no photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:12 AM
i'm in a sorority obviously to the sn , and let me just say that we
talk about sex more than anything lol

oldsage's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:21 AM
Dealing with widowed ladies, I guarantee you, women are much more open
when talking about sex, in my opinion.

davinci1952's photo
Sun 04/29/07 11:41 AM
blushing blushing

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:17 AM
Not at all. In my experience, women are FAR more raunchy and graphic
when they talk about sex. Sure, I've heard guys brag about "tagging
that booty", or whatever, but girls will give you inches, positions,
embarassing noises, and what they thought of it all. No comparison.

Morena350's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:23 PM

nurjoyce's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:24 PM
I agree Nom

no photo
Mon 07/24/17 09:58 AM
Women and men today seem to want to be cleaner ,shave entire bodies all hair off and most definately purchase vagina pumps off ebay as to increase the beauty of the vagina . Also natural **** bleaching is a must. Being clean showering well and shaving and pumps and very safe with condoms and such is very important. If sex is discussed at work that can be tricky of course a Prophet and or a Sage might not discuss that topic with u not becasue they are embarrased but becasue again the world of mortals and the flesh is not as high as the Spiritual realm so may be boring for them to discuss with u. Overall due to bowel movemnets ,passing gas Sex can be a high experience or degrading and low if you are a very base common person who is ground low into the ways of the world. However , purchase some vagina pumps ,spanking is fun and your sex interest might be interesting. Our bodies contain our souls but due to the fall we have odors, gas bowel mevemnets etc so to place such a high importance on mortals and the sex act unless u are entering into certain hi level sex Magick Rituals would be fools talk.

no photo
Mon 07/24/17 10:10 AM
Wow! this thread is ancient but its a good one kristi flowerforyou

women engage in crass locker room talk like guys do , but I think it is more common for women to include the emotional component of sex more than guys do. There are lots of exceptions to that rule ofcourse lol

no photo
Mon 07/24/17 10:20 AM
Edited by sodapopcherrycoke on Mon 07/24/17 10:24 AM
I agree as well this is a good thread but very new to this dating site i fell in here by accident lol. Women seem to yes need an emotional component to proceed. Basically their is a certain percentage of people who are trying to level up high in magick orders and Covens and Sex Magick is only one very small part of that if one so chooses or not at all.

If you are dating a 9th Degree OTO Initiate they may be practicing Emblems of Modes and Use which is utilising hi levels of sex Magick so one can achieve K and C knowledge and conversation with their HGA their Holy Guardian Angel. One would have had to already know and work prana breathing and have passed thru many difficult Initiations to even be successful trying Emblems of Modes and Use which is a 9th Degree O.T.O sex Magick Ritual. The male and female engage in sex within a Ritual Format and the female must be on her period at the time the sex occurs the man will take the blood of the females period with his mouth and mix with semen to form Sigil which than can be magicallly charged for some said end result or wish of the individual. The unseen world would be involved here as well it will be sex mixed with Ritual Sigils and certain said spiritual entities that one evokes thru Ritual. If this is ure said path it takes years of practice and is only one way amongst hundreds of ways to make contact with your HGA so u can experience K and C and find your True will while here in the Fallen World

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 07/24/17 10:34 AM
Interesting post, I wonder why I haven't seen it before.

I grew up in the 60s.
I remember my mother talking about sex with her lady friends when they visited.
I don't remember my dad talking about sex with his buddies.

I remember listening to records that mom & dad played at their card parties in the dining room.
One I remember is
Rusty Warren.
I have listened to Rusty Warren again just recently.
She was queen of the sex talk.
Her albums were how women talked about sex.
Her phrases were repeated by my mom and her friends and it generated many conversations that were too sensitive for my baby ears.
I was 'shooed' from the room a lot.

Dad just laughed at Rusty Warren records.

I remember overhearing my X and her girlfriends talking sex. The main difference was that they were much more explicit than my mom and her friends. Mom's generation used innuendo a lot. I believe that our current society is more specific and graphical.

As a man, listening in, I believe women sex talk is based on assessment of the man, feelings and emotions.

I worked in truck shops around truck mechanics and truck drivers.
In my opinion there was not a lot of discussion about our sex lives. If we saw a beautiful woman we would talk about how much we would want to but never really go into any details. We didn't sit around at lunch and talk about the lovin we got last night. We don't share our lovemaking details with each other.

If we do talk about sex we share keywords and our memories give us the details. If you are not privy to those memories few men will relate much expecting you to go find out for yourself.

While our focus is not on the sex, we do have great discussions on the crazy things women make us do in order to get sex. Our relationship talks deal with how crazy things can get. Most men don't really discuss the details of the relationship unless it is bothering them, then we other men either express sympathy or have a good laugh and consider ourselves fortunate.

mysticalview21's photo
Mon 07/24/17 10:52 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Mon 07/24/17 10:54 AM
I might say something if it was not good ...
but would not normally kiss and tell smile2

wow... so many coming to the forums that ...
looks like have been on here for yrs surprised

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 07/24/17 10:56 AM
Wow talking about resurrection from the dead~~~

This thread was back in 07 when I use to actually post topics lmao~~:thumbsup: bigsmile

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 07/24/17 10:57 AM
Edited by TxsGal3333 on Mon 07/24/17 10:57 AM
Opps dbl posted:smile:

no photo
Mon 07/24/17 11:01 AM
This was a big no no in the victorian times in Britain, I'd say right up until the early to late 30s to . I think the second world war saw an end to that with the advent of women doing more Manuel work as the men were away fighting. After the war women were more liberated and there for felt more at ease talking about it although still frowned upon by the older generation of the time. Maybe the present day content of men talk and women talk may differ slightly it's all about the same thing.
When a woman says it 6 inches it is, when a guy says it's 6 inches then it's probably a 5 on a good day laugh

soufiehere's photo
Mon 07/24/17 11:30 AM

Opps dbl posted:smile:

It's okay.
We know you were excited.

no photo
Mon 07/24/17 11:36 AM
hii sweet

no photo
Mon 07/24/17 11:38 AM

Opps dbl posted:smile:

It's okay.
We know you were excited.

I'm not surprised,
She's been thinking about it for 10 years! laugh

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 07/24/17 12:04 PM

Opps dbl posted:smile:

It's okay.
We know you were excited.


SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 07/24/17 12:10 PM

Wow! this thread is ancient but its a good one kristi flowerforyou

women engage in crass locker room talk like guys do , but I think it is more common for women to include the emotional component of sex more than guys do. There are lots of exceptions to that rule ofcourse lol

I think this too. I even think women share more details than men to be honest. Men maybe do when it's a one-nighter, and I think women don't do that so much as we won't get positively labeled for that like men do. But when in a love relationship I think women tend to share far more intimate details than men. I think if they knew how far that can go they'd be shocked.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 07/24/17 12:35 PM

Opps dbl posted:smile:

It's okay.
We know you were excited.

I'm not surprised,
She's been thinking about it for 10 years! laugh

Hahahah naw I'm one of those that talk about it as well as think about it hehehe