Topic: Obama
Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/21/09 09:56 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 02/21/09 09:58 AM

Actually the real damage is yet to come...

It seems like nobody remembers that during the Regan years our economy was doing great then suddenly everything started to slide backwards. Regan forestalled a lot of the real damage cutting a bunch of social spending right from the get go but is he to blame for the pork barrel spending of his years in office? Not really.

Fact people:

The president does not spend money. Congress does. The president does not have the authority to set the budget, only approve it.

Congress always has been the real enemy here along with the Liberal justices twisting and perverting law to serve political motivations. BOTH the DNC and GOP are our enemies. They only have their interests and power at heart, not America!

Obama is nothing more than a scapegoat but he is also an elitist prick and an self righteous jackof* stroking his ego into a self indulgent orgasm like he is some kind of savior. On the course we are going economically it will be an utter train wreck in 2012.

We are going to get screwed folks!

You dont remember. Either that or you fail to admit facts when they dont suit your liking.

When Reagan took office the economy was still recovering. He tried many things, including blaming the Unions and driving regulations to usurp their power, and yet the economy continued to slide down.

Don't get me wrong, I think Reagan was the right man at the right time for America. He brought the country's morale back from the depths after Vietnam and Watergate, but he was no economist. Many of his policy's are still damaging this country and opened the doors to many more that others created after him.

Most Americans aren't looking for scapegoats. That's the spiteful Republicans.
Most Americans are looking to work together behind a President of our choosing (Obama!) to find solutions! It may take awhile, and everything we try may not work. But, at least we are trying!

You are either with us or you are against us.
If you are against us then you are un-American!:wink:

I served under Carter, Reagan, and Daddy Bush. I remember!

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 02/21/09 01:03 PM
You mention Carter? And not mention the damage he caused???

Jimmy "Peanuts" Carter was one of the WORST presidents EVER.
He was a Peanut Farmer... And yet he almost drove us face first into a horrible economic disaster.

During the Regan Years California made huge revenues from Tech and Aerospace but now thanks to taxation, labor unions, and other local factors all of those industries are leaving California and moving where they can operate cheaper. During the Regan Years thanks to all of the Tech and Aerospace in California people had good jobs with good pay and could afford housing. Then the companies started loosing money and operating in California got too expensive and they left. Some went over seas while others went to other states.

The Carter years were the Welfare Years and that was when single mothers got rewarded with free handouts and they got more with each new out of wed lock "oops" baby.

Carter also began negotiating with China leading us into the cockeyed trade policy we have with them as hammered home by the Clintons.

The one GOOD thing Clinton done was Welfare Reform but now with Obama what are we getting?

A 180 degree turn around on Clinton's Welfare Reforms and now single mothers get rewarded again. We also are now giving money to support drug addictions again.

What do you think is going to happen when basically all but the agricultural industries leave this country?

So what is it I am not choosing to see?
Every last single president since WWII all the way to present has done nothing to change energy policy in this country at all. We are still getting raped by the system.

Go ahead and spew all the positive about Obama you can if you choose but keep in mind...

He is a politician and a liar and has surrounded himself with people who were known tax evaders, as well as incompetent, and also part of the previous problems this country is suffering from. Everything he is doing is JUST like the 1930s and it was WAR, yes WAR that pulled the American economy out because suddenly we were ramping up production like nobodies business. Post war almost got us into another slump because of the sudden loss of jobs from no more war production needed. Our economy was teetering after Korea for the same reasons and it was the Viet Nam war that again jolted our economy.
In the 1960s and 1970s consumerism began in earnest and our economy suddenly was propped up on the jobs created by consumerism but that led to the reality of Resource consumption an the finite supply of EVERYTHING. Now we are feeling the after effects of the Consumer era because that led to this belief that everyone should have a wide screen High Def TV in their house and it has to be 65".
You find one in houses that the people living in them should not even be able to afford the 3 to 4 thousand dollars for them but like the three cars they have so these same poor folks have high end items. Most of this stuff was acquired on credit which also was the other major sin of big industry and the government. How much credit is and has been defaulted on overall?
Hope you an answer that one!

Gerrymandering and the electoral college decided on Obama. Not the majority. I am not even a registered Republican. Wake up, not only Republicans despise Obama!

I am not against America, I am against the corruption that has infiltrated our nation. I am against blind faith. I am in every way against Obama you can think of but in my opinion putting a bullet through his head stands against everything I believe in as an American and the system we have.

I can safely guarantee calling me Un-American to my face will result in a very undiplomatic reaction. You do not speak for all America and would recommend you don't even try. You use the same political and propaganda like rhetoric the Nazis used against the Jews in the 1930s. I have served my nation through serving my community through volunteer work and have done my fair share asking for nothing including any recognition because my service comes from my heart like many American soldiers. If enemy soldiers land on MY shores I will be taking arms to the enemy to give them the honor of dying for their country. I don't need a uniform to fight for the home I love!

You sound like some sissy assed liberal the way you come off. Liberals are always so passive aggressive and this whole "you are either with us or you are against us" argument can work against you.

Picture this, America descends into anarchy because Congress screws everything up SO badly order is utterly lost. Now there will be a lot of violence but what happens when people unify under the cause of restoring order the government couldn't and decide "you are either with us or against us" and they are all armed? What if it is clear that if you disagree with them you will not live to see the next day?

Do you have the balls to die on your feet for your beliefs or live on your knees?

If I have to choose like that I will die on my feet with a gun in one hand and a sword in the other taking down as many of the enemy as I can if I got to go.

I really hope that it NEVER EVER EVER comes down to that but the way things are going nothing is getting fixed and the problem is getting compounded further.
Obama needs to come clean with us totally and we need to clean house in congress but the question is how?

Spending more money we don't have???

Please enlighten us poor uneducated masses who can't seem to think for ourselves....

What is your big plan?

Mine is simple...

You just wouldn't like it at all. it involves a lot of cutting back on social spending, foreign give always, and a flat tax structure ALL have to pay into within reason. I also would eliminate several government departments, abolish the IRS and Privatization, and end ALL subsidies to ALL business and social programs. I also would expect a complete retooling of the Social Security system and put taxes on Insurance providers to cap their greed. That is just the big stuff... On top of that I would boost enlistment into the military and put them to work in the army corp
of engineers and the Sea Bees rebuilding our deteriorating infrastructure.

The EPA is one of the agencies I would get rid of along with NASA and BOTH DOEs! These agencies are failures and huge wastes of money! Their impact is more negative than positive on the world and America in general.

Another thing is an elimination of lobbying utterly! Big Business needs to be thrown out of government and held to account for their actions!

Again what little tid bits of wisdom am I missing here?

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:00 PM

I just want to know what makes anyone including Obama (boo, hiss, JEER) thing that giving money to everything and everyone who has been screwing everything up will fix our problems?


The money to rebuild our power grid. Why in the hell does a corporation who has been charging us through the nose get to keep all their windfall rather than THEM who take our money for the utilities pay from their pockets to upgrade??? Why is it a tax payer responsibility?

WTF???????? That is one of the biggest black holes our government suffers from.

What about the BILLIONS of dollars given to hostile nations to further better relations with? Why not spend that money kicking their asses into place instead or spend that money domestically?


All of the experts told him the mistake made in the 30s was that they did not flood the economy with cash and stimilute job growth. He is listening to these experts and there are alot of them saying the same thing. He at least listens to the experts, Bush did not when it came to Iraq or bin laden.

Ummmm, FDR did flood money into the economy. It either didn't work, or the economy was such a mess that we were not able to get out even with the flood of money.

We have tried to flood the economy with money on a number of occasions, with mixed results. However, we have enjoyed strong economic growth following every major marginal tax rate reduction. The American people should have voted for tax cuts, but instead we voted for higher taxes. Now we are going to pay the price with a longer recession.

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:15 PM

Rush just said took less then a month...for O' wreck the US economy...laugh

I heard on the radio this morning about how bad Rush is getting. They said he is full of hate and anger and they hope that people can see it. They said that people gave Bush the benefit of the doubt for years until they started seeing how much he leaned towards Fascism and Rush is doing a knee jerk reaction by saying those things about Obama so soon.

Apparently none of those people have actually listened to Rush's show.

Rush is a conservative, and has consistently opposed socialist spending policies like what Obama is pushing, and Rush also spoke out against Bush's spending policies as well. I am not saying that Rush is always right, or that everyone should listen to him, but those who do take the time to listen to Rush's show will know it is not about hate.

Also the notion that Bush was given a pass for a few years is laughable to anyone who was paying attention back in 2000. The media and the democrats were gunning for Bush before he was sworn in as president, and attacked him every day of his presidency. As the opposition party, that was actually what the democrats are suppose to do, except that they should not have been spreading lies, which politicians seem to prefer to the truth.

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:20 PM

Rush is a shock jock just like Stern...come on

not politically...

A shock jock is exactly what Rush is. I find it hard to believe that people can't see that and take him seriously.

Rush is an entertainer, but not a shock jock.

A shock jock is someone who makes extreme statements to create controversy and "shock" the audience. While rush uses a variety of different techniques to entertain his audience, he does not make a habit of making shocking statements or assertions.

Most of the "shocking" statements Rush is quoted as making were either taken out of context, or completely made up.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:24 PM

Rush is a shock jock just like Stern...come on

not politically...

A shock jock is exactly what Rush is. I find it hard to believe that people can't see that and take him seriously.

Rush is an entertainer, but not a shock jock.

A shock jock is someone who makes extreme statements to create controversy and "shock" the audience. While rush uses a variety of different techniques to entertain his audience, he does not make a habit of making shocking statements or assertions.

Most of the "shocking" statements Rush is quoted as making were either taken out of context, or completely made up.

doesn't that depend on the audience??? to some he may be shocking

Winx's photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:25 PM

Actually the real damage is yet to come...

It seems like nobody remembers that during the Regan years our economy was doing great then suddenly everything started to slide backwards. Regan forestalled a lot of the real damage cutting a bunch of social spending right from the get go but is he to blame for the pork barrel spending of his years in office? Not really.

Fact people:

The president does not spend money. Congress does. The president does not have the authority to set the budget, only approve it.

Congress always has been the real enemy here along with the Liberal justices twisting and perverting law to serve political motivations. BOTH the DNC and GOP are our enemies. They only have their interests and power at heart, not America!

Obama is nothing more than a scapegoat but he is also an elitist prick and an self righteous jackof* stroking his ego into a self indulgent orgasm like he is some kind of savior. On the course we are going economically it will be an utter train wreck in 2012.

We are going to get screwed folks!

An elitist so and so?!rofl

The man was raised by a single mom that once received food stamps. Then she dies and his grandparents raise him, He grows up and works hard to graduate from good universities. One of his jobs was community action work - helping people. Yep, that sure sounds elitist. noway slaphead

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:26 PM
Welfare as we know it didn't exist then. Also America had a horrid GNP at that time and no money to do anything with!

The middle class is eroding quickly to this mess and when the middle class become very thin what do you think is going to happen to the economy then?

Not to complain here but isn't the first rule of Economics 101 to plug your financial leaks??????????

The idea is to not spend what you don't have to isn't it?

Does everybody expect America to offer then a magical teat that doubles as a free ATM card with unlimited balance?

Winx's photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:26 PM

Rush just said took less then a month...for O' wreck the US economy...laugh

I heard on the radio this morning about how bad Rush is getting. They said he is full of hate and anger and they hope that people can see it. They said that people gave Bush the benefit of the doubt for years until they started seeing how much he leaned towards Fascism and Rush is doing a knee jerk reaction by saying those things about Obama so soon.

Apparently none of those people have actually listened to Rush's show.

Rush is a conservative, and has consistently opposed socialist spending policies like what Obama is pushing, and Rush also spoke out against Bush's spending policies as well. I am not saying that Rush is always right, or that everyone should listen to him, but those who do take the time to listen to Rush's show will know it is not about hate.

Also the notion that Bush was given a pass for a few years is laughable to anyone who was paying attention back in 2000. The media and the democrats were gunning for Bush before he was sworn in as president, and attacked him every day of his presidency. As the opposition party, that was actually what the democrats are suppose to do, except that they should not have been spreading lies, which politicians seem to prefer to the truth.

I've listened to Rush. Yep, the hate is there big time.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:27 PM
from earlier...

naaaaaaaa...I just think alot of what he's doing is slipping by most...I'll give you three examples...#1 that healthcare bill he signed...was the one that President Bush vetoed twice...the provision that the Dems stripped out..." prove US ctizenship "...was the reason he vetoed it and rightfully so...O'bama signed now illegals have access to healthcare...#2 the welfare bill...that Clinton signed along with Newt and the boys...well...the Dems just added a little line...before you had a total of 5 years to be on welfare...well...the Dems just added a line that says " unless you have no other means of support "...which now makes welfare open ended again...#3 ...another provision the the Dems quietly got rid of in the welfare bill is...Newt and the boys put the breaks on welfare...they added a provision that stated..." all single non children baring males " order to receive food stamps...had to prove that they looked for least 20 hours a month, and that they could only receive food stamps for 3 months...well...Obama stripped that out too...what hes doing is rewarding failure ALL of his policies...

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:27 PM

Actually the real damage is yet to come...

It seems like nobody remembers that during the Regan years our economy was doing great then suddenly everything started to slide backwards. Regan forestalled a lot of the real damage cutting a bunch of social spending right from the get go but is he to blame for the pork barrel spending of his years in office? Not really.

Fact people:

The president does not spend money. Congress does. The president does not have the authority to set the budget, only approve it.

Congress always has been the real enemy here along with the Liberal justices twisting and perverting law to serve political motivations. BOTH the DNC and GOP are our enemies. They only have their interests and power at heart, not America!

Obama is nothing more than a scapegoat but he is also an elitist prick and an self righteous jackof* stroking his ego into a self indulgent orgasm like he is some kind of savior. On the course we are going economically it will be an utter train wreck in 2012.

We are going to get screwed folks!

An elitist so and so?!rofl

The man was raised by a single mom that once received food stamps. Then she dies and his grandparents raise him, He grows up and works hard to graduate from good universities. One of his jobs was community action work - helping people. Yep, that sure sounds elitist. noway slaphead

Spin Spin baby!
I bet Obama was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO unfortunate as a boy!

I play a tiny violin for him...:cry:

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:28 PM

Actually the real damage is yet to come...

It seems like nobody remembers that during the Regan years our economy was doing great then suddenly everything started to slide backwards. Regan forestalled a lot of the real damage cutting a bunch of social spending right from the get go but is he to blame for the pork barrel spending of his years in office? Not really.

Fact people:

The president does not spend money. Congress does. The president does not have the authority to set the budget, only approve it.

Congress always has been the real enemy here along with the Liberal justices twisting and perverting law to serve political motivations. BOTH the DNC and GOP are our enemies. They only have their interests and power at heart, not America!

Obama is nothing more than a scapegoat but he is also an elitist prick and an self righteous jackof* stroking his ego into a self indulgent orgasm like he is some kind of savior. On the course we are going economically it will be an utter train wreck in 2012.

We are going to get screwed folks!

An elitist so and so?!rofl

The man was raised by a single mom that once received food stamps. Then she dies and his grandparents raise him, He grows up and works hard to graduate from good universities. One of his jobs was community action work - helping people. Yep, that sure sounds elitist. noway slaphead

I couldn't do much but laugh at the elitist and self righteous comments, too.

Winx's photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:28 PM

You mention Carter? And not mention the damage he caused???

Jimmy "Peanuts" Carter was one of the WORST presidents EVER.
He was a Peanut Farmer... And yet he almost drove us face first into a horrible economic disaster.

During the Regan Years California made huge revenues from Tech and Aerospace but now thanks to taxation, labor unions, and other local factors all of those industries are leaving California and moving where they can operate cheaper. During the Regan Years thanks to all of the Tech and Aerospace in California people had good jobs with good pay and could afford housing. Then the companies started loosing money and operating in California got too expensive and they left. Some went over seas while others went to other states.

The Carter years were the Welfare Years and that was when single mothers got rewarded with free handouts and they got more with each new out of wed lock "oops" baby.

Carter also began negotiating with China leading us into the cockeyed trade policy we have with them as hammered home by the Clintons.

The one GOOD thing Clinton done was Welfare Reform but now with Obama what are we getting?

A 180 degree turn around on Clinton's Welfare Reforms and now single mothers get rewarded again. We also are now giving money to support drug addictions again.

What do you think is going to happen when basically all but the agricultural industries leave this country

Single mom here.:angry:

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:28 PM

from earlier...

naaaaaaaa...I just think alot of what he's doing is slipping by most...I'll give you three examples...#1 that healthcare bill he signed...was the one that President Bush vetoed twice...the provision that the Dems stripped out..." prove US ctizenship "...was the reason he vetoed it and rightfully so...O'bama signed now illegals have access to healthcare...#2 the welfare bill...that Clinton signed along with Newt and the boys...well...the Dems just added a little line...before you had a total of 5 years to be on welfare...well...the Dems just added a line that says " unless you have no other means of support "...which now makes welfare open ended again...#3 ...another provision the the Dems quietly got rid of in the welfare bill is...Newt and the boys put the breaks on welfare...they added a provision that stated..." all single non children baring males " order to receive food stamps...had to prove that they looked for least 20 hours a month, and that they could only receive food stamps for 3 months...well...Obama stripped that out too...what hes doing is rewarding failure ALL of his policies...

Why are you repeating yourself?

Winx's photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:29 PM

Rush is a shock jock just like Stern...come on

not politically...

A shock jock is exactly what Rush is. I find it hard to believe that people can't see that and take him seriously.

Rush is an entertainer, but not a shock jock.

A shock jock is someone who makes extreme statements to create controversy and "shock" the audience. While rush uses a variety of different techniques to entertain his audience, he does not make a habit of making shocking statements or assertions.

Most of the "shocking" statements Rush is quoted as making were either taken out of context, or completely made up.

Your definition of "shock jock" just described Rush!!

Winx's photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:30 PM

Actually the real damage is yet to come...

It seems like nobody remembers that during the Regan years our economy was doing great then suddenly everything started to slide backwards. Regan forestalled a lot of the real damage cutting a bunch of social spending right from the get go but is he to blame for the pork barrel spending of his years in office? Not really.

Fact people:

The president does not spend money. Congress does. The president does not have the authority to set the budget, only approve it.

Congress always has been the real enemy here along with the Liberal justices twisting and perverting law to serve political motivations. BOTH the DNC and GOP are our enemies. They only have their interests and power at heart, not America!

Obama is nothing more than a scapegoat but he is also an elitist prick and an self righteous jackof* stroking his ego into a self indulgent orgasm like he is some kind of savior. On the course we are going economically it will be an utter train wreck in 2012.

We are going to get screwed folks!

An elitist so and so?!rofl

The man was raised by a single mom that once received food stamps. Then she dies and his grandparents raise him, He grows up and works hard to graduate from good universities. One of his jobs was community action work - helping people. Yep, that sure sounds elitist. noway slaphead

Spin Spin baby!
I bet Obama was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO unfortunate as a boy!

I play a tiny violin for him...:cry:

LMAO. I get it -- you're jealous!

Winx's photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:32 PM

from earlier...

naaaaaaaa...I just think alot of what he's doing is slipping by most...I'll give you three examples...#1 that healthcare bill he signed...was the one that President Bush vetoed twice...the provision that the Dems stripped out..." prove US ctizenship "...was the reason he vetoed it and rightfully so...O'bama signed now illegals have access to healthcare...#2 the welfare bill...that Clinton signed along with Newt and the boys...well...the Dems just added a little line...before you had a total of 5 years to be on welfare...well...the Dems just added a line that says " unless you have no other means of support "...which now makes welfare open ended again...#3 ...another provision the the Dems quietly got rid of in the welfare bill is...Newt and the boys put the breaks on welfare...they added a provision that stated..." all single non children baring males " order to receive food stamps...had to prove that they looked for least 20 hours a month, and that they could only receive food stamps for 3 months...well...Obama stripped that out too...what hes doing is rewarding failure ALL of his policies...

He's helping poor children have medical coverage. It doesn't matter if the children or illegal or not -- they are children! He's not giving medical coverage to their parents - just the children.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:34 PM

Winx's photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:36 PM

Actually the real damage is yet to come...

It seems like nobody remembers that during the Regan years our economy was doing great then suddenly everything started to slide backwards. Regan forestalled a lot of the real damage cutting a bunch of social spending right from the get go but is he to blame for the pork barrel spending of his years in office? Not really.

Fact people:

The president does not spend money. Congress does. The president does not have the authority to set the budget, only approve it.

Congress always has been the real enemy here along with the Liberal justices twisting and perverting law to serve political motivations. BOTH the DNC and GOP are our enemies. They only have their interests and power at heart, not America!

Obama is nothing more than a scapegoat but he is also an elitist prick and an self righteous jackof* stroking his ego into a self indulgent orgasm like he is some kind of savior. On the course we are going economically it will be an utter train wreck in 2012.

We are going to get screwed folks!

An elitist so and so?!rofl

The man was raised by a single mom that once received food stamps. Then she dies and his grandparents raise him, He grows up and works hard to graduate from good universities. One of his jobs was community action work - helping people. Yep, that sure sounds elitist. noway slaphead

I couldn't do much but laugh at the elitist and self righteous comments, too.

Tell me about.laugh laugh slaphead

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 02:37 PM

from earlier...

naaaaaaaa...I just think alot of what he's doing is slipping by most...I'll give you three examples...#1 that healthcare bill he signed...was the one that President Bush vetoed twice...the provision that the Dems stripped out..." prove US ctizenship "...was the reason he vetoed it and rightfully so...O'bama signed now illegals have access to healthcare...#2 the welfare bill...that Clinton signed along with Newt and the boys...well...the Dems just added a little line...before you had a total of 5 years to be on welfare...well...the Dems just added a line that says " unless you have no other means of support "...which now makes welfare open ended again...#3 ...another provision the the Dems quietly got rid of in the welfare bill is...Newt and the boys put the breaks on welfare...they added a provision that stated..." all single non children baring males " order to receive food stamps...had to prove that they looked for least 20 hours a month, and that they could only receive food stamps for 3 months...well...Obama stripped that out too...what hes doing is rewarding failure ALL of his policies...

He's helping poor children have medical coverage. It doesn't matter if the children or illegal or not -- they are children! He's not giving medical coverage to their parents - just the children.

Deja vu! I think you've tried explaining this to him before...