Topic: Ok Im tired of the cut and paste jobs here
Filmfreek's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:36 PM

Gyps... I understand that a lot of stuff is exported, and imported, and you don't get a look in with local produce.... where I live we are next to one of the largest growing region of small crops and sugar cane... Bundaberg.... and here, it is cheaper to buy Albanian sugar... (or maybe it is Nairobian)...than local sugar, from the supermarket... I now buy our sugar direct from the mill, in 25 kilo bags.... for a third of the price per kilo, and divide it amongst a group of other friends who buy bulk.

The amount of food we send to the southern cities from this region is incredible.... but try to buy a first grade tomato locally... not a chance... we get the dregs... the crap they can't sell at the city markets.

So I got cranky, and grew my own.

I know climatically it isn't always possible... I do live in the sub tropics...

I guess the point I'm making is for communities to get fed up... and refuse to buy stuff that isn't made within their own or neighbouring country.

Don't buy black market maple syrup from Romania...:wink: noway

Picky much?

Sugar is sugar...

no photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:38 PM

Gyps... I understand that a lot of stuff is exported, and imported, and you don't get a look in with local produce.... where I live we are next to one of the largest growing region of small crops and sugar cane... Bundaberg.... and here, it is cheaper to buy Albanian sugar... (or maybe it is Nairobian)...than local sugar, from the supermarket... I now buy our sugar direct from the mill, in 25 kilo bags.... for a third of the price per kilo, and divide it amongst a group of other friends who buy bulk.

The amount of food we send to the southern cities from this region is incredible.... but try to buy a first grade tomato locally... not a chance... we get the dregs... the crap they can't sell at the city markets.

So I got cranky, and grew my own.

I know climatically it isn't always possible... I do live in the sub tropics...

I guess the point I'm making is for communities to get fed up... and refuse to buy stuff that isn't made within their own or neighbouring country.

Don't buy black market maple syrup from Romania...:wink: noway
When I was in Melbourne, I seen a fantastic community garden. Australia to me seemed very "hippyish"....but in a good way. I rarely saw white sugar in restaurants....people grew more, conserved more. Buying and growing this locally will help, but will it save the economy>????? Food is just one aspect...ohwell

no photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:40 PM
I dont know.......Im all for SOLUTIONS to problems and not b*tching about the economy. If we all used our coconuts more and quit listening to our governments then maybe real progress can be made....drinker

Filmfreek's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:41 PM
Aye aye aye...

slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead

I'm done.....

Jess642's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:42 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Thu 02/05/09 12:52 PM
Not if it is exorbitantly priced, and the ONLY people who received the profits are the wholesaler and the retailer... and the grower and processor got pittance.

that's not being picky... and it's one example.... oh quick to judge one.

vanstone's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:46 PM
Personaly I think The whole us is going to fall apart and mabe even civil war will brake out. If you get a mass of un employed people pissed off ones and a defaced currancy you have the making of civil unrest. Thats how Hitler came to be in power.

Jess642's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:50 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Thu 02/05/09 12:51 PM
Right now, our governments are broke, or close to it... we are about to fall in a heap.

How do governments create income?

Either taxes, or trade.

If there's no one to get taxes from... (cause everyone is unemployed and broke)... what then?

If other countries don't want what you are selling...irrespective of the resources...because they are broke....

what do they do?

Trade is how countries have economy, and sadly most of our countries are incestuously intertwined with other countries, mostly the broke ones.

I feel the whole structure of trade by country to country is due for an overhaul...

and I still feel it works the same way from a grass roots version, all the way up to the big fellas.

You have x amount of tomatoes... you can use y amount... the excess... z... is what you have to trade with...

unfortunately most countries trade all their tomatoes... and promise 6 times more than they have....and when they cannot deliver... the boys in the black tshirts come looking to break knee caps...

I know I waffle on, but it is the same for little people in business as it is in big business...

look after your own first, then your neighbours, then your wider community.

Translated.... Canada look after it's family... then with any surplus, look after it's neighbours... then the world community.

And Australia.. and everywhere else.

vanstone's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:54 PM
I hope it all falls down. I beleave a One party system is better then a democracy, After all I am A totalitarian Thats what I beleave in. I Hate Demoocracy. One State One Leader One People United , Not many partys fight waisting state funds

s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:54 PM
1. banks "too big to fail" garbage....
maybe they are just "too big"


how about we break them up and limit compensation?

2. everyone agrees that $20B wall st. bonuses are bogus

why not make them illegal and go back a few years
when they should not have been receiving these bonuses
and make them pay it all back?

that could be a couple hundred billion back into our


Dan99's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:55 PM
My take on the economy is that it is fkn great!

Interest rates in the UK have just been knocked down to 1%, and i have tracker mortgages which will benefit. The weak pound has made my foreign investments worth a lot more, and the price of goods is falling.

But its not really great, i foresee some major events over the next year or so which could make our economy crumble, it is a precarious time.

As long as i can keep my job i should be ok. If i lose it i will be screwed.

Jess642's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:58 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Thu 02/05/09 12:59 PM

1. banks "too big to fail" garbage....
maybe they are just "too big"


how about we break them up and limit compensation?

2. everyone agrees that $20B wall st. bonuses are bogus

why not make them illegal and go back a few years
when they should not have been receiving these bonuses
and make them pay it all back?

that could be a couple hundred billion back into our



Thankyou... I so dislike having to wade through the imbalances, and the incredible crazy greedy structure we have inplace.

I know one of the first things Kevin Rudd, our prime minister did, was create a mandatory ceiling on what government big knobs can receive on leaving... absolutely NO increases in salaries, or redunancy pay outs, or retirement payouts.. they have been capped for the duration of his term.

tanyaann's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:59 PM

I hope it all falls down. I beleave a One party system is better then a democracy, After all I am A totalitarian Thats what I beleave in. I Hate Demoocracy. One State One Leader One People United , Not many partys fight waisting state funds


Dan99's photo
Thu 02/05/09 01:03 PM

I hope it all falls down. I beleave a One party system is better then a democracy, After all I am A totalitarian Thats what I beleave in. I Hate Demoocracy. One State One Leader One People United , Not many partys fight waisting state funds

So Communism then.

Because that has been proved to work SO well!

Also, If your economy completely falls down you are probably gonna lose your status as the worlds superpower before too long.

vanstone's photo
Thu 02/05/09 01:05 PM
Edited by vanstone on Thu 02/05/09 01:06 PM
Not communism One ruler not a ruling body more like i hate to say hitler his economy was great his other actions where ill advised

tanyaann's photo
Thu 02/05/09 01:08 PM
The US is already lost its superpower status.

tanyaann's photo
Thu 02/05/09 01:09 PM

Not communism One ruler not a ruling body more like i hate to say hitler his economy was great his other actions where ill advised

His economy was isolationist. Sorry but the US can't be isolationist and survive.

Dan99's photo
Thu 02/05/09 01:10 PM

Not communism One ruler not a ruling body more like i hate to say hitler his economy was great

Or Mussolini, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Rober Mugabe..

There is more to life than a great economy anyway, such as not living in fear of your life.

vanstone's photo
Thu 02/05/09 01:13 PM
Edited by vanstone on Thu 02/05/09 01:14 PM
we can we have oil in iraq we just have to get off our asses and start doing what we used to be creative invent and stop out sourceing our jobs.

tap intop the oil in alaska and forget about the dam polar bears we need to stop being so half hearted about theses issues. I mean people feeling bad for terroristing in cuba THEY SHOULD BE SHOT they are trying to kill us we should return the favor. The little nations like iran insulting us should get a few bombs dropped on them to shut them up. These are hard times we need to take hard measures to ensure we dont lag to far behind.

If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear.

Dan99's photo
Thu 02/05/09 01:15 PM

Not communism One ruler not a ruling body more like i hate to say hitler his economy was great his other actions where ill advised

His economy was isolationist. Sorry but the US can't be isolationist and survive.

His economy was also largely based on the war industry. There was no unemployment because any surplus workers were employed by the state to improve thier war machine.

no photo
Thu 02/05/09 01:16 PM
We all prostitute ourselves in one way or another.......

Nothing happens until someone "sells" something....