Topic: Lawsuit in every state 'til O proves his b/c or NOT!
no photo
Thu 10/23/08 06:04 PM
It seems the closer we get to election day,
the more DESPARATE the Republicans become.

It's sad that you have to resort to spreading propaganda.

This thread is complete B.S. devil

ohwidow's photo
Thu 10/23/08 07:07 PM

It seems the closer we get to election day,
the more DESPARATE the Republicans become.

It's sad that you have to resort to spreading propaganda.

This thread is complete B.S. devil

Allow me to enlighten you ----

Definition of propaganda (noun)
information spread in order to promote a particular goal

----- not doing that in this thread at all.

what is here are factual events. Lawsuits (FOUR!!) against B. Obama for failure to produce a valid birth certificate. His website had a fake one up.

Sounds like it's sad one can't keep up. To be in the know is to be informed. Period. Have a Good Day, BB

tngxl65's photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:38 PM
Edited by tngxl65 on Thu 10/23/08 08:38 PM

It seems the closer we get to election day,
the more DESPARATE the Republicans become.

It's sad that you have to resort to spreading propaganda.

This thread is complete B.S. devil

Allow me to enlighten you ----

Definition of propaganda (noun)
information spread in order to promote a particular goal

----- not doing that in this thread at all.

what is here are factual events. Lawsuits (FOUR!!) against B. Obama for failure to produce a valid birth certificate. His website had a fake one up.

Sounds like it's sad one can't keep up. To be in the know is to be informed. Period. Have a Good Day, BB

Again, the birth certificate has been validated by independent investigaters, and the state of hawaii. You chose to believe despite the verification.

Winx's photo
Thu 10/23/08 09:04 PM

It seems the closer we get to election day,
the more DESPARATE the Republicans become.

It's sad that you have to resort to spreading propaganda.

This thread is complete B.S. devil

Allow me to enlighten you ----

Definition of propaganda (noun)
information spread in order to promote a particular goal

----- not doing that in this thread at all.

what is here are factual events. Lawsuits (FOUR!!) against B. Obama for failure to produce a valid birth certificate. His website had a fake one up.

Sounds like it's sad one can't keep up. To be in the know is to be informed. Period. Have a Good Day, BB

Again, the birth certificate has been validated by independent investigaters, and the state of hawaii. You chose to believe despite the verification.

I know.frustrated frustrated

no photo
Thu 10/23/08 09:14 PM staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false.

You can file a lawsuit for just about anything. They are called frivolous lawsuits.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/23/08 09:18 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Thu 10/23/08 09:19 PM

It seems the closer we get to election day,
the more DESPARATE the Republicans become.

It's sad that you have to resort to spreading propaganda.

This thread is complete B.S. devil

Allow me to enlighten you ----

Definition of propaganda (noun)
information spread in order to promote a particular goal

----- not doing that in this thread at all.

what is here are factual events. Lawsuits (FOUR!!) against B. Obama for failure to produce a valid birth certificate. His website had a fake one up.

Sounds like it's sad one can't keep up. To be in the know is to be informed. Period. Have a Good Day, BB

Again, the birth certificate has been validated by independent investigaters, and the state of hawaii. You chose to believe despite the verification.

No kidding. Most of the lies are unfounded and ridiculous.frustrated

ohwidow's photo
Thu 10/23/08 09:44 PM
Humm, maybe. SOON TO KNOW!!!

Time-line for those who might have missed it.

O is being sued in EIGHT states to produce his b/cert.

The first suit, was in Pa, from atty Mr. Phil Berg

O's attys answered to dismiss, and then they
missed deadline - it is now going forward. See above link.

There is supposedly, a call Mrs. O made, and tapes, and this will be a MAJOR factor to overcome if true. (African firm said offers of TWO Million
dollars were turned down, just so American people could have the truth.
website is:

---copy-- Lawsuits Starting Across the Nation Proceeding to Avert Potential Constitutional Crisis, Possible Civil Unrest, and Confidence in Elections; Lawsuits are being filed in Eight States Seeking to Require Barack Obama to Provide Certification of Birth in U.S. Or Be Removed as Presidential Candidate on State Ballots.

Seattle WA. 10/22/2008 — Lawsuits in eight states as of this writing– Hawaii, Washington, California, Florida, Georgia. Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut, are seeking judicial authority to force the certifying or decertifying of Senator Barack Obama’s qualification to run as a candidate for President as a natural born U.S. Citizen. Previously, two lawsuits have failed to force the certifying documents from Obama.

Philip Berg’s months-long lawsuit in Federal Court in Philadelphia reached a dramatic plateau yesterday as Mr. Obama and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) failed to respond to the court that Mr. Obama is not a natural born U.S. Citizen and therefore not qualified to run for office of President of the U.S. They admitted to Obama’s non-qualification by their failure to respond to a 30-day court ordered discovery in which Obama and the DNC were ordered to answer a petition by Berg. Berg is a lifelong Democrat in the Pennsylvania Democratic Party who has sought to ratchet up the legal pressure as Obama and the DNC has continually delayed providing certifying documentation of Obama’s birth, which he claims to have been in Hawaii.

A lawsuit in Honolulu in the First District Court is seeking a court-order to open Obama’s secret birth records. Obama has thus far neglected a Freedom of Information request for the records at two hospitals in Hawaii. Lawsuits in Washington and Georgia are seeking state Superior Courts to force the states’ Secretary of State, as the chief state elections officer, to perform their state constitutional duties to require original certifying birth records from Mr. Obama that would verify his birth in Hawaii.

---end copy--

NOW< Mrs. O's tape, is to be released for the USA
citizens. (Fox News was mentioned. The voice is getting all tests/detailed to assure it is Mrs. Os) The African firm has hired the atty Mr. Phil Berg (who filed first PA lawsuit) to handle the transaction!!!

This story has gained alot of speed thru many websites, radio stations and media.

----- another website, another atty. ---
(Korir is from African Press International - API who the call was placed to, whom made the tape.)

Cloud is a lawyer who is keeping in contact with Mr. Korir and Mr. Berg. visit his blog

Understand Obama is in Hawaii today, that is also where the 2nd lawsuit is at, and the deadline for the date at the courthouse was today. More details later, BB

PS> Yes, anyone can file a lawsuit. But anyone w/brains know that defending it takes time and money. Much easier to turn over the paperwork no?

Winx's photo
Thu 10/23/08 09:47 PM
A judge can dismiss a frivolous lawsuit and even fine the person that filed it.

ohwidow's photo
Thu 10/23/08 10:08 PM
I know. Seriously, 8 lawsuits. Why not just hand over the paperwork?? Who would have that much time and money to defend??

By the way, think of the consequences if indeed, Obama can not - is not found able to run for the office. And here, he raised all those dollars - would think there would be more lawsuits. Plus, heard - well, it is just mind-boggling what might he be forced to do. Then I would really feel pity for the man.

What a HUGE emergency meeting would the Pres. call about the withdrawal of O? Would Hillary step in, would she choose a V.P to run with her.
Would they delay the elections? Would they let her have time to again, push her own agenda?
They'd have to scratch all the votes so far, man, what a mess.

Haveta wait and see, some story huh? BB

no photo
Thu 10/23/08 10:09 PM
Edited by 1956deluxe on Thu 10/23/08 10:20 PM
Widow, each time you post, you sound more DESPARATE.

This thread is total B.S. and you know it.

Why don't you read the TRUTH instead of the conspiracy and propaganda blogs.


Born in the U.S.A.

August 21, 2008
Updated: August 26, 2008
The truth about Obama's birth certificate. staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.

Here is the link if you want to read the entire article.

I also suggest you put on your tinfoil hat and go look at the pictures of his birth certificate on the website.

P.S. - "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."

pingpong's photo
Fri 10/24/08 04:00 AM
Edited by pingpong on Fri 10/24/08 04:00 AM

End of thread, problem solved?

pingpong's photo
Fri 10/24/08 04:11 AM
Anyway, it wouldn't matter whether he was born in Hawaii or on Mars. His mother is an American citizen, and therefore he is considered a "natural born citizen".

"And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond sea, or outside the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens." (you can find that in the 5th line)

AutonomousW's photo
Fri 10/24/08 05:08 AM
I don't care who adopted him, if he was born in Hawaii hes a us citizen. Keep crying republicans. keep crying. you people act like this sort of thing doesn't happen all the time in this country.. I'm sure this is all a huge conspiracy against America and the conservatives frustrated .

franshade's photo
Fri 10/24/08 05:39 AM

Good mornin',
Good mornin'!
We've talked the whole night through,
Good mornin'
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
Good mornin' to you.
Good mornin', good mornin'!
It's great to stay up late,
Good mornin', good mornin' to you.
When the band began to play
The sun was shinin' bright.
Now the milkman's on his way,
It's too late to say goodnight.
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
So, good mornin', good mornin'!
Sunbeams will soon smile through,
Good mornin', good mornin', to you,
And you, and you, and you!
Good morning,
Good morning,
We've gabbed the whole night through.
Good morning, good morning to you.
Don & Cosmo:
Nothin' could be grander than to be in Louisiana
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
In the morning,
In the morning,
It's great to stay up late!
Good mornin',
Good mornin' to you.
Don & Cosmo:
It might be just a zippy
If you was in Mississipi!
When we left the movie show
The future wasn't bright
But tame is gone
The show goes on
And I don't wanna say good night
Don & Cosmo:
So say, Good Mornin'!
Good Mornin'!
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
Rainbow is shining through
Good Mornin'!
Don & Cosmo:
Good Mornin'!
Bon Jour!
Don & Cosmo:
Bon Jour!
Buenos Dias!
Don & Cosmo:
Buenos Dias!
Buon Giorno!
Don & Cosmo:
Buon Giorno!
Guten Morgen!
Don & Cosmo:
Guten Morgen!
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
Good morning to you.

Waka laka laka wa
Waka laka laka wa...

:banana: :banana:
Singing in the Rain

madisonman's photo
Fri 10/24/08 05:44 AM

It seems the closer we get to election day,
the more DESPARATE the Republicans become.

It's sad that you have to resort to spreading propaganda.

This thread is complete B.S. devil

Allow me to enlighten you ----

Definition of propaganda (noun)
information spread in order to promote a particular goal

----- not doing that in this thread at all.

what is here are factual events. Lawsuits (FOUR!!) against B. Obama for failure to produce a valid birth certificate. His website had a fake one up.

Sounds like it's sad one can't keep up. To be in the know is to be informed. Period. Have a Good Day, BB

Again, the birth certificate has been validated by independent investigaters, and the state of hawaii. You chose to believe despite the verification.
Denial is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence. [1] The subject may deny the reality of the unpleasant fact altogether

ohwidow's photo
Fri 10/24/08 01:28 PM
It's fair to ask questions of someone whom thinks they don't have to follow the rules - of their character when we find his pals, and of his family values as well.

See what Rush L. has to say on the subject O is being interviewed on his leaving for H to visit, he says, his ill g/mother. R.L is breaking into this, putting in his words here. MAKES sense to me! (O's step brother has not received money for assistance from O at all, and lives on less than a dollar a day)
Now, many think part of the real reason O is in H is to answer to the court, about his b/certificate.

SMITH: Some people say there's risk involved in this, with so little time left.

OBAMA: Yeah. Well, the, uh, I think most people understand, uh, that if you're not, um, caring for your family, uh, then you're probably not, uh, the kind of person who's going to be caring for other people.

RUSH: Yeah, right. Okay. Now, I have some questions here, ladies and gentlemen. If Obama has this election in the bag, if he has this election in the bag, which they're all saying, I mean, he's building the stage. They're already putting together this massive little stage out there in Grant Park in Chicago. They're making all these postelection plans. They're working on the transition team. If it's in the bag, Obama, please, stop spending money on TV and radio spots. Stop raising more money. You already have tons of it. Stop campaigning all over the country. You're wasting fuel. You're emitting carbon dioxide along the way. If it's over, then behave like it's over. By the way, I'd like to be a little bit more inquisitive than the average reporter out there and observe that we've been hearing and reading for at least three days now that Obama's grandmother is deathly ill and that he's going to rush to her side in Hawaii.

Now, if he's already won the presidency, why hasn't he already gone to Hawaii? Why is he not already there? What's he waiting for? "If she's deathly ill," I'm pretending to be a reporter here. You know they'd ask McCain these questions. "If Obama's grandmother is deathly ill, why has this been announced days ago and he's only going now," or tomorrow, or whenever it is. Now, I understand, folks, Snerdley's got his head buried in his hands. I understand this, my friends, anything said about Obama is going to be turned into an unfair racist attack on the man. Am I not asking obvious questions? Who announces days in advance they're rushing to the side of a loved one who is deathly ill but keeps campaigning in a race that's said to be over, only to go to the loved one's side days later? See, I think this is about something else. You know what's really percolating out there? I've been laying low on this because it hasn't met the threshold to pass the smell test on this program.

This birth certificate business, this lawsuit that a guy named Philip Berg filed in Philadelphia in August for Obama to produce his genuine birth certificate and he still hasn't replied. You've got a deathly ill grandmother, you are going to rush to her side a few days from now, when you first announced this, you're going to rush, you're going to hurry, you're going to make tracks, you're going to get over there because you don't want your grandmother to die before you got there like your mother did, but somehow you keep campaigning, you take three days to get over there, if he's left yet, and this birth certificate business, I'm just wondering if something's up. I have no clue, and folks, I'm telling you, this has not reached the threshold until now, and it's popping up all over the place. There are a lot of people now that are starting to speculate and be curious about this.

I don't know, let's say for example that somebody does come up with proof that something's screwy with his birth certificate and something's screwy about the fact that he's allegedly a natural citizen, American citizen, but may not be, dual citizenship, born in Kenya, who knows, there's all kinds of stuff out -- so what? What's going to happen this late in the campaign? Do you think if it's proven that they're going to dump him? That's not going to happen. But still, these are just questions that I have. And, look, both of my parents have died. When I was told the end was near, bam, I got there, fast as I could. I didn't announce to the audience, "I just got word my father is said to be passing away and in four or five days I'm going to go to Missouri. In the meantime, I will not leave you here on this radio program." These are just natural questions. I think any inquisitive reporter -- I know the risk I'm running here by raising all this. But I wouldn't be me if I didn't do that.


RUSH: I want to go back to this one sound bite from Obama, second question from Harry Smith this morning on the CBS Early Show.

SMITH: Some people say there's risk involved in this, with so little time left.

OBAMA: Yeah. Well, the, uh, I think most people understand, uh, that if you're not, um, caring for your family, uh, then you're probably not, uh, the kind of person who's going to be caring for other people.

RUSH: Okay. "If you're not caring for your family..." How about George Onyango Bodongo Hussein Obama in the hut outside Nairobi living on a dollar a month? A $20 bill would double his half-brother's annual income. Not even a sign "Home, Sweet Hut" has been sent to George Onyango Bodongo Hussein Obama, and how many other of Obama's family members are living in squalor? Yeah, "if you don't take care of your family, if you don't put that first, you're probably not the kind of person that's going to be caring for other people." You have a half-brother living in a hut!

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 10/24/08 02:10 PM
Hey Widow, you know about CFR right? The Federal Reserve? You could pull up dirt on them...

When it comes to Obama/McCain, just focus on policies and voting records. We can bypass all propoganda and criticize REAL issues.

Take the Economic Stabalization Act for instance.

Or how about the fact that Obama (and McCain) never focused ANY of their energy on issues the government caused for us.

Hell, you can even tear apart Obama's healthcare plan by using common sense and history...

I really think we need to refocus our efforts on the BIG stuff...

Winx's photo
Fri 10/24/08 04:02 PM

End of thread, problem solved?

Thanks. I can read that one better than Facts. His mom's name is Stanley? Oh, my.

Winx's photo
Fri 10/24/08 04:06 PM

It's fair to ask questions of someone whom thinks they don't have to follow the rules - of their character when we find his pals, and of his family values as well.

See what Rush L. has to say on the subject O is being interviewed on his leaving for H to visit, he says, his ill g/mother. R.L is breaking into this, putting in his words here. MAKES sense to me! (O's step brother has not received money for assistance from O at all, and lives on less than a dollar a day)
Now, many think part of the real reason O is in H is to answer to the court, about his b/certificate.

SMITH: Some people say there's risk involved in this, with so little time left.

OBAMA: Yeah. Well, the, uh, I think most people understand, uh, that if you're not, um, caring for your family, uh, then you're probably not, uh, the kind of person who's going to be caring for other people.

RUSH: Yeah, right. Okay. Now, I have some questions here, ladies and gentlemen. If Obama has this election in the bag, if he has this election in the bag, which they're all saying, I mean, he's building the stage. They're already putting together this massive little stage out there in Grant Park in Chicago. They're making all these postelection plans. They're working on the transition team. If it's in the bag, Obama, please, stop spending money on TV and radio spots. Stop raising more money. You already have tons of it. Stop campaigning all over the country. You're wasting fuel. You're emitting carbon dioxide along the way. If it's over, then behave like it's over. By the way, I'd like to be a little bit more inquisitive than the average reporter out there and observe that we've been hearing and reading for at least three days now that Obama's grandmother is deathly ill and that he's going to rush to her side in Hawaii.

Now, if he's already won the presidency, why hasn't he already gone to Hawaii? Why is he not already there? What's he waiting for? "If she's deathly ill," I'm pretending to be a reporter here. You know they'd ask McCain these questions. "If Obama's grandmother is deathly ill, why has this been announced days ago and he's only going now," or tomorrow, or whenever it is. Now, I understand, folks, Snerdley's got his head buried in his hands. I understand this, my friends, anything said about Obama is going to be turned into an unfair racist attack on the man. Am I not asking obvious questions? Who announces days in advance they're rushing to the side of a loved one who is deathly ill but keeps campaigning in a race that's said to be over, only to go to the loved one's side days later? See, I think this is about something else. You know what's really percolating out there? I've been laying low on this because it hasn't met the threshold to pass the smell test on this program.

This birth certificate business, this lawsuit that a guy named Philip Berg filed in Philadelphia in August for Obama to produce his genuine birth certificate and he still hasn't replied. You've got a deathly ill grandmother, you are going to rush to her side a few days from now, when you first announced this, you're going to rush, you're going to hurry, you're going to make tracks, you're going to get over there because you don't want your grandmother to die before you got there like your mother did, but somehow you keep campaigning, you take three days to get over there, if he's left yet, and this birth certificate business, I'm just wondering if something's up. I have no clue, and folks, I'm telling you, this has not reached the threshold until now, and it's popping up all over the place. There are a lot of people now that are starting to speculate and be curious about this.

I don't know, let's say for example that somebody does come up with proof that something's screwy with his birth certificate and something's screwy about the fact that he's allegedly a natural citizen, American citizen, but may not be, dual citizenship, born in Kenya, who knows, there's all kinds of stuff out -- so what? What's going to happen this late in the campaign? Do you think if it's proven that they're going to dump him? That's not going to happen. But still, these are just questions that I have. And, look, both of my parents have died. When I was told the end was near, bam, I got there, fast as I could. I didn't announce to the audience, "I just got word my father is said to be passing away and in four or five days I'm going to go to Missouri. In the meantime, I will not leave you here on this radio program." These are just natural questions. I think any inquisitive reporter -- I know the risk I'm running here by raising all this. But I wouldn't be me if I didn't do that.


RUSH: I want to go back to this one sound bite from Obama, second question from Harry Smith this morning on the CBS Early Show.

SMITH: Some people say there's risk involved in this, with so little time left.

OBAMA: Yeah. Well, the, uh, I think most people understand, uh, that if you're not, um, caring for your family, uh, then you're probably not, uh, the kind of person who's going to be caring for other people.

RUSH: Okay. "If you're not caring for your family..." How about George Onyango Bodongo Hussein Obama in the hut outside Nairobi living on a dollar a month? A $20 bill would double his half-brother's annual income. Not even a sign "Home, Sweet Hut" has been sent to George Onyango Bodongo Hussein Obama, and how many other of Obama's family members are living in squalor? Yeah, "if you don't take care of your family, if you don't put that first, you're probably not the kind of person that's going to be caring for other people." You have a half-brother living in a hut!

Nobody takes Rush seriously.slaphead He's just a jerk that talks trash. It's embarrassing that he grew up a couple of hours from me.

ohwidow's photo
Fri 10/24/08 11:06 PM

Here are some key questions the American voters need answers to. We call on the media and perhaps even the Justice Department (for Q#2) to get to the bottom of these questions:

1.) What if Obama was not technically an African-American (as defined in Kenneth Lamb's peice in the links below per the old federal guidelines)?

2.) What if Obama is not Constitionally qualified to run for President in that he is not a natural born citizen (i.e. he was born in Kenya, etc.)? Many serious people have raised real questions about where he was in fact born. It is known that his mother was in Kenya right around when he was born and was traveling near that time. There are also many people that Q the legitimacy of the document Obama put on his webiste from Hawaii purporting to be said birth certificate. This is a CRITICAL Constituitional question and should be examined by the Justice Department.

We take no view/position on the above questions other than to say they need to be answered and it is VERY easy to provide such proof (release full ORIGINAL birth certificate (name of hospital, certificate number, etc.), allow people to be interviewed (Mom, etc.), release reported Kenyan birth certificate, & take a DNA test), yet he and his campaign have been very evasive and instead attack the questioners instead of providing simple clear answers and definative evidence.

Which definately raises the question as to why?

Here are the pertinent articles to examine and we let you decide for yourself:
---end copy---

"You're cut", think he would do that?? Get to the bottom of this. THIS is important, if a man is shady, we need to know. A Cover up instead of answering the question, give us the facts.

Pls see the video...BB