Topic: Ok Im tired of the cut and paste jobs here | |
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Fri 02/06/09 12:01 PM
Atleast the landscaping business is doing very good where i am. Thank god people are to lazy to do it themselfs!
Atleast the landscaping business is doing very good where i am. Thank god people are to lazy to do it themselfs! They're not all lazy. Some people aren't physically able to take care of it. Others don't have the time. |
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Fri 02/06/09 12:06 PM
most of the people i work for are rich and sit in the house all day and when i show up they come out side drink in hand and watch me work.....but i am a kind guy i mow a few old folks for free
...but i am a kind guy i mow a few old folks for free you mean their lawns, right?? just makin' sure.. lol |
I wish a few young laides would say i cant pay the bill there must be another way......I would LOVE that
Ok, I'm gonna be your Nostradamus: USA will suffer more for the upcoming years, more cutbacks more job losses more bankruptcies. Eventually, There will be a large number of people unemployed and dissatisfied, since there is a point, when the government just can't pay anymore unemployment benefits. I think the government is worried about the "possibility" of a civil unrest and protests, so don't be surprised if it happens at some places. (or more places). Trust me, many of us (luckier ones) will be driving older used cars and wearing some clothes you'd thrown out already and suddenly you gonna eat foods that you pushed away before. Hey, one good thing is, there will be less obesity and people gonna live healthier, especially if you gotta walk a lot more or bycicle around instead of driving. Actually, the poorer you are, the less healthy you eat. Healthy foods cost more - fresh fruits, etc. It's cheaper to live on high fat meat and noodles. Poorer people gain weight from that diet. I disagree... I am in the bottom of the socio-economic pool... and we eat simply and healthily and don't suffer from obesity, because our 'entertainment' involves being outdoors doing free stuff. I understand the cheapest foods are high processed high carb foods.... however it's a long walk to the foodstamp store... ![]() |
I think that it's time that we owned up to our part in this pile of sh*t. -Confusing capitalism with consumerism, then flirting with communism. -Buying volume products rather than "heirloom." -Getting stuck with grid electricity and oil. The Model T was made to run on homemade ethanol, the original diesel motor (patented by Mr. Diesel) was biodiesel, it ran on vegetable oil... also to be made at home. We used to be self-sufficient. -Living on credit. Period. -Knowing that what we eat is junk, but doing it anyway. -Sending kids to a stupid school, where stupid politicians run stupid curriculum's so that kids that they've made stupid- won't fail. -Arguing and voting along party lines for any reason, seriously, grow up and get your own opinion. -Butting in to anything anywhere without getting our own stuff straight first. That applies to moral dictation, political finger-pointing etc. -Blaming everything on everyone else. It's a mess that we all made, not the Taliban, not the Mexicans, the welfare queens, not American pigs or Euro-trash, the gay people, the religious right, the black people, white people, rich people, Chinese or Russians; not even the tax-raising, pork-barreling, buttinski law-making, weaselly politicians. We f*cked up. {/rant} here!! here!!!!!!! Loud aplause for the most sensible set of words so far!!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() |
yes, the first diesel engines were made to run on peanut oil as were the initial combustion engines. but engineers soon discovered that hydrocarbons contained more potential chemical energy. further, people began to realize that to fuel all the combustion engines with peanut- and corn oil would soon begin to consume entire crops of those staple foods. why burn staple crops for fuel when thousands of people are starving?? if you think apples and bread are expensive now, just wait until governments begin mandating that transportation fuel be made from food crops.. the only reason people are able to use cooking grease cheaply right now in their diesel engines is that there is relatively little pressure on that commondity.. think how expensive french fries would be if people were lined up behind the burger king waiting for the used fry oil.. the only reason anyone thinks that this is a good idea is that it's just **something** besides the evil that is "big oil" feel-good solutions and tree-hugging rhetoric are not going to solve the energy problem.. need energy?? we split the atom well over a half century ago... |
ok.. yes, the first diesel engines were made to run on peanut oil as were the initial combustion engines. but engineers soon discovered that hydrocarbons contained more potential chemical energy. further, people began to realize that to fuel all the combustion engines with peanut- and corn oil would soon begin to consume entire crops of those staple foods. why burn staple crops for fuel when thousands of people are starving?? if you think apples and bread are expensive now, just wait until governments begin mandating that transportation fuel be made from food crops.. the only reason people are able to use cooking grease cheaply right now in their diesel engines is that there is relatively little pressure on that commondity.. think how expensive french fries would be if people were lined up behind the burger king waiting for the used fry oil.. the only reason anyone thinks that this is a good idea is that it's just **something** besides the evil that is "big oil" feel-good solutions and tree-hugging rhetoric are not going to solve the energy problem.. need energy?? we split the atom well over a half century ago... And YOUR thoughts on SOLUTIONS????? Mr picky???? ![]() |
i just offered one.. build nuclear power plants..
the europeans have been running on a large percentage of nuke power for some time now.. but the politicos over here never want to build anything.. no new refineries, no new coal plants, no new nuclear plants.. the people that have been putting up roadblocks for decades are the very same people that are now jumping up and down saying we need new sources of energy.. can't win for losing. |
San Diego is switching their grid over to solar power... just a side thought.
There is revolutionary technology that we have the power to use. Solar, midmill, nuclear power, partical accelerator technology, hell, they even have solar paint. It's not very efficient, but if you paint a building with it, it would help cut dow on electricity. |
I love the ideas!!! ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 02/06/09 02:25 PM
For starters try to buy american made products. ![]() Why would that become depleted? Have you never heard of "supply and demand?" What, you think people are just good for nothing more that being consumers? They should use their creativity and their brains and come up with essentials to survive. If we run out of matches, best learn how to make fire with a stone and stick. |
Stop buying your whining kids the name brand products they insist they must have to fit in at school.
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I feel wind, water and solar are better options to generate power over nuclear....
just as many jobs can be created in the making of the turbines, photovoltaic cells,etc etc, as well as installation, and maintenance.... production cnstruction and maintenance are sustainable jobs... you guys in the US use sh*teloads of power ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 02/06/09 02:29 PM
I wish a few young laides would say i cant pay the bill there must be another way......I would LOVE that ![]() You are pure evil. Wanna mow my lawn? I can't pay. ![]() |
Stop buying your whining kids the name brand products they insist they must have to fit in at school. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yeah buy cheap chinese knockoffs instead! (joking...and sarcastically so) |
I feel wind, water and solar are better options to generate power over nuclear....
just as many jobs can be created in the making of the turbines, photovoltaic cells,etc etc, as well as installation, and maintenance.... production cnstruction and maintenance are sustainable jobs... you guys in the US use sh*teloads of power AGREED - nucluear energy is NOT CLEAN energy. As Jess says, there a many sources of 'renewable' virtually eternal energy sources that are clean and natureal. Researching them, building the necessary technology, even making them virtually self sufficient, would still require a labor force to attend to it all. Nations and the alegience they request has so limited our natural vision. We have been TRAINED, conditioned, to see individual, family, friends, cities, states, nations, in that hirarchy. What happened to words like "the greater good?" |
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Fri 02/06/09 05:18 PM
Jess I feel wind, water and solar are better options to generate power over nuclear....
just as many jobs can be created in the making of the turbines, photovoltaic cells,etc etc, as well as installation, and maintenance.... production cnstruction and maintenance are sustainable jobs... you guys in the US use sh*teloads of power AGREED - nucluear energy is NOT CLEAN energy. As Jess says, there a many sources of 'renewable' virtually eternal energy sources that are clean and natureal. Researching them, building the necessary technology, even making them virtually self sufficient, would still require a labor force to attend to it all. Nations and the alegience they request has so limited our natural vision. We have been TRAINED, conditioned, to see individual, family, friends, cities, states, nations, in that hirarchy. What happened to words like "the greater good?" you might need to go back and read up on some history from the first half of the last century. the words of your last paragraph is eerily reminiscent of the words of Stalin and Hilter. The really scarry part is that you don't seem to realize it.. ![]() |