Topic: Flee the Harlot Church
Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/13/09 05:40 AM

I think mirror has "spiritual identity" issues. There seems to be some discrepancies in his beliefs and they change from day to day.
:smile: Just because I talk about or explain about a religions particular beliefs doesn't mean I actually believe it.:smile:I am in it for the discussion.:smile:Not to talk about me.:smile:Talking about MY beliefs is boring to me and I could do that somewhere else if I wanted.flowerforyou

:tongue: And no, I dont actually believe in body thetans:tongue:

bigsmile Its a jokebigsmile

Well you should be clearer on that. On this thread you sounded as if you were agreeing with Yamin (as hard to believe as that is) and were of this faith. I don’t think you can blame anyone for questioning your sincerity at times.

flowerforyou I think what Yamin said is the scriptural truth.flowerforyou

That’s not impressive at all.
flowerforyou To you it isn't.flowerforyou

Yes, and I have clearly demonstrated why.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 01/13/09 08:10 AM

bigsmile I just want to clear this up.bigsmile

:smile: I am NOT a Scientologist and I don't believe in Xenu or body thetans.bigsmile

:tongue: Its a joke.:tongue:

happy I thought you people knew that.happy

I knew that. I was talking about THIS thread and the defensive stance you took in regards to Yamin and her beliefs. Most (if not all) find them to be problematic. The least of which is the subjugation of women. If you support her religion, then you support EVERYTHING it entails. That’s why some of us feel that you better think twice about this.

flowerforyou Its not about me and what I want Krimsa.flowerforyou The things I believe in are not about what I want.:smile: I seen that a lot of people did not understand what Yamin was speaking of and I did my best to clarify the things I understood.:smile: I am sure Yamin and I don't agree on everything but as far as what she wrote as the thread topic I can't say anything except that it IS scriptural.:smile:And yes, I know that doesnt mean anything to you.:smile:I wasnt saying that it did.:smile:

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/13/09 08:13 AM
You would have to clear up all of the horror, misogyny, contradictions and untruths found in the bible in order for that to mean anything to a lot of people. Your case is hurt by pointing this out in fact.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 01/13/09 08:47 AM

You would have to clear up all of the horror, misogyny, contradictions and untruths found in the bible in order for that to mean anything to a lot of people. Your case is hurt by pointing this out in fact.

flowerforyou That doesnt surprise me Krimsa.flowerforyouI never thought it would mean anything to a lot of people.flowerforyou

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/13/09 09:01 AM

You would have to clear up all of the horror, misogyny, contradictions and untruths found in the bible in order for that to mean anything to a lot of people. Your case is hurt by pointing this out in fact.

flowerforyou That doesnt surprise me Krimsa.flowerforyouI never thought it would mean anything to a lot of people.flowerforyou

I’m not hassling you. If you enjoy this philosophy for your own reasons, you have a right to. I don’t think you just randomly chose to jump in support of this out of the blue. You obviously find something about it appealing.

I’ll leave you to it.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 01/13/09 09:12 AM

You would have to clear up all of the horror, misogyny, contradictions and untruths found in the bible in order for that to mean anything to a lot of people. Your case is hurt by pointing this out in fact.

flowerforyou That doesnt surprise me Krimsa.flowerforyouI never thought it would mean anything to a lot of people.flowerforyou

I’m not hassling you. If you enjoy this philosophy for your own reasons, you have a right to. I don’t think you just randomly chose to jump in support of this out of the blue. You obviously find something about it appealing.

I’ll leave you to it.

flowerforyou Your not hassling me Krimsa.bigsmileMy involvment in this thread came about by me attempting to clarify the things Yamin posted about in the begining of this thread.:smile:Its not about what I find appealing.:smile:I found peoples reactions to be interesting.happyThere have been several surprises in this thread as far as peoples opinions on this subject.:smile:I enjoy the discussion.happyAll in all, I would consider this to be a successful thread.bigsmileAn interesting discussion.bigsmileThats what I am here for Krimsa.happyNot to bash or debunk or talk over and over again about what I believe like a lot of others do.flowerforyouI approach most of these discussions the same as I did in my religion courses in college.flowerforyouIts not as personal for me as it is for a lot of other people.flowerforyou

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/13/09 09:17 AM
Well anwyway. I anticipate another 18 pages of arguing on this one. laugh

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Tue 01/13/09 09:50 AM
Edited by BrandonJItaliano on Tue 01/13/09 09:51 AM

Just as Judah and Jerusalem were once in Babylonian Captivity, so are God's people today who are joined to the PIG EATING CHURCH in their hearts.

The church is not ruled by the Holy-spirit but by WITCHCRAFT.

The church is practicing witchcraft ,idolatry and confusion and it is an abomination to the Almighty.

Some people think they can compromise with a false religion ex. christianity. They try to serve Messiah in the camp of the Anti-Christ. They think they can serve Almighty Yah inwardly although they remain in a denomination that deviates from the Doctrine of Yahushua. If this is you, you are Mistaken.

'Come out of her,my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you recieve of her plagues...'

Stop eating Pig.
Stop worshipping pagan messiah jesus.
Stop celebrating pagan holidays.
Stop Venerating the Sun.
Stop worshipping Mary, the queen of heaven.
Stop practicing idolatry, bowing down to statues.
Stop wearing carved images of pagan jesus around your neck.
Get out of your flesh.
Stop loving lies and practicing satans falsehoods.
Stop agreeing with the devil.
Jezebel spirit wives stop ruling over your husbands and learn to submit to him. humble yourselves.
Ahab spirit husbands stop being a wimp and be a man.Be the leader you are ordained to be.Love and respect your wives and children provide for your household.
Submit to the one who made you.your Creator.
Love Him and guard His Commandments.

I can go on but you get the idea.

The church is the Mother of Harlots and if you share in her sins you are the sons and daughters of Babylon.

'For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubborness is as iniquity and idolatry. 1 Sam 15:22-23

I said this out of Love and Respect.:heart:

:heart: :smile: :heart: :smile: :heart: :smile: :heart:

Emancipate yourself from this mental slavery, you identify as your religious beliefs! All this ritualistic grotesque access is worthless, all you will ever need is a love filled heart and the rest will follow at Gods own speed. We are all equal, no matter an XX or an XY, that false ideal is one of worst ideals that has ever been implanted in the human brain, there is no place 4 Domination over another because repression just breeds retaliation. Ill leave u with these Four quotes from a man who should me the path, while Jesus should me the message, and Buddha should me the state of mind

"To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man's injustice to woman. If by strength is meant brute strength, then, indeed, is woman less brute than man. If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man's superior. Has she not greater intuition, is she not more self-sacrificing, has she not greater powers of endurance, has she not greater courage? Without her, man could not be. If nonviolence is the law of our being, the future is with woman. Who can make a more effective appeal to the heart than woman?"----Gandhi

"Religions are different roads converging to the same point. What does it matter that we take different road, so long as we reach the same goal. Wherein is the cause for quarrelling"?-----Gandhi

"I love your Christ. I do not love your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. The materialism of affluent Christian countries appears to contradict the claims of Jesus Christ that says it's not possible to worship both Mammon and God at the same time and they choose not to be the change that they wish to see in the world".---Gandhi

One love, one heart, lets give thanks and praise to the lord, and everything will be alright!--Bob Marley

norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 11:30 AM

What? They are not christians? Then who the heck have we been talking to all this time.. geezuz.. ok what are Yamin and Norsly anyway?

Ugh and we are supposed to figure out who the real god is>> ya right..

Will the real god please stand up.. ugh

Oh and what faith are you David?

The reason Yamin probably doesn't refer to herself as a Christian is because it was a term first used by the Romans in a very derogatory manner. Kind of like calling someone a "nigger". It is a name that stuck. I would prefer to call myself a "believer". I think a lot of early church here called "people of the way".

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/13/09 11:43 AM
Much like "Witch" referred to "Wise Woman" or healer.

davidben1's photo
Tue 01/13/09 03:43 PM
if mankind was created for the continuing learning and awareness of what be most good, and that cannot be created within any brain by only seeing just of good, or just of evil, then a group of all as one would not have served good purpose for learning by seeing, which be human living, from any human beginning, but, if ONE thing be split in half, that was ONCE created as a whole, and each half be given the same data, and EACH half be given it's own spectrum to peer thru, there once being said to be only two great views or powers, and each half then seeing and interpreting thru their purposed filter, and each half creating many offsprings, each and collectively all learning, all things human, living and creating all history, all lived out in a place called sad and happiness, pain and pleasure, peace and unpeace, heart and mind, wisdom and knowledge, physical and spiritual, love and hate, heaven and hell, and after a space of time alotted for the aquiring of all knowledge be over, the two beginning filters that created many perceptions no longer be needed, each half seeing it would know nothing of what be good less it had been for the other collective half, and all things each one see itself was also two halves, and would not have known any good less it be for this within self as well, the childs of all knowing, of all compassion, of all love, of all anger, of all wrath, of all distain, of all hate, of all collected knowledge, see a great and grand purpose of many things that once caused fear of other humans, of other of the same spieces, of all other pieces, and the puzzle of the creation of humankind become pieced together, as what were once called childs gain insight into things that were once hidden from all, and the sight of why is glorious and wonderful, and the sight of how it all came to be is collected from all, and the sight of what it was all purposed to create, overwhelm each and every heart with forgivness, and erase all distain that only came from not yet knowing, that only came first from the fear instilled by a purposed self preservation, and each become as connected to self, erasing within each the two halves of the voice of love and hate, and the chains of the two choices that shackled, the ever constant choice of preserving self or preserving others, that created preserving self interest or preserving common interest, that created preserving hate or preserving love, are removed from each one each day, and the love of laying aside all the weights that beset and stole love for a human time are embraced, and the greatest self confidence and good pride and good satisfaction and good peace, that come from the wanting to lay down itself for what was once it's enemy, flood the hearts and slay the dragon fear of afraid for self from the mind, and the once spoken greatest love overtake the world for a new era and a new dawn, and the fulfillment of the knowing of the hearts, that there be a greater love than laying down one's life for a friend be had, that was never before meant to be known is created within each living being, that even greater be laying down ones life for an enemey.......

and the power of the weeping hearts of compassion for all that was once evil, with the knowing of what and how and why all such things had been created, cause the blooming of the great plant called humankind, and unveil the blooming of the great flower man and earth, and all ancients that once foretold thru mysterious and confusing and perplexing words, become as satisfied and solved, and the great family reunion once spoken be set forth, and humankind rule and solve all things in perfect wisdom and perfect peace for a thousand years as adults of knowing, and all peoples tasting of the perfect garden and perfect humankind, envoke the proclaiming of one and all with one unanimous voice, that each tear and each pain and each sorrow would be lived over again in a second, even as many times as asked of, to gain the tasting of the now seen grandeaur, of what all things from the beginning were purposed to create, and all are one and one are all..........

and the reunion and the learning of all peoples of all peoples, coming and being as one family, of all as one now immortal that live, feast on eternal wisdom that answer all questions that were had, and teach each and all of equality in all things, and how to use the now unvieled powers practicing a new higher form of power, purposed for all childs upon the end of a cycle upon graduation from human, and as childs playing without fear with new found toys, the learning of a all new set of unimaginable skills, take a thousand years, and will be needed for the next realm, and all as equal taste of the paradise that is good, living as divine that no words can describe, and when the thousand years be over the millenium as complete, all walk into the next stage of always learning adding awareness, and in the year of three thousand all disperce to a new higher realm, all as one a new cilization to set forth, and all and one begin the new task of ever increasing new learning, wise and able but not this part ever having yet done, speak the next cycle into existence and watch as a new earth and humans are birthed from dirt, and all that are now are as founding fathers to be, create a new cycle of humans soon new loved ones to be, each creating a new human below, entrusted with the learning of a soul down below, remebering the pain and sorrow we all once felt, when we were human and did not see, learning how difficult being a god can be, seeing the human suffer with pain and misery, us all now as invisible to the humans that be, only able to whisper to the subconsious you see, each here now entrusted with it's own human below, learning to whisper what will cause much sorrow and pain, knowing full well for we once felt the same, now above as gods in another realm we be, to teach all things below what good and well will later be, teaching all the pass thru the womb of the earth, a slow painful walk to total equality, a new higher learning and knowing we all here then can feel, knowing none on earth yet know the purpose or end, whats really happening and to where they will go, just as we all had to bear when we were below, and none could except watching all this to see, except for the knowing of the eternal they will later see, the grandeaur that lie in waite when all humans below created finish their race, the puppet masters that were once puppets, also now gradute too you see, and all of us here on earth now each one a fe and male, begin and form each their own universe and galaxie, what was once each male and fe as a once adam and eve, begin a new higher challenge of creating new bigger things worlds than we have seen.......

for in the beginning all that was created to later be, took many things and knowing that we were never supposed to see......

just ignorant ideas.........


Yamin's photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:00 PM
MirrorMirror I appreciate your help in clarifying anything that I have said on this thread in order for anyone to get understanding. Thankyou!:smile:

what's it to you Krimsa if MirrorMirror agrees with me or not. He is entitled to his own belief. You dont have to agree. But why do you care if anyone else does? so what! Everything I said is scriptural. It's not me your disagreeing with anyway, these are not my words, instructions, or commandments. They are the Creator's words, instructions,commandments. I just telling it because the false church is not telling the followers. I just trying to be an inspiration to the body. This is the Good News Yahushua told us to go out into the world and preach.So this is what I shall do.I just being obedient. It's all out of love. Peoples souls are at stake.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :smile: :heart: :smile:


no photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:14 PM
They are the Creator's words, instructions,commandments.

I agree these things you say are scriptural. But there is no way you can prove that they are any "creators" words. Nobody can prove that. You can only choose to believe the authority of the authors of the books or not. I choose not.

no photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:26 PM

MirrorMirror I appreciate your help in clarifying anything that I have said on this thread in order for anyone to get understanding. Thankyou!:smile:

what's it to you Krimsa if MirrorMirror agrees with me or not. He is entitled to his own belief. You dont have to agree. But why do you care if anyone else does? so what! Everything I said is scriptural. It's not me your disagreeing with anyway, these are not my words, instructions, or commandments. They are the Creator's words, instructions,commandments. I just telling it because the false church is not telling the followers. I just trying to be an inspiration to the body. This is the Good News Yahushua told us to go out into the world and preach.So this is what I shall do.I just being obedient. It's all out of love. Peoples souls are at stake.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :smile: :heart: :smile:


Matters little to those of us that think it's all unacceptable as truth.

You won't convince many in the so called false church because they are as convinced as you are. I have no doubt you sincerely believe what you believe though.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:46 PM

What? They are not christians? Then who the heck have we been talking to all this time.. geezuz.. ok what are Yamin and Norsly anyway?

Ugh and we are supposed to figure out who the real god is>> ya right..

Will the real god please stand up.. ugh

Oh and what faith are you David?

The reason Yamin probably doesn't refer to herself as a Christian is because it was a term first used by the Romans in a very derogatory manner. Kind of like calling someone a "nigger". It is a name that stuck. I would prefer to call myself a "believer". I think a lot of early church here called "people of the way".

noway shocked

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:51 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 01/13/09 07:52 PM
Yamin said:

Everything I said is scriptural.

That is not very impressive at all. Who cares if it comes from the bible? The bible was written by men. Probably very dishonest, power hungry subversive men at that. Can you provide any kind of evidence to refute this? Many of us are clearly capable of substantiating it.

no photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:53 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 01/13/09 07:55 PM

What? They are not christians? Then who the heck have we been talking to all this time.. geezuz.. ok what are Yamin and Norsly anyway?

Ugh and we are supposed to figure out who the real god is>> ya right..

Will the real god please stand up.. ugh

Oh and what faith are you David?

The reason Yamin probably doesn't refer to herself as a Christian is because it was a term first used by the Romans in a very derogatory manner. Kind of like calling someone a "nigger". It is a name that stuck. I would prefer to call myself a "believer". I think a lot of early church here called "people of the way".

noway shocked

My sentiments exactly.noway shocked Where does this information come from?
The Romans created Christianity because the hated the Jews and Judaism. They did not like the old religion.

But of course the Romans did not like anyone but themselves. They probably didn't have much respect for the Christians either, they simply wanted to control the people and tax them.

Yamin's photo
Tue 01/13/09 08:49 PM


The reason Yamin probably doesn't refer to herself as a Christian is because it was a term first used by the Romans in a very derogatory manner. Kind of like calling someone a "nigger". It is a name that stuck. I would prefer to call myself a "believer". I think a lot of early church here called "people of the way".


This is not the reason why I do not refer to myself as a xtian. It is not because some despicable white person(s) has referred to some African American people or any people with such a derogatory term as such. Maybe you say this because this gives you a way to show your true hypocritical self. You even have the audacity to show your ugly face on this site with your ugly terms to try and justify my reasons for not referring myself as a xtian. If you want to know then just simply you ask, or maybe you dont refer yourself as a christian to disassociate yourself from the term white devil,simply because the early christians committed many horrific unmerciful murders.


:smile: :heart: :smile:

no photo
Tue 01/13/09 09:04 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 01/13/09 09:05 PM

:smile: :heart: :smile:

That's good advice. I would still like to know where that person (norslyman) gets his information on this.

It was a bad example in any case.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/13/09 09:40 PM
I think a lot of early church here called "people of the way".

Does that statement have any historical validity to it? I have yet to ever hear Christians referred to in this manner in the bible. huh