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Topic: Obama
Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 09:57 PM
On day 91, President Bush began a three-day summit with 34 leaders from North, Central and South America. At the summit, Mr. Bush urged creating a huge "free trade zone" from the Arctic to Argentina.

What a dumb ass!noway noway

Dragoness's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:11 PM

is a freaking idiot and is doing no better of a job then bush did.this world is so screwed up,and all there doing is making things worse,by doing things they think are making every better.

there spending to much money and things that dont matter and not enough on what does matter..

then the news came there there not giving the 500 or what ever they said back to us,but now there talking about giving us an extra 13 dollars on each check

there not a one of em know what they are doing.

Hey folks gave Bush 8 long tortuous years to screw us really good at least give this man a little while to show his worth. He inherited a disaster, he is working hard and fast to try to bring us out of the mess of the Bush years. Damnnoway huh slaphead

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:12 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 02/18/09 10:17 PM
On day 20, President Bush sent his record-setting $1.6 trillion tax cut plan to Congress.

The rich were the ones who benefited, and need I say our country, eight years later is,,,, well let me just say, "it just barely is."

Hey, cutting taxes worked to stimulate the economy. ROFLMAO...

Lets cut taxes to the rich now and enjoy some more of that trickle down philosophy.

Damn that Obama for trying something different....:wink:

Imagine Obama planning to actually use that money and help the common American. They should have worked harder and saved, instead of buying drugs.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:15 PM

I just want to know what makes anyone including Obama (boo, hiss, JEER) thing that giving money to everything and everyone who has been screwing everything up will fix our problems?


The money to rebuild our power grid. Why in the hell does a corporation who has been charging us through the nose get to keep all their windfall rather than THEM who take our money for the utilities pay from their pockets to upgrade??? Why is it a tax payer responsibility?

WTF???????? That is one of the biggest black holes our government suffers from.

What about the BILLIONS of dollars given to hostile nations to further better relations with? Why not spend that money kicking their asses into place instead or spend that money domestically?


All of the experts told him the mistake made in the 30s was that they did not flood the economy with cash and stimilute job growth. He is listening to these experts and there are alot of them saying the same thing. He at least listens to the experts, Bush did not when it came to Iraq or bin laden.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:19 PM

On day 20, President Bush sent his record-setting $1.6 trillion tax cut plan to Congress.

The rich were the ones who benefited, and need I say our country, eight years later is,,,, well let me just say, "it just barely is."

Hey, cutting taxes worked to stimulate the economy. ROFLMAO...

Lets cut taxes to the rich now and enjoy some of trickle down philosophy.
Damn that Obama for trying something different....:wink: Imagine Obama planning to actually use that money and help the common American. They should have worked harder and saved, instead of buying drugs.

I have heard this over and over, how he is too public with his intentions noway too free with spending for the common manslaphead too American or diplomatic and democratic instead of being dictator likespock

Hell he is the opposite of what we had for the last 8 years there has to be something wrong with that, right?scared oops

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:20 PM

On day 20, President Bush sent his record-setting $1.6 trillion tax cut plan to Congress.

The rich were the ones who benefited, and need I say our country, eight years later is,,,, well let me just say, "it just barely is."

Hey, cutting taxes worked to stimulate the economy. ROFLMAO...

Lets cut taxes to the rich now and enjoy some of trickle down philosophy.
Damn that Obama for trying something different....:wink: Imagine Obama planning to actually use that money and help the common American. They should have worked harder and saved, instead of buying drugs.

I have heard this over and over, how he is too public with his intentions noway too free with spending for the common manslaphead too American or diplomatic and democratic instead of being dictator likespock

Hell he is the opposite of what we had for the last 8 years there has to be something wrong with that, right?scared oops
drinker drinker

Dragoness's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:24 PM

On day 20, President Bush sent his record-setting $1.6 trillion tax cut plan to Congress.

The rich were the ones who benefited, and need I say our country, eight years later is,,,, well let me just say, "it just barely is."

Hey, cutting taxes worked to stimulate the economy. ROFLMAO...

Lets cut taxes to the rich now and enjoy some of trickle down philosophy.
Damn that Obama for trying something different....:wink: Imagine Obama planning to actually use that money and help the common American. They should have worked harder and saved, instead of buying drugs.

I have heard this over and over, how he is too public with his intentions noway too free with spending for the common manslaphead too American or diplomatic and democratic instead of being dictator likespock

Hell he is the opposite of what we had for the last 8 years there has to be something wrong with that, right?scared oops
drinker drinker

:wink: drinker waving

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:24 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 02/18/09 10:26 PM
Military matters occupied the next week or so. On day 24, Bush proposed increasing military spending by $5 billion. That money would go for pay raises, housing and insurance benefits for people in the military.

grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble

S. O. B. was planning on waging war.
A war that cost us almost 5000 brave and honorable young men and women, and untold $$ Billions,,,,,,,,,
grumble grumble grumble

And, ignoring the care of thousands of Veterans at VA hospitals.


Winx's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:38 PM

Military matters occupied the next week or so. On day 24, Bush proposed increasing military spending by $5 billion. That money would go for pay raises, housing and insurance benefits for people in the military.

grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble

S. O. B. was planning on waging war.
A war that cost us almost 5000 brave and honorable young men and women, and untold $$ Billions,,,,,,,,,
grumble grumble grumble

And, ignoring the care of thousands of Veterans at VA hospitals.


Don't get me started about the VA Hospitals.:angry:

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:43 PM

Military matters occupied the next week or so. On day 24, Bush proposed increasing military spending by $5 billion. That money would go for pay raises, housing and insurance benefits for people in the military.

grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble

S. O. B. was planning on waging war.
A war that cost us almost 5000 brave and honorable young men and women, and untold $$ Billions,,,,,,,,,
grumble grumble grumble

And, ignoring the care of thousands of Veterans at VA hospitals.


Don't get me started about the VA Hospitals.:angry:

How could anyone forget what 8 years of Bush has done to this nation!

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:45 PM
Three days later, after a U.S. Navy submarine accidentally hit and sank a Japanese fishing boat, killing nine people, the president called for a review of military procedures. He also issued an official apology to Japan.

The day after that, President Bush ordered military strikes against Iraq. American bombs destroyed radar stations near the capital, Baghdad, killing two people, according to the government of Iraq.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:46 PM
On Day 40, President Bush sent his $1.96 trillion (that's 11 zeros) budget for 2002 to Congress. It was hundreds of pages long. Overall, the budget increases spending by 4 percent -- about half as big an increase as his predecessor, Bill Clinton, signed.

The Bush budget included the biggest spending increase ever for education: 11 percent. But the budget also reduces money for research on energy conservation, eliminates funding for an anti-drug program for public housing, and ends a program protecting coastal lands.

700 billion doesnt seem so bad now!noway

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:50 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 02/18/09 10:57 PM
Let's back up a bit.
On day four,,,,

President Bush kept a campaign promise to make education reform a top priority. He sent legislation to Congress calling for increased standardized testing and punishments for failing schools. (Punishing! Not helping.)

On day 10, the president created an office to distribute government money to religious groups that provide job training, treatment for alcohol and drug addiction, and other social services.
(Here's your tax-money going to drug abusers...)

Some activists said the "charitable choice" program violated the separation of church and state. Surprisingly, some religious activists also criticized it. They said that accepting government money would give the government control of their activities. The proposal has faded into the background.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:51 PM
This all comes from;


Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:54 PM
And famously, we come to the beginning of his environmental record:

On day 67, Christine Whitman, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, said the president had decided to reject the Kyoto Treaty, an international agreement to fight global warming that President Clinton had signed in 1997.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:59 PM
I guess all my Republican friends went to bed.
I guess, I'll go too...

G-Night everyone!drinker

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 02/19/09 09:06 AM

^^^^^^ i agree , our economic system no longer works . it is time for a change . if you look through history is that the nations and empires that last are willing to change . this country has to be able to do the same thing . realize what dosent work and get rid of it .

The economic system did not fail. It's working just as designed. Any capitalist economy will have downswings and they do not mean failure of any kind by the system. Just look at history - there are recessions roughly every 7-10 years.

The failure is in the people. Loans were taken out that should not have been. Legislators passed too much during the good times and did not save and prepare for the bad. Everyone bought too many toys at the peak acting like it would never end.

Our nation has the memory of a goldfish and has credit hooked to ourselves like an IV drip. We need to get off our credit addiction and learn to live within our means and prepare for the drop that ensues after each peak. If we do that, the peaks will still be high but the fall not nearly so far and we could bring down the costs of government as it would lessen the dependence on government social programs. Unfortunately, far too many would rather spend at the peak and cry for help from the government during the fall.

BTW, the only economic system to truly fail was in the direction our nation is heading: socialism. In many nations like the USSR, it failed to work as designed and output and standard of living fell.

Agree almost completely. Socialism is the emeny, and historically it's what was pushed into affect because of a failing economy.

But, the system was set up to fail from the beginning. Can't have a permanent system with a central bank. During just about every recession the U.S. has had since 1913, legislation had to bring about changes in the way things are run. For instance, no longer backing money by gold for americans (roosevelt back in 1933), 1971, taking us COMPLETELY off the gold standard, no longer backing currncy by silver, coming up with the Fractional Reserve System, The Community Reinvestment Act. JFK passed executive ordr 11110 back in 63 which allowed the government to bypass the Federal Reserve, which i believe was overridden in 1980(not sure). Correct me if im wrong, but all these processes passed to keep a temporary system afloat.

"We are completely dependant on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar
we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous;
if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system.... It is the most important
subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present
civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon."
--Robert H. Hamphill, Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 02/19/09 09:13 AM

And famously, we come to the beginning of his environmental record:

On day 67, Christine Whitman, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, said the president had decided to reject the Kyoto Treaty, an international agreement to fight global warming that President Clinton had signed in 1997.

Not an expert on global warming, but i believe it's called "climate change" now as "experts" are starting to discover the earth is in fact cooling instead of warming.

Bush definitely did his share of work to ensure we all have to rely on the government in order to perform our daily lives. The man belongs in prison for ovrridding our constitution on more accounts than i care to count. Such actions WILL bring about the end of our country as we evolve into a total democracy, than socialism, than oligarchy. The same exact events happend to Rome just before th Ceasars took over. History does repeat itself.

Sad truth is that Obama has violated our constitution as well...

Without a constitution we don't have a republic. This is scary!

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 02/19/09 10:37 AM
Edited by scttrbrain on Thu 02/19/09 10:38 AM
Obama has done what?? What about the constitution?

Obama is in my opinion the best thing that could have happened to our country and the people. He at least is trying to help us. Trying....people....when was the last time we heard that? I mean..."knew" that.Did you know that that the military enlistment is up? I was told about 140 percent since Obama was elected.(my youngest son is in the army, he told me) On his way to Iraq..unless he is in trouble for standing up for himself. But, that is another story. This army is only interested in bodies and politics. Like I said....another story.

Fanta........you go dude. I'm enjoying your read.

Oh, by the way....I thought it was understood long ago that global warming really meant cold...I mean freezing...as in "ice age".

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 02/19/09 12:14 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 02/19/09 12:16 PM

Obama has done what?? What about the constitution?

Obama is in my opinion the best thing that could have happened to our country and the people. He at least is trying to help us. Trying....people....when was the last time we heard that? I mean..."knew" that.Did you know that that the military enlistment is up? I was told about 140 percent since Obama was elected.(my youngest son is in the army, he told me) On his way to Iraq..unless he is in trouble for standing up for himself. But, that is another story. This army is only interested in bodies and politics. Like I said....another story.

Fanta........you go dude. I'm enjoying your read.

Oh, by the way....I thought it was understood long ago that global warming really meant cold...I mean freezing...as in "ice age".

Right, he has done nothing about our constitution, and promises to do nothing about our constitution.

Maybe he's just doing what his advisors tell him to. Maybe he is playing it "safe" while he learns the system. Maybe he will prove me wrong when he finally figures out how things work.

I like his bills proposing transparency. I like the bill freezingthe pay of washington employees. Other than those small moves, i see a bush clone.

Forgive me for remaining skeptical, but all the corruption under Clinton, Bush, Regan, G.W., Carter, Nixon, the Roosevelts, Wilson, etc. have made me skeptical about this next administration.

Just because we have new administration doesn't automatically mean our problems will be solved. Just because it's labeled "new" doesn't mean they will be any different. Just because they throw around the "change" cliche doesn't mean it will change for the better, or change at all by that matter. Something needs to back it up. So VERY little has. So far more policies that he is preached, and more legislation that the administration is trying to pass are very much like what i saw under Bush. He is mire similar to bush than he is different. Aggressive foriegn policy, Policing the world, Building up welfare, Attemping to spend our way out of economic problems. The list goes on.

Forgive me for not trusting a government. It just seems that they focus on the rich, or lower class all too often. It seem that they just either give the people want they think they want, or they just do what's best in the interest of power.

I for one would like to see people focus on what's best for the republic, instead of supporting the push towards socialism or even total democracy.

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