Topic: Was he or wasn't he?
splendidlife's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:48 AM

Ok then, some of you might know this one: a theological discussion about Xianity (if we can let the other b/s aside). How do you answer the following:

Who killed Jesus?

Remember, you can not answer with history, but only theological explanations.

Hint: If no one ever existed in all time, eternity and the whole universe but you and only you, would Jesus have to die?

If you view others' words as b/s, why would others have any wish to give yours anymore "due" consideration?

TBRich's photo
Thu 01/15/09 12:16 PM
I only mean to confine the topic to that which is actually debatable. I have a hard time understanding how this topic always seems to be about Nazis. I remember watching an old Laugh-In show where they were doing skits of little jokes, one had Hitler come out and say "Everyone blames me for everything, no one ever thanks me for the Volkswagon" How can you have a discussion with so many polarizing examples that gets peoples blood boiling. So I mere try to focus on actual history, anthropology, theology, psychology, sociology- stuff where one can more clearly make a valid point. What do nazis have to do with Xian? For that matter, what's love got to do with it, what's love but a second hand emotion...

TBRich's photo
Thu 01/15/09 12:17 PM
You know you kinda look like Madonna in that pick. So should we discuss the video of Like a Prayer or discuss the subject on some mutual basis. BTW, I note you did not answer the question posed.

deke's photo
Thu 01/15/09 12:32 PM

Christians routinely denounce science. It’s like their favorite past time. The fundamentalists do. I don’t want to say all Christians. Many Christians do not insist on taking the bible literally especially the first two accounts of Genesis. They won’t start taking it in a literal sense up until you get to Abraham and all that jazz.

But just about EVERY evangelical Christian I have ever met is at odds with science.

i truely don't see that.
science does more to prove the bible right than it does to disprove it.
like sodum and gomuara and a world wide flood

deke's photo
Thu 01/15/09 12:35 PM

Ok then, some of you might know this one: a theological discussion about Xianity (if we can let the other b/s aside). How do you answer the following:

Who killed Jesus?

Remember, you can not answer with history, but only theological explanations.

Hint: If no one ever existed in all time, eternity and the whole universe but you and only you, would Jesus have to die?
only if i ate the fruit of good and evil
if not then sin wouldn't exist and therefore Jesus(GOD)

TBRich's photo
Thu 01/15/09 12:36 PM
Would that be the flood from the Epic of Gilgamesh, which most scholars believe is retold in the Bible (almost word for word) after the Jewish stay in Babylon? Is that the flood you are talking about? Did you know gentiles were to take upon themselves the Noahide code and not the ten commandments (at least according to James as quoted in Acts).

deke's photo
Thu 01/15/09 12:38 PM

Ok then, some of you might know this one: a theological discussion about Xianity (if we can let the other b/s aside). How do you answer the following:

Who killed Jesus?

Remember, you can not answer with history, but only theological explanations.

Hint: If no one ever existed in all time, eternity and the whole universe but you and only you, would Jesus have to die?
[/quote those that were afraid of his POWER:smile:
or a collective concious that was afaid that they would lose their power if CHRIST were to remain alive and there taken from them not only the need for them but also the high standing in the community

TBRich's photo
Thu 01/15/09 12:38 PM

Ok then, some of you might know this one: a theological discussion about Xianity (if we can let the other b/s aside). How do you answer the following:

Who killed Jesus?

Remember, you can not answer with history, but only theological explanations.

Hint: If no one ever existed in all time, eternity and the whole universe but you and only you, would Jesus have to die?
only if i ate the fruit of good and evil
if not then sin wouldn't exist and therefore Jesus(GOD)

Good and Evil, you judge too quickly. I believe he still would have to die for your sins. Yes then you killed him, so why blame the Jews or blame the Romans, why don't you blame it on the BossaNova? How about taking some responsibility for our actions?

Krimsa's photo
Thu 01/15/09 12:42 PM

Christians routinely denounce science. It’s like their favorite past time. The fundamentalists do. I don’t want to say all Christians. Many Christians do not insist on taking the bible literally especially the first two accounts of Genesis. They won’t start taking it in a literal sense up until you get to Abraham and all that jazz.

But just about EVERY evangelical Christian I have ever met is at odds with science.

i truely don't see that.
science does more to prove the bible right than it does to disprove it.
like sodum and gomuara and a world wide flood

Are you referring to "Flood Geology?" Modern geology, and its sub-disciplines of earth science, geochemistry, geophysics, glaciology, paleoclimatology, paleontology all refute the key tenets of flood geology. It doesn’t hold up to any sort of scientific analysis and does not have any standing in the scientific community.

TBRich's photo
Thu 01/15/09 12:48 PM
See Science is a better subject than Nazis. What is with the hang up with Nazis? Did you see that guy were they took away his kids cause he named them Adolf Hitler and Aryan Nation? It is like the people who fail to realize that Gardner et al stole Crowley's work to develop their "ancient" religion and failed to see were Crowley was f*ing with them.

Krimsa's photo
Thu 01/15/09 01:00 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Thu 01/15/09 01:00 PM

See Science is a better subject than Nazis. What is with the hang up with Nazis? Did you see that guy were they took away his kids cause he named them Adolf Hitler and Aryan Nation? It is like the people who fail to realize that Gardner et al stole Crowley's work to develop their "ancient" religion and failed to see were Crowley was f*ing with them.

Are you addressing me specifically? I’ve never brought up the Nazis. The Christians have started like over a dozen threads about him. He was a catholic. End of story.

TBRich's photo
Thu 01/15/09 01:15 PM
No I am not addressing any one in particular- look at me I have no plan, I am like a dog chasing a car, I wouldn't know what to with it once I caught it. LOL.

Krimsa's photo
Thu 01/15/09 01:16 PM
That’s why I decided to just use the Crusades. It doesn’t matter what example you use. Someone will try to weasel out of it or re-write the historical data.

TBRich's photo
Thu 01/15/09 01:22 PM
Oh no you can't use that example, because someone will bring up the Knights Templar and the Priory of Sion.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 01/15/09 01:42 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 01/15/09 01:47 PM
The burning times is proof positive that Jesus Christ was not God.

If Jesus Christ were real, and he has the power to intervene in human affairs and come back to Earth at will, and he failed to do so for over 300 years whilst hundreds of thousands of innocent women were being tortured and burned in his name then he'd be worst than any Satan.

Therefore, the myth cannot possibly be true, because in order for it to be true, God would need to be a demon.

It's perfect proof that Jesus Christ was not God.

End of story.

Jess642's photo
Thu 01/15/09 01:42 PM
Does anyone have any sugar? yawn it's morning, and I want a coffee....drinker

Oh, and James?

The inanswerable has been asked....:wink:


Abracadabra's photo
Thu 01/15/09 02:20 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 01/15/09 02:21 PM
The Voice of Midwives Past

Questions answered
Answers asked
The truth of life has been unmasked
Ungodly deeds have been revealed
yet biased minds refuse to yield

Condemn the ones who disbelieve!
Make them suffer, make them grieve!
No empathy for heathen's sake!
Just light the fire and watch them bake!

Such awesome love for Jesus' sake
Let's burn a midwife at the stake
Then sing a hymnal at her wake
and pray to God there's no mistake

I'm the voice of ladies fried
by vicious Christian's full of pride
let not their conduct be denied
nor their venom spread worldwide


Abra 1/15/09

splendidlife's photo
Thu 01/15/09 02:30 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Thu 01/15/09 02:34 PM

Ok then, some of you might know this one: a theological discussion about Xianity (if we can let the other b/s aside). How do you answer the following:

Who killed Jesus?

Remember, you can not answer with history, but only theological explanations.

Hint: If no one ever existed in all time, eternity and the whole universe but you and only you, would Jesus have to die?

BTW, I note you did not answer the question posed.

Who killed Jesus?

Obvious answer: The Jews.

As we have already seen, pointing the finger in ANY direction just begins the same old, all too familiar song and dance.

Other humans killed him. Does it really have to have any greater meaning?

Since I don't believe that Jesus "died" for my sins or anyone else's, for that matter (if I go by your rules), can I actually participate any further and answer your question?

By saying it MUST be a Theological discussion, I suspect you exclude many people with valuable input whose otherwise non-Christian Biblical interpretations would be immediately scoffed at (perhaps my perception is off).

Oh well... Here I go anyway (but, I anticipate hating myself in the morning :tongue:).

Saying that to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil would surely result in death obviously (as history has shown) did NOT mean physical death.

What did God mean, then?

Could this "Knowledge of Good and Evil" represent the human condition (vs. the ease of all already known experience of our higher selves) of judging self and others and the subsequent suffering it can create be the lesson we were purposed to come here for in the first place?

Are we not ALL fallen angels who have eaten of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil simply by virtue of being human?

Jesus was willing to lay down his life for the truth as was "shown" to him. How does his death make anyone else's journey on Earth any less painful or challenging? We all "sin" and we all ultimately come to terms with it at our time of exit (with hope, perhaps sooner). Many demand that we all step in line and see it singularly. I will not.

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 02:35 PM

In another thread people were discussing whether an infamous historical figure was a "True Christian" or whether he was just using Christianity to inspire a mob mentality to support his genocide of heathens.

However, this whole issue of "True Christians" brings to light a very interesting concept.

a True Christian is anyone that have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and/or have not been ex-communicated

since neither The Vatican or any other church saw fit to actually carry out the act of ex-communication against Hitler then Hitler can claim to be a True Christian

even if Hitler saw fit to protest against Christianity that act can only be regarded as a lapse in his faith but at any moment he could reclaim his faith and once again become a True Christian

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 03:52 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Thu 01/15/09 03:54 PM
Folks like this guy below are working hard to alter the course of history regarding education in America, I feel it is my duty to illuminate the falsehoods.

Dr. Jason Lisle,
Creationist Astrophysicist
AiG (US)

Most practicing astronomers and astrophysicists believe in the big bang, a billions-of-years-old universe and other evolutionary ideas. But based on Scripture and the best interpretation of the scientific evidence, they are simply wrong, according to Dr. Jason Lisle, AiG-USA’s newest speaker and researcher.

An astrophysicist with a Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Dr. Lisle is now helping AiG (and the creation movement as a whole) refute the evolutionary account of origins—using his strong science background. He has designed exciting planetarium programs for the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky (near Cincinnati, Ohio).

Dr. Lisle is not the stereotypical “egg-head” research scientist who has difficulty communicating at a layman’s level. In addition to his talks on astronomy, he has developed an excellent, well-illustrated talk on the topic of “The Relevance of Genesis.” This Bible-upholding talk is even suitable for Sunday morning services.
More about Dr. Jason Lisle

Now residing in Northern Kentucky, Dr. Lisle lives just a few miles from the border of his state of birth, Ohio. He grew up in a Christian home, and because his family believed in the authority and accuracy of the Bible, he had little difficulty in dealing with the evolutionary bombardment he received in school.

At the university level, Jason discovered that an important element in scientific study and the drawing of conclusions was this: that scientists usually are not aware of their presuppositions (i.e. they interpret scientific evidence in light of their existing worldview). It thus made it easier for him to see that intelligent scientists, many who were his professors, can disagree on what the evidence really means, for they have different starting points. So as he read creation materials, he could see that when the evidence was properly interpreted, it always supported the biblical account of creation (even with the thorny question of starlight and time).

In graduate school, Dr. Lisle developed a passion to share the message that God’s Word is true from the very first verse. He began giving talks encouraging people to trust in the Bible and not compromise with the secular ideas of millions of years of evolution.

Dr. Lisle has always had a keen interest in science and enjoys reading books on a wide range of scientific topics. Astronomy and physics have always been areas of special interest. One of his favorite hobbies is viewing the beautiful night sky through a telescope.

In graduate school, Dr. Lisle specialized in solar astrophysics. His areas of interest in creation studies are in developing models of cosmology and stellar aging. Creationist thinking in these areas is still very preliminary.
More of his educational background

Dr. Lisle graduated summa cum laude from Ohio Wesleyan University where he double-majored in physics and astronomy, and minored in mathematics. He did graduate work at the University of Colorado where he earned a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Astrophysics. While there, Dr. Lisle used the SOHO spacecraft to investigate motions on the surface of the sun as well as solar magnetism and subsurface weather. His thesis was entitled “Probing the Dynamics of Solar Supergranulation and its Interaction with Magnetism.” He has also authored a number of papers in both secular and creation literature.