Topic: Flee the Harlot Church
norslyman's photo
Wed 01/14/09 05:57 PM

Fake Jews? What or who are you speaking of? Jews in Revelations is a relative term used for the angels of light that preach a false evangel..If that is what you are refering to.. Blessings...Miles

bigsmile Excellent question Miles.bigsmile

happy I was wondering the same thinghappy

You will have to forgive this guy for using the name Jesus, but I basically agree. There are lots of ways to end up being called a Jew. I wonder if Yamin agrees??

It would be well for every Christian to remember that the word JEW has four distinct meanings in the Scriptures:

1 - A DESCENDANT OF JUDAH - an ethnic designation. These are a tiny minority among Jewry.
2 - A REMNANT - of those who went into Babylonian captivity and returned under Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem.

3 - AN INHABITANT OF JUDEA - a geographical designation.

4 - A PERSON WHO FOLLOWS THE TALMUDIC RELIGION OF JUDAISM - These can be of any race. They developed a corrupt religion in Jerusalem, (see 2 Kings 17:32-34) - "So they feared the Lord, and made unto themselves of the lowest of them priests of the high places, which sacrificed for them in the houses of the high places. They feared the Lord (doesn't say they served Him) and served their own gods, AFTER THE MANNER OF THE NATIONS WHOM THEY CARRIED AWAY FROM THENCE. Unto this day they do after the former manner: they fear not the Lord, neither do they after their statutes, or after their ordinances, or after the law and commandment which the Lord commanded the children of Jacob, whom He named Israel." This is a perfect word description of TALMUDIC JUDAISM. For a New Testament description of them, read 1 John 2:22, 23. Isaiah 29:13 says of them: ". . . they have removed their heart far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precepts of men." Jesus said of them in Mark 7:13 - "Making the word of God of non-effect through your traditions . . ."

The destiny of the two categories of Jews, the "good" and "bad" figs can be found in Jer. 24-29. The good Hebrews went into Chaldean captivity where God gave them a new heart to serve Him, while the "bad Jews", who were rotten, were never absorbed or assimilated with other nationalities or cultures, but were always able to maintain their "identity as an evil people." In Mal. 1:4, they are called ". . . the border of wickedness, and, the people against whom the Lord hath indignation forever." These people would be driven through all nations and would become a "taunt and a curse" wherever they went. Here is what Jeremiah 8:3 says about them: "And death shall be chosen rather than life by ALL THE RESIDUE OF THIS EVIL FAMILY, which remain in all the places whither I have driven them, saith the Lord of hosts.''
In the 10th Chapter of John's Gospel, we find Jesus delivering a very important message concerning the "sheep of the house of Israel." (See also Matt. 15:24.) Then in John 10:26, He clarifies this by telling the Jewish religious leaders in very clear terms: "But ye believe not, BECAUSE YE ARE NOT OF MY SHEEP. ." Those of Judah and Israel "the whole house of Israel," would follow Him. This is one reason most of His earthly ministry was not in Judea, but in Galilee to the north, where most of the Israel people, such as Lazarus, Mary and Martha lived. In the John 10 discussion, Jesus is using the example of a shepherd and his sheep. In verse 4 He explains how He goes before his sheep and they follow Him because they know His voice. He indicates by His words in vs. 16, I believe, that there will be members of His fold who will not be Israelites: "Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." Then in vs. 19 we find there was a "division therefore again among the Jews (Judeans) for these sayings." The ones who believed Him, like Joseph of Arimathea, were evidently Israelites and those who did not were of Jewry, the Edomite crowd. These were the "fake JEWS (Judeans) who dragged Him to trial and were responsible for His death, the same crowd that tried to kill Him when He was a baby in Bethlehem. Remember, Herod was an Edomite. These people expelled believers from their synagogues John 9:22, and were the "fake chosen" who tried to kill Him in John 10:31. These are the same one's who have retained their devil's religion (Talmudic Phariseeism) until this day. (See John 8:42-47; Acts 13:45.)

In Jesus time, these Jews had already nullified the word of God through their heathen traditions (Matt. 15:9) - "In vain do they (Jews) worship me (God), teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." The Jewish rabbis who wrote the Talmud said that God consulted them, when He had a decision to make. It was natural that they would reject the Son of God made flesh, (John 1:14.) They had to, in order to maintain their devil's religion.

When they were backed up against the wall in John 19:15 and had to make a decision, these "so-called Jews" asserted: "We have no king but Caesar." If they had been true Israelites, they would have accepted Him as Nathaniel did in John 1:47-49. (See also 43:15, 21; Isa. 44:8.)

In 21:41, where Jesus had just finished telling the Parable of the Nobleman, the Jewish leaders passed judgment on themselves, when they answered His question regarding what the nobleman should do to those rebels who refused to accept the king. They said: "He (Christ) will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out His vineyard (Kingdom) unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their season." They knew who He was; they recognized Him as such and they knew they were the evil, deceitful husbandmen who were about to kill the King's Son and heir.

Titus 1:13; 14; 1 Timothy 1:4; 4:7; Acts 3:23 and 2 Peter 1:16, all substantiate my claim that JUDAISM was and still is, a false religion. According to Jewish authorities today. the JUDAISM of today, is the PHARISEEISM of the time of Jesus, unchanged. The Prophet Isaiah predicted that the name of the JEWS would be left as a curse to true Israel and that even their facial characteristics would be such that it would be a witness against them: "And ye (JUDAH) shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen (Israel); for the Lord God shall slay thee (compare with Luke 19:27) and CALL HIS SERVANTS BY ANOTHER NAME (Christian.)" In 3:9, Isaiah said: "The show of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not . . ." The Jew is proud of his evil works, he brags about his control of the abortion clinics, the liquor and dope industry, his control of prostitution and pornography.

In 1 Thess. 2:14, 15 we find the Apostle Paul condemning the Jewish pattern of behavior and in verse 15 saying: "They please not God and are contrary to ALL men."

It is interesting to note, that God will use the heathen nations of the world, who are not really free agents, since they operate under his control, for the purpose of chastising His people Israel. These heathen will be sent against a hypocritical people whose motto is "In God we trust!" and who sing about Christ being their King, and who put huge signs which proclaim: "JESUS IS LORD OF THIS CITY!" while the city council votes for equal rights for Sodomites and the people tolerate abortion clinics in the city limits, and filthy, Jew produced films in their theatres. This chastisement will be used to cleanse our Israel people and it will be harsh. We have brought it on ourselves. The present troubles in America, are Christian-Israel made. We are responsible for them, not the Jews, not the aliens who have poured across our borders, but ISRAELITES. Read carefully Isaiah 10:5, 6 and see how Assyria was used to discipline Israel. Notice what will happen to Israel when they repent and turn to their God (Isaiah 54:14 - "In righteousness shalt thou be established; thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come nigh thee." Then a furtherance of this promise is vs. 17 -"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn (Hebrew - "rasha" meaning: "to declare wrong.") This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord (Israel), and their righteousness is in me saith the Lord." Isa. 60:3 predicts that ". . . the Gentiles (nations of the world) shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising." Isaiah 61:9 "And their (Israel's) seed shall be known among the Gentiles (nations or people), and their offspring among the people: all that see them (Israel) shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed." This was true of America, a few years ago, when Americans were welcomed around the world and when we were looked up to as an example for others. Now, because of Israel's backsliding, we are the "laughing stock" of these same people and will become their "door mats," unless we return to our God in repentance.

These promises, and many others, were made to "true Israel," they were never made to the "bad figs" that are called JEWS. In fact Jesus said of the "bad fig tree" in Matthew 21:19 - "Let no fruit grow on thee henceforth FOREVER." (Emphasis added.)

In 2 Chron. 6:16, "true Israel" is called the "Temple of God," while in Rev. 2:9; 3:9, the "false JEW" is called "the synagogue of Satan."

Most of our evangelical and fundamentalist theologians assume that the modern Jews are JUDAH; they assume that one day they will all be saved when they accept Christ as their Messiah and that 144,000 of them will assume an evangelistic role and go out into a world, where the Holy Spirit has been withdrawn, and save multitudes. Yet these same preachers say that people cannot be saved without the wooing of the Holy Spirit. How contradictory they are! For the most part, these men have completely lost sight of true Israel; those who disappeared into Assyrian captivity and were finally brought to their APPOINTED PLACE IN THE NEW WORLD.

Let me digress for a few paragraphs, to show you how we know America is the APPOINTED PLACE of 2 Samuel 7:10. There are a few Scriptural clues that are never used by the Identity detractors. Isaiah 41:18-20 gives a description of this new land. "I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water." This has been done in Palestine on a small scale. But our detractors never want to look at America and see what God hath wrought here. Go to southern California and Arizona, look at areas which a few years ago were nothing but desert and see how they are now producing the food which feeds the world. Vs. 19 - "I (God) will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the ****tah tree, and the myrtle, and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the fir tree, and the pine, and the box tree together." Note the type of trees which will be found in this wilderness area. The "oil tree" which Strong's Concordance (8081) says is the ''pine;'' ''the fir tree, with the cypress'', (1265) and most interesting of all, the ''box'' tree (8391). Why is this of interest? Because there are only two places in the world where these trees grow. In Lebanon, where they are almost extinct, and on the west coast of the United States, where our "giant redwood - identical to the "Cedars of Lebanon" were planted by God, for His people, some over 5,000 years ago. It staggers the imagination.

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 06:02 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 01/14/09 06:31 PM
Yamin..... you and Yahgirl and I, and even Miles....are all talking about the same Messiah....

The only difference is....

you call him Yeshua...we christians call him Jesus....

but most importantly....

God LOOKS at our hearts to SEE if we have INVITED HIS SON our Lord and Saviour.....and therefore, God looks to see if his Son lives in our hearts.


Christianity is not a religion...but a are not about religion either...

but are about relationhip with Abba Father ....

which comes thru accepting His Son Jesus (Yeshua) into our hearts ,as our Personal Saviour..and then making Him our Lord......

and yes....we ALSO worship God in Spirit and Truth.....

and no....christians do NOT believe Jesus did away with the law....but instead, cause Jesus said, he came to FULFILL the law...

but the enemy woud lie against christians.....
and sadly, you and some others here, believe these lies..and then come on here to attack us christians....

and the enemy laughs.....

When we should be instead, coming on here,
and worshipping our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ( Yeshua) in One accord....

so people could see the Love of the Lord in us....

but instead....

they see this nonsense of christians being attacked.....and again... the devil just laughs at us....

as do also the people reading this forum.

Praying with all my heart now.....

that God will bring us all together in ONE ACCORD....

as we lift up our ONE LORD AND SAVIOUR....

the One God sent to Save all mankind...His Name being Jesus Christ(or Yeshua in Hebrew) .

Heavenly Father, I Thank You for dealing with hearts now, in Jesus Precious Holy Name, Amen.

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 06:22 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 01/14/09 06:25 PM

You will know the Love of the Father is in them,

because the SON is living in their hearts.

Also... you shall know them by their fruits.

1John does not say if anyone say they have the Love of Yahweh in them and do not keep his commandments that they are a liar and the Love of Yahweh is not in them. This and the Love of the Brethern are the signs of the Believer along with confessing Yahshua is the son of the Living Elohim.

By these 3 do we know but the one that is easiest to know is they will keep the commandments of Yahweh. They can not be part of the son if they do not do this.

Rev. 12 speaks of the Saints in this manner also as does ch.19...Blessings...Miles

Born again christians DO keep God's commandments....
out of LOVE for God...

and the reason they keep God's commandments , IS because they are now BORN OF GOD....


Yahsgirl66's photo
Wed 01/14/09 07:20 PM
Edited by Yahsgirl66 on Wed 01/14/09 07:29 PM

Yamin..... you and Yahgirl and I, and even Miles....are all talking about the same Messiah....

No Morning we are NOT speaking of the same Messiah. The one you speak of and worship is said to be born on xmas, and rose on easter. We don't adhere to those lies.

The only difference is....

you call him Yeshua...we christians call him Jesus....

There is more of a difference than what you have stated. Do you adhere to the following?

No Pork, no forbidden foods
Keep the Sabbath (sunset Friday to sunset Saturday)
Keep YAH's Set Apart days
You call your christ lord...please get a dictionary and look up that word.
We speak to you in Spirit and Truth.
We LIVE our lives in Spirit and Truth
We study and as a result of studying we know that what you call christian is FALSE.
You SAY that you wish we could become as one, and that you will pray for that to manifest.
I say that I will pray for Yahweh to open your eyes and your ears to His TRUTH and that you turn away from the world.
We are in the world but we are not of it.
I used to consider myself a xtian (thanks Yamin 4 that one) but after I started studying to show myself approved I learned the TRUTH and what you profess is NOT truth. It is a lie!
Instead of coming back with a snappy answer of YOUR words, I challenge you to do some research. Not for me but for YOU!

BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Fossilized Customs.

but most importantly....

God LOOKS at our hearts to SEE if we have INVITED HIS SON our Lord and Saviour.....and therefore, God looks to see if his Son lives in our hearts.

YAHWEH is YOUR SAVIOUR! He tells us that the only one that will save us is HIMSELF.


Christianity is not a religion...but a are not about religion either...

xtianity is a religion...

but are about relationhip with Abba Father ....

Relationships are NOT built on lies.

which comes thru accepting His Son Jesus (Yeshua) into our hearts ,as our Personal Saviour..and then making Him our Lord......

There is that word again..l--d look it up.

and yes....we ALSO worship God in Spirit and Truth.....

which g-d are you talking about? There are many false ones about. There is only ONE Elohim.

and no....christians do NOT believe Jesus did away with the law....but instead, cause Jesus said, he came to FULFILL the law...

Scriptures says that those that LOVE HIM will KEEP His commandments...there are more than 10.

but the enemy woud lie against christians.....
and sadly, you and some others here, believe these lies..and then come on here to attack us christians....

No one is attacking you, we speak to you out of LOVE as we are instructed to do. We are snatching as many as we can from Ha Satan's grip, but you hold so tightly to the lie as if your life depended on it. When the fact is Your life depends on letting go of that lie.

and the enemy laughs.....

Indeed the enemy laughs, he laughs because he still has you in his grip. BUT Yahweh willing YAH will snatch you back, if you only open your heart and let Him direct your life towards TRUTH.

When we should be instead, coming on here,
and worshipping our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ( Yeshua) in One accord....

Resist the devil and he will flee, than we could worship in Spirit and Truth together. But I, nor Yamin nor Miles will worship the lie. The Truth is so MUCH BETTER!

so people could see the Love of the Lord in us....

but instead....

they see this nonsense of christians being attacked.....and again... the devil just laughs at us....

as do also the people reading this forum.

People have laughed at me all my life, didn't bother me then doesn't bother me now. I feel compassion for those that resist the Truth and I TRUST in my Father YAH that His plan will produce good fruit.

Baruch HaShem YHWH (Bless His Name YAHWEH!)



no photo
Wed 01/14/09 07:47 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 01/14/09 07:57 PM
Yahgirl.. I tried.

I rest my case... and will say no more....

One closing note:

It is NOT in trying to keep laws of the OLD TESTAMENT, that gets you saved, Yahgirl...

You must be born again ,yahgirl.
Don't dismiss this....

Also...Jesus brought us a a new covenant...

You are still trying to keep the old jewish laws....legalism.

No one could keep the law..that is why God sent us a saviour.

Praying you will see this and get saved...and get out from under legalism.

Be Blessed now.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 01/14/09 07:56 PM
You will know the Love of the Father is in them,

because the SON is living in their hearts.

Also... you shall know them by their fruits.

This is very true MorningSong.

You know I have been on here posting about Yahweh's word for over 2 years now.

This is not the 1st time but it is very nice though.

I have never met and have only emailed Yamin a couple of times. But we see what each other posts and smile with gladness.

This is because nobody can say what the 3 of us say without the Love of Yahweh in them.

so immediately without knowing each other we are in agreement because what we see is the Truth of the Scriptures in us.

I thank Yahweh for bringing Yamin and Yahsgirl66 on here as a 2nd and 3rd witness.

I know as you know also that they get a much better responce than I do and Praise Yahweh for that.

the thing is when you do learn of Yahweh and his way of doing things you resongonize that in someone else real quick.

The peace it brings you because you know they are your brother or sister and thier is no fear but only that True peace between you I and many call Yahweh's True Shalom.

I am sure that it did not take much reading for anyone else to realize we are saying the same thing.

This is True Shalom because Yamin and Yahsgirl66 do stand out as Lights on a Mountain for all to see and i see that light very brightly and feel as if I am with family even though all we really know about each other is we Believe Yahweh's word is the same Yesterday,Today and Tommorrow.

That speaks volumes because knowing what they believe I know thier character almost instantly because the Word is The Living Word which we all try to live to it's fullests.

I Thank Yahweh for this Knowledge he imparts on us to see each other through a darkened world.. May Yahweh of Hosts Shine all Around His Children...Miles

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/14/09 07:57 PM

Yahgirl.. I tried.

I rest my case... and will say no more....

One closing note:

You must be born again ,yahgirl.
Don't dismiss this....

Be Blessed now.

They believe in the biblical god as far as I can tell MS, just not exactly what you believe.

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 08:04 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 01/14/09 08:09 PM I said..we are worshipping the same Messiah...if you could just see this..and get from under legalism..all would be fine.

But only God can reveal this to you all....I can't.

Plus.. you must be born again Miles...important...cause I notice you and Yamin and Yahgirl dismiss this a lot....

cause it is not in trying to keep the old testament laws ,that gets you saved, Miles.

But again...only God can reveal this to you...I will be praying....cause I care for you all to get free from this legalism you are under.

When you are born again, you will see this clearly.
Will say no more...cause then, it only becomes arguing.

Be Blessed now....:heart::heart::heart:

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/14/09 08:06 PM
How do you guys know who’s "revelation" is true or not? huh

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 08:16 PM
Same revelation ...same Messiah...same bible...but some are misinterpreting scripture.....caught up in legalism....

but...what can I say......

no one is "growed up" in the full knowledge of the Word of God yet...

and Thankfully, God ain't done with any of us yet, Krimsa......flowerforyou

so...will leave it at that....

I am at perfect peace and rest with my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ...

Praying that same peace and rest for all now.

Nite nite....:heart::heart::heart:

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/14/09 08:27 PM
If the revelation is all the same, what does it matter if you are born again or not?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 01/14/09 08:32 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Wed 01/14/09 08:36 PM
Just what is being Born again?

Did not the disciples when the fiery tongue of Yahweh lit on them speak the wonderful works of Yahweh as all who heard them in thier own tongue?

This is the baptism by fire speaking his words with zeal that can only come from him through a clean Temple.

faith comes by hearing.

This is what happened that Day of first Fruits they died of themselves putting off the old man and the manifestation of the Spirit was heard by all that was around.

Not the bable that we hear.. Because faith comes by hearing and Blessed are the ears that hear.

It is a Blessing to hear the word.

The word did not majically change after Yahshua Rose.

no he came and was with his disciples and as many as 500 saw him in the flesh.

What do you think he was doing for those 40 days?

forty days seems to be a time of testing ones self as even Yahshua went up to be tested by satan

We are told thier are fiery tongues and these fiery tongues are the Word of Yahweh you have heard from the beginning.

They have come upon man as a manifestation of His Truth with all boldness to speak as Peter did that day.

This spirit we all hear of is thier but no ones see's it because a lie has been purported on people that we do not need the law that it somehow was bad it was against us contrary to us.

Yahweh's Torah is not what was against us or Yahshua died in vain. He is who he is from the keeping of the law.

Behold the Lamb of Yahweh spotless coming as lamb to the sheerers.

We must have that Law inside us as Satan/Helel can not extinquish the Righteousness of the Saints.

That Righteousness is the Boldness they speak of the Law.

We are told that at the time of the end of this age one will come to change times and laws.

Just what times and laws is the Man of Sin comming to change?

How can it be anything but the Law of Yahweh.

The whole world would be decieved if it were possible but that small remnant who keep Yahweh;s ways in thier heart as a pot of Gold will see him for who he is.

2 witnesses come on the scene as Moses and Aaron did before Yahweh took the people out of Egypt.

They will speak boldly about this darkened world and how adulterized this world has become and do as Yahshua's cousin and tell the people to repent.

But this time the prophecy of Isa 61 will be in full bloom because he comes back with vengence for his people.

As the soulds under the alter in Rev asks. How long oh master before our blood is avenged?

They are told a short while. This short while is dealed out in the High Days or Set Apart times of Yahweh.

For as since the beginning no time has been as this time which is Set Apart.

Those adhering to the Torah will know the coming not the hour but the short coming of Yahshua by this Redemptive Plan that has been before the eyes of the world all along.

They just refuse to hear it.

When this time comes no one will beable to come against the Elect for the Word of Yahweh is all they need as a shield.

The man of sin comes as a peace keeper when in his heart he is a destroyer who lies with softening words giving you what you want to hear.

This is in conflict of Yahweh's word as it is piercing to the heart.

So when you think that Yahweh's word that has allways been and is everlasting.

Think about one small part of Zech 14 9-14.

Then ask yourself why would Yahweh do away with the law while Yahshua was in Heaven. Then bring it back for the Millium?

Just why would he do that MorningSong.

Blessings of Shalom...Miles

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 08:33 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 01/14/09 08:35 PM

Jesus said," You MUST be born again."

Jesus said, "NO man comes to the Father BUT BY ME."

In other words....Salvation does NOT come, by trying to keep old jewish laws .

The revelation is the same and available for all......

but one cannot recieve it, until one is born again.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/14/09 08:35 PM


Jesus said," You MUST be born again."

Jesus said, "NO man comes to the Father BUT BY ME."

In other words....Salvation does NOT come, by trying to keep old jewish laws .

Except those "Old Jewish Laws" were the word of God correct?

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 11:07 PM


Jesus said," You MUST be born again."

Jesus said, "NO man comes to the Father BUT BY ME."

In other words....Salvation does NOT come, by trying to keep old jewish laws .

Except those "Old Jewish Laws" were the word of God correct?

That was a false God, or else he was over-thrown by Jesus. Yep, there must have been another war in heaven and Jesus over threw the God of the new testament.

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 01:06 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 01/15/09 01:23 AM
Gonna say this one time..and one time only.....

You have come on here before, calling Jesus satan....anti-christ.
Not good!!

Yamin and Yahgirl... you both have come on here, condemning christians and Jesus.
Not good!!

There is a rising up in these last days , of religious sects, that condemn Jesus and christianity.
And they harrass and attack christians...and truly beleive they are doing God's will!!

Praying you guys wake up and relaize this.....and get OUT of these sects that are condemning christians!!

Here is just one of those sects that ATTACK christians!!!

I have moderated forums before..and have dwealt with these attacks before....there are several variations...and by the way.... NONE of them believe in being born again!!!

And these attacks against christinaity is none other, but a religious spirit in operation...and you guys are falling for it.....hook , line and sinker!!


I am praying you guys get free in Jesus name......or Yeshua name if you want to say his Name in hebrew.....but I am as sincere about this as I can be....
and am asking God to show you the sincerity of my heart here, regarding this matter......

once more.. there is a dangerous religious onslaught of attacks against christianity....all a part of the enemy's schemes in the last days....and you guys are falling for it!!!

Look at this website example, of one of many attacks against christianity...and this is just one website...recognize it?

Pages and pages of lifting up Jesus or Yeshua..just long pages of CONDEMNATION!!!

Does that sound like the LOVE OF GOD to you???

There are others, who focus on Jesus ONLY being called yeshua....then there are other sects ,who believe Jesus should only be called Yaheshua........all attacking and judging others.

Born again Christians that are truly born again...... have an assurance and rest and peace in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ....we KNOW we are born of doubts....and must be born again.

Praying you will recieve what I share in earnest here....and get yourselves free.

And I am dead serious here......
This is not a joking matter....this is a tool of the enemy ....this attack and lying against christians in these last days...please wake up.

I am praying with all my heart, cause I care about you guys.... that this message truly gets the Name of Jesus...Amen.

Take care now.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 01/15/09 01:54 AM
The link you provided i have never heard of these before. I looked at the site and I will have to check it out some more but I do not see what they are doing as a Yahwist trait. I did not see a fundlemental of faith link for them. I believe they are Messianic Jews which we are not. Also you continue to say we do not believe in being born again. That is not true. We see it differently but I have never said i am not born again. This seems to be a big point to you. Blessings..Miles

Krimsa's photo
Thu 01/15/09 05:07 AM


Jesus said," You MUST be born again."

Jesus said, "NO man comes to the Father BUT BY ME."

In other words....Salvation does NOT come, by trying to keep old jewish laws .

Except those "Old Jewish Laws" were the word of God correct?

Please can anyone answer this because it is a very important question? What is the OT exactly and isn’t it the word of god?

TBRich's photo
Thu 01/15/09 05:42 AM
Well technically many scholars believe that since much of Jesus' teaching vary so much from traditional jewish thought, that he was either involved with Essene or Nazarene "cults", for example there is no heaven or hell in jewish thought. You also have the variety of mistranslations and misintrepretation of the old testament (You know what- you will always see a preacher on Sunday TV doing exegesis on the Old Testament, but you never see a Rabbi on Saturday TV doing exegesis on the New Testament). I think it was Timothy Frenkle (Frankle, Frankenstein) who published the review of Jesus as a mirror of other Pagan dying and resurrecting gods, similar life story, similar teaching, similar symbolism (for example the fish symbol was a symbol for Adonis, prior to being used by Xians.)

Krimsa's photo
Thu 01/15/09 05:58 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Thu 01/15/09 05:58 AM
Okay that makes sense but what I’m getting at here is often we will hear Christians on forum attempting to dodge responsibility for the atrocities perpetrated in the OT. We hear them say things like well that was "Old Jewish Law" or that only applied to Israel.

What does that mean exactly? Isn’t it in the bible and isn’t it the word of god? You either take it or leave it.