woman branded as snitch
sometimes people need to be "ratted" on. In some cases the perks outweigh the consequences. Yes you can be retaliated against for ANY action you perform against anyother individual in which it makes them mad at you. You just must ask yourself, what does this particular situation call for? Is there anyone in danger? Are they a harm to themselves or society? |
dial up sucks period lol
question about firewalls
still wondering why he even came into this topic if he has a problem
with it |
i have a virus
james24 I have several good programs for spyware removal and virus
removal if you need any of them send me an email I'd be happy to share them |
before anyone labels me as someone trying to say the end is near, No I
have no idea. I know the signs are showing up but it could be tonight or 200 years from now I have no idea. |
Well yes it would matter. Look at all the events around you taking place
right now. Flooding, fires, earthquakes, drought, stronger storms, more powerful tornadoes. Children acting like they do now adays, seemingly without love, compassion or feeling. The bilbe speaks about all of this but people make excuses. The weather is blamed on global warming and saying it's our fault. Well it could ver well be, but the bible never mentions why things go so chaotic. We blame the children on lack of discipline, too much disipline, parents that have abused them and alcohol and drugs. Yes they are some major underlying causes but the bible does not say what is going to cause children to act the way it predicts. Believe what ever you want. It matters to me and that's that. |
what if you child..........
I will always love my children but if they turn out gay or bi-sexual I
will not accept it, I will still love them and try to show them how wrong it is. You all can say politically correct this that or whatever but it is wrong no matter what. It IS against nature to be bi or gay period. |
Nude baby pictures
laws vary by state of course but there are federal guidelines also, yes
taking pictures of babies butts is a touchy and often obscure topic although lulu I'd say taking pics of children up until they are aware and embarrassed of their nakedness could be too much by almost any states laws. As far as abuse most state laws are ok for spankings with a belt or paddle and some instances a switch as long as there is no bruising. I was whooped with a switch as a child and it did not have any negative effect whatsoever on me. |
question about firewalls
I don't know duffy they may have a keylogger on it don't really know why
they would but if it was a possibilty he/she would do that, that's something they would never admit to |
question about firewalls
well duffy a firewall isn't going to show a hacker if he hacks your
email account it will only show someone hacking or attempting to hack though a port on the computer or network covered by the firewall, unfortunately msn cannot really do much to help you I suggest that you change your password from a computer that you KNOW is secure. to me it definately sounds alot like a keylogger. A keylogger is a program that can record all keystrokes on a computer and where those keystrokes where entered, thus giving whoever is in control of the program access to all passwords you type in on that machine. They run invisible and can be made visible with certain key combinations and are usually password protected themselves. I do not know for sure but from my experience that is what it sounds like you have encountered. Try my suggestion and see what happens from there. Make sure you do not use any PERSONAL information on any machine you do not know that is secure. |
Why Christianity?
I am a christian I do not push my beliefs , we as christians are
supposed to spread the words so everyone will know about christ, not to try to force it on them and push them further away. Most people know how to find God when they are ready. They know where the word is located. There are many things in the bible that show me the truth and is around me everyday. The bible also tells me how people will react to it's teachings and prophecies, so I will not try to preach about anything. God gave us all free will. You choose what suits you. |
well mars they say not sure if it's water or wind erosion but mars does
have polar ice caps and what makes up ice? Mars is also said to be warming up too. Maybe our CO2 emissions from rockets and planetary orbiters have affected it's atmosphere, lol No really honestly who knows why Mars is heating up I am sure science will try to explain it. |
question about firewalls
chances are that the library has the computers set up to where you
cannot view much of anything having to do with the computer security settings and logs. I'd say someone either knows your password, has hacked your account, or you just forgot you trashed some emails. IT people could have set up a keylogger of some kind anyone can have bad intentions even an IT individual. Talk to your library and see if anyone else has complained of this. Change your password frequently from another pc besides a public computer and see if that resolves your problem. |
juricane=huricane, sorry typing in a dimly lit house I don't like alot
of light at night. |
actually a scientist studying coastlines for juricane damage and debris
among other signs of warming and storm strengths throughout history has unearthed evidence that the earth goes through this cycle every so often. warming up and cooling off. I find the articles I will post them. |
False Islands Appear.
talking too quickly? try talking fanatically. sure glad he sterilized
himself |
3 D screesavers
| is the original truly free screensaver site on the Net: no
shareware, no nags, only freeware. Browse and choose from over 1600 free Windows screensavers organised in 16 categories, or use our search engine to locate a specific screen saver. All listed screen savers have been scanned for adware, spyware and viruses. |
3 D screesavers
shareware are not free you need thr freeware files try
I need advice!!!
anyone going through a bad divorce or otherwise having everything taken
away from them however it's being/been done, let them have all the material things just don't let them take your happiness, freedom, pride or dignity |
I need advice!!!
Hate is a bad word, sounds like you really do need anger management.
Life is too short to go through it holding in your hostilities you need to find an appropriate avenue for venting your frustrations. |