Topic: Lawsuit in every state 'til O proves his b/c or NOT!
no photo
Tue 10/21/08 07:51 PM

If U visited the site, U'd see first, they hired an atty, then they write open letter to Mrs. O. so she could state truth, so not all (ill-relevant)of it released. Then they waited (one week gone by from start, not all that long)few days, then they say, fox news was chosen to air this. Will be anxious to see this come to pass (rather than not) as too much cover-up about his 'right' to run as Pres. has happened. BB

BTW, do U work for O's camp? Straight forward details on health care show huge diff between debit - and coverage. O's is not the best by a long shot.
No, work for a utility company..Os covers the poor..That my friend is a big cause of the spirling cost..Like I said we already pay for it, might as well offset some of the costs..And as far as Canada waiting 4 hours in the ER, MANY people here could only hope that they only have to wait that long, and THATS THE INSURED!!!!

You only had to wait 4 hrs.? You're a lucky one!
Last time I was there..10 hrs, so complaining about people in Canada spend 4 hrs with their universal care is nothing. And Obamas plan is not the univeral care they have in Canada..Its putting people on plans already in place..BIG DIFF..I know you know this already Winx..flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 10/21/08 07:52 PM

IF we don't want our country to continue down this road, we need to do something different. Washington won't change for us. So we have to ask ourselves what we keep doing time and time again...

The answer to that lies in our votes. We have been voting for the specific people that claim to be from two different parties, that continually make our country worse. Look, we are doing it again...

If you want change, vote for someone who stands for it. Look at the policies. No matter who they are. Who cares if the majority of congress doesn't "endorse" them. Look at what congress has done to us. We need someone they don't want us to have.

I say again, we are are in danger of losing our country. They are pushing an economic crisis on us. They will eventually push for us to combine Canada and Mexico with the U.S. Our law system will be combined, our currencies, our militaries, etc. The Amero will take the place of the dollar.

Congress voted a bill through that is certain to to increase the effects of the recession. Obama and McCain are both pushing to lower the value of our dollar while hiding behind the false pretense of "taking care of us" as if we were illegitimate children that can't take care of themselves.

Why do you think congress doesn't take illegal immigration seriously? The answer is because the majority of the are globalists. They eventually want a one world government. The U.N. will be the world military, and the elite will continue to run things. (This is speculation but supposedly China is the guinea pig for the world government. Communism is what is being pushed. This is what Obama is pushing for.)

Do your homework. The North American Union is REAL. Has been proven. Several members of congress warned us of this. It even had made Lou Dobbs on CNN.

You want change, it has to come from us first. Stop endorsing candidates that are pushing for the same things. Stop endorsing candidates that are pushing to take us down and invent a crisis.
(Nader report)

(above is in force NOW)

Category: News & Politics

Keywords: American Resistance, Militia Movement, New World Order, North American Union, TRUTH

(O's speech while overseas)

Wikipedia article on "New World Order"
Some pretty good reading on the ones I read..But question how can you support McCain after reading that?

No one intelligent can truely support McCain....

Only logical argument anyone could come up with for voting for him is that he is a republican and may offset the ambitions of congress.... But i still fail to see that as a motivating reason...
drinker Your seeing the light, my friend:tongue:

ohwidow's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:54 PM
You only had to wait 4 hrs.? You're a lucky one!
Last time I was there..10 hrs, so complaining about people in Canada spend 4 hrs with their universal care is nothing. And Obamas plan is not the universal care they have in Canada..Its putting people on plans already in place..BIG DIFF..I know you know this already Winx..flowerforyou

T- U missed part of the news??? --copy posted prior --the Commonwealth Fund found that 57% of Canadians reported waiting 4 weeks or more to see a specialist; and a WHOPPING 22 months for an MRI---- --copy

with Obama’s health-care plan, or social health-care as I may call it, everything will go in the wrong direction. I don’t want the government-which can not control job promotion/creation and rising oil prices-to run and mandate how to provide me with health-care…
Look at France for example… they have social health-care that covers everyone, what’s wrong with that you ask?? well only that it would take up to 6 months to schedule your vital surgery meanwhile it wouldn’t take more than 3 weeks in U.S. With social health-care the quality is bound to significantly go down.
To all you democrats out there….. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE LUNCH!
Personally I dont think I should pay more money for Joe who lives down the street, who is obese, a smoker, and is a total wreck (his choice). I agree with McCain that Americans should have the ultimate decision on which health-care plan they should have. Another thing… universal health care would put sooo many people out of jobs.. insurance companies would crash because their purpose would completely be demolished.. think of all the people who would loose their jobs.

Democrats tend to think and act from flee of passion… I am totally with you dems on every American having no trouble obtaining something that they could afford and should be eligible to.. health care.. but you have to think of the consequences that will follow.. more debt maybe?? 9 trillion already, now lets go a little further!! Give me a break.. in the long run McCain’s plan will work a lot better and i by far more realistic than Obama’s

---so France is bad too. U want to wait how many MONTHS for (perhaps life-threatning) an appointment?? BB

PS, drawbacks, all of them///sick around the world--copy

ohwidow's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:56 PM

No one intelligent can truely support McCain....

Only logical argument anyone could come up with for voting for him is that he is a republican and may offset the ambitions of congress.... But i still fail to see that as a motivating reason...

Are you not voting then? Or who would you suggest we look at?
Thanks, BB

no photo
Tue 10/21/08 09:00 PM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 10/21/08 09:05 PM

You only had to wait 4 hrs.? You're a lucky one!
Last time I was there..10 hrs, so complaining about people in Canada spend 4 hrs with their universal care is nothing. And Obamas plan is not the universal care they have in Canada..Its putting people on plans already in place..BIG DIFF..I know you know this already Winx..flowerforyou

T- U missed part of the news??? --copy posted prior --the Commonwealth Fund found that 57% of Canadians reported waiting 4 weeks or more to see a specialist; and a WHOPPING 22 months for an MRI---- --copy

with Obama’s health-care plan, or social health-care as I may call it, everything will go in the wrong direction. I don’t want the government-which can not control job promotion/creation and rising oil prices-to run and mandate how to provide me with health-care…
Look at France for example… they have social health-care that covers everyone, what’s wrong with that you ask?? well only that it would take up to 6 months to schedule your vital surgery meanwhile it wouldn’t take more than 3 weeks in U.S. With social health-care the quality is bound to significantly go down.
To all you democrats out there….. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE LUNCH!
Personally I dont think I should pay more money for Joe who lives down the street, who is obese, a smoker, and is a total wreck (his choice). I agree with McCain that Americans should have the ultimate decision on which health-care plan they should have. Another thing… universal health care would put sooo many people out of jobs.. insurance companies would crash because their purpose would completely be demolished.. think of all the people who would loose their jobs.

Democrats tend to think and act from flee of passion… I am totally with you dems on every American having no trouble obtaining something that they could afford and should be eligible to.. health care.. but you have to think of the consequences that will follow.. more debt maybe?? 9 trillion already, now lets go a little further!! Give me a break.. in the long run McCain’s plan will work a lot better and i by far more realistic than Obama’s

---so France is bad too. U want to wait how many MONTHS for (perhaps life-threatning) an appointment?? BB

PS, drawbacks, all of them///sick around the world--copy
See but thats where you are wrong..To socialize healthcare you would abolish all ins companies and have a one payer, the gov..Putting people on exsisting plans is not socialized medicine.. Private insurers still pay..Like I said the biggest burden on healthcare is the poor and uninsured..So please show me where McCains program is better..Do we pay now or do we pay later..The uninsured will be treated, usually to late at a much higher cost!!!

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Tue 10/21/08 09:00 PM

No one intelligent can truely support McCain....

Only logical argument anyone could come up with for voting for him is that he is a republican and may offset the ambitions of congress.... But i still fail to see that as a motivating reason...

Are you not voting then? Or who would you suggest we look at?
Thanks, BB

If Americans would climb out of this two party rut and get back to what makes sense, Take a look a Ron Paul and his ideas, No thats a true patriot, someone who isnt afraid to go after the real issues that face us

tngxl65's photo
Tue 10/21/08 09:13 PM

If Americans would climb out of this two party rut and get back to what makes sense, Take a look a Ron Paul and his ideas, No thats a true patriot, someone who isnt afraid to go after the real issues that face us

Most people don't believe a 3rd party candidate can win, and today they're right. Heck, most Americans can't name a 3rd party period. And most have been told what party they are from the time they were born.

The traditional parties have significant resources and the elected officials in those parties are too vested in the system to break from it. I have a feeling though, as soon as someone comes along that's not a wacko (Perot) or just creepy (Forbes) and has good financial backing and a groundswell of support from people disenfranchised from the current system, we stand a chance of electing a third party candidate.

Winx's photo
Tue 10/21/08 09:34 PM

If Americans would climb out of this two party rut and get back to what makes sense, Take a look a Ron Paul and his ideas, No thats a true patriot, someone who isnt afraid to go after the real issues that face us

Most people don't believe a 3rd party candidate can win, and today they're right. Heck, most Americans can't name a 3rd party period. And most have been told what party they are from the time they were born.

The traditional parties have significant resources and the elected officials in those parties are too vested in the system to break from it. I have a feeling though, as soon as someone comes along that's not a wacko (Perot) or just creepy (Forbes) and has good financial backing and a groundswell of support from people disenfranchised from the current system, we stand a chance of electing a third party candidate.


Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/21/08 09:50 PM

If Americans would climb out of this two party rut and get back to what makes sense, Take a look a Ron Paul and his ideas, No thats a true patriot, someone who isnt afraid to go after the real issues that face us

Most people don't believe a 3rd party candidate can win, and today they're right. Heck, most Americans can't name a 3rd party period. And most have been told what party they are from the time they were born.

The traditional parties have significant resources and the elected officials in those parties are too vested in the system to break from it. I have a feeling though, as soon as someone comes along that's not a wacko (Perot) or just creepy (Forbes) and has good financial backing and a groundswell of support from people disenfranchised from the current system, we stand a chance of electing a third party candidate.

Yeah, the media is against people that don't go with the status quo...

You would have to be FILTHY rich as you were saying to get publicity without the mainstream media backing you.

I still say screw the status quo. I would rather not vote at all than vote for Obama or McCain. They are tied into the system they are, as i said earlier, plotting America's demise.

The Trilateral commission, the bildiberg group, councile of foreign relations, the federal reserve. These are the committees pulling the strings. Forget blind party politics. ITS BLIND!! McCain and Obama are just puppets for the groups mentioned earlier. If you support anyone that is not these two you are showing the powers that be that we are not stupid. They should at least have to WORK at manipulating us...

So i would urge people to vote for someone that wants to help our country out...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/21/08 09:56 PM

No one intelligent can truely support McCain....

Only logical argument anyone could come up with for voting for him is that he is a republican and may offset the ambitions of congress.... But i still fail to see that as a motivating reason...

Are you not voting then? Or who would you suggest we look at?
Thanks, BB

Ralph Nader, Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Cynthia McKinney...

Ron Paul is actually on the ballot in Oregon i believe. Once again i think he's pulling the popular vote in that state.

Nader is an actual running third party candidate. He is on the ballot at 45 states (funny how he wasn't in the debates huh?)

We all need to be paying close attention to our constitution and it's purpose. We cannot let the government continue to trample on it and ignore it. Nader is part of the constitutional party BTW, as is Chuck Baldwin. But i personally have a hard time not voting Ron Paul. The media worked pretty hard on crushing him so he never had a fair chance...

But anyone would be better than McCain and Obama. They both belong in a jail cell...

Winx's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:17 PM

If U visited the site, U'd see first, they hired an atty, then they write open letter to Mrs. O. so she could state truth, so not all (ill-relevant)of it released. Then they waited (one week gone by from start, not all that long)few days, then they say, fox news was chosen to air this. Will be anxious to see this come to pass (rather than not) as too much cover-up about his 'right' to run as Pres. has happened. BB

BTW, do U work for O's camp? Straight forward details on health care show huge diff between debit - and coverage. O's is not the best by a long shot.
No, work for a utility company..Os covers the poor..That my friend is a big cause of the spirling cost..Like I said we already pay for it, might as well offset some of the costs..And as far as Canada waiting 4 hours in the ER, MANY people here could only hope that they only have to wait that long, and THATS THE INSURED!!!!

You only had to wait 4 hrs.? You're a lucky one!
Last time I was there..10 hrs, so complaining about people in Canada spend 4 hrs with their universal care is nothing. And Obamas plan is not the univeral care they have in Canada..Its putting people on plans already in place..BIG DIFF..I know you know this already Winx..flowerforyou

Also, if you already have insurance with the company you work for, you keep that insurance. Obama's plan is to help the working people who have no insurance and fell through the cracks.

I don't EVEN like McCain's plan to give us money to purchase an insurance plan and then tax us on that money.slaphead

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:20 PM

If U visited the site, U'd see first, they hired an atty, then they write open letter to Mrs. O. so she could state truth, so not all (ill-relevant)of it released. Then they waited (one week gone by from start, not all that long)few days, then they say, fox news was chosen to air this. Will be anxious to see this come to pass (rather than not) as too much cover-up about his 'right' to run as Pres. has happened. BB

BTW, do U work for O's camp? Straight forward details on health care show huge diff between debit - and coverage. O's is not the best by a long shot.
No, work for a utility company..Os covers the poor..That my friend is a big cause of the spirling cost..Like I said we already pay for it, might as well offset some of the costs..And as far as Canada waiting 4 hours in the ER, MANY people here could only hope that they only have to wait that long, and THATS THE INSURED!!!!

You only had to wait 4 hrs.? You're a lucky one!
Last time I was there..10 hrs, so complaining about people in Canada spend 4 hrs with their universal care is nothing. And Obamas plan is not the univeral care they have in Canada..Its putting people on plans already in place..BIG DIFF..I know you know this already Winx..flowerforyou

Also, if you already have insurance with the company you work for, you keep that insurance. Obama's plan is to help the working people who have no insurance and fell through the cracks.

I don't EVEN like McCain's plan to give us money to purchase an insurance plan and then tax us on that money.slaphead

So taxing us on a uniform healthcare is better? Its a sensless dependency if you ask me...

It's gotta say something if Ron Paul prefered McCain's healthcare plan over Obama's....

Winx's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:23 PM

If U visited the site, U'd see first, they hired an atty, then they write open letter to Mrs. O. so she could state truth, so not all (ill-relevant)of it released. Then they waited (one week gone by from start, not all that long)few days, then they say, fox news was chosen to air this. Will be anxious to see this come to pass (rather than not) as too much cover-up about his 'right' to run as Pres. has happened. BB

BTW, do U work for O's camp? Straight forward details on health care show huge diff between debit - and coverage. O's is not the best by a long shot.
No, work for a utility company..Os covers the poor..That my friend is a big cause of the spirling cost..Like I said we already pay for it, might as well offset some of the costs..And as far as Canada waiting 4 hours in the ER, MANY people here could only hope that they only have to wait that long, and THATS THE INSURED!!!!

You only had to wait 4 hrs.? You're a lucky one!
Last time I was there..10 hrs, so complaining about people in Canada spend 4 hrs with their universal care is nothing. And Obamas plan is not the univeral care they have in Canada..Its putting people on plans already in place..BIG DIFF..I know you know this already Winx..flowerforyou

Also, if you already have insurance with the company you work for, you keep that insurance. Obama's plan is to help the working people who have no insurance and fell through the cracks.

I don't EVEN like McCain's plan to give us money to purchase an insurance plan and then tax us on that money.slaphead

So taxing us on a uniform healthcare is better? Its a sensless dependency if you ask me...

It's gotta say something if Ron Paul prefered McCain's healthcare plan over Obama's....

Helping the uninsured and keeping medical/insurance costs down -- that's where my heart is.

And...I think if McCain were to give me money for insurance and then tax me on that money - that would be a joke.

tngxl65's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:24 PM

Ralph Nader, Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Cynthia McKinney...

Ron Paul is actually on the ballot in Oregon i believe. Once again i think he's pulling the popular vote in that state.

Nader is an actual running third party candidate. He is on the ballot at 45 states (funny how he wasn't in the debates huh?)

We all need to be paying close attention to our constitution and it's purpose. We cannot let the government continue to trample on it and ignore it. Nader is part of the constitutional party BTW, as is Chuck Baldwin. But i personally have a hard time not voting Ron Paul. The media worked pretty hard on crushing him so he never had a fair chance...

But anyone would be better than McCain and Obama. They both belong in a jail cell...

I'm not nearly as 'jaded' as you, for lack of a better word. I don't believe the candidates are puppets. Nor do I believe they should be in jail. They simply work the system. The system could use a good shakeup.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:24 PM

If U visited the site, U'd see first, they hired an atty, then they write open letter to Mrs. O. so she could state truth, so not all (ill-relevant)of it released. Then they waited (one week gone by from start, not all that long)few days, then they say, fox news was chosen to air this. Will be anxious to see this come to pass (rather than not) as too much cover-up about his 'right' to run as Pres. has happened. BB

BTW, do U work for O's camp? Straight forward details on health care show huge diff between debit - and coverage. O's is not the best by a long shot.
No, work for a utility company..Os covers the poor..That my friend is a big cause of the spirling cost..Like I said we already pay for it, might as well offset some of the costs..And as far as Canada waiting 4 hours in the ER, MANY people here could only hope that they only have to wait that long, and THATS THE INSURED!!!!

You only had to wait 4 hrs.? You're a lucky one!
Last time I was there..10 hrs, so complaining about people in Canada spend 4 hrs with their universal care is nothing. And Obamas plan is not the univeral care they have in Canada..Its putting people on plans already in place..BIG DIFF..I know you know this already Winx..flowerforyou

Also, if you already have insurance with the company you work for, you keep that insurance. Obama's plan is to help the working people who have no insurance and fell through the cracks.

I don't EVEN like McCain's plan to give us money to purchase an insurance plan and then tax us on that money.slaphead

So taxing us on a uniform healthcare is better? Its a sensless dependency if you ask me...

It's gotta say something if Ron Paul prefered McCain's healthcare plan over Obama's....

At least Obama wants to really help. McCain says nothing for those who are on disability and need more coverage but do not pay taxes, or those who have to pay big healthcare costs for existing diseases which his rebate will not cover but a small amount. There is alot of holes in McCain's plan but it goes with the fact he is not in touch with the Average

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:25 PM

Ralph Nader, Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Cynthia McKinney...

Ron Paul is actually on the ballot in Oregon i believe. Once again i think he's pulling the popular vote in that state.

Nader is an actual running third party candidate. He is on the ballot at 45 states (funny how he wasn't in the debates huh?)

We all need to be paying close attention to our constitution and it's purpose. We cannot let the government continue to trample on it and ignore it. Nader is part of the constitutional party BTW, as is Chuck Baldwin. But i personally have a hard time not voting Ron Paul. The media worked pretty hard on crushing him so he never had a fair chance...

But anyone would be better than McCain and Obama. They both belong in a jail cell...

I'm not nearly as 'jaded' as you, for lack of a better word. I don't believe the candidates are puppets. Nor do I believe they should be in jail. They simply work the system. The system could use a good shakeup.

They both voted to violate the constitution...

tngxl65's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:31 PM

Ralph Nader, Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Cynthia McKinney...

Ron Paul is actually on the ballot in Oregon i believe. Once again i think he's pulling the popular vote in that state.

Nader is an actual running third party candidate. He is on the ballot at 45 states (funny how he wasn't in the debates huh?)

We all need to be paying close attention to our constitution and it's purpose. We cannot let the government continue to trample on it and ignore it. Nader is part of the constitutional party BTW, as is Chuck Baldwin. But i personally have a hard time not voting Ron Paul. The media worked pretty hard on crushing him so he never had a fair chance...

But anyone would be better than McCain and Obama. They both belong in a jail cell...

I'm not nearly as 'jaded' as you, for lack of a better word. I don't believe the candidates are puppets. Nor do I believe they should be in jail. They simply work the system. The system could use a good shakeup.

They both voted to violate the constitution...

Then let the courts decide if it's constitutional.

Winx's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:34 PM

If U visited the site, U'd see first, they hired an atty, then they write open letter to Mrs. O. so she could state truth, so not all (ill-relevant)of it released. Then they waited (one week gone by from start, not all that long)few days, then they say, fox news was chosen to air this. Will be anxious to see this come to pass (rather than not) as too much cover-up about his 'right' to run as Pres. has happened. BB

BTW, do U work for O's camp? Straight forward details on health care show huge diff between debit - and coverage. O's is not the best by a long shot.
No, work for a utility company..Os covers the poor..That my friend is a big cause of the spirling cost..Like I said we already pay for it, might as well offset some of the costs..And as far as Canada waiting 4 hours in the ER, MANY people here could only hope that they only have to wait that long, and THATS THE INSURED!!!!

You only had to wait 4 hrs.? You're a lucky one!
Last time I was there..10 hrs, so complaining about people in Canada spend 4 hrs with their universal care is nothing. And Obamas plan is not the univeral care they have in Canada..Its putting people on plans already in place..BIG DIFF..I know you know this already Winx..flowerforyou

Also, if you already have insurance with the company you work for, you keep that insurance. Obama's plan is to help the working people who have no insurance and fell through the cracks.

I don't EVEN like McCain's plan to give us money to purchase an insurance plan and then tax us on that money.slaphead

So taxing us on a uniform healthcare is better? Its a sensless dependency if you ask me...

It's gotta say something if Ron Paul prefered McCain's healthcare plan over Obama's....

At least Obama wants to really help. McCain says nothing for those who are on disability and need more coverage but do not pay taxes, or those who have to pay big healthcare costs for existing diseases which his rebate will not cover but a small amount. There is alot of holes in McCain's plan but it goes with the fact he is not in touch with the Average

I do wonder what McCain will do with Social Security. He would like to privatize it.

I know elderly people that can't afford their meds so they get it cheaper from Canada. They hate to do that but they have no choice. It is so wrong that the elderly people have to do that.:angry:

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:36 PM

If U visited the site, U'd see first, they hired an atty, then they write open letter to Mrs. O. so she could state truth, so not all (ill-relevant)of it released. Then they waited (one week gone by from start, not all that long)few days, then they say, fox news was chosen to air this. Will be anxious to see this come to pass (rather than not) as too much cover-up about his 'right' to run as Pres. has happened. BB

BTW, do U work for O's camp? Straight forward details on health care show huge diff between debit - and coverage. O's is not the best by a long shot.
No, work for a utility company..Os covers the poor..That my friend is a big cause of the spirling cost..Like I said we already pay for it, might as well offset some of the costs..And as far as Canada waiting 4 hours in the ER, MANY people here could only hope that they only have to wait that long, and THATS THE INSURED!!!!

You only had to wait 4 hrs.? You're a lucky one!
Last time I was there..10 hrs, so complaining about people in Canada spend 4 hrs with their universal care is nothing. And Obamas plan is not the univeral care they have in Canada..Its putting people on plans already in place..BIG DIFF..I know you know this already Winx..flowerforyou

Also, if you already have insurance with the company you work for, you keep that insurance. Obama's plan is to help the working people who have no insurance and fell through the cracks.

I don't EVEN like McCain's plan to give us money to purchase an insurance plan and then tax us on that money.slaphead

So taxing us on a uniform healthcare is better? Its a sensless dependency if you ask me...

It's gotta say something if Ron Paul prefered McCain's healthcare plan over Obama's....

At least Obama wants to really help. McCain says nothing for those who are on disability and need more coverage but do not pay taxes, or those who have to pay big healthcare costs for existing diseases which his rebate will not cover but a small amount. There is alot of holes in McCain's plan but it goes with the fact he is not in touch with the Average

This is where you are mistaken. He is just pushing for socialism... Look, Inflation tax is getting us into serious trouble. Any extra help we offer is disaterous unless we can afford it. If Obama changed our foreign policy and actually planned to cut spending on wars i would completely for helping everyone.

But government overspending, printing unbacked money, is causing the problem. You can't offer to solve the problem by adding to it...

I want you guys to think about this quote...

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

-Thomas Jefferson

and this one:

When people find they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.

-Benjamin Franklin

Now listen...

If we could lower the cost of healthcare, gasoline and education all at once wouldn't you think it foolish not to look into it?

Audit the fed, reback the dollar, cut government spending, start working of the deficit, and cut taxes.

It requires a simple practice of reverting back to our old ways. The government should be focusing on how to help people help themselves, not helping people itself. This program he is speaking of will eventually make MOST of us dependent on it. Than that is just one more thing future candidates can use to manipulate you...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:37 PM

If U visited the site, U'd see first, they hired an atty, then they write open letter to Mrs. O. so she could state truth, so not all (ill-relevant)of it released. Then they waited (one week gone by from start, not all that long)few days, then they say, fox news was chosen to air this. Will be anxious to see this come to pass (rather than not) as too much cover-up about his 'right' to run as Pres. has happened. BB

BTW, do U work for O's camp? Straight forward details on health care show huge diff between debit - and coverage. O's is not the best by a long shot.
No, work for a utility company..Os covers the poor..That my friend is a big cause of the spirling cost..Like I said we already pay for it, might as well offset some of the costs..And as far as Canada waiting 4 hours in the ER, MANY people here could only hope that they only have to wait that long, and THATS THE INSURED!!!!

You only had to wait 4 hrs.? You're a lucky one!
Last time I was there..10 hrs, so complaining about people in Canada spend 4 hrs with their universal care is nothing. And Obamas plan is not the univeral care they have in Canada..Its putting people on plans already in place..BIG DIFF..I know you know this already Winx..flowerforyou

Also, if you already have insurance with the company you work for, you keep that insurance. Obama's plan is to help the working people who have no insurance and fell through the cracks.

I don't EVEN like McCain's plan to give us money to purchase an insurance plan and then tax us on that money.slaphead

So taxing us on a uniform healthcare is better? Its a sensless dependency if you ask me...

It's gotta say something if Ron Paul prefered McCain's healthcare plan over Obama's....

At least Obama wants to really help. McCain says nothing for those who are on disability and need more coverage but do not pay taxes, or those who have to pay big healthcare costs for existing diseases which his rebate will not cover but a small amount. There is alot of holes in McCain's plan but it goes with the fact he is not in touch with the Average

I do wonder what McCain will do with Social Security. He would like to privatize it.

I know elderly people that can't afford their meds so they get it cheaper from Canada. They hate to do that but they have no choice. It is so wrong that the elderly people have to do that.:angry:

Kinda funny how people from canada come here for healthcare, and we go there for medicine... hmmm.

It's all based on the value of our dollar...