

you may end up being stunted in your spiritual growth.

Some churches, although christian, will only feed you the cheese and crackers of God's Word......

whereby ..... the Full gospel spirit filled churches ,will feed you the WHOLE FEAST OF GOD'S WORD....drinker

and NOT just the cheese and crackers of God's Word only!!!flowerforyou

Pray...ask God to lead you ( if you haven't already) ,

and God WILL Lead you to the RIGHT church ....

a church home , where you can TRULY fellowship and GROW in.

Eljay's photo
Thu 03/12/09 06:18 PM

Eljay wrote:

but by contrast, the lack of any demonstratable desire to do good (other than for personal gain) - is a clear indication that one is NOT a christian.

Well, I would totally differ with you there. Christianity is all about personal gain!

It's all about getting on the 'good side' of God for the purpose of being "saved" from eternal damnation and being rewarded with the prize of eternal life!

It's all about being SAVED Eljay!

Only an athiest who does good things without any belief that they will be "saved" or anything like that could claim not to have motives of personal gain.

Christianity is all about personal gain.

That's what it's based on.

Well - that wasn't quite what I was refering to by "personal gain".
I was refering more to conditional behavior of man towards his fellow an.

The point was what one believes - not what one does.

Nubby's photo
Thu 03/12/09 06:27 PM

When we are truly born again, we can still be a part of any denomination.

That includes Even still going to a catholic church.

BUT...... may I say something here , Nubby?flowerforyou

Make sure before joining a church, that it is a place where you can now GROW.

Point being.....

Some churches do NOT help you to GROW in your NEW FOUND FAITH or BORN AGAIN EXPERIERNCE now.

In fact, unles you find a place where the WHOLE WORD OF GOD is being taught,

you may end up stunted in your spiritual growth.

Some churches, although christian, will only feed you the cheese and crackers of God's Word......

whereby ..... the Full gospel spirit filled churches ,will feed you the WHOLE FEAST OF GOD'S WORD....drinker

and NOT just cheese and crackers of God's Word only!!!flowerforyou

Pray...ask God to lead you ( if you haven't already) ,

and God WILL Lead you to the RIGHT church ....

a church home , where you can TRULY fellowship and GROW in.

I am very careful Morningsong, I grew up in a church that went verse by verse through the bible. The Catholic Church teaches the bible, and I like how they hold tight to tradition. I feel it was the Spirit of God who gave me the final word. I have prayed about it and meditated on it.

Seamonster's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:51 PM

When we are truly born again, we can still be a part of any denomination.

That includes Even still going to a catholic church.

BUT...... may I say something here , Nubby?flowerforyou

Make sure before joining a church, that it is a place where you can now GROW.

Point being.....

Some churches do NOT help you to GROW in your NEW FOUND FAITH or BORN AGAIN EXPERIERNCE now.

In fact, unles you find a place where the WHOLE WORD OF GOD is being taught,

you may end up stunted in your spiritual growth.

Some churches, although christian, will only feed you the cheese and crackers of God's Word......

whereby ..... the Full gospel spirit filled churches ,will feed you the WHOLE FEAST OF GOD'S WORD....drinker

and NOT just cheese and crackers of God's Word only!!!flowerforyou

Pray...ask God to lead you ( if you haven't already) ,

and God WILL Lead you to the RIGHT church ....

a church home , where you can TRULY fellowship and GROW in.

I am very careful Morningsong, I grew up in a church that went verse by verse through the bible. The Catholic Church teaches the bible, and I like how they hold tight to tradition. I feel it was the Spirit of God who gave me the final word. I have prayed about it and meditated on it.

yep, no matter how many people die of aids in Africa they still will not let them where condoms.
Yeah, tradition is wonderfull.

Tradition uber allas!!

isaac_dede's photo
Fri 03/13/09 01:50 AM
Wow why does every topic that mentions the word 'Christian' always end up turning into a debate...or worse a preaching session. This topic started as Evolution and does it fit into the Bible?

Well i'm bringing it back on topic.

First feralcatlady, love the post, however i have to disagree on some points in some of your replies...you said that basically everything you do is inspired by God...but at the same time you are implying insults to someone who simply doesn't agree with saying 'ohwise one' i personally don't believe that was inspired by God. Not trying to pick a fight just wanted to point out that even as Christians we are still flawed, and while God can always choose to inspire us or not is up to Him. Not everything we do just because we are Christians means we are 'inspired'.

Second. The Bible gives us a history of Man, not of the world. While it does say that in Seven days God created the world and everything in it. Later the Bible also states that a day is like a thousand years and a thousands years is like a day so the time line he gave might not coincide with the way we see time. Meaning we might not have been the first race created on this planet. It is entirely possible that we are 4th 5th 6th....generation of God's creative ability.

Third. Do i believe in Evolution? no I don't. Not simple because of my faith but for other reasons as well.

The first being the odds of Evolution. The actual odds of Evolution are the same as filling the state of Texas up 3feet deep in Quarters, marking ONLY ONE quarter, blindfolding the a guy, having him parachute randomly into some part of Texas. The odds of Evolution happing are the same odds that Man has on picking up the marked quarter on the VERY FIRST TRY!. Possible...yes....probable? no.

The second being that they have tried to recreate the circumstances in what it would have taken for the very first initial 'life' to occur. They have done this in highly controlled environments over and over and over again...all with no success...any other theory would have been disproven by this process alone...but because people want an explanation OTHER than God it has continued to go on..even to the point of being taught as fact. Also if they can not recreate the 'bang' per se in a controlled environment then how is it supposed to take place in an uncontrolled environement like space?

The third reason is because we keep discovering how intricate living organisms are down to the smallest cell...which we once though was life in it's most basic form...but as technology gave us greater access we realized it is much more complex then we first thought. I think this process will continue to happen. History has a habit of repeating itself.

The fourth reason is the idea behind evolution, that we 'evolved' in order to survive, if that was the case then we should all be rats. Rats are one of the toughest creatures on earth and can survive just about anywhere. We are actually very frail in our current form the only thing distinguishing us would be our intellect...which could have evolved without a change in our 'bodies' because we would have had no need to change our bodies.

The fifth reason is that we have certian creatures on earth that simply could not have evovled slowy...take into account the bombadier beetle that realeases a very dangerous gas by combining to gases at the exact right time. If it had to devolope this skill it would have had to do so IMMEDIATLY in order not to kill itself off..which contradicts the idea of 'evolving slowly' That being said, if evolution was true, there would be signs of it EVERYWHERE and STILL. Evolution states we basically constantly evolve....why did we stop?

Now to the Bible and Evolution, the Bible obviously states God created man, i found that easier to believe. But I beleive he only gave us an account of the his very first creation, He would have had to create others as well in order for there to be a 'village' that Adams' son went to. He just didn't mention it. Just because the Bible doesn't mention something doesn't mean it didn't exist. It doesn't mention Bacteria...but it exist. He gave us an 'overview' per se on what we need to know. That's also why i say we could be 4th 5th 6th generation...God will give us only what we need...not always what we want.

steady94's photo
Fri 03/13/09 01:57 AM
i just find it funny how one person can just go from one religion to another...isnt it if you dont worship one god, youre ****ed from "their heaven" and then go to "their hell"?

Jess642's photo
Fri 03/13/09 02:02 AM
"This is the thread that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends,
Some people started reading it not knowing what it was...
and they'll continue reading it, no matter just because...........
this is the thread that never ends......................................."

noway laugh :wink: devil

steady94's photo
Fri 03/13/09 02:24 AM
wait a second isaac...
are you kidding me? youre relating humans to rats to disprove evolution? rats are a different species completely! why wouldnt you go with monkeys or something dumb like that? oh wait, evolution has already taught us that the human has evolved from the ape.
let me guess, youre also the type of intellectual that believes in the "gay gene".

isaac_dede's photo
Fri 03/13/09 02:34 AM

wait a second isaac...
are you kidding me? youre relating humans to rats to disprove evolution? rats are a different species completely! why wouldnt you go with monkeys or something dumb like that? oh wait, evolution has already taught us that the human has evolved from the ape.
let me guess, youre also the type of intellectual that believes in the "gay gene".

Yes they are, but doesn't evolution state that all life evolved from that first 'cell' or whatever you want to call it? therefore all life being related?

And no i do not beleive in the 'gay gene', but that is for another topic...this is simple for the Bible and Evolution.

steady94's photo
Fri 03/13/09 02:38 AM
In biology, evolution is change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. These changes are caused by a combination of three main processes: variation, reproduction, and selection. Genes that are passed on to an organism's offspring produce the inherited traits that are the basis of evolution. These traits vary within populations, with organisms showing heritable differences in their traits. When organisms reproduce, their offspring may have new or altered traits. These new traits arise in two main ways: either from mutations in genes, or from the transfer of genes between populations and between species

this definition alone states why not every oganism found on earth today is the same.

any other brain busters?

Jess642's photo
Fri 03/13/09 02:45 AM

In biology, evolution is change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. These changes are caused by a combination of three main processes: variation, reproduction, and selection. Genes that are passed on to an organism's offspring produce the inherited traits that are the basis of evolution. These traits vary within populations, with organisms showing heritable differences in their traits. When organisms reproduce, their offspring may have new or altered traits. These new traits arise in two main ways: either from mutations in genes, or from the transfer of genes between populations and between species

this definition alone states why not every oganism found on earth today is the same.

any other brain busters?

Actually mate.... our DNA is only one thingo different from a rat's.....hang on, I'll find the article...

steady94's photo
Fri 03/13/09 02:49 AM
so how does that disprove evolution?
thousands of years of gene splitting? thats almost equivalent to the argument that caucasians are not the same as asians as blacks as east indians....

Jess642's photo
Fri 03/13/09 02:54 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Fri 03/13/09 02:58 AM
........." We share 98 per cent of our genes with the mouse, let alone the Great Apes. Many animals have bigger brains than ours, both in real terms and proportion to their body size. Nor can we boast about the three billion units in our DNA, the code that makes each one of us proud, freethinking individuals. The humble lily has a hundred times more.

Animals also share our same basic emotions. This may seem obvious to many of us, but scientists are now proving it. Higher animals love, grieve, hate, and empathise, they feel shame and pride. They can be imaginitive, playful and absurdly happy, just as we can. They are certainly nothing like automatons.They may well feel emotion more accutely than we do, with out our distracted wordy minds............"

taken in excerpt from 'Nova', March 2009 Vol. 16 no.1

steady94's photo
Fri 03/13/09 02:55 AM
Despite the fear and loathing they often engender, wild rats play an important part in the biological economy of this fallen world. This is not only from their obvious role as scavengers, but as food sources for other creatures.

so rats and humans have occupied the earth for the same amount of time according to science...who is to say that rodents werent the first species to be produced and humans have ultimately evolvolved from a rat somewhere somehow down the line?

if you can believe that a man actually walked on water....rationalize!

Jess642's photo
Fri 03/13/09 02:56 AM
It only shows we humans are complete f*ckwits when it comes to knowing sh*t from a sandwich, as to evolution... and no godlike thing did a bloody thing...

steady94's photo
Fri 03/13/09 02:58 AM
ah ha! yes! thank you jess!
there is more proof in this world to evolution being truth than not.
my point is that religion is in more ways than one simply a hoax!

isaac_dede's photo
Fri 03/13/09 03:01 AM

In biology, evolution is change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. These changes are caused by a combination of three main processes: variation, reproduction, and selection. Genes that are passed on to an organism's offspring produce the inherited traits that are the basis of evolution. These traits vary within populations, with organisms showing heritable differences in their traits. When organisms reproduce, their offspring may have new or altered traits. These new traits arise in two main ways: either from mutations in genes, or from the transfer of genes between populations and between species

this definition alone states why not every oganism found on earth today is the same.

any other brain busters?

I understand that is the process in Micro evolution, however let's focus again on macro evolution..i'm talking about the VERY FIRST form of life whether you follow the Big Bang theory or any other variation of evolution. or are you suggesting that VERY FIRST form of life already knew it had to evolve right away and immediatly develope the capability to reproduce?

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