Topic: George Bushes true legacy
tngxl65's photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:35 AM

Bush's great legacy needs bumped.:smile:

When Reagan left office, he was called one of the worst presidents in American history by Historians. He's now considered one of the best. George Bush won't get a fair shake from anyone who is a mindless partisan. It will be awhile before Americans can look at the Bush years as they truly were. But while it might take a generation before Bush gets his due in America, free Afganis and Iraqis are already singing his praises. Those who appreciate the sacrifices that America made so that they could have freedom and their daughters could walk down the street without a Burka or an escort or their daughters can go to school, those people are already thanking Bush for what he has done.

You can't even begin to compare Afghanistan to Iraq. One was a response to an attack by actual terrorists. The other was waged under a cover of lies and misinformation.

Every intelligence agency in the world thought Iraq had WMDs or was close to having them. That is common knowledge. Bush had bad intelligence. Sorry! It happens. Especially when Saddam WANTED the world to think he had WMDs. Democrats were all over the airwaves form when Bush announced the invasion until four months post invasion talking about how Iraq had WMDs, it was just a matter of finding them. Then suddenly, when it looked like we weren't going to find any, the Democrats start whining about the war. You might have a selective memory, but I don't.

So you are either not informed enough to discuss the issue or you are a liar. Because this information is easily and widely available. You are on the internet to post your silly little response, hit google and actually learn something instead of just towing the party line.

Lol, awfully defensive here. I believe I can post regardless of whether you think it is informed or not.

Whether you agree or not, the world was sold a bill of goods on Iraq that was refuted even before the war started.

There's no need for you to be rude or a bully.

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:35 AM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/26/08 08:36 AM

I like how you skip over what you dont want to address..But hey its your right. Happy Thanksgiving friend..drinker

You mean your appeal to emotion fallacy?

What about the kids! sad

What about the solders? sad

What about the US? sad

It's typical democrat MO. When you can't argue the facts, paint your opponent as heartless.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving and your freedom. I'm sure the Iraqis and Afganis will enjoy being free this Thanksgiving as well.
Its called having compassion for my neighbor.I am not a democrat. I have been a registered Independent since 18. I even vote for Bush in 2000. So you think more of The Iraqis live's and Afghanistan than your own neighbor? HMMMM

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:36 AM

Bush's great legacy needs bumped.:smile:

When Reagan left office, he was called one of the worst presidents in American history by Historians. He's now considered one of the best. George Bush won't get a fair shake from anyone who is a mindless partisan. It will be awhile before Americans can look at the Bush years as they truly were. But while it might take a generation before Bush gets his due in America, free Afganis and Iraqis are already singing his praises. Those who appreciate the sacrifices that America made so that they could have freedom and their daughters could walk down the street without a Burka or an escort or their daughters can go to school, those people are already thanking Bush for what he has done.

You can't even begin to compare Afghanistan to Iraq. One was a response to an attack by actual terrorists. The other was waged under a cover of lies and misinformation.

Every intelligence agency in the world thought Iraq had WMDs or was close to having them. That is common knowledge. Bush had bad intelligence. Sorry! It happens. Especially when Saddam WANTED the world to think he had WMDs. Democrats were all over the airwaves form when Bush announced the invasion until four months post invasion talking about how Iraq had WMDs, it was just a matter of finding them. Then suddenly, when it looked like we weren't going to find any, the Democrats start whining about the war. You might have a selective memory, but I don't.

So you are either not informed enough to discuss the issue or you are a liar. Because this information is easily and widely available. You are on the internet to post your silly little response, hit google and actually learn something instead of just towing the party line.

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:39 AM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/26/08 08:39 AM

Bush's great legacy needs bumped.:smile:

When Reagan left office, he was called one of the worst presidents in American history by Historians. He's now considered one of the best. George Bush won't get a fair shake from anyone who is a mindless partisan. It will be awhile before Americans can look at the Bush years as they truly were. But while it might take a generation before Bush gets his due in America, free Afganis and Iraqis are already singing his praises. Those who appreciate the sacrifices that America made so that they could have freedom and their daughters could walk down the street without a Burka or an escort or their daughters can go to school, those people are already thanking Bush for what he has done.

You can't even begin to compare Afghanistan to Iraq. One was a response to an attack by actual terrorists. The other was waged under a cover of lies and misinformation.

Every intelligence agency in the world thought Iraq had WMDs or was close to having them. That is common knowledge. Bush had bad intelligence. Sorry! It happens. Especially when Saddam WANTED the world to think he had WMDs. Democrats were all over the airwaves form when Bush announced the invasion until four months post invasion talking about how Iraq had WMDs, it was just a matter of finding them. Then suddenly, when it looked like we weren't going to find any, the Democrats start whining about the war. You might have a selective memory, but I don't.

So you are either not informed enough to discuss the issue or you are a liar. Because this information is easily and widely available. You are on the internet to post your silly little response, hit google and actually learn something instead of just towing the party line.
Its funny people seem to forget we support Saddam for many years. Gave him $$$$$ and technology because he was fighting Iran...HMMMM

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:40 AM

Lol, awfully defensive here. I believe I can post regardless of whether you think it is informed or not.

Whether you agree or not, the world was sold a bill of goods on Iraq that was refuted even before the war started.

There's no need for you to be rude or a bully.

Why don't you talk to the moderators about it?

Here, I'll write the email for you:

Spidercmb made me look like a complete idiot because I posted a fallacious reply about a subject that I have no knowlege about. sad

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:41 AM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/26/08 08:44 AM

Lol, awfully defensive here. I believe I can post regardless of whether you think it is informed or not.

Whether you agree or not, the world was sold a bill of goods on Iraq that was refuted even before the war started.

There's no need for you to be rude or a bully.

Why don't you talk to the moderators about it?

Here, I'll write the email for you:

Spidercmb made me look like a complete idiot because I posted a fallacious reply about a subject that I have no knowlege about. sad

In your mind maybe..Shall we "poll" the people of mingle? Seems you are the only one with that impression..

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:44 AM

Its funny people seem to forget we support Saddam for many years. Gave him $$$$$ and technology because he was fighting Iran...HMMMM

Yeah, because Carter was an idiot and refused to aid our ally the Shaw. So the Islamists took over Iran and turned them into a danger to everyone in the Middle East. Yeah, so we had to try to clean that up without using our soldiers, so we gave aid to an enemy of Iran. When Saddam's true nature became apparent, we stopped supporting him. Yeah, that's something the Democrats want to forget, they just love to pretend that we supported Saddam for no damn reason.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving. The wives, husbands and children of soldiers killed by Iranian weapons in Afghanistan and Iraq won't have a good Thanksgiving, because Carter was such a moron when it came to foreign policy, so you will have to try extra hard to enjoy yourself for them too.

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:46 AM

Its funny people seem to forget we support Saddam for many years. Gave him $$$$$ and technology because he was fighting Iran...HMMMM

Yeah, because Carter was an idiot and refused to aid our ally the Shaw. So the Islamists took over Iran and turned them into a danger to everyone in the Middle East. Yeah, so we had to try to clean that up without using our soldiers, so we gave aid to an enemy of Iran. When Saddam's true nature became apparent, we stopped supporting him. Yeah, that's something the Democrats want to forget, they just love to pretend that we supported Saddam for no damn reason.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving. The wives, husbands and children of soldiers killed by Iranian weapons in Afghanistan and Iraq won't have a good Thanksgiving, because Carter was such a moron when it came to foreign policy, so you will have to try extra hard to enjoy yourself for them too.
I believe that even bled over to the Reagan years..Sorry you have no compassion for your neighbor. Must be a lonely life. Happy T day to you also..

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:47 AM

Lol, awfully defensive here. I believe I can post regardless of whether you think it is informed or not.

Whether you agree or not, the world was sold a bill of goods on Iraq that was refuted even before the war started.

There's no need for you to be rude or a bully.

Why don't you talk to the moderators about it?

Here, I'll write the email for you:

Spidercmb made me look like a complete idiot because I posted a fallacious reply about a subject that I have no knowlege about. sad

In your mind maybe..Shall we "poll" the people of mingle? Seems you are the only one with that impression..

Oh, because you were blinders everyone else is blind? Just because the facts and history support my statements and refute his, that's no reason to think I'm right, huh? laugh Listen. If everyone in the world stood up and said "You are wrong on this SpiderCMB", I would just shake my head in pity for those who are willfully ignorant. If you want to number yourself with the willfully ignorant, how do you think that effects me personally? I'll tell you one thing, it gives me a good belly laugh.

rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:48 AM

Bush's great legacy needs bumped.:smile:

When Reagan left office, he was called one of the worst presidents in American history by Historians. He's now considered one of the best. George Bush won't get a fair shake from anyone who is a mindless partisan. It will be awhile before Americans can look at the Bush years as they truly were. But while it might take a generation before Bush gets his due in America, free Afganis and Iraqis are already singing his praises. Those who appreciate the sacrifices that America made so that they could have freedom and their daughters could walk down the street without a Burka or an escort or their daughters can go to school, those people are already thanking Bush for what he has done.

You can't even begin to compare Afghanistan to Iraq. One was a response to an attack by actual terrorists. The other was waged under a cover of lies and misinformation.

Every intelligence agency in the world thought Iraq had WMDs or was close to having them. That is common knowledge. Bush had bad intelligence. Sorry! It happens. Especially when Saddam WANTED the world to think he had WMDs. Democrats were all over the airwaves form when Bush announced the invasion until four months post invasion talking about how Iraq had WMDs, it was just a matter of finding them. Then suddenly, when it looked like we weren't going to find any, the Democrats start whining about the war. You might have a selective memory, but I don't.

So you are either not informed enough to discuss the issue or you are a liar. Because this information is easily and widely available. You are on the internet to post your silly little response, hit google and actually learn something instead of just towing the party line.

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003
I agree. I believe the first gulf war did just that..

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:51 AM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Wed 11/26/08 08:51 AM

Bush's great legacy needs bumped.:smile:

When Reagan left office, he was called one of the worst presidents in American history by Historians. He's now considered one of the best. George Bush won't get a fair shake from anyone who is a mindless partisan. It will be awhile before Americans can look at the Bush years as they truly were. But while it might take a generation before Bush gets his due in America, free Afganis and Iraqis are already singing his praises. Those who appreciate the sacrifices that America made so that they could have freedom and their daughters could walk down the street without a Burka or an escort or their daughters can go to school, those people are already thanking Bush for what he has done.

You can't even begin to compare Afghanistan to Iraq. One was a response to an attack by actual terrorists. The other was waged under a cover of lies and misinformation.

Every intelligence agency in the world thought Iraq had WMDs or was close to having them. That is common knowledge. Bush had bad intelligence. Sorry! It happens. Especially when Saddam WANTED the world to think he had WMDs. Democrats were all over the airwaves form when Bush announced the invasion until four months post invasion talking about how Iraq had WMDs, it was just a matter of finding them. Then suddenly, when it looked like we weren't going to find any, the Democrats start whining about the war. You might have a selective memory, but I don't.

So you are either not informed enough to discuss the issue or you are a liar. Because this information is easily and widely available. You are on the internet to post your silly little response, hit google and actually learn something instead of just towing the party line.

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003
I agree. I believe the first gulf war did just that..

the first Gulf War was ten years before these quotes

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:52 AM

Bush's great legacy needs bumped.:smile:

When Reagan left office, he was called one of the worst presidents in American history by Historians. He's now considered one of the best. George Bush won't get a fair shake from anyone who is a mindless partisan. It will be awhile before Americans can look at the Bush years as they truly were. But while it might take a generation before Bush gets his due in America, free Afganis and Iraqis are already singing his praises. Those who appreciate the sacrifices that America made so that they could have freedom and their daughters could walk down the street without a Burka or an escort or their daughters can go to school, those people are already thanking Bush for what he has done.

You can't even begin to compare Afghanistan to Iraq. One was a response to an attack by actual terrorists. The other was waged under a cover of lies and misinformation.

Every intelligence agency in the world thought Iraq had WMDs or was close to having them. That is common knowledge. Bush had bad intelligence. Sorry! It happens. Especially when Saddam WANTED the world to think he had WMDs. Democrats were all over the airwaves form when Bush announced the invasion until four months post invasion talking about how Iraq had WMDs, it was just a matter of finding them. Then suddenly, when it looked like we weren't going to find any, the Democrats start whining about the war. You might have a selective memory, but I don't.

So you are either not informed enough to discuss the issue or you are a liar. Because this information is easily and widely available. You are on the internet to post your silly little response, hit google and actually learn something instead of just towing the party line.

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003
I agree. I believe the first gulf war did just that..

rofl rofl rofl rofl

Does your foot taste good?

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:52 AM

Lol, awfully defensive here. I believe I can post regardless of whether you think it is informed or not.

Whether you agree or not, the world was sold a bill of goods on Iraq that was refuted even before the war started.

There's no need for you to be rude or a bully.

Why don't you talk to the moderators about it?

Here, I'll write the email for you:

Spidercmb made me look like a complete idiot because I posted a fallacious reply about a subject that I have no knowlege about. sad

In your mind maybe..Shall we "poll" the people of mingle? Seems you are the only one with that impression..

Oh, because you were blinders everyone else is blind? Just because the facts and history support my statements and refute his, that's no reason to think I'm right, huh? laugh Listen. If everyone in the world stood up and said "You are wrong on this SpiderCMB", I would just shake my head in pity for those who are willfully ignorant. If you want to number yourself with the willfully ignorant, how do you think that effects me personally? I'll tell you one thing, it gives me a good belly laugh.

rofl rofl rofl
Im so glad!!! Its funny you are the only one posting your side. But I said in the begining (orginal post) that you cant take a accurate poll of public perception.flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:54 AM

Im so glad!!! Its funny you are the only one posting your side. But I said in the begining (orginal post) that you cant take a accurate poll of public perception.flowerforyou

Earth to templter, come in templter...

quiet_2008 is agreeing with me. Somehow you missed that. I love the fact that you agreed with him...which means you agree that you are wrong. laugh

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:55 AM
whatever is Bush's legacy. It won't be written by partisan bomb throwers and propagandists

It will be written by historians with unbiased objectivity based on his achievments and failures.

tngxl65's photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:55 AM

Lol, awfully defensive here. I believe I can post regardless of whether you think it is informed or not.

Whether you agree or not, the world was sold a bill of goods on Iraq that was refuted even before the war started.

There's no need for you to be rude or a bully.

Why don't you talk to the moderators about it?

Here, I'll write the email for you:

Spidercmb made me look like a complete idiot because I posted a fallacious reply about a subject that I have no knowlege about. sad

I don't need a moderator. I think I addressed it with you. I can't only bring it to your attention.

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:56 AM

Lol, awfully defensive here. I believe I can post regardless of whether you think it is informed or not.

Whether you agree or not, the world was sold a bill of goods on Iraq that was refuted even before the war started.

There's no need for you to be rude or a bully.

Why don't you talk to the moderators about it?

Here, I'll write the email for you:

Spidercmb made me look like a complete idiot because I posted a fallacious reply about a subject that I have no knowlege about. sad

In your mind maybe..Shall we "poll" the people of mingle? Seems you are the only one with that impression..

Oh, because you were blinders everyone else is blind? Just because the facts and history support my statements and refute his, that's no reason to think I'm right, huh? laugh Listen. If everyone in the world stood up and said "You are wrong on this SpiderCMB", I would just shake my head in pity for those who are willfully ignorant. If you want to number yourself with the willfully ignorant, how do you think that effects me personally? I'll tell you one thing, it gives me a good belly laugh.

rofl rofl rofl
Im so glad!!! Its funny you are the only one posting your side. But I said in the begining (orginal post) that you cant take a accurate poll of public perception.flowerforyou
See all this and you cantprove Iraq was a threat. Yes the first gulf war! Please show proof of Iraqs WMD since then..You cant!!! But hey Afganistan is so important why did we pull assets out to fight Iraq? You seen not to answer that question.rofl

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:59 AM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/26/08 09:03 AM
I dont care if I get kicked..You call me ignorant one more time I will personally come to YOUR neighborhood and beat your mother ****ing azz:smile: Get your dam monitor

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 09:03 AM

I dont care if I get kick..You call me ignorant one more time I will personally come to YOUR neighborhood and beat your mother ****ing azz:smile: Get your dam monitor


you go girl

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 09:10 AM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl