Topic: JSH: Hi or Hypocrisy?
whispertoascream's photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:11 PM
I have to agree, and not just because you are my friend either. Cause
both you and I know we do not agree on everything.

But YES people need to GROW up. If you do not like change then get the
hell off the computer. It is the WORLD wide web here. So yes more and
more people are going to join. Either deal with it or get the hell out.

This site was not created so people like can come and keep it just the
way it is. Never going to meet anybody that way. What kind of site would
it be if it just stayed the same and never grew? It would go NOWHERE.

Not saying that you have to like everybody. Cause we all know that is
just not possible. But just like in the real world ignore them and move

But on a second note I do think that certain people need to be
permanently band. Instead of just suspended. How much more crap are we
expected to take from them? WOW OK suspend them then they come back and
sure they are fine for awhile. Then the same BS starts all over again.
But cit is not my site I do not have say over it. Cause trust me if I
did, I would not tolerate all the whining and complaining.

OK, Lex I am sorry for ranting in your thread. Probably should of
started my own. But you brought up a really good point. And I thank you
and agree full forcefully.

PetiteKitten's photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:12 PM
Like I posted in the other thread about the virus.....There may be a lot
of old timers here, but isn't that what this site is about? Other people
joining as we go along, making new friends, or potential love interests?
I enjoy talking to all of you.......And I hate seeing everyone argue
like this.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:12 PM
not objecting lex I agree! there are 6 posts like yours up

that is my point.

enough already! should we choke this topic to death?

We all feel what is happening lets get past it now is my point.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:15 PM
Lex, ur words are well appreciated from me who was one of the newcomers.
I'm truly sorry about your bad experience.
And my apologize if I haven't been one of the most social people.
BUt at this point in life I have a lot of going on that is why I don't
interact that much on the threads, but be sure that I'm always reading
what people say.


chris87's photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:16 PM
yo tulip the guy is makin a point about another website so if he wants
to sit here talk about the website than he can do that cause hes voicing
an opinon u do know wat that is right if not than look it up in a

tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:19 PM
hey chris try reading period!

Jess642's photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:22 PM
Most times Growth is uncomfortable...those that embrace it, find their
discomfort is short lived, for those who reject Growth, their discomfort
is a long uncomfortable drawn out process...

my thoughts.

And Lex?

You Rock!!!flowerforyou

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:27 PM
I am new to this website, and I have yet to discover any terrible
things.I have read many posts, and written some myself...some serious,
and some not so serious. I have met lots of new friends,...and one in
particular who shared their feelings about the fact that one does not
need to look very far in order to find something offensive, the "trick"
seems to be to not seek it. If your looking for a fight, then you will
surely find one!Tulip is a new friend and has been very kind to me...I
have no problems with anyone here!...... Live,...Laugh,...Love,

tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:28 PM

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:50 PM
Tulip -- I don't think there are 6 posts up relating to abuse and
vulgarity by a JSH old-timer whose behavior is consistently sanctioned
by others who consider him a "friend."

Are there? Please let me know if this is the case.

This is the first and only one I've seen.

And even if there were six -- are you suggesting there should be a limit
on how many posts of a particular nature or on a particular topic should
be permitted? What is the limit? Who gets to decide? Seems to me that
the whole process of making these determinations would be entirely

tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:52 PM
no lex I'm not suggesting just askin for some peace on same subject
matter it was so fueled anger and just junk do whatcha want
just seeking peace,,,,,,,some posts were removed.

anyway have a good nite.

lulu24's photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:56 PM
heh...i've been on here for almost two and a half months...and i've
corresponded with a couple or three.

i do admit to being very glad to see my CS friends join in the fray...

i also appreciate that it could be a bit annoying when you have a huge
influx of people that know each other so well...calling each other by
first names and by their other handles from that site we all left...

most of us aren't that bad, lol...and the more people in a forum, the
quicker it flies.

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 07:01 PM
Lex, well said! You've given me something to think about, as for
possible hypocrisies of my own.

I agree that most of the newcomers are very cool - I remember when one
of them (joined by others) explicitly solicited suggestions on how to
fit in here - I thought that was very civil, respectful, and mature.

And tant, Lex's posting is not a useless rehash - the portions which I
have context for appear to me to be a sensible response to some things
said within the last few days.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/24/07 07:05 PM
I knew folks would be upset... but, most of us are ok, and old timers
here have been good to me.

My concern is what happens when this place goes international and good
ol' USA backslappers are subject to other views, lifestyles, and ideas.

Change takes time, I know this. And, I also know the crap folks brought
with them here... good that some of it stopped.

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 07:09 PM
Lulu -- you make a good point; I'm also trying to see it from the other
side -- the new people are also walking into a situation where a lot of
us who have been here for awhile are calling each other by first names
or nicknames, etc. -- I think it can be a little daunting for both

My point is that the newcomers should not be blamed for "taking over" or
"ruining the site" when all they have really done is try to fit in --
when some people ignore their own faults and try to blame the new guys
for all the problems, nothing can ever really get's these
artificial distinctions, this attitude that "WE can do "X" because we've
been around a long time, but YOU can't because you're new" --

Hey, if it's wrong, it's wrong, "tenure" be damned --

Some of the newbies told me that one of the problems with their old site
was that the rules were not enforced consistently across the board --
some members got away with more because they were more popular on the
site -- and I see the same thing happening here, and it concerns me....

Native_Grl39's photo
Tue 04/24/07 07:13 PM
Lex....drinker Cheersdrinker

Very well said!!!!!!!!!

I can say that I am honestly glad to be on JSH and for the most part
have been treated very well with only a few exceptions...Like you I feel
the non-responses sometimes in the threads etc. so I just don't bother
to waste my time anymore!!!!!!!

You and quite a few others have made the transition here very enjoyable
and thank you for that!!!!!!!!!

flowerforyou :wink:

davinci1952's photo
Tue 04/24/07 07:21 PM
well ok then..I'm clueless...which is ok with me.. grumble

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/24/07 07:25 PM
"Some of the newbies told me that one of the problems with their old
was that the rules were not enforced consistently across the board --
some members got away with more because they were more popular on the
site -- and I see the same thing happening here, and it concerns me...."


I dunno, I see Mike and Van handling thing well compared, really.

Not sure you understand the craziness that happened. And, as we all are
beginning new, didn't want to get into it here... I'm only speaking on
behalf of the core folks and freinds of mine...

Only the long time folks (a few still there), that were taken out, with
a few newer members.
But, this had nothing to do with being "bad" this was the allowance of a
preditor, and the cover up of victims. And, anyone standing up for
*note: all proper channels were sought first, and proofs given...* Not a
hen peck... not an attack... what happened afterward was folks being
stupid, then making games of it all...

Aside from all the hooplah since...

I really have found folks here very warm, and helpful. And, I'm a
handful at time, lol.

One more thing, all sites have fakers, and scammers. I can usually spot
them, as others for sure can...

I'm just having a good experience so far, aside from some very closed
minds. And, the fact that tolerance in some areas by way of simply
mailing someone and asking them about something they aren't sure of, or
understand about another member...
not the gossip bullcrap, either. Can't stand gossip, lol.

again, when it goes international, the religion, and politics threads
will be a chore...

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 04/24/07 07:43 PM
Humm well I can say I'm one that is considered one of the Old Timers
Lmao hummm in more ways than one.laugh laugh

I've been here since September. This site had only been going for a few
months prior to the time I had joined.

Hummm did this site have the same problems with the post and others
being rude? Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well hell ya except I will admit when I
first joined some of the post was out righht pityful on the way
questions were posted and asked. Just plain vulgar and hateful at times.
So as far as I see it JSH has been taking a growth spurt. But that is
what this site was created for, in order for people from all over the
world to come together and get to know others they would never get a
chance to if it was not for the internet.

So regardless whether this site has it flaws or not for nothing in this
world is perfect. You will never make everyone happy at the same time.
Everyone has there own opinion and the right to voice it. What we must
learn within ourselves is the way we come across when we do voice our
opinion. We must step back at times and remember behind those words on
the screen we are reading is a real person with feelings. For most here
I would assume would not say some of the things they do to others if
they were face to face with them. We must take in to consideration our
words before we make that last click.

For if your words come across as attacking others there response will be
to attack back. Then it turns in to a bashing instead of a debate which
is what we should do keep it as a debate. We all must understand I have
my opinion and each of you have your opinions. But..this is what makes
us all so very unique for we do have differnt ways of thinking and the
way we put our words together.

Differnce of opinion is a great thing, but we must not forget that just
because it is a screen in front of us we are in contact with. That some
where else the person that we have just attacked or even hurt there
feelings is siting there reading our words. Sure they are only words and
we should not let them get to us. But... we also must remember that at
times words alone can cut as deep as a knife it might not leave a
visalble scare but it does indeed leave it's mark.

By the way Lex as usually your words are those from one that has the
knowledge and the power to put words together in a special way. Very
good post I will say my self. Maybe some will read and see things in a
differnt light and will remember before they click Post Reply to re-read
there words before they post.
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

bigpappa4331's photo
Tue 04/24/07 07:47 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh