I think it's a mixture of all of that. You've got folks who are outwardly racist, those that say they aren't but really are and those that believe people are just people. On the other hand you've got african americans who wanna get something from folks because of the color of their skin and you've got other just trying to live and enjoy their life in the skin they're in. I know that all races have good people and bad people, ignorant people and kind hearted people. Can't we all just get along? ![]() JMO A great opinion I must say! |
Alright, Here goes...
*** blesses himself *** I'm really tired of the whole racist thing. Every race of people have racists among them. Every race of people ( I believe ) are just trying to get along. I believe in the goodness of mankind and judging each person I come across as an individual. There are people out there who try to profit from prejudices and ignorance. These are the people who continue to perpetuate the hate, So they can reap from it. Most of us are basically good. Let's start with that premise. |
Racism like any other form of discrimination does exist and will always exist. Although great strides have been made in to change the social norm of discrimination in the western world it is sadly our very nature to discriminate. Naturally through the very instinct of survival a living organism with even the slightest form of intelligence categorizes objects and other living organisms. Sometimes consciously and other times subconsciously. Although social values and norms can be changed through personal experience. For instance a dog is a natural predator to a cat. In the natural state the dog and the cat will follow the predator/prey class. However if a dog and a cat are raised together at birth there social hierarchy can change due to outside influence, which can avert their very genetic nature. Human beings have a natural survival instinct to classify everything as “different” rather it be physical or even social as something to take with caution or to avoid. Its only through life experiences and even education can this opinion be changed. Discrimination goes so far beyond the racial perspective and its, because like it or not it’s a natural survival instinct. I believe that's where part of the problem is. Some people tend to allow that to be THE ruling factor in their lives - and that is a choice, which means that is in each persons control to change it. |
Alright, Here goes... *** blesses himself *** I'm really tired of the whole racist thing. Every race of people have racists among them. Every race of people ( I believe ) are just trying to get along. I believe in the goodness of mankind and judging each person I come across as an individual. There are people out there who try to profit from prejudices and ignorance. These are the people who continue to perpetuate the hate, So they can reap from it. Most of us are basically good. Let's start with that premise. |
Yes racism is still alive my opinion is it's on both side as well. jmo |
Alright, Here goes... *** blesses himself *** I'm really tired of the whole racist thing. Every race of people have racists among them. Every race of people ( I believe ) are just trying to get along. I believe in the goodness of mankind and judging each person I come across as an individual. There are people out there who try to profit from prejudices and ignorance. These are the people who continue to perpetuate the hate, So they can reap from it. Most of us are basically good. Let's start with that premise. I have a few rules of thumb and one is... Consider the source. I find that most people who spew racial retoric are people who's opinion is usually nonsense anyway. Granted, Everyone is allowed to stumble (ENLIGHTENMENT IS THE BEST EDUCATION ), But when you hear a consistant theme from the same person... Consider the source. Keep above the fray and you'll realize that is is truely beneath you. |
Racism, Atheism, Politician ism, and so on... It exists still to this day
Sad yet so very obvious,, Society Sucks Society we as a human race let it happen we close our eyes in our own world cause our world is good,, we act we think (maybe not) yet we follow the golden rule he said she said ismmmmmmmmmmm is a way of life,,, Bull****tttttt***** It starts at home within the family we preach this to our children we teach hate and dislike for one another,,, sad,, so sad how we have come so far in this Country and yet we still see color, sex, religion and so on This is the USA of America its time we stand united as one family living, learning and surviving,, Its time to move one step forward as a group not as labels,,,, IMO |
Racism, Atheism, Politician ism, and so on... It exists still to this day Sad yet so very obvious,, Society Sucks Society we as a human race let it happen we close our eyes in our own world cause our world is good,, we act we think (maybe not) yet we follow the golden rule he said she said ismmmmmmmmmmm is a way of life,,, Bull****tttttt***** It starts at home within the family we preach this to our children we teach hate and dislike for one another,,, sad,, so sad how we have come so far in this Country and yet we still see color, sex, religion and so on This is the USA of America its time we stand united as one family living, learning and surviving,, Its time to move one step forward as a group not as labels,,,, IMO Love you Mom. ![]() |
crap I wrote a damn novel on my opinion but lost it all. Stupid hotel connection.
It exist and I blame it mostly all on the rap culture and EVERYTHING it currently represents. And the race mongers(jackson and Sharpton) Due to the fact that they are easily put out in the public. The other part is naturally the idiot whites who still are clinging onto their little small KKK groups. In todays society they seem to be such a small part that we could easily take care of them. I've got to run and go get some supplies but I guess 'll check this once more since its blown up to be a long thread and don't have all night. |
Racism, Atheism, Politician ism, and so on... It exists still to this day Sad yet so very obvious,, Society Sucks Society we as a human race let it happen we close our eyes in our own world cause our world is good,, we act we think (maybe not) yet we follow the golden rule he said she said ismmmmmmmmmmm is a way of life,,, Bull****tttttt***** It starts at home within the family we preach this to our children we teach hate and dislike for one another,,, sad,, so sad how we have come so far in this Country and yet we still see color, sex, religion and so on This is the USA of America its time we stand united as one family living, learning and surviving,, Its time to move one step forward as a group not as labels,,,, IMO Love you Mom. ![]() Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa got alittle ruffled there for a bit,, Love you ((( G ))) ![]() |
We all CAN get along!! |
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Tue 09/30/08 04:26 PM
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Edited by
Tue 09/30/08 04:25 PM
There are so many ways this can go and somone said once on here. You have your white and you have your whit trash, you have black and you have your black trash. It don't matter what race you are your always going to have good and bad people sorta speak and you will always have people that will blame others for there problems when it is actually they'er own falt for some of the situations. Do i think it will always be a problem. YEP! look at this world and anyone tell me that it is actually getting better and prove it.Then maybe i might believe ya.
ya'll take all of our ugly white women away, so cheers ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The other part is naturally the idiot whites who still are clinging onto their little small KKK groups. In todays society they seem to be such a small part that we could easily take care of them. What do you suggest? Kill them? Incarcerate them? |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Think again on the whites not getting it...the south is full of it on both side esp in the south where blacks population out numbers whites latinos or asians; or mathes the other major population. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That's part of the problem. If prejudice was so rampant, Mr. Obama wouldn't be in the position he's in. That fact alone has the hatemongers quivering because they can see that they're out of buisness soon. |
There are so many ways this can go and somone said once on here. You have your white and you have your whit trash, you have black and you have your black trash. It don't matter what race you are your always going to have good and bad people sorta speak and you will always have people that will blame others for there problems when it is actually they'er own falt for some of the situations. Do i think it will always be a problem. YEP! look at this world and anyone tell me that it is actually getting better and prove it.Then maybe i might believe ya. |
Too deep in here. I'm gonna watch Heroes. Thanks DVR!!
The other part is naturally the idiot whites who still are clinging onto their little small KKK groups. In todays society they seem to be such a small part that we could easily take care of them. What do you suggest? Kill them? Incarcerate them? I'd never suggest someone kill for the fact of race. Incarcerate if there was something physically done to another.(from a legal stand point "hate crimes" shouldnt exist, there should only be crimes, not 'ooo he called me a name so let me sue him' If some how the rap culture could be rid. I believe racism would eventually die out majorly if not all together, in future decades. It was never intended for equal rights to CONTINUE racism to an exagerated extent. Everyone is lookin for revenge against someone and currently mostly for something that neither one of them did. |