cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:18 PM

Good for you Denise.Racism is alive and well but I refuse to acknowledge it.I do think Blacks should stop using the N word and stop glorifying street thugs.I like rap but some of it is very juvenile in it's world view.

I can't stand rap and hip hop. I listen to everything else tho. The videos are downright softcore porn and degrading to women

You got that right but to be fair the heavy metal bands back in the day had the hoes to lol

DeniseC86's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:19 PM

Good for you Denise.Racism is alive and well but I refuse to acknowledge it.I do think Blacks should stop using the N word and stop glorifying street thugs.I like rap but some of it is very juvenile in it's world view.

I can't stand rap and hip hop. I listen to everything else tho. The videos are downright softcore porn and degrading to women

You got that right but to be fair the heavy metal bands back in the day had the hoes to lol

Agreed lol

damnitscloudy's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:21 PM
I've been the victim or corporate racism. I had a scholarship to University of Kentucky taken from me and given to another person because the school wanted more of that race.

Also when i applied for food stamps the people found out i was a white guy and denied me (the legal paper said they deal with minorities, and i'm not a minority)

But a white person can't be a victim of discrimination in today's world, or else he is called racist, which is why i keep these to myself and try move on from there.

willfen's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:23 PM

There is of course an issue with racism still, but it only becomes an issue to me when someone brings it up. I am a white man with my own life to lead so im not going to spend much time worrying that black people have to deal with this. All i can do is not be racist myself. Apart from that i probably live inside a bubble and dont really appreciate the extent to which people of other cultures have things more difficult than myself.
I APPLAUD YOUR HONESTY!!!I believe that this is how most White people deal with this issue. They acknowledge its existence, then run from it without realizing that its their problem as well.

Until we can get ALL sides to accept and deal with it, racism will just keep rolling, rolling, rolling....keep them racists rolling......sorry, Rawhide is on....

I believe all people know its there ,my son is taught to respect all people though he does think girls are icky(he's 8)

I STILL think girls are icky!! lol

FindMe1113's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:24 PM
Someone once asked me "What's your race?"...I said, personally I like the "Indies 500":banana:

willfen's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:26 PM

Someone once asked me "What's your race?"...I said, personally I like the "Indies 500":banana:

My Race was the Big Wheel vs the Green Machine after school...Green Machine....Green Machine....

damnitscloudy's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:29 PM

Good for you Denise.Racism is alive and well but I refuse to acknowledge it.I do think Blacks should stop using the N word and stop glorifying street thugs.I like rap but some of it is very juvenile in it's world view.

I can't stand rap and hip hop. I listen to everything else tho. The videos are downright softcore porn and degrading to women

You got that right but to be fair the heavy metal bands back in the day had the hoes to lol

Nonono, they arn't hoes, they are "groupies" laugh

Dan99's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:36 PM

There is of course an issue with racism still, but it only becomes an issue to me when someone brings it up. I am a white man with my own life to lead so im not going to spend much time worrying that black people have to deal with this. All i can do is not be racist myself. Apart from that i probably live inside a bubble and dont really appreciate the extent to which people of other cultures have things more difficult than myself.
I APPLAUD YOUR HONESTY!!!I believe that this is how most White people deal with this issue. They acknowledge its existence, then run from it without realizing that its their problem as well.

Until we can get ALL sides to accept and deal with it, racism will just keep rolling, rolling, rolling....keep them racists rolling......sorry, Rawhide is on....

Ok, what am i supposed to do? Seriously?

Because i really have no idea what i can do, except be a good citizen and respect all people. I dont shy away from black people or people from any other cultures. I live in a extremely multicultural area (London) and never have any problems with anyone because of their race. Am i supposed to go out with a placard protesting against racism? I really want you to educate me now.

DeniseC86's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:42 PM

Good for you Denise.Racism is alive and well but I refuse to acknowledge it.I do think Blacks should stop using the N word and stop glorifying street thugs.I like rap but some of it is very juvenile in it's world view.

I can't stand rap and hip hop. I listen to everything else tho. The videos are downright softcore porn and degrading to women

You got that right but to be fair the heavy metal bands back in the day had the hoes to lol

Nonono, they arn't hoes, they are "groupies" laugh

I stand corrected. *I would be a total groupie for Justin Timberlake*

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:44 PM

:smile: I used to be one of those white people that didnt think rascism existed (much)anymore but recently, in college, and in this election, I have come to see that I was mistaken.:smile: I see the discrimination all over the place now kinda like my minority friends always tried to tell me about.:smile: I think that most white people just dont understand it because they dont have to deal with rascism and prejudice in their day to day lives.:smile:

That's part of the problem.

If prejudice was so rampant, Mr. Obama wouldn't be in the position he's in. That fact alone has the hatemongers quivering because they can see that they're out of buisness soon.
:smile: I'll tell you whats REALLY part of the problem.:smile: This misconception that somehow Obama represents all African Americans.:smile: How is he supposed to "end" rascism (even if he wins the election)?huh You mean well, but obviously you dont understand what rascism is.:smile:

You obviously misenterpreted my statement.
I didn't in anyway mean that Obama was ending racism.
My point was that, As a people, America IS seeing beyond racial boundries as a whole, Otherwise, He wouldn't be so close to the Presidency.
It actually has nothing to do with him. It's about the fact thatin reality, Race is NOT the issue.
Maybe my conception of racism doesn't match yours, But it doesn't mean that I don't understand it as I see it.

It's all perception and clarification.

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:59 PM
If I stood on the east side of a room and drew a sketch of it, And someone else stood in the same room on the west side and also sketched it, A person who was quick to judge would see two different rooms. A person who sat back and studied the picture closely would see that it was the same room from different perspectives.
We're all in the same room. Maybe we should just realize that each of us has our own perspective.
Right and wrong only comes into play when we don't realize it.

willfen's photo
Tue 09/30/08 06:27 PM

There is of course an issue with racism still, but it only becomes an issue to me when someone brings it up. I am a white man with my own life to lead so im not going to spend much time worrying that black people have to deal with this. All i can do is not be racist myself. Apart from that i probably live inside a bubble and dont really appreciate the extent to which people of other cultures have things more difficult than myself.
I APPLAUD YOUR HONESTY!!!I believe that this is how most White people deal with this issue. They acknowledge its existence, then run from it without realizing that its their problem as well.

Until we can get ALL sides to accept and deal with it, racism will just keep rolling, rolling, rolling....keep them racists rolling......sorry, Rawhide is on....

Ok, what am i supposed to do? Seriously?

Because i really have no idea what i can do, except be a good citizen and respect all people. I dont shy away from black people or people from any other cultures. I live in a extremely multicultural area (London) and never have any problems with anyone because of their race. Am i supposed to go out with a placard protesting against racism? I really want you to educate me now.
First of all...I said AMERICA....I would not expect someone who doesn't live in America to have empathy or understand.....

Second, no one asked you to be an activist....All that was asked for was your opinion and you gave it. It was appreciated. So I really don't understand why you are getting so bent out of shape? This is merely a discussion and personally, I don't really care if you carry a placard or a banner.

Dan99's photo
Tue 09/30/08 06:47 PM

There is of course an issue with racism still, but it only becomes an issue to me when someone brings it up. I am a white man with my own life to lead so im not going to spend much time worrying that black people have to deal with this. All i can do is not be racist myself. Apart from that i probably live inside a bubble and dont really appreciate the extent to which people of other cultures have things more difficult than myself.
I APPLAUD YOUR HONESTY!!!I believe that this is how most White people deal with this issue. They acknowledge its existence, then run from it without realizing that its their problem as well.

Until we can get ALL sides to accept and deal with it, racism will just keep rolling, rolling, rolling....keep them racists rolling......sorry, Rawhide is on....

Ok, what am i supposed to do? Seriously?

Because i really have no idea what i can do, except be a good citizen and respect all people. I dont shy away from black people or people from any other cultures. I live in a extremely multicultural area (London) and never have any problems with anyone because of their race. Am i supposed to go out with a placard protesting against racism? I really want you to educate me now.
First of all...I said AMERICA....I would not expect someone who doesn't live in America to have empathy or understand.....

Second, no one asked you to be an activist....All that was asked for was your opinion and you gave it. It was appreciated. So I really don't understand why you are getting so bent out of shape? This is merely a discussion and personally, I don't really care if you carry a placard or a banner.

Im not bent out of shape at all, sorry it came across that way. That happens on the internet sometimes.

You said America, but im not american, i can only state my opinion with the knowledge that i have. America is not the only country in the world with the same issues either, so we can all discuss this no matter where we are from, or are you being racist? (that was a joke!)

I seriously wanted some advice on what more i should do. Can you give me any? Because you did say that i basically acknowledged racism and then ran from it. That is maybe fair for you to say, but what more can i do other than not be racist myself?

TwilightsTwin's photo
Tue 09/30/08 07:04 PM
This coming from northern minnesota is my opinion...

I think the "divide" in race is getting closer every decade. Whats dividing the american people THE most is CLASS between poverty and upper class our country has never been so divided! The middle class is becoming exstinct. In short, the rich are getting richer and poor poorer. With the differences in income/class is where I see the most tension no matter what race.

& Race...I dont see how it could be an issue ...I mean who knows who came from where? Most of us are mutts. Since we can travel across oceans our gene pool got a lot bigger for swimming then back in the caveman days.

Just my 2 cents & a potato chipflowerforyou

Besides people still think I'm latina. Am I insuted? No. Just frustraited I can't reply back (well) in spanish.

galendgirl's photo
Tue 09/30/08 07:08 PM
It exists (works both ways and with all cultural divisions) was never justified, people of all races make excuses for what they don't want to admit to (laziness, apathy, racism, privledge, poverty, etc) & generations do pass on broken ideas regarding this subject...(and oh, and do we even mention the media?)

One of my favorite life experiences involved a friend (black woman) I could ask about things like "how do you braid your daughter's hair & make it last" and she could ask me questions without either one of us feeling awkward...we were just INTERESTED! There was no judgement...just curiosity. That was a rare and special relationship.

BTW - I'll probably have interracial grandchildren and WHO CARES? Well, sure, some people obviously will, but it won't be me! happy

e1ectric9uy's photo
Tue 09/30/08 07:25 PM
I recently hired a kid from our local high school to work with me to learn a trade. He has been in this country for six years after escaping a war torn region of Africa. The general contractor called me up tonight ranting and raving about how he wasn't gonna pay for some "spearchucker" to work in his building. I was doumbfounded that such racism can still exist in 2008 in Boston,MA. Some people just need to hate others to feel like they are better. Needless to say I told the contracter we no longer needed his buisness. So people will never change.

Winx's photo
Tue 09/30/08 07:30 PM

I recently hired a kid from our local high school to work with me to learn a trade. He has been in this country for six years after escaping a war torn region of Africa. The general contractor called me up tonight ranting and raving about how he wasn't gonna pay for some "spearchucker" to work in his building. I was doumbfounded that such racism can still exist in 2008 in Boston,MA. Some people just need to hate others to feel like they are better. Needless to say I told the contracter we no longer needed his buisness. So people will never change.

Wow. Not paying for a spearchucker. That is harsh and hateful. All that matters is if he can do the work.

Kudos to you for not needing his business any

Winx's photo
Tue 09/30/08 07:31 PM
Edited by Winx on Tue 09/30/08 07:32 PM

I've been the victim or corporate racism. I had a scholarship to University of Kentucky taken from me and given to another person because the school wanted more of that race.

Also when i applied for food stamps the people found out i was a white guy and denied me (the legal paper said they deal with minorities, and i'm not a minority)

But a white person can't be a victim of discrimination in today's world, or else he is called racist, which is why i keep these to myself and try move on from there.

Not given food stamps to a certain race? Isn't that illegal?
Family Services (the state) can't discriminate.noway

I would have appealed that one.:angry:

krupa's photo
Tue 09/30/08 07:37 PM
Dude this is easy....

Can I date your sister? (You can decide if you are racist)

Where I live...if you are cool or you are what decides if someone is gonna mess with far as I am concerned, disrespect is earned...just like respect is.

Now, back to the question....Can I date your sister?

thumper95's photo
Tue 09/30/08 07:37 PM

Sorry about the title - just wanted to grab your attention.

I just wanted to open up this dialogue because I like to get my information from the 'horse's mouth' so to speak.

I just want you guys to give any opinion you want on race and racism. Does it exist? Does it no longer exist? Was it ever or is it still justified?

Do you believe that Blacks makes a bunch of excuses to draw attention away from their own apathy and laziness?

Do you believe that Whites hide in suburbia and refuse to admit that racism exists today, even though every other person they know or are related to is racist?

I am just throwing topics out there to stimulate your mind.....these are very relevant issues to thousands of people in America to this very day.

I encourage all to express their opinion. It doesn't matter in this forum if you are racist, bigoted, Black, White, Male, Female, whatever...ALL can speak without recrimination from myself at least.

I do want to ask that you follow my ONLY rule: Please be respectful. If someone says something you don't not get personal, or nasty... or get in your feelings. It is my belief that the only reason racism exists is because we let personal feelings get in the way of objective reasoning and logic.

With that.....let's chat!

i wont lie,, i have racist people in my family, and it breaks my heart that they can be that way. and im not excusing it in any fashion, but they grew up in a very very diffrent way than i did. my grandfather is the main one, and yeah, i love the old man, but i can not and will not agree with his point of views. anyone,, white black green yellow or purple with pink polka dots can be completely worthless. its the ones that come from nothing and do something and decide that they wont live with nothing, and pull themselves out of a bad situation that get my respect. anyone who wallows in self pity and blames everyone else for the problems that they have is living a very deluded life. there are few exceptions to that rule, as with everything, but the vast majority of people can make themselves better in some way.