Topic: If you think intelligent design should be taught in schools. | |
I just couldn't read the tone.. Lol there should be shame. the bible says its wrong. I have a hard time with that one though too. I do not judge I care not what they are and am good friends with some but will I be condemned by god because of that?
I wasn't calling you a liar, I was explaining why Jess's post was a logical fallacy. If you want to be offended, the go right ahead. She is saying "Well, Invisible says it and she's a German, so it must be the truth", but that doesn't follow. I'm sure this is incredibly offensive to you, but it wasn't intended to be so. And how was it then with your statement that people who believe that the Nazis were right winged are uneducated and ill informed, accusing nearly the whole German population of it? I'm not to take that serious either? If I was you I would start with thinking BEFORE spouting out these things. To know where the Nazis were standing you would have to know the entire political system in Germany at that time, which you clearly do not, otherwise you wouldn't say the things you do with such force. The Nazis of WWII were socialists. The government owned everything. They guaranteed a certain level of income and jobs to all citizens. They practiced eugenics, which was a VERY HOT socialist belief during the 20's - 40's. American socialists idealized the Nazis and practiced their own eugenics operations, which included Planned Parenthood (to deal with what Margaret Sanger called "The Negro Problem"). The Nazi government controlled every aspect of the peoples lives down to when the trains ran. Personal ownership is a conservative principle, not a Liberal one. In the US now, they want to take control of our auto industry. LIBERALS think that the government should be completely in charge while CONSERVATIVES believe in small government. The Nazis were a LIBERAL SOCIALIST party. I'm sorry if that is offensive, but I didn't bring it up to be offensive, but to correct MirrorMirror. None of you are offended that he said they were a far right wing organization and he hasn't tried even once to support that position. Your faux outrage shows that you are being dishonest. "I can't believe Spider would call the Nazis liberals!!!!!!!" But you don't even blink when the Nazis are called Conservative Christians. I know that you are someone who loves to be offended, so feel free to be offended by my post. Although Hitler did not practice religion in a churchly sense, he certainly believed in the Bible's God. Raised as Catholic he went to a monastery school and, interestingly, walked everyday past a stone arch which was carved the monastery's coat of arms which included a swastika. As a young boy, Hitler's most ardent goal was to become a priest. Much of his philosophy came from the Bible, and more influentially, from the Christian Social movement. (The German Christian Social movement, remarkably, resembles the Christian Right movement in America today.) Many have questioned Hitler's stand on Christianity. Although he fought against certain Catholic priests who opposed him for political reasons, his belief in God and country never left him. Many Christians throughout history have opposed Christian priests for various reasons; this does not necessarily make one against one's own Christian beliefs. Nor did the Vatican's Pope & bishops ever disown him; in fact they blessed him! This is blantantly false! Just read the Wiki article on Hitler and you'll see that Hitlers religious beliefs are totally contradictory to this. Hitler was antichristian. oh yeah the wiki artical. I seem to remember you trashing wiki if anyone else used it. and you have been shown many times over that Hitler was in fact a christian but you still refuse to see it. And that explains you not seeing the facts of evolution. And not seeing ID as the junk science it is. There is no way you can find one believer on the face of this earth who would not be rolling on the floor laughing at the statement "Hitler was in fact a Christian". This statement demonstrates that you have no idea what a christian even is. And that - is a fact! As to Wiki - it's being used all over this thread to attempt to prove Hitler a christian, when in fact - as Krimsa pointed out in her recapping the wiki article, Hitler was dead set against christianity. You just can't have it both ways. I've never said there is not truth or fact in Wiki - but the topic being discussed is relevant to the reliability of wikia basis of fact and truth. In the circumstance of Hitler - wiki tends to be reliable, because it can site the references to it's findings, which in turn can be researched to establish reliability. Then the reader can determine for themselves whether the author of the wiki article is presenting the facts from an unbiased viewpoint. It is easy to see that through Hitler's actions he was not a christian. And it matters not what Hitler said publically because he was a notorious liar. He lied to his people, to fellow world leaders, even to his best friends, many of whom he had murdered. Are you expecting me to believe that in your opinion Hitler represented the values and morals of a believer in Jesus Christ and that he was a disciple of him? Jesus was a Jew. Where do you think he stood in the realm of those whom Hitler admired? By the way... There are no facts of "evolution" as an origin of the species. It is a "theory", just as I.D. is. Neither of them are science. If you think so - you do not know what science is either. What "facts" of evolution are you refering to that you think I don't see? |
It's called Liberalism.The moral demise of America starting with the hippie movement in the 1960's and their "if it feels good it must be good mentality".Aeithiest joined the liberals and you have what we have today...Don't believe in anything,whats wrong is right,what's good is bad.Much like Jane fonda sitting on the anti-aircraft guns in the Vietnam war you have the liberals and Aeithest holding the gasoline can and the match waiting to burn the churches down.They have wasted millions of tax payers dollars on wasted lawsuits to take "one nation under God" out of the pledge of allegiance,"in God we trust off of the money",the ten commandments out of the courthouses,and many more.They haven't won a single lawsuit nor have they succeeded in any of the objections mentioned above.This was is and will always be a Christian nation under God.
I just couldn't read the tone.. Lol there should be shame. the bible says its wrong. I have a hard time with that one though too. I do not judge I care not what they are and am good friends with some but will I be condemned by god because of that? Be condemned by God for having gay friends? I think God is more loving then that. I think he's teaches us not to judge and to be kind to others. |
It's called Liberalism.The moral demise of America starting with the hippie movement in the 1960's and their "if it feels good it must be good mentality".Aeithiest joined the liberals and you have what we have today...Don't believe in anything,whats wrong is right,what's good is bad.Much like Jane fonda sitting on the anti-aircraft guns in the Vietnam war you have the liberals and Aeithest holding the gasoline can and the match waiting to burn the churches down.They have wasted millions of tax payers dollars on wasted lawsuits to take "one nation under God" out of the pledge of allegiance,"in God we trust off of the money",the ten commandments out of the courthouses,and many more.They haven't won a single lawsuit nor have they succeeded in any of the objections mentioned above.This was is and will always be a Christian nation under God. Hello? There are extremists in both sides. It's wrong to judge a whole group of people by the extremists in that group. Jane Fonda was waaaaay out there. This country was not founded for Christianity, btw. It was founded to have freedom of religion - not just one religion. Regarding the Pledge of Allegiance: A pastor from another country put that in there. I think it was the 1950's. I forgot what year. I'll look it up. Christian Democrat here, btw. |
Edited by
Sun 12/14/08 11:37 PM
Hitler was mentally ill.
Paranoid schizophrenics are obsessed with God. That doesn't make them religious. |
It would be no bigger sin to have a gay friend than to have a friend who is a murder,drug addict,prostitute,or other similar person.As a Christian it's not a good idea to be friends with people who could be a bad influence on us including gays.If these friends were Christians it would be important to get them back on the right track and to start living the way they should be living.
There is much talk about Jesus and gays and would Jesus love gays.Jesus would love gays just as much as any other sinner but he would also tell those gays that they are rebelling against God and they need to change.Much like when Jesus met Mary and she was a prositute.He told her she should sin no more and she didn't.Jesus would not be friends with Mary if she continued to be a prostitute.There is much devoted to the bible about who you should and should not associate with. |
Edited by
Sun 12/14/08 11:39 PM
If you could trust teachers to tell the truth, it wouldn't be an issue. Like I was pointing out in my last post, a lot of teachers who have religious agendas are going to be very tempted to outright lie and act like science supports their theological views when it truly doesn't. The bottom line is that if they could be trusted to tell the truth, in the first place, then they'd confess that there isn't any evidence for Intelligent Design to begin with. The mere fact that they believe there is already shows that they are either uneducated themsleves, or they have such a strong theological agenda that they truly don't care about facts. Either way, it's a lose-lose situation. And if we could get them to confess that there is indeed no evidence that man shares a common ancestor with apes and that there's really no evidence for evolution to begin with - then they wouldn't be biased toward investigating either possibility and having examined each theory - make an informed decision for themselves rather than a biased one based on unsubstanciated "proof". |
It's called Liberalism.The moral demise of America starting with the hippie movement in the 1960's and their "if it feels good it must be good mentality".Aeithiest joined the liberals and you have what we have today...Don't believe in anything,whats wrong is right,what's good is bad.Much like Jane fonda sitting on the anti-aircraft guns in the Vietnam war you have the liberals and Aeithest holding the gasoline can and the match waiting to burn the churches down.They have wasted millions of tax payers dollars on wasted lawsuits to take "one nation under God" out of the pledge of allegiance,"in God we trust off of the money",the ten commandments out of the courthouses,and many more.They haven't won a single lawsuit nor have they succeeded in any of the objections Hello? There are extremists in both sides. It's wrong to judge a whole group of people by the extremists in that group. Jane Fonda was waaaaa Then why is In God We Trust on our money? The ten commandments in the courthouses? |
Edited by
Sun 12/14/08 11:45 PM
It would be no bigger sin to have a gay friend than to have a friend who is a murder,drug addict,prostitute,or other similar person.As a Christian it's not a good idea to be friends with people who could be a bad influence on us including gays.If these friends were Christians it would be important to get them back on the right track and to start living the way they should be living. There is much talk about Jesus and gays and would Jesus love gays.Jesus would love gays just as much as any other sinner but he would also tell those gays that they are rebelling against God and they need to change.Much like when Jesus met Mary and she was a prositute.He told her she should sin no more and she didn't.Jesus would not be friends with Mary if she continued to be a prostitute.There is much devoted to the bible about who you should and should not associate with. I never read "much talk" about Jesus and gays. There was hardly any talk about it at all. How is being around gay people a bad influence? It's not going to make another person gay. |
Yeah yeah. Give me her name. Or can the bible not be bothered with the names of females? Adam and Eve were the first two people of the bible. |
Edited by
Sun 12/14/08 11:45 PM
It's called Liberalism.The moral demise of America starting with the hippie movement in the 1960's and their "if it feels good it must be good mentality".Aeithiest joined the liberals and you have what we have today...Don't believe in anything,whats wrong is right,what's good is bad.Much like Jane fonda sitting on the anti-aircraft guns in the Vietnam war you have the liberals and Aeithest holding the gasoline can and the match waiting to burn the churches down.They have wasted millions of tax payers dollars on wasted lawsuits to take "one nation under God" out of the pledge of allegiance,"in God we trust off of the money",the ten commandments out of the courthouses,and many more.They haven't won a single lawsuit nor have they succeeded in any of the objections Hello? There are extremists in both sides. It's wrong to judge a whole group of people by the extremists in that group. Jane Fonda was waaaaay out there.
Then why is In God We Trust on our money? The ten commandments in the courthouses? Courthouses and the printing of money happened after the Constitution was written. Christianity is the largest religious group in the U.S. |
It's called Liberalism.The moral demise of America starting with the hippie movement in the 1960's and their "if it feels good it must be good mentality".Aeithiest joined the liberals and you have what we have today...Don't believe in anything,whats wrong is right,what's good is bad.Much like Jane fonda sitting on the anti-aircraft guns in the Vietnam war you have the liberals and Aeithest holding the gasoline can and the match waiting to burn the churches down.They have wasted millions of tax payers dollars on wasted lawsuits to take "one nation under God" out of the pledge of allegiance,"in God we trust off of the money",the ten commandments out of the courthouses,and many more.They haven't won a single lawsuit nor have they succeeded in any of the objections mentioned above.This was is and will always be a Christian nation under God. Hello? There are extremists in both sides. It's wrong to judge a whole group of people by the extremists in that group. Jane Fonda was waaaaay out there. This country was not founded for Christianity, btw. It was founded to have freedom of religion - not just one religion. Regarding the Pledge of Allegiance: A pastor from another country put that in there. I think it was the 1950's. I forgot what year. I'll look it up. Christian Democrat here, btw. Yes I realize all of that.The pledge "One nation under God" was inserted in 1965.I also understand that the founding fathers wanted everyone to make up their mind on what religion they wanted and would not interfere with their choice either way.We can both agree that that if we had to say what the official religion of the United States has been since it's creation and what it is today would be Christianity.All the other religions have really had no significance as far as shaping the moral grounds the United States has.I have said this before,but you would be hard pressed to find any town in America that doesn't have a Christian church in it.And that has been the way it has always been since Americas creation. |
How come when you clone something it has the exact same look but different personality traits and tendancy.. Maybe because we all have our own unique soul..
I wonder if clones have souls? I've wondered that myself. |
It's called Liberalism.The moral demise of America starting with the hippie movement in the 1960's and their "if it feels good it must be good mentality".Aeithiest joined the liberals and you have what we have today...Don't believe in anything,whats wrong is right,what's good is bad.Much like Jane fonda sitting on the anti-aircraft guns in the Vietnam war you have the liberals and Aeithest holding the gasoline can and the match waiting to burn the churches down.They have wasted millions of tax payers dollars on wasted lawsuits to take "one nation under God" out of the pledge of allegiance,"in God we trust off of the money",the ten commandments out of the courthouses,and many more.They haven't won a single lawsuit nor have they succeeded in any of the objections mentioned above.This was is and will always be a Christian nation under God. Hello? There are extremists in both sides. It's wrong to judge a whole group of people by the extremists in that group. Jane Fonda was waaaaay out there. This country was not founded for Christianity, btw. It was founded to have freedom of religion - not just one religion. Regarding the Pledge of Allegiance: A pastor from another country put that in there. I think it was the 1950's. I forgot what year. I'll look it up. Christian Democrat here, btw. Yes I realize all of that.The pledge "One nation under God" was inserted in 1965.I also understand that the founding fathers wanted everyone to make up their mind on what religion they wanted and would not interfere with their choice either way.We can both agree that that if we had to say what the official religion of the United States has been since it's creation and what it is today would be Christianity.All the other religions have really had no significance as far as shaping the moral grounds the United States has.I have said this before,but you would be hard pressed to find any town in America that doesn't have a Christian church in it.And that has been the way it has always been since Americas creation. But...this country was not founded on Christianity. It was founded on freedom of religion. |
Edited by
Mon 12/15/08 12:30 AM
I wasn't calling you a liar, I was explaining why Jess's post was a logical fallacy. If you want to be offended, the go right ahead. She is saying "Well, Invisible says it and she's a German, so it must be the truth", but that doesn't follow. I'm sure this is incredibly offensive to you, but it wasn't intended to be so. And how was it then with your statement that people who believe that the Nazis were right winged are uneducated and ill informed, accusing nearly the whole German population of it? I'm not to take that serious either? If I was you I would start with thinking BEFORE spouting out these things. To know where the Nazis were standing you would have to know the entire political system in Germany at that time, which you clearly do not, otherwise you wouldn't say the things you do with such force. The Nazis of WWII were socialists. The government owned everything. They guaranteed a certain level of income and jobs to all citizens. They practiced eugenics, which was a VERY HOT socialist belief during the 20's - 40's. American socialists idealized the Nazis and practiced their own eugenics operations, which included Planned Parenthood (to deal with what Margaret Sanger called "The Negro Problem"). The Nazi government controlled every aspect of the peoples lives down to when the trains ran. Personal ownership is a conservative principle, not a Liberal one. In the US now, they want to take control of our auto industry. LIBERALS think that the government should be completely in charge while CONSERVATIVES believe in small government. The Nazis were a LIBERAL SOCIALIST party. I'm sorry if that is offensive, but I didn't bring it up to be offensive, but to correct MirrorMirror. None of you are offended that he said they were a far right wing organization and he hasn't tried even once to support that position. Your faux outrage shows that you are being dishonest. "I can't believe Spider would call the Nazis liberals!!!!!!!" But you don't even blink when the Nazis are called Conservative Christians. I know that you are someone who loves to be offended, so feel free to be offended by my post. Although Hitler did not practice religion in a churchly sense, he certainly believed in the Bible's God. Raised as Catholic he went to a monastery school and, interestingly, walked everyday past a stone arch which was carved the monastery's coat of arms which included a swastika. As a young boy, Hitler's most ardent goal was to become a priest. Much of his philosophy came from the Bible, and more influentially, from the Christian Social movement. (The German Christian Social movement, remarkably, resembles the Christian Right movement in America today.) Many have questioned Hitler's stand on Christianity. Although he fought against certain Catholic priests who opposed him for political reasons, his belief in God and country never left him. Many Christians throughout history have opposed Christian priests for various reasons; this does not necessarily make one against one's own Christian beliefs. Nor did the Vatican's Pope & bishops ever disown him; in fact they blessed him! This is blantantly false! Just read the Wiki article on Hitler and you'll see that Hitlers religious beliefs are totally contradictory to this. Hitler was antichristian. oh yeah the wiki artical. I seem to remember you trashing wiki if anyone else used it. and you have been shown many times over that Hitler was in fact a christian but you still refuse to see it. And that explains you not seeing the facts of evolution. And not seeing ID as the junk science it is. There is no way you can find one believer on the face of this earth who would not be rolling on the floor laughing at the statement "Hitler was in fact a Christian". This statement demonstrates that you have no idea what a christian even is. And that - is a fact! As to Wiki - it's being used all over this thread to attempt to prove Hitler a christian, when in fact - as Krimsa pointed out in her recapping the wiki article, Hitler was dead set against christianity. You just can't have it both ways. I've never said there is not truth or fact in Wiki - but the topic being discussed is relevant to the reliability of wikia basis of fact and truth. In the circumstance of Hitler - wiki tends to be reliable, because it can site the references to it's findings, which in turn can be researched to establish reliability. Then the reader can determine for themselves whether the author of the wiki article is presenting the facts from an unbiased viewpoint. It is easy to see that through Hitler's actions he was not a christian. And it matters not what Hitler said publically because he was a notorious liar. He lied to his people, to fellow world leaders, even to his best friends, many of whom he had murdered. Are you expecting me to believe that in your opinion Hitler represented the values and morals of a believer in Jesus Christ and that he was a disciple of him? Jesus was a Jew. Where do you think he stood in the realm of those whom Hitler admired? By the way... There are no facts of "evolution" as an origin of the species. It is a "theory", just as I.D. is. Neither of them are science. If you think so - you do not know what science is either. What "facts" of evolution are you refering to that you think I don't see? Eljay, I posted that section of Wiki to address the OP's assertions that Hitler was not a Christian. If you had taken the time to actually read it, it basically gave both sides of the debate (I did this purposely to be objective) but clearly stated that most historians take the "Table Talks" with a grain of salt. There are some that even believe those statements were taken completely out of context which is possible. Either way, what difference would it make? Hitler stated before his death that he was a Catholic. He viewed Jesus in terms of being an "Aryan Warrior" for the cause of Christianity and he often referred to the Jews as "poisonous" based in his personal interpretation of the scripture. He was seeking to create something called "Positive Christianity" Some Nazis promoted Positive Christianity which attempted to replace traditional Christian beliefs with those agreeable with Nazism, which many German Christians accepted. Even in the later years of the Third Reich, many Protestant and Catholic clergy within Germany persisted in believing that Nazism was in its essence in accordance with Christian precepts |
The statment, "One nation under God" which appears on American currency is in reference to "Ceremonial Deism." I challenge any of the Christians on this forum to prove to me that our Founding Fathers were referencing the god of the bible. Here is an objective definition of Ceremonial Deism.
Ceremonial deism is a legal term used in the United States for nominally religious statements and practices deemed to be merely ritual and non-religious through long customary usage. Proposed examples of ceremonial deism include the reference to God introduced into the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954, and the phrase "In God We Trust" on U.S. currency. |
But...this country was not founded on Christianity. It was founded on freedom of religion.
This was a comment made by a Christian yet she is educated and has a basic understanding of our nation's history. |
Well the virgin Mary is based on the Goddess and the Catholics used her in order to lure in the Pagans. You cant really be all that angry. It was a move made in desperation for converts yet now she is very powerful in their worship. Its actually all documented. You see this a lot in Catholicism. Mirror the same thing occurred with Saint Brigid of Kildare. The Catholic church was forced to "absorb" her in order that the Pagans would convert. Confirmed historical facts about St. Brigid (Brigit, Bride/Bree, Bridget, Ffraid) are few because the numerous accounts of her life include many miracles and anecdotes deeply intertwined with pagan Irish folklore. Nevertheless, these accounts taken together give us a strong impression of her character and her importance to countless generations of Celtic women and men. |