the day religion is no more is the day that people no longer can self righteously kill in the name of their god with a clear conscience. Its the day that good is measured on how kind and loving someone is based on the merit of these qualities alone, rather than what other-worldy reward or punishment awaits them. it's the day that people feel free to seize this life and live it to its fullest because there is none other afterward. its also the day when we are not divided according to who is a heathen and who is righteous, who a muslim and who is christian, who are lesser and who is worthy its a world where people are encouraged to not be fearful of thinking for themselves and acquiring knowledge rather than believing anything simply because it was drilled into their young minds from birth. a world without religion is what i hope my grandchildren and great grandchildren will enjoy one day Best answer I've ever seen for this question....!! |
God did not Create Religion.
Man did. God wants a Relationship with Us.......not Religion. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Weak minded human beings need something to lean on dont they? Sounds like LIBS & their love for Nanny govt. to me...I think you are confusing the two. ![]() ![]() ![]() OOPS! Would this be considered off topic??? Nah! Secular humanism IS a religion. So tell me again who the REAL weaklings are...those who cry for their nanny govt. or those who walk not by sight but by faith in God? The real weaklings are ones who cant stand on there own. Those who cant form there own beliefs. Those who have to look to an outside source for strenth and self worth. The real weaklings are those who force there beliefs on others by mass. Those who belive in a hyerarchy system where 1 man is supperior and the other are inferrior In my opinion of course Uh? Christianity is not for the weak... it takes strength to stand back & wait on God. OTOH, it's a weakling who puts their faith in govt. Just MHO... Weakness comes by way of being non self suffecient. When you look 2 something else for "strength" or self worth. One could also look at it like this: Weakness can come by way of NOT asking for help and suffering as a result, because one refuses to admit that they're fallible. Sure I break my leg im going to ask for help from another person, perhaps someone that has a track record for helping. Duh. Am I going to ask an invisible sky daddy how I should think about killing to survive? I assume you eat meat? Does god say its ok to kill to survive? My Values do not . . . . Duh? Never did this poster suggest asking an invisible "sky daddy" for help. What was said was more about humans in relations with other humans. |
the day religion is no more is the day that people no longer can self righteously kill in the name of their god with a clear conscience. Its the day that good is measured on how kind and loving someone is based on the merit of these qualities alone, rather than what other-worldy reward or punishment awaits them. it's the day that people feel free to seize this life and live it to its fullest because there is none other afterward. its also the day when we are not divided according to who is a heathen and who is righteous, who a muslim and who is christian, who are lesser and who is worthy its a world where people are encouraged to not be fearful of thinking for themselves and acquiring knowledge rather than believing anything simply because it was drilled into their young minds from birth. a world without religion is what i hope my grandchildren and great grandchildren will enjoy one day Best answer I've ever seen for this question....!! why thank you sir ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 11/03/08 06:56 AM
Weak minded human beings need something to lean on dont they? Sounds like LIBS & their love for Nanny govt. to me...I think you are confusing the two. ![]() ![]() ![]() OOPS! Would this be considered off topic??? Nah! Secular humanism IS a religion. So tell me again who the REAL weaklings are...those who cry for their nanny govt. or those who walk not by sight but by faith in God? The real weaklings are ones who cant stand on there own. Those who cant form there own beliefs. Those who have to look to an outside source for strenth and self worth. The real weaklings are those who force there beliefs on others by mass. Those who belive in a hyerarchy system where 1 man is supperior and the other are inferrior In my opinion of course Uh? Christianity is not for the weak... it takes strength to stand back & wait on God. OTOH, it's a weakling who puts their faith in govt. Just MHO... Weakness comes by way of being non self suffecient. When you look 2 something else for "strength" or self worth. One could also look at it like this: Weakness can come by way of NOT asking for help and suffering as a result, because one refuses to admit that they're fallible. Sure I break my leg im going to ask for help from another person, perhaps someone that has a track record for helping. Duh. Am I going to ask an invisible sky daddy how I should think about killing to survive? I assume you eat meat? Does god say its ok to kill to survive? My Values do not . . . . Duh? Never did this poster suggest asking an invisible "sky daddy" for help. What was said was more about humans in relation with other humans. Duh... ![]() I just went back and read my post that you responded to, Jeremy, and realized that (if you didn't know me) it certainly would seem as though I was comming from a religious angle. Aint no Sky Daddy... ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 11/03/08 10:17 AM
Weak minded human beings need something to lean on dont they? Sounds like LIBS & their love for Nanny govt. to me...I think you are confusing the two. ![]() ![]() ![]() OOPS! Would this be considered off topic??? Nah! Secular humanism IS a religion. So tell me again who the REAL weaklings are...those who cry for their nanny govt. or those who walk not by sight but by faith in God? The real weaklings are ones who cant stand on there own. Those who cant form there own beliefs. Those who have to look to an outside source for strenth and self worth. The real weaklings are those who force there beliefs on others by mass. Those who belive in a hyerarchy system where 1 man is supperior and the other are inferrior In my opinion of course Uh? Christianity is not for the weak... it takes strength to stand back & wait on God. OTOH, it's a weakling who puts their faith in govt. Just MHO... Weakness comes by way of being non self suffecient. When you look 2 something else for "strength" or self worth. One could also look at it like this: Weakness can come by way of NOT asking for help and suffering as a result, because one refuses to admit that they're fallible. Sure I break my leg im going to ask for help from another person, perhaps someone that has a track record for helping. Duh. Am I going to ask an invisible sky daddy how I should think about killing to survive? I assume you eat meat? Does god say its ok to kill to survive? My Values do not . . . . Duh? Never did this poster suggest asking an invisible "sky daddy" for help. What was said was more about humans in relations with other humans. the day religion is no more is the day that people no longer can self righteously kill in the name of their god with a clear conscience. Its the day that good is measured on how kind and loving someone is based on the merit of these qualities alone, rather than what other-worldy reward or punishment awaits them. it's the day that people feel free to seize this life and live it to its fullest because there is none other afterward. its also the day when we are not divided according to who is a heathen and who is righteous, who a muslim and who is christian, who are lesser and who is worthy its a world where people are encouraged to not be fearful of thinking for themselves and acquiring knowledge rather than believing anything simply because it was drilled into their young minds from birth. a world without religion is what i hope my grandchildren and great grandchildren will enjoy one day Best answer I've ever seen for this question....!! I couldn't agree more. God did not Create Religion. Man did. God wants a Relationship with Us.......not Religion. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 11/03/08 10:19 AM
Right but that would be off topic wouldn't it . . . . . The post he was responding to was not about people, but about god Well, double duh, then... ![]() I'll consider my hand slapped and just go back to sleep now. ![]() |
If I look to a book for my values, I may end up with the right values, but for the wrong reasons.
If you believe that you should be good so that you can ascend to heaven when you die, or should not be bad, so that you can avoid decent down to hell . . . well then are you really morale at all, or just self serving? |
Edited by
Mon 11/03/08 02:12 PM
If I look to a book for my values, I may end up with the right values, but for the wrong reasons. If you believe that you should be good so that you can ascend to heaven when you die, or should not be bad, so that you can avoid decent down to hell . . . well then are you really morale at all, or just self serving? agreed. someone who returns a wallet full of money to its owner because its the right thing to do, in my opinion, is more moral than someone who does so only if they get recognition and some even greater reward in return From reading a book, you may end up with the wrong values for the wrong reasons as well. If you read the bible there is a story which preaches unquestioning obedience to god, even if he asks you to kill an innocent child for no reason other than to demonstrate faith. [See story of Abraham and Isaac] Unquestioning, murderous obedience is not something we should strive toward, even if we are rewarded with ascent into heaven. If this story were true and if i must be cast into hell for refusing the murder of an innocent child then so be it... that is my moral code independent of religion. |
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God did not Create Religion. Man did. God wants a Relationship with Us.......not Religion. ![]() ![]() ![]() "MorningSong" ..religion is the term used for the collection of laws set forth by God so that a perfect relationship can be formed with him ..which means that God did create religion |
God did not Create Religion.
"MorningSong" ..religion is the term used for the collection of laws set forth by God so that a perfect relationship can be formed with him ..which means that God did create religion
Man did. God wants a Relationship with Us.......not Religion. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Weak minded human beings need something to lean on dont they? Sounds like LIBS & their love for Nanny govt. to me...I think you are confusing the two. ![]() ![]() ![]() OOPS! Would this be considered off topic??? Nah! Secular humanism IS a religion. So tell me again who the REAL weaklings are...those who cry for their nanny govt. or those who walk not by sight but by faith in God? The real weaklings are ones who cant stand on there own. Those who cant form there own beliefs. Those who have to look to an outside source for strenth and self worth. The real weaklings are those who force there beliefs on others by mass. Those who belive in a hyerarchy system where 1 man is supperior and the other are inferrior In my opinion of course Only a hypocrite would think that things learned, no matter how good the results, are bogus because they are taught...or passed down through the generations. You question people of faith then question your own decisions. They ARE only human after all. So what's the point of those who want to question those of the Christian Faith? |
Edited by
Tue 11/04/08 08:53 AM
A world without would be a lost world indeed ![]() My lady, if religion or gods never existed, how would one be able to concider themselves lost? Think of all the STUPID, BAD choices people make on a daily basis... Most/some of those people don't care or believe in God. Most good standing citizens are God fearing individuals. They try their best to be the best person they can be... If we lived in a world that was run by people that had no regard for themselves or others, it would be Chaos! I rest my God heart leads to "HELL." That's what a world without God would be...HELL. |
Edited by
Tue 11/04/08 09:48 AM
A world without would be a lost world indeed ![]() My lady, if religion or gods never existed, how would one be able to concider themselves lost? Think of all the STUPID, BAD choices people make on a daily basis... Most/some of those people don't care or believe in God. Most good standing citizens are God fearing individuals. They try their best to be the best person they can be... If we lived in a world that was run by people that had no regard for themselves or others, it would be Chaos! I rest my God heart leads to "HELL." That's what a world without God would be...HELL. The question was: What would life be like without religion? Your answer makes it seem as though you actually think that God would cease to exist if there was no religion. |
There wouldn't be religious wars
Fewer people would have hope Less organised living Belief in God and hell gives some a conseience, tht even if nobody knows something about you, then he knows it all. it would be much different without religion, but likely not a good thing. |
God did not Create Religion.
"MorningSong" ..religion is the term used for the collection of laws set forth by God so that a perfect relationship can be formed with him ..which means that God did create religion
Man did. God wants a Relationship with Us.......not Religion. ![]() ![]() ![]() "Skyhook" you may have to stop perceiving that ever book you happen to come upon is like the bible ...the dictionary is not the bible and therefore is not stagnant but constantly evolving...oops I meant changing ... also as usual you forgot to include why my definition is not accurate..If the laws set forth by the God isn't that which constitutes the religion then what is it.. |
There wouldn't be religious wars Fewer people would have hope Less organised living Belief in God and hell gives some a conseience, tht even if nobody knows something about you, then he knows it all. it would be much different without religion, but likely not a good thing. Really? At least the Christan religion give you a free pass, just repent and believe in Jesus and all is well your forgiven . . . how does that change anyone's behavior? |
"MorningSong" ..religion is the term used for the collection of laws set forth by God so that a perfect relationship can be formed with him ..which means that God did create religion
Funches, you should publish your own dictionary. None of the definitions you give match anything in any of the dictionaries I own.
But here's the issue I'm concerned about: If you use words in ways that are not in any dictionary I can find, how can I understand the words you're using? And if I can't understand the words you're using, how can I understand the idea you're trying to convey? |
humanity would be hurting, art wouldn't exist. I think it would be strange not to recognize anyone or anything for every magical breath, and every thought, it's only logical to seek these things on our own, then die without it, we'll see in the hour of our death.