cmg88's photo
Fri 10/03/08 06:09 AM

I didn't read all the posts on this subject, and I probably should but I will state my opinion. Yes racism still exists, and it will always exist. Will it have an effect on the election? probably. I think all people are a little racist,even me. Or actually not racist but prejudice. My take on it though is the more it gets brought up, the worst it gets. The more I see Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson on TV playing the race card, the more my prejudices effect me. And a lot of blacks disagree with what those guys represent, which in fact (to me) is reverse racism. I wish people could just now be called people and thats it. I hate how on job applications or many other forms you have to check what race you are. This type of stuff is not helpful in my opinion. Children just need to be educated at an early age that everyone is the same regardless of color, and we will continue to see progress in this area.

What is it with all of this "Ethnicity/ background" woojamaflip they need when filling out forms,etc,etc..............Why should it be an issue ( especially when applying for a job?) what business is it for anyone to ask for your sexual orientation,colour or creed as long as the person applying has the right qualifications for the job?

this is to ensure that minorities are hired and not being discriminated against. yeah--so white people don't only employee white people, get it?

cmg88's photo
Fri 10/03/08 06:20 AM

It's only an issue if you want it to be an issue!
This summer, I welcomed people from Bangladesh, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Africa and other areas...just to name a few. I did not have a problem welcoming people from these countries. I had the time of my life meeting and greeting people from the different countries....why do people have to make this such an issue?
Enough already! Just welcome your neighbor with open arms and move on!

it is not only an issue if you want it to be. do you realize black men are still being beaten when being arrested by white police officers, or being sodomized by a plunger, or shot outside there bachelor party when they leave for the night. not only shot but shot over 40x - 3 black men. police claim there was a gun, no gun was ever found.

this is not something just to ignore and turn your head, and say well it won't exist if i don't want it to. i think acknowledging that it is a big problem in this country and being aware of it's existance is step 1. no it is not just can't we all get along attitude. i don't know what to do and no i don't have the answers, but reading the news and being aware on what is happening in the rest of the country is a great start.

most americans never venture to far from outside there little "box". for them eating chinese food is a big deal, that is if they can find a Chinese restaurant!

buffry's photo
Fri 10/03/08 06:25 AM

Of course racism is alive and well. It'll take many more generations of different races living together before they actually get it into their thick skulls that we are all human and equals.

And for the record, I am not not racist, I loath everyone regardless of age, race or sex! are too funny! Hate everyone equally!

Dan99's photo
Fri 10/03/08 02:53 PM

That's what I do too, Dan. And I raise my child not to be racist.

Well i guess i could have a child and do the same! lol!

There has gotta be something else though? I really cant think of a single thing more i can do, apart from be an activist! Maybe i am just dumb.

Dan-can i just jump in? try to explain things is really truely difficult to understand what you can do unless you see it for your self.

i grew up in the mid-west illinois small town 7500 people. there were 2 black students in my high school. the rest were entirely white. i never met anyone or new anyone from another ethnicity until i moved to NYC 20yrs ago.i just recently came back to illinois near small town.

i am just shocked at the racicsm still here today.
i don't think there is necessarily a specific act that you must do. i understand wanting clarification on that issue. the thing is, in NYC the racism was more under the table....nobody would dare speak out against the strong high number of minorities from around the globe even among co-workers or casual friends. the racism wasn't as blatantly obvious as it is here in illinois. in "sophisticated" multi cultural urban areas...the racism is not clearly seen. But trust me it is still there....i know London is very different and much more open minded than the most populated cities in the us. i think this is because of my wonderful American history, slavery, no equal rights, keep the black man down attitude and it is and was very much a reality. e

London does not have this history, it was not an issue in london and it is completely understandable that you would obviouly not know what to do to prevent. it is just not like that in england. racism is rapant here in the us. furthermore, i think it is great to have an outside perspective from another country. This just reminds dumb*** backwords Americans how stupid we really are.

sorry so long

Racism is rampant here in England as well, although i do agree that it is different, and less severe. Different races arent so segregated and we dont really have ghettos, although some areas are more popular for certain cultures and whites can be a minority in them. We just dont have enough space for that segregation to occur here, it forces us to live together.

For HUNDREDS of years London especially has had migrants from all over the world coming, going and settling. Please believe me that we have a very long and in depth history on this subject.

Outside of london, especially in certain area up North, it would take a pretty brave ethnic person to try to move to. They are by no means going to be welcomed with open arms.

I still want the OP to respond to my question, what else can i do apart from not be racist? I know you have said there is no specific act i can do, and that confirms what i was thinking. But the OP said i was hiding and that without us ALL facing the problem together, the racism will keep on rolling, rolling, rolling..

The OP is a black man, and i want to know what he thinks i can do more. Because its obvious he thinks that people like me are to blame for the continued racism in society. Or if he would like to address the same question in respect of what a white american should specifically do, then id be happy with that. But if he cant offer me anything, and if nobody else can, then it will be quite clear to be that the problem lies more within HIM than myself, and others like me.

I really dont mind what he says against white racist people, but to say that white non racist people are part of the problem, sounds pretty racist to me in itself. It is like saying all white people are to blame...

Jess642's photo
Fri 10/03/08 03:00 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Fri 10/03/08 03:00 PM

Sorry about the title - just wanted to grab your attention.

I just wanted to open up this dialogue because I like to get my information from the 'horse's mouth' so to speak.

I just want you guys to give any opinion you want on race and racism. Does it exist? Does it no longer exist? Was it ever or is it still justified?

Do you believe that Blacks makes a bunch of excuses to draw attention away from their own apathy and laziness?

Do you believe that Whites hide in suburbia and refuse to admit that racism exists today, even though every other person they know or are related to is racist?

I am just throwing topics out there to stimulate your mind.....these are very relevant issues to thousands of people in America to this very day.

I encourage all to express their opinion. It doesn't matter in this forum if you are racist, bigoted, Black, White, Male, Female, whatever...ALL can speak without recrimination from myself at least.

I do want to ask that you follow my ONLY rule: Please be respectful. If someone says something you don't not get personal, or nasty... or get in your feelings. It is my belief that the only reason racism exists is because we let personal feelings get in the way of objective reasoning and logic.

With that.....let's chat!

Hmmmm....Not being American helps at times...laugh

For as long as humankind separate...(us and them, in group, out group) there will be racism... matter what colour their skin or gender may be.

BonnyMiss's photo
Fri 10/03/08 04:14 PM

That's what I do too, Dan. And I raise my child not to be racist.

Well i guess i could have a child and do the same! lol!

There has gotta be something else though? I really cant think of a single thing more i can do, apart from be an activist! Maybe i am just dumb.

Dan-can i just jump in? try to explain things is really truely difficult to understand what you can do unless you see it for your self.

i grew up in the mid-west illinois small town 7500 people. there were 2 black students in my high school. the rest were entirely white. i never met anyone or new anyone from another ethnicity until i moved to NYC 20yrs ago.i just recently came back to illinois near small town.

i am just shocked at the racicsm still here today.
i don't think there is necessarily a specific act that you must do. i understand wanting clarification on that issue. the thing is, in NYC the racism was more under the table....nobody would dare speak out against the strong high number of minorities from around the globe even among co-workers or casual friends. the racism wasn't as blatantly obvious as it is here in illinois. in "sophisticated" multi cultural urban areas...the racism is not clearly seen. But trust me it is still there....i know London is very different and much more open minded than the most populated cities in the us. i think this is because of my wonderful American history, slavery, no equal rights, keep the black man down attitude and it is and was very much a reality. e

London does not have this history, it was not an issue in london and it is completely understandable that you would obviouly not know what to do to prevent. it is just not like that in england. racism is rapant here in the us. furthermore, i think it is great to have an outside perspective from another country. This just reminds dumb*** backwords Americans how stupid we really are.

sorry so long

Racism is rampant here in England as well, although i do agree that it is different, and less severe. Different races arent so segregated and we dont really have ghettos, although some areas are more popular for certain cultures and whites can be a minority in them. We just dont have enough space for that segregation to occur here, it forces us to live together.

For HUNDREDS of years London especially has had migrants from all over the world coming, going and settling. Please believe me that we have a very long and in depth history on this subject.

Outside of london, especially in certain area up North, it would take a pretty brave ethnic person to try to move to. They are by no means going to be welcomed with open arms.

I still want the OP to respond to my question, what else can i do apart from not be racist? I know you have said there is no specific act i can do, and that confirms what i was thinking. But the OP said i was hiding and that without us ALL facing the problem together, the racism will keep on rolling, rolling, rolling..

The OP is a black man, and i want to know what he thinks i can do more. Because its obvious he thinks that people like me are to blame for the continued racism in society. Or if he would like to address the same question in respect of what a white american should specifically do, then id be happy with that. But if he cant offer me anything, and if nobody else can, then it will be quite clear to be that the problem lies more within HIM than myself, and others like me.

I really dont mind what he says against white racist people, but to say that white non racist people are part of the problem, sounds pretty racist to me in itself. It is like saying all white people are to blame...

Oldham, Blackburn, Birmingham, Liverpool, Bedford, Oxford, Northampton, Wellingborough, Kettering,Rushden,Old, Milton Keynes,Leicester.................To name a few, these are all places ( city,towns and villages) with a very large contingent of minority races.

talldub's photo
Fri 10/03/08 04:16 PM

For HUNDREDS of years London especially has had migrants from all over the world coming, going and settling. Please believe me that we have a very long and in depth history on this subject.

I agree, just look at how they treated (and still treat) the Irish.

Dan99's photo
Fri 10/03/08 04:22 PM

That's what I do too, Dan. And I raise my child not to be racist.

Well i guess i could have a child and do the same! lol!

There has gotta be something else though? I really cant think of a single thing more i can do, apart from be an activist! Maybe i am just dumb.

Dan-can i just jump in? try to explain things is really truely difficult to understand what you can do unless you see it for your self.

i grew up in the mid-west illinois small town 7500 people. there were 2 black students in my high school. the rest were entirely white. i never met anyone or new anyone from another ethnicity until i moved to NYC 20yrs ago.i just recently came back to illinois near small town.

i am just shocked at the racicsm still here today.
i don't think there is necessarily a specific act that you must do. i understand wanting clarification on that issue. the thing is, in NYC the racism was more under the table....nobody would dare speak out against the strong high number of minorities from around the globe even among co-workers or casual friends. the racism wasn't as blatantly obvious as it is here in illinois. in "sophisticated" multi cultural urban areas...the racism is not clearly seen. But trust me it is still there....i know London is very different and much more open minded than the most populated cities in the us. i think this is because of my wonderful American history, slavery, no equal rights, keep the black man down attitude and it is and was very much a reality. e

London does not have this history, it was not an issue in london and it is completely understandable that you would obviouly not know what to do to prevent. it is just not like that in england. racism is rapant here in the us. furthermore, i think it is great to have an outside perspective from another country. This just reminds dumb*** backwords Americans how stupid we really are.

sorry so long

Racism is rampant here in England as well, although i do agree that it is different, and less severe. Different races arent so segregated and we dont really have ghettos, although some areas are more popular for certain cultures and whites can be a minority in them. We just dont have enough space for that segregation to occur here, it forces us to live together.

For HUNDREDS of years London especially has had migrants from all over the world coming, going and settling. Please believe me that we have a very long and in depth history on this subject.

Outside of london, especially in certain area up North, it would take a pretty brave ethnic person to try to move to. They are by no means going to be welcomed with open arms.

I still want the OP to respond to my question, what else can i do apart from not be racist? I know you have said there is no specific act i can do, and that confirms what i was thinking. But the OP said i was hiding and that without us ALL facing the problem together, the racism will keep on rolling, rolling, rolling..

The OP is a black man, and i want to know what he thinks i can do more. Because its obvious he thinks that people like me are to blame for the continued racism in society. Or if he would like to address the same question in respect of what a white american should specifically do, then id be happy with that. But if he cant offer me anything, and if nobody else can, then it will be quite clear to be that the problem lies more within HIM than myself, and others like me.

I really dont mind what he says against white racist people, but to say that white non racist people are part of the problem, sounds pretty racist to me in itself. It is like saying all white people are to blame...

Oldham, Blackburn, Birmingham, Liverpool, Bedford, Oxford, Northampton, Wellingborough, Kettering,Rushden,Old, Milton Keynes,Leicester.................To name a few, these are all places ( city,towns and villages) with a very large contingent of minority races.

Bradford, Leeds, Newcastle..

The list is long, but i dont get your point?

Dan99's photo
Fri 10/03/08 04:25 PM

For HUNDREDS of years London especially has had migrants from all over the world coming, going and settling. Please believe me that we have a very long and in depth history on this subject.

I agree, just look at how they treated (and still treat) the Irish.

Im not biting! lol!

BonnyMiss's photo
Fri 10/03/08 04:29 PM

I quote............."Outside of london, especially in certain area up North, it would take a pretty brave ethnic person to try to move to. They are by no means going to be welcomed with open arms".

It would be interesting to know the name of the ( or any ) place outside of London that seems to be deemed "No minority man's land"

Dan99's photo
Fri 10/03/08 04:49 PM
There are certain pockets where i would expect a minority to face a lot of trouble. I used to live in Manchester and a friend from Rossendale, Lancashire told me stories of asian shop keepers being hounded out by locals there and in surrounding towns and villages. Certain places are still almost totally white. But i didnt say anywhere was a no mans land for ethnics, just that some places you would need to be more brave to move there if you are a minority. There are even areas within London that are relatively still very white and/or have a very high level of nationalists(Dagenham for one, as you asked for places), and are as a result much less friendly for people of ethnic backgrounds.

Dan99's photo
Wed 10/08/08 05:06 PM
Bumping because i have seen the OP online and im waiting for him to respond to me..

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 10/08/08 07:08 PM

Good for you Denise.Racism is alive and well but I refuse to acknowledge it.I do think Blacks should stop using the N word and stop glorifying street thugs.I like rap but some of it is very juvenile in it's world view.

I can't stand rap and hip hop. I listen to everything else tho. The videos are downright softcore porn and degrading to women

You got that right but to be fair the heavy metal bands back in the day had the hoes to lol

Nonono, they arn't hoes, they are "groupies" laugh

I stand corrected. *I would be a total groupie for Justin Timberlake*

Watch out Jennifer Beal!!:banana:

adj4u's photo
Wed 10/08/08 09:31 PM

Sorry about the title - just wanted to grab your attention.

I just wanted to open up this dialogue because I like to get my information from the 'horse's mouth' so to speak.

I just want you guys to give any opinion you want on race and racism. Does it exist? Does it no longer exist? Was it ever or is it still justified?

Do you believe that Blacks makes a bunch of excuses to draw attention away from their own apathy and laziness?

Do you believe that Whites hide in suburbia and refuse to admit that racism exists today, even though every other person they know or are related to is racist?

I am just throwing topics out there to stimulate your mind.....these are very relevant issues to thousands of people in America to this very day.

I encourage all to express their opinion. It doesn't matter in this forum if you are racist, bigoted, Black, White, Male, Female, whatever...ALL can speak without recrimination from myself at least.

I do want to ask that you follow my ONLY rule: Please be respectful. If someone says something you don't not get personal, or nasty... or get in your feelings. It is my belief that the only reason racism exists is because we let personal feelings get in the way of objective reasoning and logic.

With that.....let's chat!

as long as the question is asked

then the subject exists

frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

doodlebuggrrl's photo
Wed 10/08/08 09:34 PM
I havent read through all the remarks....
I do think people can be judgemental and racist ..but with the topic this is and the comments that could and probably will come out of it wouldnt this be better served on a debate thread?

transientmind's photo
Wed 10/08/08 10:57 PM
Edited by transientmind on Wed 10/08/08 10:59 PM
Chris Titus apologizes on behalf of all white Americans.

Warning: sense of humor required.

naturallygreen's photo
Thu 10/09/08 10:32 AM
I have raised my 2 kids to not be racist or any other kind of prejudiced. My son's room mate at college is a black guy from Nigeria. My daughter is still in HS and has black friends.


For reasons I won't go into, we ended up living in a housing project that was 90% black. We were the ones that racism was perpetrated on. My daughter was actually assaulted on the bus she takes to school. Not by all the kids (they were all black except her), but by most. The black driver totally ignored it. I have been called a whit B**ch too many times to count. I pulled up to my apt one evening and some rap song was playing "I want some of what you got b**ch". ANYONE who called me that would get slapped upside the head. I was never even tempted in my whole life to use the "N" word until I lived there. I think it's a cultural problem more than a color problem. The people raised in this "ghetto" culture just acted totally insane. I have moved now and things are gratefully, for the most part back to normal. I know there is plenty of white trash out there too. I think that racism comes from people who have very low esteem and feel like they have to put anyone different down. I actually feel sorry for them.

I hope that sometime in the near future the playing field will more level and all this racism from all ethnic groups will end. That includes the extremist who would like to wipe the US off of the face of the earth.

Even on this site, they ask about race. I think there is just one race the human race. I LOOK white but my gene pool is so diverse that just about anyone could find a problem with my background. Ignorant people are everywhere.

Peace to all

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 10/09/08 11:14 AM

I have raised my 2 kids to not be racist or any other kind of prejudiced. My son's room mate at college is a black guy from Nigeria. My daughter is still in HS and has black friends.


For reasons I won't go into, we ended up living in a housing project that was 90% black. We were the ones that racism was perpetrated on. My daughter was actually assaulted on the bus she takes to school. Not by all the kids (they were all black except her), but by most. The black driver totally ignored it. I have been called a whit B**ch too many times to count. I pulled up to my apt one evening and some rap song was playing "I want some of what you got b**ch". ANYONE who called me that would get slapped upside the head. I was never even tempted in my whole life to use the "N" word until I lived there. I think it's a cultural problem more than a color problem. The people raised in this "ghetto" culture just acted totally insane. I have moved now and things are gratefully, for the most part back to normal. I know there is plenty of white trash out there too. I think that racism comes from people who have very low esteem and feel like they have to put anyone different down. I actually feel sorry for them.

I hope that sometime in the near future the playing field will more level and all this racism from all ethnic groups will end. That includes the extremist who would like to wipe the US off of the face of the earth.

Even on this site, they ask about race. I think there is just one race the human race. I LOOK white but my gene pool is so diverse that just about anyone could find a problem with my background. Ignorant people are everywhere.

Peace to all

There are a number of races, however as man we only have one and that is human. I grew up in the "ghetto", lived most of my life in projects scattered through Clearfield, Layton, and mostly Ogden Utah. Around the corner drug dealers, down the street gang bangers, two blocks away a shooting every night...and innocent kids caught in the crossfire. What did I do? I tried to teach, didn't work so I tried to talk, didn't work so I moved away. There is an image that the media perpetuates, Oakland is a terrible city I can vouch for that as I've been there, San Bernardino is awful as well as East L.A. Why? Money, government, and police...too much of one, and not nearly enough of the others. You make the call...

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/09/08 11:26 AM

That's what I do too, Dan. And I raise my child not to be racist.

Well i guess i could have a child and do the same! lol!

There has gotta be something else though? I really cant think of a single thing more i can do, apart from be an activist! Maybe i am just dumb.

Dan-can i just jump in? try to explain things is really truely difficult to understand what you can do unless you see it for your self.

i grew up in the mid-west illinois small town 7500 people. there were 2 black students in my high school. the rest were entirely white. i never met anyone or new anyone from another ethnicity until i moved to NYC 20yrs ago.i just recently came back to illinois near small town.

i am just shocked at the racicsm still here today.
i don't think there is necessarily a specific act that you must do. i understand wanting clarification on that issue. the thing is, in NYC the racism was more under the table....nobody would dare speak out against the strong high number of minorities from around the globe even among co-workers or casual friends. the racism wasn't as blatantly obvious as it is here in illinois. in "sophisticated" multi cultural urban areas...the racism is not clearly seen. But trust me it is still there....i know London is very different and much more open minded than the most populated cities in the us. i think this is because of my wonderful American history, slavery, no equal rights, keep the black man down attitude and it is and was very much a reality. e

London does not have this history, it was not an issue in london and it is completely understandable that you would obviouly not know what to do to prevent. it is just not like that in england. racism is rapant here in the us. furthermore, i think it is great to have an outside perspective from another country. This just reminds dumb*** backwords Americans how stupid we really are.

sorry so long

Racism is rampant here in England as well, although i do agree that it is different, and less severe. Different races arent so segregated and we dont really have ghettos, although some areas are more popular for certain cultures and whites can be a minority in them. We just dont have enough space for that segregation to occur here, it forces us to live together.

For HUNDREDS of years London especially has had migrants from all over the world coming, going and settling. Please believe me that we have a very long and in depth history on this subject.

Outside of london, especially in certain area up North, it would take a pretty brave ethnic person to try to move to. They are by no means going to be welcomed with open arms.

I still want the OP to respond to my question, what else can i do apart from not be racist? I know you have said there is no specific act i can do, and that confirms what i was thinking. But the OP said i was hiding and that without us ALL facing the problem together, the racism will keep on rolling, rolling, rolling..

The OP is a black man, and i want to know what he thinks i can do more. Because its obvious he thinks that people like me are to blame for the continued racism in society. Or if he would like to address the same question in respect of what a white american should specifically do, then id be happy with that. But if he cant offer me anything, and if nobody else can, then it will be quite clear to be that the problem lies more within HIM than myself, and others like me.

I really dont mind what he says against white racist people, but to say that white non racist people are part of the problem, sounds pretty racist to me in itself. It is like saying all white people are to blame...

What non racist white folks can do is call it when it is done around them. Don't allow ethnic jokes around you. Don't allow racist remarks without telling the person that wasn't cool at all. You would be surprised how much of a difference one person can make.

I have been in situations when I was the only white person in a group and the police will ID all the other people and leave me alone, that is wrong. I have been in situations to see the brutality of police against blacks. I know it still exists and it will take everyone to stop it when they see it or hear it and eventually the racists will realize noone is cooperating with them.

Right now we have the undercover racists like Bush, he has made a whole country prejudice against muslims. Undercurrents of prejudice can be very dangerous and people need to watch for these.

Racist political stances are also dangerous. Political stances on not helping the poor are usually racially motivated. Political stances on harder criminal charges are sometimes racially motivated. Political stances on less government can be racially motivated, the south has hated the federal government for it's interference when they were treating blacks badly down there. There are more but you have to always watch for the possibility of racism.

This country was began by racists. So we still have work to do to undo the base of racism that exist from then.

Dan99's photo
Thu 10/09/08 12:59 PM

That's what I do too, Dan. And I raise my child not to be racist.

Well i guess i could have a child and do the same! lol!

There has gotta be something else though? I really cant think of a single thing more i can do, apart from be an activist! Maybe i am just dumb.

Dan-can i just jump in? try to explain things is really truely difficult to understand what you can do unless you see it for your self.

i grew up in the mid-west illinois small town 7500 people. there were 2 black students in my high school. the rest were entirely white. i never met anyone or new anyone from another ethnicity until i moved to NYC 20yrs ago.i just recently came back to illinois near small town.

i am just shocked at the racicsm still here today.
i don't think there is necessarily a specific act that you must do. i understand wanting clarification on that issue. the thing is, in NYC the racism was more under the table....nobody would dare speak out against the strong high number of minorities from around the globe even among co-workers or casual friends. the racism wasn't as blatantly obvious as it is here in illinois. in "sophisticated" multi cultural urban areas...the racism is not clearly seen. But trust me it is still there....i know London is very different and much more open minded than the most populated cities in the us. i think this is because of my wonderful American history, slavery, no equal rights, keep the black man down attitude and it is and was very much a reality. e

London does not have this history, it was not an issue in london and it is completely understandable that you would obviouly not know what to do to prevent. it is just not like that in england. racism is rapant here in the us. furthermore, i think it is great to have an outside perspective from another country. This just reminds dumb*** backwords Americans how stupid we really are.

sorry so long

Racism is rampant here in England as well, although i do agree that it is different, and less severe. Different races arent so segregated and we dont really have ghettos, although some areas are more popular for certain cultures and whites can be a minority in them. We just dont have enough space for that segregation to occur here, it forces us to live together.

For HUNDREDS of years London especially has had migrants from all over the world coming, going and settling. Please believe me that we have a very long and in depth history on this subject.

Outside of london, especially in certain area up North, it would take a pretty brave ethnic person to try to move to. They are by no means going to be welcomed with open arms.

I still want the OP to respond to my question, what else can i do apart from not be racist? I know you have said there is no specific act i can do, and that confirms what i was thinking. But the OP said i was hiding and that without us ALL facing the problem together, the racism will keep on rolling, rolling, rolling..

The OP is a black man, and i want to know what he thinks i can do more. Because its obvious he thinks that people like me are to blame for the continued racism in society. Or if he would like to address the same question in respect of what a white american should specifically do, then id be happy with that. But if he cant offer me anything, and if nobody else can, then it will be quite clear to be that the problem lies more within HIM than myself, and others like me.

I really dont mind what he says against white racist people, but to say that white non racist people are part of the problem, sounds pretty racist to me in itself. It is like saying all white people are to blame...

What non racist white folks can do is call it when it is done around them. Don't allow ethnic jokes around you. Don't allow racist remarks without telling the person that wasn't cool at all. You would be surprised how much of a difference one person can make.

I have been in situations when I was the only white person in a group and the police will ID all the other people and leave me alone, that is wrong. I have been in situations to see the brutality of police against blacks. I know it still exists and it will take everyone to stop it when they see it or hear it and eventually the racists will realize noone is cooperating with them.

Right now we have the undercover racists like Bush, he has made a whole country prejudice against muslims. Undercurrents of prejudice can be very dangerous and people need to watch for these.

Racist political stances are also dangerous. Political stances on not helping the poor are usually racially motivated. Political stances on harder criminal charges are sometimes racially motivated. Political stances on less government can be racially motivated, the south has hated the federal government for it's interference when they were treating blacks badly down there. There are more but you have to always watch for the possibility of racism.

This country was began by racists. So we still have work to do to undo the base of racism that exist from then.

Thank you! That was the kind of thing i was looking for, i am surprised it took this long for someone to come up with something positive though!

I do that sometimes, depending on where i am and who is saying what exactly. Its not always my place to say anything though, and other times it could be downright foolish for me to make it into an issue.